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Hannah VIII: Fleeing the scene

We finally had to decide a course of action regarding Hannah's failing marriage. I'll be honest: I didn't expect this many people (~40% at time of writing) wanting Hannah to give it another honest go, since the game really does not paint Luke in the best light.
But as i expected, more people decided that they've had enough of Luke, and so does Hannah. Which, to be fair, is also the choice i personally took the first time.

So we will go with Marianne's advice and soon tell Luke that...

Perhaps a break is needed

Maybe Mary Anne had a point. If I am frustrated, if I am unhappy, maybe a break is needed. Some time apart might be just what the doctor ordered. Time apart to clear our heads and to think for ourselves... or for myself to be exact.
Because looking at this mess before me just brings me nothing but distress. ...I feel a bit nauseous, actually, now that I think about it.

Relationship Change

- Luke -2

Music: Ambience Neutral

She looks as disturbed as I am by this sudden turn of events. Probably not a big fan of drama. Definitely not used to it, at any rate. Not surprising, as her parents were lovely yet simple people.
H-Hey, I figured you can use the save. You looked like you weren't doing too hot back there. Do we need to call a doctor or something?
Oh no, I'm—
I'll just be needing some fresh air, that's all. Some help getting out of here would be much appreciated.
Sure, that won't be a problem. I wanted to get away from this drama too, anyway.
Just—hey Zachary! Hey, Zach!
At the mention of his name, I can't help but seek him out in the crowd as he makes his way over. They know each other?

Oh, hey Ms Wright.
If I am to assign a random number to dictate the odds of having two of my acquaintances know each other, I'll say the odds are one out of a thousand.
Yeah, i didn't really comment on it last update, but what are the odds that even just Rebecca and Hannah of all people are childhood acquaintances?
And, if this is any other situation, I would have been suspicious. It isn't completely impossible to have two random strangers who I've met on separate occasions to know each other, in what will be complete random happenstance. It's just that... it's been faked before, to try and dupe me because of who I am, and who I am married to.
But right now, coincidence or not, I am just grateful for the help. As long as this doesn't turn out into a kidnapping anyway.

Hello, Zachary. I told you to call me Hannah, did I not?
Yeah, you did.
So, this is what you called me for? We gonna get Hannah out of here?
I can see that they're friends. Not terribly close ones, but friends, nonetheless.
That'd be great.
They make quick work of getting us through the crowd. The people part because of Zachary's broad build, even if they want to approach me. If that isn't enough, Becky's pointed glares keep them at bay.

'October 28, Friday | Mansion Foyer | Evening'
Music: Ambience Atmospheric 2

We even make it out of the ballroom without any untoward incident. Though judging by the commotion in the other room, the same cannot be said about the unexpected eviction.
I really do need the fresh air. I need to be away from those nosey parkers; I need to be away from Luke. This is a good start as any.
Hey, I gotta go back in there. Completely forgot my bag like an airhead, and I'll see if I can tag Ash on the way out.

Not to worry, dearie. I'll just be right here.
Zach will be with you if you need anything.

Becky baulks at the idea of going back into the ballroom. Anyone who hasn't yet, would have realized I am gone by now. And those busybodies will be gossiping about how I left the building with two unknowns. Along with what just transpired, stories both inaccurate and made up will spread by the night's end. It all matters very little in the grand scheme of things, of course. I won't even bother to try and quell them by returning to the fray. That leaves me with...

Y-Yeah? You need something?

Oh, okay.
I can see the tension in the line of his shoulders. Odd how awkward he is, when this isn't our first meeting. We had met on professional terms, certainly, but I'd like to think I was friendly.
A little too friendly for Zach, if i remember right.
Nonetheless, I do not push the issue about the apparent discomfort when we were left alone. Not right away, at any rate. I know my curiosity will get the better of me soon. Before I can say anything, however, he speaks up.
You okay there, Hannah? I mean, ‘course you're not okay after what happened in there. I mean, that was terrible. But you're not going to just fall down and faint or anything, right?
I'm fine. Thank you for your concern.

A beat.

I should be asking you the same thing. I remember you being a lot more... eloquent.
Oh, yeah. I'm just not too good with staying too long in a crowded room. Or handling intense drama, you know?
Sorry about my clothes; didn't think there'd be a dress code. Not that I have anything that nice to wear to a shindig like this. I dig nice, small and simple parties so this is a real doozy for me.
And do you host your own nice, small and simple parties often?
Only when there's occasion; birthdays and stuff. Those are a lot more fun for me, and I can be a lot more selective about letting only the people I'm cool with attend, right?

There's usually a dozen people or less, and all we just really do is hang out, maybe do some grilling, karaoke, dancing. You know, the usual.
That sounds nice.

Well, this is awkward.

You sure you're alright? You aren't exactly being eloquent yourself, as you put it. You must have something you want to get off your chest?
I don't know, Zachary. What am I supposed to say?
You could scream merde if you want. I won't snitch.
You want to know how I think? How I feel? I think my friend may have slept with my husband. At least, I'm pretty sure she isn't pregnant with his baby which isn't much now, is it?
My husband is a selfish, pretentious, bloody sack of shite. And— ugh! You know what? I don't give a flying fuck anymore! My god!
Well, that ain't good. Not giving a crap won't make the problem go away.
I am going to ask him for a break, Zachary.
I'm not going to pretend that there isn't a problem, but I just need to step back.
Fair enough. As long as you don't just up and disappear on him, I suppose.

Tell me more about your small, simple parties.
Karaoke and dancing; how does that even go together?
Simple, really. We hope Ash doesn't take the mic, put on a bit of fun music and just dance.
I image that every time Ashton takes the mic, something like his ringtone happens.
Not that I can, but there ain't nothing complex about it.
You can't be that bad.
I'm pretty good with the twist. Or that's what they tell me at least.
I think they're just being nice. I'm sure it just looks awkward.

Apologies for the short update today, but this would not have come up had we decided to stick to Luke.

So, after that big mess in the ball room and the ensuing drama and conflicting feelings, how does Hannah handle her unexpected time alone with Zach? She can implicitly invite him to a dance by asking him to prove his skill - or keep the awkward conversation going with a noncommittal response.

POLL: Dancing or cooking?