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Quantum Ripples and Diaries for Act 1

Quantum Ripple
Core stability equation
An unexpected solution leads to unexpected results.


Quantum Ripple
Ram statuette
A memento from a life long gone leads to a moment of sentimentality.


Jack Joyce Diary 1
BEST FRIENDS (Transcript)
Friday, November 11, 2016, 11:57 am
On Jack's friendship with Paul Serene.


CLARICE OGAWA: How close were you with Serene? Before the experiment?

JACK JOYCE: He's been looking out for me ever since we were kids. When my parents passed away, Paul's family made sure I got back on my feet. Y'know Will wasn't around much. I never did have a tendency to make things easier for myself. Guess I dragged Paul into my mess. We spent a lot of time looking for trouble. We found it. He got out, I didn't.

OGAWA: You said you owed him one.

JOYCE: He saw the path I was on, where I'd end up if I stayed. He got me out of the country, told me to never look back. Until now, I never did. Yeah, we were close.

Jack Joyce Diary 2
Friday, November 11, 2016, 1:32 pm
On Will and Dr. Kim working on the university time machine.


CLARICE OGAWA: Your brother was hired as Head Adviser on Project Promenade. Given William's concern with the Project, why do you think he accepted the position?

JACK JOYCE: He knew he had to get on the inside if he was going to put a stop to it. I got a better question for you; why did Monarch secretly push to get my brother hired if they knew he was a threat? You wanted him there. Why?

OGAWA: That is simply untrue. Monarch invested heavily in the university experiment. It made sense to offer our own chronon researcher, Dr. Kim, as the lead developer on the project. Kim's death was a tragedy for us all, but when he passed we-

JOYCE: Don't play games with me.

OGAWA: Excuse me?

JOYCE: You forget that I know things I didn't back then. I know what really happened to Dr. Kim.

OGAWA: What exactly are you inferring?

JOYCE: You want me to tell the truth? Then it goes both ways.

Beth Wilder Diary 1
Sunday, October 9, 2016, 4:00 am
On Beth getting ready to help Jack when things go wrong at the university.


BETH WILDER: October 9th, zero four hundred hours. Monarch operation moves in to the university in fifteen minutes.

This is it. Years of training, all leading up to this moment. Just need to keep my cover just a little bit longer. Monarch’s objective is to apprehend Jack and William Joyce – alive, if possible.

If what she told me is true, then this operation is going to end in a shitstorm. It’s up to me to make sure Jack gets out of this in one piece, but I can’t risk blowing my cover just yet. Notebook didn’t give me any orders regarding William, still not sure how Jack is the key to all of this if William is the one with all the answers.

We’re about to find out.

Okay. It’s time to do this. Beth Wilder, signing off.

Paul Serene Diary 1
PR (Transcript)
Monday, October 10, 2016, 4:19 am
On Serene's thoughts about the PR campaign, Jack and Monarch's plan.


PAUL SERENE: I ordered Martin Hatch to execute his PR campaign. The university mission was a success, but at a great cost. I can't afford unwanted attention, not yet. We need to cover our tracks. Shift the blame.

Jack's transport never arrived at the Ground Zero operation. Martin wants to use the media as a tool to find him, turn the city against him. I know where I'll see him again. The visions have made that clear.

Seeing Jack at the university... it awakened something in me. An admonition of what was coming. A reminder of how it all started. Who I was once was. Seventeen years ago, I performed a test that caused a fracture in time. I was to blame, I came to terms with that very quickly. It took far longer to accept that there was nothing I could do to stop it.

I built Monarch from the shadows, waited seventeen years for that moment to arrive again. Thought I was ready.

This was my greatest struggle to date. Feeling the moment approaching, simply allowing such a tragedy to occur, knowing any action I would take to prevent it would simply make it so.

And now it's here. We are the only ones prepared for what comes next.

My plan was in motion. The time for hiding is over.