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Chapter LX: What Do You Mean You Forgot the Wine?

Music: On Westerly Winds

Brayflox happygives tastyfresh gobbietreats to clever uplander!

Brayflox attempts to hand over the gobbietreat.

Aggro winces.

After traveling Eorzea for tasty treats, Aggro is finally ready to return to Costa del Sol and find out how to find Titan and save the realm.

Over at Costa...

Music: Ruby Moonrise

Aggro gives Wherskaet the Goblin Cheese, finishing the quest. He took critical damage. Whatever the case, I'm glad we can put this behind us and move on. Surely, this feast has enough to go ahead and Aggro can finally save them all from a rather painful death?

I mean, at this point, I'm pretty sure you understand what I'm getting at when I pretend to think that we're finished with a really bad series of quests, right? I'm sorry in advance.

We've got to find some fucking wine for this banquet. After that, we have to cook and prepare the food, create the guest list, and set up an itinerary for the guests.

We'll be visiting a couple of new locations but they're not super important outside of this stretch of filler quests. I'm just going to rush through this again.

First, we speak to Dyrstweitz. He'll point us to Wineport.

We popped in briefly last time to unlock the Aetheryte, but here's Wineport.

New Music: Saltswept

It's rather pretty, with lots of grape vines to produce, you guessed it, wine.

Our contact is a blind Lalafell named Shamani Lohmani.

For whatever reason, he gives us a choice between three potions. They inflict poison, blind, or silence on most enemies up to level 35. They're already almost irrelevant. I pick poison since it can at least increase our damage output a little.

I've got no idea what's going on here but it seems like so many gil sellers have piled up on the same spot and glitched through the floor. Anyway, he doesn't actually have any wine for us but a Roegadyn named Byrglaent should have some.

Byrglaent doesn't have any wine for us.

Informing Shamani levels Aggro up to 34.

With no alternatives remaining, Shamani suggests Aggro ask around the other two vignerons floating about Wineport.

They can't help us either.

Aggro shares the disappointment with Shamani.

We get a Hi-Potion for any one of the attributes of our choice. We roll with Strength since that'll also improve our damage. Aggro will be all about offence being the best defence.

Of course, as is the way with these filler quests, we've hit a dead end and Aggro has to go on a detour. Shamani was saved a man named Drest, who had introduced him to Bacchus wine. This wine was ultimately what got him into wine.

Music: On Westerly Winds

Shamani doesn't know where Drest can be found, but wants to give Drest some of his own wine. We'll need to speak to Rhitskylt at the Raincatcher Gully Docks, who sometimes employs Drest.

It looks like Aggro will have to travel deeper into the very small jungle to find our man.

Towards the south is a shaky looking rope bridge. There isn't really any physics in this game, so it's pretty safe. Regardless, I'm not sure Aggro fancies tackling it on her Chocobo.

The jungle isn't very dense, but it's quite pretty and the glow-in-the-dark flora is neat.

I got distracted and missed my turn. The corrupted aether in the distance means I'm going the opposite direction from where we want to go.

Eventually, we find ourselves at The Severed String. Inside, we find Drest.

He doesn't seem interested in the wine.

In fact, he doesn't seem okay at all. Out of the goodness of her heart, and because the people of Limsa Lominsa can be blamed for their own destruction by the hands of Titan with all the errands, Aggro decides to clear off some of the buzzing midges.

Nothing exciting happens with this fight.

There's a nice bit of environmental storytelling around here though. This was once Garlean flying warmachine, and it's the only one around.

Back to Drest we go.

If Aggro had no luck with loot drops in Brayflox's Longstop, then that's not really a problem. The quests will start giving level 32 equipment. We're not done with the errands, though.

Drest needs money so he can return home and see his family again. Aggro has to slaughter four Jungle Coeurls and collect their pelts. The only interesting thing they can do is a circular AoE surrounding themselves called Charged Whisker. It causes paralysis. Without any trouble, Aggro slays the four level 34 Coeurls.

To thank us for what we did, Drest gives us his backstory. Surprise! He was conscripted into the Garlean military.

Our quests just got a little less nested. Now that we're done tending to Drest, we can return to Shamani and deal with the wine situation so we can finally learn how to reach Titan.

In a roundabout way, this tertiary questline has potentially helped resolve the secondary quest. To thank Shamani for the wine, Drest has us collect some that he's been brewing...? Do you brew wine? Can this be called brewing? I don't know anything about wine. Or brewing, actually. I'm very uncultured.

On second thought, I'm not sure this wine will be appropriate for the banquet. I wouldn't want the guests drinking any of this.

The Bacchus grape vines of Wineport were destroyed after the Calamity, so Shamani is excited to discover that there still seems to be some growing in the jungle. It looks like Drest's wine uses it.

Drest can't remember where he got them, but believes they may be growing on a Goobbue.

Aggro battles a Goobbue named Shezmu for a grape vine cutting. It fights like a Goobbue.

New Music: Saltswept

Out of nowhere, Byrglaent comes running over after hearing talk of Bacchus Wine.

Come now, enough of this nonsense! I've heard talk of your discovery, and I refuse to believe that a common adventurer and a novice vintner could—

Rather than say anything more, Shamani hands the vine over to Byrglaent.

There is none better positioned to reconstruct the Bacchus vineyards than you, Master Byrglaent. You have the resources, the knowledge, and the passion to do so. It would be selfish of me to keep this cutting.

Remembering that there's still a C Plot to complete, Byrglaent hands a gift over as a token of appreciation.

A 1547 Bacchus!? But that's impossible! This vintage has not been seen since years before the Calamity!

It was the crown jewel of my personal collection. For years, I debated opening it, wondering if today or tomorrow would be the ideal time. But now I realize that it was never meant for me—it should be savored by the saviors of Wineport, I say!


Alright, we've got the wine. Let's get out of here and finish up this C-plot. If we're lucky, we may even clear the B-plot.

Music: Ruby Moonrise

Now Aggro, all that remains would be some napkins. Fortunately, we're aware that the Kobold have been planning a celebratory party for Titan's awakening, and would like you to take their napkins. We cannot have the inferior feast.

See you next time.

Completing that last quest will grant us a Goobbue Sproutling minion.

Chapter Summary