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Previous Threads:

UKMT December 2017 - DExEU's Midnight Runners - "Come On Arlene"
UKMT November 2017: Pee for Vendetta/Priti Little Liars
UKMT Halloween 2017: The York Ghost Walk is Nonce Seance
UKMT September 2017: More Fash, Less Cash
UKMT August 2017 - Towns and Cities Ranked on the Bristol Scale
UKMT July 2017 - Home of the fascist Left and the REAL purveyors of hatred
UKMT General Elextravaganza 2017: Make June The End Of May Tory pyrrhic victory! Grime Mininster Corbyn becomes the Absolute Boy!
UKMT Theresa May 2017: Weak and Wobbly vs. Old and Knobbly
UKMT April 2017 - Circular Corbyn Conversation Parlour
UKMT March 2017 - Blame it on the Bourgie
UKMT February 2017 - Welcome to Tiny Train World
UKMT January 2017 - Brexit Year Zero

AD 2016
UKMT 2016 Annual: The Four Finger Discount
UKMT November 2016: Never hope. Hope is a lie.
UKMT Halloween 2016: 2spooky4EU
UKMT September 2016: Arguing in good faith with sources where necessary
UKMT August 2016: The Month of the Dull Knives
UKMT July 2016 - Thank you very much. Do doooooo do do. Right.
UKRIPMT June 2016: #Boxit Brextravaganza! UK Referedum Disaster Aftermath! Cameron came to this thread to resign!
UKMT May 2016: We Import Two Thirds of Our Posts. This is a Disgrace.
UKMT April 2016: David Cameron's P19 Form
UKMT Long March 2016 - Beware the Iain Duncan Smith of March (am I doing this right?)
UKMT February 2016 - UKMT is a forum of self-harm
UKMT January and a bit of February 2016: Marxist Theory and Danczuk Memes

AD 2015
UKMT December 2015: It'll all be started before Christmas
UKMT: Mao Money Mao Problems
UKMT Red October 2015: Basically D&D's Communist Motherbase
UKMT September 2015: David Cameron Fucked a Dead Pig
UKMT August 2015: Full Corbynism Now
UKMT July 2015: Where Everyone is Hot and Maoist
UKMT June 2015: RIP Charles Kennedy, Human Rights, Legal Highs
UKMT May 2015: The Ed Wedding
UKMT April 2015 - Home of #milifandom
UKMT - The assassination of the green party by the coward Natalie Bennett
UKMT Valentine's Day Edition - Those naked boy pics aren't of Cupids
UKMT January '15 - We're gonna party like it's 1985!

AD 2014
December 2014 - Poorly Moderated by the 81st Most Powerful Person in the UK Media
November 2014
October 2014 - Papers please. Theresa May Edition.
September 2014 - The baby that saved Britain.
August 2014 - Bojo's Brilliant Buran Bazaar
July 2014 - Thread regular knows dogfucker from school.
June 2014 - Emu was Rod Hull's patsy.
May 2014 - Elections! (which won't fix anything)
April 2014 - St. Piran > St. George.
March 2014 - Bingo And Beer For All!
February 2014 - Corrupt, Lying, Thieving Parasites that should Hang!
January 2014 - The morning after the year before.

AD 2013
UKMT: The cold grips your heart like a UKIP councillor's fingers
UKMT: Cameron's House of Horrors (November 2013)
UKMT: Let Them Eat Value Bread (October 2013)
UKMT: Cameron fails to play Assad, Gurgeh cries, Mawrhin-Skel sighs.(September 2013)
UKMT: Socialist tears lost in a neoliberal rain of piss. (July - August 2013)
UKMT PLC: Working together to fuck you over (June 2013)
UK Megathread - Its just all gone to shit. (May 2013)
UK Megathread -This Lady's Not Returning (April 2013) Thatcher came to this thread to die!
February UK Megathread - Lets run this country into the ground. (February - March 2013)

AD 2012
UK Megathread: - Calm Down, Dear (December 2012 - January 2013)
October UK Megathread: Stephen Fry - History's Greatest Monster. (October - November 2012)
September UK Megathread: And she's probably Polish. (September 2012)
August UK Megathread: Prince Harry's Flacid Cock Discussion Zone (August 2012)
July UK Politics Parade: Olympic Cynicism Zone (July 2012)
UK Politics Pagoda and Jubilee Celebration Station: Lord Help The Quean (June 2012)
UK Politics Portal - Your One-Stop Shop for Current Events (May 2012)

AD 2010
UKMT Oct 2010 - May 2012

AD 2008
UKMT Nov 2008 - Aug 2010