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LVL 3 Troubador
Parents: N/A

HP: 30 (60%) Spd: 11 (20%)
Str: 6 (20%) Lck: 4 (10%)
Mag: 7 (20%) Def: 5 (30%)
Skl: 9 (50%) Res: 6 (20%)

Move: 8
Weapon Ranks: Swords (B)
Promotion Bonuses: +6 Str, +2 Mag, +3 Skl, +3 Spd, +6 Def, +2 Res, +1 Move
Items: Iron Sword, Relive Staff + Inherited Items
Skills: N/A
Holy Blood: N/A

So uh...she's basically Nanna, but lamer. Her stats are worse, her growths are worse, her Weapon Rank is worse, she has no skills, and she can't get the Return Ring or Return Staff. There will be no skipping the Lenster seige for any poor sods that get stuck with her.

But she IS still useful! Healing and Horses both count for a lot in FE4; and she starts off as the only person in Gen 2 who starts with both! And if you're using Subs, you're going to need that healing!

So uh...yeah. Not much to say there. She's Nanna; but worse. I suppose I'd compare her to Fortuneteller Baba. She's pretty much useless in an actual fight; but her magic powers still allow her to be of great use. She doesn't get the limelight as often as a lot of the really useful healers, but...she has her moments.