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Hannah IX: My prince

So we had the choice between making this conversation awkward and making it possibly even more awkward. The majority wanted Zach to...

Prove it
Relationship Change

- Zachary + 2

I've learned that men tend to exaggerate. You can't honestly be that bad, can you?
What, do you need a demonstration?
That would be preferable, yes.
It's not like there's music here, Hannah; come on.
I can barely dance with music, and—and I don't want to be dancing alone; I'll just look silly.
Imagine, mon ami. You are an artiste are you not, with your photos and films and your guitar? You must know notes to play an instrument; find a melody and a beat. Would it be such a stretch of the imagination?
And don't fret, I will gladly be your partner.
I can tell by his expression that he's flushed, embarrassed. But no more protests escape him and he focuses with a slight tilt of his head. Then he starts to hum a little tune.
I drag him into the gardens while we go through the motions and he gains courage, the farther we are from other people.

Music: BGM Emotional (Alt)

And we just... dance. Though he stumbles at first, unsure and bashful.

The sixties want their moves back, honestly!
The college of two left feet, obviously.
And I'll have you know, the twist is still an awesome dance!
We're happy and we're having fun. Even if Zachary fumbles with his steps and did the funniest, oddest movements that anyone can pass off as dancing. There is no need to impress anyone, however; not even each other. And this is the most I've smiled and laughed in a long time. It is simple.
...Simple is nice.

Journal Updated - OCT 28
In the aftermath of Roshelle’s accusations, a devastated Hannah was seen exiting the ballroom with Rebecca Gales and Zachary Steele. Hannah was left in the care of the man, when Rebecca had to go back to the party in search of Ashton. Now alone, the two had a talk, and both were smiling by the end of it.

'October 29, Saturday | Mansion Dining Hall | Morning'
Music: Ambience Neutral

I wish the same can be said about what I'm about to do.

Okay. Time to face the elephant in the room. Time to confront Luke with our future plans.

Simple isn't the adjective I will use to describe the task at hand. Because, really, how does one tell their husband that they want to separate, and say that, no, this is not a divorce. Not yet, at least. The possibility is there. But still, how am I even to explain that to Luke without him throwing a fit?
Cutting too deeply into my sausages, I open my mouth to excuse myself. That is, until I spy Luke mashing and stirring his poached eggs with a fork like a petulant child. He has been silent, all the while, chin in his hand and elbow resting on the table. I worry that my absence after the debacle may have caused more harm than good.

Luke? I…
I think we need a bit of a break. You know, some time apart?

It's Not Y— Okay, It's You - Take some time apart from Luke

At my words, he grows still and silent. I'm not quite sure whether I should be worried or not. I take it as my cue to keep talking.

In a few days, perhaps?
I was thinking I can move back into our penthouse in the meantime, but I won't be moving out right away, so that I can help settle everything here. I haven't even thought of packing yet, and I'll want to ask Johannes to assign some of our staff. U-Unless you want the penthouse, anyway! Then, I'll stay here, instead.
Hm, no... you take the penthouse. It'll be easier for you.

Well, that was a lot easier than i expected. He's speaking in a very subdued voice, too. Though Luke isn't stupid; he probably sensed something like this was coming.
It isn't supposed to be this easy, is it? Can he really react so aloof to it?

Isn't this to your liking? I imagine that you'd like the space and independence.
You'll have the bed and covers to yourself, and you can have whatever you want prepared for meals.
You can even have all the wine you want, though I rather that you don't.

None of that is what Luke actually wants

This isn't about that, Hannah. Well, it's partly that, but...
The man stops playing with his food, choosing instead to push the plate aside.
What's wrong, Luke?
He slumps back in his chair and just stops short of putting his feet up on the table.
What a somber atmosphere for what's probably a break-up. No yelling, no hitting the table, no excuses or playing dumb.
I suspect he's wanting some wine or absinthe by now, but any sort of alcohol is suspiciously absent in his hands.
Aside from that disaster yesterday and you telling me you want a divorce? Everything is peachy keen. Will you want me to start on the letters then? To start the divorce settlements and what not?

I sense some insecurities here.

No Luke, this isn't a divorce. I just told you this is only temporary.
Are you really having a sulk because of what she said yesterday?
I am having a sulk because you believe her. You stormed out, and now you're asking for us to split up! Soon enough, you'll want to throw me out like I'm a piece of trash!
Do you think I would be this calm if I believed her, Lucille Mitchell Wright? Because believe me, if I did... well, it wouldn't be pretty.
Besides, I know how you feel about children; it makes her whole statement laughable.

His mouth draws into a thin line, and I can't bring myself to comment on his half-hearted reply. To me, the silence that follows feels oppressive. It only emphasizes the wall that has been built up by my obeisance and his hubris. And it looms between us, keeping us apart.

When are you leaving? In a week?
It won't take that long to pack. After All Saint's, perhaps?
So... today?
(I originally posted this update on Nov. 1st)

I'll go and inform the staff of this.

He only nods. And I'll be lying if I said that didn't disappoint me. I expected more resistance. The man could be stubborn as a mule if he wants to be. Perhaps I can leave now, just to spite him. But that isn't like me.
Even if this does end in a divorce, a thing we both surely wish to avoid, we can still leave on amicable terms. There's no point in making a mountain out of a molehill.
To be honest, i don't have a lot of faith in this thread's abilities to not make this divorce as messy as possible.
What are you still doing here? Just leave. You still have some packing to do, don't you?

Journal Updated - OCT 29
During breakfast, Hannah asked Luke for a break; she’d be moving back to their penthouse for a couple of days. Despite trying to remain aloof, her husband accused her of wanting a divorce. Hannah insisted she simply needed a break from him.

'October 29, Saturday | Mansion Kitchen | Morning'
Music: Ambience Atmospheric 1

Go ahead. And do nothing.
There isn't much to do, it seems, whenever I step up to the plate and try to take responsibility for something. Perhaps because everything is already being handled by someone hired specifically for that job? And with Johannes overseeing the staff and Luke handling everything else as a whole, that doesn't leave much for me. I can't even take the job of delegation, because all it takes is a word to one of the senior staff and everything will be taken care of for me.
I think this might be the crux of why Hannah is so unhappy lately. She feels useless.
Moving in here, a few days ago, may have very well been the chore that took the most effort from me. And that didn't take any real effort at all.
Yes, Hannah, go buy a mansion in the middle of nowhere. Good idea. Great plan.
There are no dishes to set aside and busy myself with. Any mess left behind is now nearly non-existent.
To sit on a counter while eating cake is supposed to be my next plan. Alas, there isn't even one to finish off, and I don't really know what brought me to the kitchens in the first place. It's not like I'm craving anything else, nor do I have any unfinished business left here. But there's a calling to this room.
Uh oh.
Speaking of calling, why not do just that? Might as well, since I have nothing else to do. At least that will require some effort on my part. With how cut off from the rest of Luxbourne the mansion is, and with how long it was abandoned before we moved in, having a landline is out of the question.
The solution, supposed to be, are mobiles, though it isn't much considering how spotty the signal is in the area. It'll take a bit of maneuvering to get even a single bar as it is.

It takes a bit, as I said it would. I have to park my rear on one of the cold drawers, but that suits me just fine. Another matter that needs my effort is who to call. She who must not be named is certainly off the list.
Remember when she talked to Marianne about not being able to trust anyone and called Roshelle Lee "one of the good ones"? Her circle of trust just keeps getting smaller.
That doesn't leave much in the category of close friends who attended the party, along with the category of who else is awake at this early hour. But soon enough, I manage and the call goes through.

Who's this?
Good morning, Becky!
...Hannah? Wait, how did you get my number?
You responded to your RSVP through the phone. It's all saved in here, of course. I thought I'd like to say hi, and make plans and get together sometime.
Also, I'd love to hear news about your mother and father and about you, my dear.
I hope I didn't wake you up.
Oh, you're good. It's sports day at school today, so I was just prepping for that.
Figures that you'd be a teacher as well. I'm sure your students must absolutely adore you.
Dunno about that.
History, actually.

Ouch. I remember my history classes. I loved our teacher for that class, but man, did i ever despise the actual lessons.

Anyway, it's real nice to know you've got my number. I was going to ask for yours because mum wanted to keep in touch.

Couldn't though because, well… the thing that happened. But I really am sorry though, I gotta run! School. Schedule. Stuff. There anything else you want to say? Don't want to use the mobile while driving.
Oh, of course, of course! I shouldn't keep you. But I wanted to thank you for your company yesterday.
Not a problem.
I was hoping you could thank Zachary on my behalf as well.
He was really kind and wonderful.
Well, you can tell him that yourself if you want. I can give you his number.
No, no! I don't want to be a bother, intruding on his privacy.
Pretty sure he'd be fine with it, if you two are on a first name basis and all. So, his number right? It's—

Music: BGM Tension 1
(*static disturbances*)

The call starts to go static, much to my frustration. A strange clicking noise drowns out most of her words too; I can barely understand what she's saying.

And the line completely dies. I can feel a headache coming along; it's just building up, starting from a light throbbing on one side of my head. The static is gone and that helps a lot.

(*sound of impending doom*)

But there is still that incessant, horrible clicking. Again and again and again. Which doesn't make sense; the mobile's turned off, isn't it? And if it isn't coming from the phone... then where?

You really gotta stop meeting up like this. In broad daylight, even!

(*sounds turn into sobbing*)

That's when the clicking stops, and I can hear that crying— that familiar crying from before. What happened the other day, when I was told that nobody should have been down there... I tried to forget it because of how it unsettled me so. One can hardly do that when I'm looking at the very thing I'm trying to forget.
Somebody is crying down there again. But if I leave it alone, it simply won't stop bothering me for the rest of the day. They might have forgotten to lock it, with the party going on.
This again. If somebody is pulling my leg, I will not be happy!

Journal Updated - OCT 29
Hannah called Rebecca Gales, hoping to catch up with an old friend. The talk got interrupted by a horrible clicking and the cry of a woman from the wine cellar…

Music: BGM Mystery

True enough, all it takes is a bit of a pull to open the hatch.
As I look down to the cellar, a sense of uneasiness washes over me. It isn't just the sudden onset of vertigo and nausea, but also the darkness. It's suffocating. And as I look down, it feels as if it's looking back at me.
I worry that something will suddenly pull me into the deep.


The cries drown beneath the shrieks that start echoing in my head, high and shrill, like nails being dragged across a chalkboard.
That is some Event Horizon shit. Get away from the hatch, stat!
They're all screaming, shouting at me. And I can just feel her rage.

This is the third time i've reused this screenshot. When will Hannah learn.

She wants to drown me, drag me down and crush me in the very depths of darkness, until there is nothing left of me. The deep abyss waits for me. For my death.
They're all calling for it. This is a nightmare.

Music: BGM Scare

There's a rope around my neck, and I can feel the rest of me being torn apart. And they're still screaming. I'm screaming.
The horrible wailing is still going on in the background.
…Though it is not my voice that escapes my lips. It claws through, climbing up and forcing its way up my throat like putrid bile. I choke and gag, yet I scream and shriek all at the same time.
And I'm me but not me.

Well, isn't this familiar? We've avoided it last time, but Sayako is quite persistent. We've got one last chance to "Resist the ghost's influence", as the screen tells us.
It's the same QTE you get when opening the hatch earlier, but with way more disturbing audio in the background this time. As with most QTEs, if you fail...

Couldn't resist
Music stops.

The screaming stops and dies down. It's a moment of reprieve, and I want to believe that I'm finally safe.
...But it's quiet. Too quiet.

Jumpscared to death.
Passing the QTE will let us continue here:

'October 29, Saturday | Mansion Kitchen | Afternoon'
Music: BGM Tension 1

It pushes me down to my knees before I'm prone and vulnerable on my stomach. It makes me tumble, and I can just feel my whole body seizing, writhing on the floor.
Everything and nothing hurts. It feels like I'm on the verge of death. And if I'm not dying, I nearly wish I actually am.

(*banging on the door*)

Luke: Hannah! Hannah, what is going on in there?

(*door swings open*)

Seeing Luke, something snaps back, and I am able to take a gasp of air on my own volition for the first time in what felt like centuries. I would have rejoiced and cried for his name, if the pain still did not rack my body.

In Safe Hands - Resist the mansion's influence

We did it! We got Hannah through in mostly one piece!

He tries to get me to my feet, perhaps to take me out of here. But all he's able to do is to get me to sit, make sure I'm not trashing on the floor. I can still feel my muscles spasm, limbs jerking like a puppet's on a string.
Luke holds me tight and keeps me still, so that I do not hurt myself any more. Whatever it is that happened, it has my mind feeling frayed and battered.
Eventually, the pain dies down into a dull ache, and my own tongue stops feeling like cotton. It's only now that I can feel the wetness on my cheeks, tears streaking down my face.

(*terrible coughing*)

A coughing racks my body, now that I don't feel like choking. And it just all feels so horrible. But I don't care. I don't care.
Luke, p-please.
What happened here? Who did this to you?
I-I don't know. I'm so s-sorry...
Shh, it's alright. You're safe now, Hannah. You're safe now.

Music stops.

And that's it from Hannah for now. We'll meet her again in the other routes, and see what happens after this - there's still two in-game days left. The game ends on November 1, just like Hannah's route did right now.

Next up: