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Lamia Overview
HP: 54341
STR: 169
INT: 158
VIT: 136
WIS: 147
AGI: 121
LUC: 136
- Serpent's Grudge: Uses the legs. Used at the end of any turn when a Bind Snake is attacked. Deals 80% melee STR-based cut damage to all party members. Has a base accuracy of 99%.
- Tail Whip: Uses the legs. Deals 2-6 instances of 150% melee STR-based cut damage to random party members. Can hit the same target multiple times. Has an 80% speed modifier and a base accuracy of 60%.
- Poison Flame: Uses the head. Deals 100% ranged INT-based fire damage to all party members. Attempts to inflict poison on hit targets, with a 30% base chance and 50 base poison damage (around 120 adjusted for level?). Has an 80% speed modifier and a base accuracy of 99%.
- Constrict: Uses the legs. Deals melee STR-based bash damage to all party members. The damage depends on how many binds the target has--75% for no binds, 150% for one bind, 225% for 2 binds, and 300% for 3 binds. Has a 50% speed modifier. Does not check for accuracy--will always hit.
- Evil Eye: Uses the head. Reduces all party members' accuracy by 50% for 4 turns. Attempts to inflict petrification on all party members, with a 20% base chance. Has an 80% speed modifier.
- Charming Body: Uses the head. Reduces all party members' resistance to binds by 50% for 4 turns. Attempts to inflict panic on all party members, with a 30% base chance. Has an 80% speed modifier.
- Death's Embrace: Uses the legs. Attempts to instantly kill one party member, with a 50% base chance. If the instant death fails, attempts to bind the head, arms, and legs of the target, with a 50% base chance. Has an 80% speed modifier.
- Summon Familiar: Uses the arms. Used when Lamia's HP hits certain thresholds, as well as every 5 turns. Summons either 1, 2, 3, or 4 Bind Snakes, depending on how many times Summon Familiar has been casted so far.
- Normal:
Monstrous Snake Tendril. 100% chance. Sells for 52000 en.
- 1 needed to make
Lamyros Mask (+55 DEF, +50 MDEF, +30% petrification resistance). Costs 127000 en, sells for 50800 en.
- Conditional:
Tangled Braid (Kill while head is bound). 100% chance. Sells for 83000 en.
- 1 needed to make
Failnaught (+169 ATK, +147 MATK, Charming Body, Gold x6). Costs 370000 en, sells for 149600 en.
Damage Resistances:
Disable Resistances:
[No Image]
Bind Snake
HP: 5567
STR: 123
INT: 115
VIT: 107
WIS: 98
AGI: 132
LUC: 161
- Tangle Head: Uses the arms. Attempts to bind one party member's head, with a 75% base chance. Has an 80% speed modifier.
- Tangle Arms: Uses the arms. Attempts to bind one party member's arms, with a 75% base chance. Has an 80% speed modifier.
- Tangle Legs: Uses the arms. Attempts to bind one party member's legs, with a 75% base chance. Has an 80% speed modifier.
- Entwining Dance: Used when there are three or more Bind Snakes. Does not use a body part. Attempts to bind the head, arms, and legs of all party members, with a 60% base chance. Has a 50% speed modifier.
Damage Resistances:
Disable Resistances:
Lamia, as a boss, mostly consists of her destroying your party's ability to function with ailments and binds, and then using Constrict and causing what is probably a total party wipe. She has panic, petrification, all three types of binds, and instant death available, as well as the abillity to reduce your party members' resistance to binds. How does one deal with this, you might ask? Well, panicking Lamia herself is always an option--she's not resistant to it. Repeated casts of Chain Blast are also pretty likely to eventually bind all of her body parts.
But then you remember that the Bind Snakes exist too, and you not only have to deal with killing them, but also trying to control how much damage you take from Serpent's Grudge. They're not just something you can one-shot and forget about, by the way--it's going to take some effort on your part to chew through 5567 HP. Their WIS is incredibly low, at least, so INT-based damage will often bring a lot of pain.
Got all that? Good, time for party members. Keep in mind, we will have Melina along for the fight, meaning we have six targets for Union skills.
Alexis: The only thing Alexis can really help against is Tail Whip. All of Lamia's other attacks are party-target.
Iseria: Iseria will be used in this fight. She is being forced--admittedly, mostly for the sake of a silly joke, but a powerful silly joke. She will not be using Chain skills, so do not let those be a factor in deciding other party members.
Sasha: Neither of Sasha's specs stand out as inherently useful over each other--most of her value, as always, is gonna come from Line Guard.
Cecil: Cecil has some multi-target coverage with King Press (which, admittedly, is going to miss more often than I'd like without accuracy buffs/evasion debuffs), and can lay down pretty considerable hurt in the semi-unlikely event that Lamia gets multiple binds and an ailment. (Notice how Devastating Fistfighter is not here.)
- Death-Bringing Reaper: Scythe of Cruel Poison's as useful as ever for making multi-target boss fights slightly less painful, although Lamia and the Bind Snakes both resist poison. Lamia doesn't resist the other ailments Raven has access to here, though.
- Death-Warding Reaper: Debuffs and Scythe of Transience. Basically no multi-target coverage, but when are the debuffs Raven has access to ever a bad thing?
- General: Kaelin has Chain Blast available.
- Master of the Six Ways: Multistrike kind of suffers in the Lamia fight because of the fact that we're going to be dealing with multiple targets at any given time. On th other hand, Windstorm's pretty okay for the fight, since it hits everything (without Multistrike) and tries to bind arms, which a lot of the dangerous skills here use.
- Ruler of Fire, Ice, and Lightning: Kaelin makes big glaciers. He can also make them single-target if we don't have snakes to deal with. If we stack multiple Chain Blast users, then Kaelin can piggyback off Lanzon or Magda using skills, and get bonus damage from Common Magic.
- General: Lanzon has Chain Blast available.
- Spirit-Summoning Necromancer: Uh Ice Bomb hits Lamia's weakness I guess.
- Spirit-Destroying Necromancer: Spirit-Destroying Necros don't have too many options for multi-target damage outside of Ghost Explosion. On the other hand, the usual routine of Sacrifice -> Gates of Hell -> Equivalent Exchange is some pretty monstrous damage.
- Falcon-Accompanied Hound: Gram has some multi-target coverage via Ice Peck if she takes Falz along for the ride, and head binds are pretty useful for Lamia.
- Dog-Leading Hound: Gram also has some multi-target coverage via Foot Pierce if she brings along Greg. Hunter Shot also gives her arm and leg bind capability, although it's not terribly likely.
Jana: Either of Jana's specs work just as well for Lamia, but do keep in mind they're both lacking in multi-target coverage, aside from maybe Leg Sweep with Single Peerless Blade Masurao.
- Heaven's Wrath Shaman: Realistically? Heaven's Wrath doesn't do much for us here, since Lamia isn't really heavy on elements, and Channel the Gods takes too much effort to set up for how little damage Mio does with it.
- Heaven's Love Shaman: A mixture of either Prayer: Guardian, Prayer: Evasion, and Prayer: Longevity does wonders for keeping our party alive normally. The problem is that damage isn't really what we need to worry about with Lamia! For that, though, we have Prayer: Exorcism, which is so useful for this fight you wouldn't believe it.
Dosen: Again, we don't really need buffed up HP to get through Lamia, and Dosen's low LUC makes him susceptible to being rendered useless.
Magda: Magda has Chain Blast available. Also, she has a variety of multi-target ailments available, and can increase elemental damage pretty considerably via application of Smoke Rot.