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-To Further Stillness-

Video: Act 1, Scene 1 - Return to Shadow

Ships, ships, ships...

...nowhere else in a Midnight Belt are 'ere so many damned ships.
Don't ever say "OTP" in an Ombrian tavern if you value your skin.

's it true, though?

'ey say a moment ye lay eyes on 'at city, a demon possesses ye.

'Swhere a magic comes from, 'ey say.


They also say the pipe'll kill you.

Yet here we are.

A whole trip, I tried not to, Cicero... but ye made a promise. Goin' back 'ere ain't goin' to do you no good.

I made a promise to my parents, too. To feed them. Give them a better life. I need the money, Varl.

Then a question is, are ye willin' to pay with yer soul fer it?

I suppose we'll find out.
Aye... Into the shadows we go.

You joke about it now...
Relax, Varl. I'll see you in a fiveday, I promise.
A promise. If ye break it, I swear to the Seven Sisters that I'll come down to the Pits meself to wrangle yer skinny neck.
I'll see you when I see you, captain. Pits or no.



Ombre, the Jewel of the Midnight Belt, acclaimed by all the nations for its wealth and its exotic magic.

This is the place that I've called home, the country that banished me in exile. Now I have returned, to find little changed. It is still bustling and alive, and it still rests in shadow. Whether I am stepping back onto its wharfs facing open arms or hidden knives, only time will tell.

The main collectible in Masquerada is the Codex: a big pile of background dumps for all sorts of people, places and things. This game is going to throw more proper nouns at you than an Airbrand Sicario Valencio can shake her Fisica Medanza at. Maybe it'll help to have some supplementary reading...although a few parts of the Codex are wildly irrelevant.

Some entries unlock automatically; others you have to find out in the wild. They're all written from Cicero Gavar's own point of view. Cicero writes like a middle schooler who's desperate to sound mature but it's a neat way to help show how he changes over the course of the story.


Varl and the Emerita

Few can understand the relationship between a captain and his ship. It is a love of a sort, found in few other places. Perhaps the closest relationships I can think of parallel to it would be of those between a tinker and his tools, or a blacksmith and his smithy. But no - looking at Varl and his ship, you'd realize that that wouldn't quite do.

The first time I met Varl, he'd been screaming at one of his crewmen for chipping a board along the side of the Emerita - the poor lad was shouldering a shipment of polearms from TeSerra and had grazed the hull of the ship. I learned later that this was not an uncommon occurrence. A nick on a mast, a scuff on a floorboard and off the rails he'd go, screaming, yelling, throwing things about. No one ever got (seriously) hurt, but considering the vigor and passion with which he'd berate his crew... One would think they'd chopped off a toe of his, or burned off an eyebrow.

And perhaps in some sense, they might as well have. The Emerita was as much a part of him as any of his limbs. His love for the Emerita went far beyond simple fondness. He'd integrated it into his existence; it had entwined itself with the threads that formed his identity - any offense against the ship was a direct offense against him.

Some would say that a craftsman is only as good as his tools. I'm inclined to say this man has taken it quite the step further.

One time Varl shanghaied a nine-year-old boy, and keelhauled him for two days straight just because he cried for his parents. That's our Varl! What a gruff old salt.

Yeah, cat. Keep your nose clean.

- Pa, is that...?
- Hush, lass.
- But-
- I said hush!

And what?
And-uh- E-E-E-
Sir! Apologies, sir, we were distracted.
Relax. You are the coach-hands I was told to expect?
That's us. Alena Tvothe, sir.
Ricardo Tvothe. At your service.
The coach is nearby?
Just a minute this way, sir.


The Tvothe Twins - Ricardo and Alena

So the first citizens of my homeland that greet me are the coachhands that I have been told to seek.

They are clearly Contadani, for no coachhands of the Registry would have Mascherines wasted upon them, and thus I cannot help but wonder what they see when they see me. After all, I am the brother of the man who fought for their rights, the man that I abandoned five years ago.

I suppose time will tell me more of their opinion and whether the ripples of my actions have touched them, but for now it seems as though they have no issue with my role in the events of history.

- Not a good day.
- Why not? The sky is clear, and you've got a nice haul.
- It's those damn gulls up there, circlin' overhead!
- Afraid they're going to swoop down and swipe a few fish?
- Yes, swooping is bad.

- Would you look at that!
- Skewered lamb legs. Ages, but I'm hungry.
- Do you think they'd spare us a bite?
- In exchange for a few years of our lives, perhaps.

- I heard the traitor was comin' back.
- You keepin' an eye out?
- Nah. Barely remember what he looks like anymore.


The Docks of Ombre

There might be no other landmark in Ombre more significant than its docks which, most days of the year, are occupied by trading vessels and merchant watercraft. Popularly referred to as the Jewel of the Midnight Belt, Ombre has, over the years since its birth, turned into the busiest port on the whole Belt. As the nexus of hundreds of trade routes, Ombre's docks see men and women of all nations on its wharfs and serves as a prime platform for people of myriad cultures to mingle while their vessels are serviced and refuelled - the Citte's beautifully colored demographic is just one effect of this mixing.

The fortune of having such a capable harbour, as well as such a fine location, has allowed trade to become Ombre's primary form of economic sustenance, and has afforded its reputation reach far beyond the waters.

- Purchasing a boat?
- Aye. To leave this damned city.
- I thought your trade routes were flourishing.
- Yes, but even a thousand crescents cannot stop death from claiming me.
- Indeed. And death roams our streets far too commonly these days.
- Aye...

- But his brother was on our side.
- I can't believe you're still saying that.
- But it's true!
- Before Cyrus we were treated like dirt, but now they look upon us like we're a threat.
- At least there is some respect to be had in that.
- For the price of our lives? No. Cyrus was not on my side and that's final.



The citizens of Ombre are classified broadly into two categories: the Contadani and the Masquerada; those without Mascherines and those with, respectively.

The Masquerada themselves are divided further into the Registry and the Seimora, the latter of which comprises the six guilds of the Citte.

There is a third faction, not often spoken of until recent years: the Maskrunners - an encompassing term that refers to all owners of Mascherines who refuse to align themselves with any of the Seimora or the Registry, and consists of dozens of smaller factions (that exist too multitudinously to be chronicled here).

- This is going to take a while.
- He's not going to be happy.
- We could tell him that cats ate all the apples.

- Not much of a war, really.
- Be glad. War doesn't feed us.
- I know, but I was hoping for something more... world changing, y'know? Might do us Contadani some good.

- I don't know about this. I'm not very light-fingered. I can't cut purses.
- That's all right. You be the distraction. I'll do the stealing.
- All right.
- Now, pass me my shiv.
- Oh no.
- What?
- I left it at home.
- ... Wonderful. Just wonderful.

Oh, uh... Actually, sir-
Don't get me wrong, I love the finish, but-
-Sir, it's this one.

-oh. Well. The less attention we draw, the better for us, anyway.
I like this coach. It's cute. And it's obviously in good shape.
Come on. Let's see if this beaut can get us through the-


Do it.

That's it, boys. Stop by again, you lot. It was a pleasure.

I would've liked to have seen how bold they felt if they knew he was an Inspettore. I bet they would've thought-
Hear that, boys? An Inspettore.

Words spoken behind a blade. The Inspettore will fetch a sum. We don't need the other two. Truly, a pleasure.

-Mars de la Fey-

Not much strategy to consider with no Mascherines in play.

Cicero just cuts the thieves down one by one, without breaking a sweat.

Nobody else on the docks so much as spares a glance for a swordfight in the streets. Not even the guards.

-To Further Stillness-

So, Ricardo, you watched me fight.
He more than watched, sir. He was practically gawking.
Relax. All I wanted to know was why you seemed so surprised.
Well... seven Inspettores, and none would stoop to a level to have Contadani like us present to watch them train.
Doesn't mean you can't steal a glance from the west wing. The upper levels provide quite the view.
*chuckles* If you don't mind me saying, sir... You're awfully comfortable around us.
What do you mean?
People like us, I mean. Contadani. Maskless.
You mean people who have lives and dreams and all? I think I'd be more worrying if I was uncomfortable, no?

-Upon the White Spire-

It's been so long since I've heard that.
Heard what?
Slow down, please.


The Pale Isle.

For a city this dark to have a heart so bright...

Let's go.

This is new.
Extra security measures, sir, since the war began.

And who are you transp- ... I see.
Problem, Elencio?
Carry on.

-To Further Stillness-

You don't expect them to treat war criminals with politeness, do you?
Especially not war criminals who bogart the pipe.
I-I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to.
No. Stop the coach, please. I think I'd like a little time to myself, if you don't mind. I'll make my way up to the White Spire when I'm done.
Of course, sir. We'll be at the stables if you need to find us.



The Masquerada might be the jewels of Ombre, but it is the Contadani that are its lifeblood. A large number of the Contadani are found outside the Citte, in the lands known as the Echoing Plains. The Plains are still within the national borders of Ombre, and settlements in the Plains that are collectively known as the Randagia house a great many of the nation's Contadani. Life in the Randagia is relatively simple compared to that in the Citte - farming and raising cattle are the most common jobs taken up by Contadani living there.

Within the Citte itself, however, a great many Contadani have taken up residence. To many people from foreign lands, their presence in the Citte makes no sense - it is a dangerous place, one filled with death and poverty. Yet, why does it attract so many of the nation's lower class?

Most of Ombre's scholars believe that once enough individuals come together to form a sufficiently large society, that society begins to behave in ways that are independent of, perhaps even detrimental to, the interests of its members; in a way, the Citte develops a mind, a will, of its own to survive and to keep ploughing on. So, they say, asking why Contadani continue to live in the Citte is problematic, because it assumes that the individual desires of each Contadani would somehow be reflected in the larger movements of the Citte when that is, in fact, not nearly the case. The cyclical rhetoric that has been given is that the Contadani remain in the Citte because they are a part of it and, despite their individual desires, have no power as a collective to change that.

To a certain degree, I believe in the theory, but I fear it all too well masks a quieter reason for the growing existence of our underprivileged lower class - the potential of fulfillment.

Many Contadani glamourise the lives of the Masquerada, and I cannot blame them for doing so - we bend the elements of the world to our will, we live in lavish houses and beautiful vistas, we needn't ever worry about finding food for the next meal. This lifestyle has a strong lure, especially to those of empty stomachs and vacant purses, and has brought a great number of Contadani to the Citte. These are men and women who harbour the hopes that, by placing themselves in the direct vicinity of the Masquerada, they will one day be able to join their ranks.

That hope is not a futile one - I myself have made the transition - although it is not one that often gets fulfilled.

- Twelve years! Twelve years I've slaved, and for what? To throw my life away defending those useless lard-arses up in that Spire.
- Careful Cerise, if one of Tristan's lackeys hear you...
- I 'ave a child! She needs me!


The Pale Isle

The Pale Isle is the Registry's Principal Ward and, by nature of its proximity to the White Spire, mostly exists to serve the desires and wants of the members of the Registry. There are numerous taverns situated in the Pale Isle, as well as other recreational facilities that help the people of the White Spire take the edge off life in the shadowed Citte.

So many petting zoos.

Hey! Aren't you forgetting something, scum?

Oi, I'm talking to-

I never thought I'd get to see you again.
What do you want?
What do I want? I want you to have a taste of what we went through because of you. Hragh!

Ugh! *gasp*

Let's see how well he bites.

-Mars de la Fey-

Cicero doesn't bite so well when his foe has a Mascherine and he does not.


How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

Hmph. *SMACK*

Sir, I swear-


I didn't- *SMACKALACKIN* *gasp*


-To Further Stillness-

I didn't-
Do you understand?
Yes, sir.
Your Mascherine is to be used against the Maskrunners of the Citte, not against its citizens. Exiled or not. You have demonstrated a sore lack of understanding with regards to the utilisation of Mascherines. You will unbind from your Mascherine and have the privilege of its company revoked for a period of ten days. Keep me waiting any longer and it will be thirty.

That's what you get for assaulting innocent civilians without permission.


At this time? Someone's picked up some habits.

And someone seems to have lost none. I think a normal person would have to try to get into fights as easily as you.
I'd drink to that.
Why are you here, Cicero? A man with your reputation must be either mad or desperate to return to the Citte.
Here, read it.
"-summoned back to Ombre at the request of the Vaorone. Your exile will be revoked and you will be granted a grand sum of-" Tell me you forged this.
With penmanship like mine?
So what, you're... back for the money?
Mad or desperate.
And do you know for what reason you've been called back?
If you can decipher anything from this cryptic mess, please.
Still looking for a drink?
You need to see Avestus.
Ugh... Accompany me? I think it'd be a good time to hear what's been going on.
You mean it'd be good to have a bodyguard.
I was trying to be nice.
Come on. He's in the White Spire.



The first step that any Masquerada needs to take before being able to use a Mascherine is a process called binding. It is a simple task - all it takes is a mere imagining of a connection between the Masquerada-to-be and the Mascherine, and it is done. The consequences, however, are far from simple. Should a Masquerada perish while bonded to a Mascherine, the Mascherine itself fades away into a fine dust that blows away on invisible winds.

As opposed to visible winds.


Tristan Delzole

If there has ever been a better personification of stalwart duty than Tristan Delzole, I have yet to find it.

The current Valencio of the Citte and I have quite the history together. We had both been Portieri at the same time and had served in the same section when we were but Elencios just starting out our careers. He'd joined the forces because of his family's Legacy - one of the first few Vaorones of the Citte had been Ramus Delzole, whose assassination served as the spark that began the events that led up to the March of Broken Songs. Despite his assassination, however, the ancient Delzole was reputedly a great man and an excellent fighter.

Tristan admits freely that he feels no emotional connection to the story of his great forebear, but his father had wanted him to be a part of the Portieri, as his father did before him, and so on and so forth. Though Tristan couldn't have cared less about what Ramus would've thought, he certainly was a great deal more concerned about the opinion of his own father, who himself had been the Valencio before Tristan. (It was, in fact, his father who had allowed me to join the ranks of the Portieri, though that is a story for another time.)

And so Tristan and I began our journeys together - he, the descendant of some famous politician and I, the descendant of a Contadani smith and a florist.

- Where's Shaw?
- She did not make it out of the Quiet Order.
- Oh... My condolences.


The Valencio

Leading the ranks of the Portieri is the Valencio. In charge of the training and regimentation of all the Portieri, the Valencio is not a figure to be trifled with. Though few outside the Registry, or even the Portieri, understand fully the burdens and responsibilities of the Valencio, none in the Citte would dare doubt the branding prowess of they who held the title.

- Don't you find it disquieting?
- What?
- The Spire. Always there. Always watching.
- That's the purpose of a government, isn't it?
- Perhaps. But sometimes it feels like they see too much from up there...

Would you look at that.
Huh. Illisian stones. I'd have expected the war to curb trade a little.
It did. For about three months, until the countries across the Belt realised how much they miss our work.
And so they decide to send their traders to a country steeped in civil war?
It isn't that bad. The bloodiest suns have all set; we're just cleaning up what's left of it. In fact, I think in a few years it'll be completely over.
Let's keep going.



The land of the greatest philosophers, Illisia was the first country from across the Belt to trade with Ombre. It was Illisia's influence over the early settlers of Ombre that nourished the sect within the Registry known as the Vegilus - the scholars of the Citte. Illisians pride themselves on their philosophical pursuits, though that seems to have distanced them none from the avarice that Ombre tends to inspire. Whatever the case, the Citte is - and will continue to be - welcoming of the Illisian's interest in the Citte, for Illisia is the one country that provides Ombre with Bloodpoppy, a flower that yields a brilliant crimson dye with a richness found nowhere else.

We don't care. You're at least a week away from another rotation.
I'm the best Firebrand here and you know it.
Get lost, Travis, you know there's no way you're going to get it.
Were they arguing over a Mascherine? Aren't there enough to go around?
You don't-? Of course you don't know.
The war. Ever since your brother gave out all those Mascherines to the Maskrunners, the death toll on both sides has been great.
And you've been losing Mascherines.
So long as they sit upon a dying face, to the dust they go. And now the Citte is running out of them. Everyone's feeling it. The guilds, the Maskrunners, the Registry. The Vegilus even suspect that in the next fifty years or so, there'll be fewer than a hundred Mascherines left.
But there were thousands before. Surely five years-
Five years have crippled this country, Cicero. ... I am sorry. That did not come out as... smoothly as I had intended.
You're tired. I understand.
You would, wouldn't you? Well, let's not keep Avestus waiting.



If there were one thing that defined Ombre, it would not be the Masquerada, or its artistic landscape, or even the mountain under which it hides - it would be the Mascherines. Masks of magic that grant their wearers the ability to harness the elements with efficiency, the Mascherines are the distinguishing element that separates the country from the rest of the world that surrounds it.

When the First came to the lands of Ombre, the Mascherines were already there, and in the early ages of Ombre's history, they were feared. The effect that using Mascherines had on their wearers was not completely understood, and neither was the act of using them. People regarded the Mascherines with apprehension, for they did not comprehend the mechanics behind their powers. Even till modernity, there are remnants of that apprehension, though society has mostly gotten over their fears, having been spurred forward to embrace the Mascherines for the power they promise.

This power the Mascherines hold has been ever more valued in recent years, especially considering their disappearing nature - Mascherines inexplicably vanish should they be worn upon the face of a dying being. Again, the reasons behind this deathrattle are just as shrouded in mystery as the origins of the Mascherines themselves, but have rendered the artefacts a quickly disappearing commodity.

- Do you have any dark cloth?
- Second column.
- Thank you.

-Ouij'tre (the Singing Tree Remembers)-

- If I fall in, would you rescue me?
- Anyone daft enough to fall in isn't deserving of a rescue, if you ask me.
- Ouch.


The Media

The Media are methods practiced by the Masquerada to better harness the powers of the Mascherines. How the Media help in the wielding of this power has yet to be fully understood, but it has been determined that through the practice of certain forms of craft, the Masquerada gains the ability to channel their powers with more finesse and precision; the elements bend more precisely to the will of a Masquerada well practiced in Media.

There are, to this day, seven known Media, six of which have been classified into pairs. There prevails the belief that according to the patterns of the Media, there must exist an eighth as well, though the Vegilus have been unable to ascertain either its presence or its nature.

The various Media (in their pairs) are:

The Fisica: Medanza and Merobusto
The Visiva: Meliare and Meseniare
The Eterea: Mecantare and Merumento
Mescenza, that currently exists alone

- Was it left? No... Impossible. But if I struck upwards...?

What are they up to?
You don't recognize it?
... That's-
-Gavar's Caprice. I'm surprised it took you so long to spot it.


The White Spire

Sitting at the highest point of the Citte, the White Spire has a view that covers all its charge. It is the pinnacle of the Registry's authority, the embodiment of its role as guardian and caretaker of Ombre. Certainly there are many in this day that disagree with the Registry's methods and dispute their efficacy, but the fact remains that the Registry stands to watch over us all.

Built upon the ancient ruins of some long-forgotten tower, the White Spire was constructed in a matter of days - record time, even with the help of Earthbrands. The construction of the Spire served not only to establish quickly a base of operations for the Registry, but to remind the citizens that it governed that it had the capability and power - and was willing to use it - to perform such a feat.

- Is the interior-
- It is indeed bigger on the inside.

- You don't suppose Gavar's been pardoned?
- Why else would he be here?
- Frankly even if I were pardoned I'd stay in the Fields. Have you ever met a Kevali barmaid? Saucy!
- Ugh.

So, any idea why the old man wants to see me?
Not a very solid one. One of the Regenti has gone missing, and...
And these walls should not be privy to this conversation.


The Registry

"Once, we had been called heretics. We were cast out from our lands, deracinated, labelled traitors and blasphemers. We were the Other, the alien, the outcast. Yet we were but individuals; we were of many, but were of no banner; we had myriad voices, but no clarion to lead us; we were scattered and we walked blinded by a foul light. But now we have begun to weave the tapestry that will bind us, begun to cultivate the soils that are to serve as the base of our civilisation, a new civilisation that will rip the yokes of our heritage off our backs and bury them underfoot. We are a new people of a new nation, now, and we will relish this freedom with guileless ecstasy. We are our own leaders. Our laws will be fashioned under the hammers of our wills and not by divine words; our mores will be shaped by sophists and sages and not by priests and prophets. We are united now. We are a people." - An excerpt from the speech delivered by the very first Vaorone, Ormeus Phrygius, at the founding of the Registry, during the tenth Mesura of the First Canticle (40IL).

A vast majority of Ombre takes the Registry, the country's government, for granted, and I'm not saying this simply because I am (or at least, was) a member of it. The Registry's duties in the Citte aren't all-encompassing (many of the Citte's cogs are kept turning by the Seimora) which has led to the proliferation of the opinion that they are responsible for little. This, however, is inaccurate - the modern Ombrian simply does not see the waves that the Registry makes, or the forces that it reckons with.

A main responsibility of the Registry is handling international affairs - to anyone on the streets of Ombre, that concept might ring foreign; it is easy to forget, living in the Citte, that there exists an entire world out there, with other peoples and other nations and other societies. We are too concerned with surviving to think of the worlds across the Midnight Belt or beyond the Echoing Plains.

Unfortunately, the reverse cannot be said - Ombre, with its military power and flourishing cultural and economic landscapes, is a land upon which many other countries gaze. These gazes are often awesome in nature, but it is easy for admiration to turn into lust.

The Registry has concocted a great many ways to handle any international relations that begin to sour - the list of which is too long to go into detail - and these measures have allowed the tiny country to survive.

- Must have been quite the journey from your ward.
- I still don't understand why we have to be here.
- As an escort, no?
- Yes, but the Ace doesn't need us here, does she? She's more than qualified to take care of herself.
- She just wants to drag us along to the Spire to waste our time, waiting for her to finish her meetings.
- Welcome to my life.
- Oh. That's right.
- How intensely tragic.

- I spent the past week out in the Randagia. Nothing seems to have changed there.
- Even the Contadani?
- Those in the Randagia seem to care little about the war. It's as though they see themselves as part of a different world.
- Unsurprising. The drama of the Citte is its own burden to bear.

It's easier to get around the White Spire when everyone isn't trying to kill each other.

- Ah, I reckon you're just not talking to her right.
- Of course, you're one to say that. I heard what happened last week between you and Nyra.
- How did you-
- Everyone knows, Ozzy. When you're stuck in a damn spire day in and out, word travels fast.

- Would you cover my shift? I need to leave a little early.
- Picking up ingredients for lunch?
- You know how it is with TeSerric cuisine.
- Ages, I do. I'll cover you in exchange for your Alvhian bread recipe.
- Hah. I'll give you a loaf when I return. Deal?
- Deal.

- It is neat. I'll give them that much.
- Hmph. It's cold. Too much stone. Not enough gold.

- I wonder what the Dimenticate used to use this place for.
- I wonder what it looked like back then. Whether it was just as... spirey.

- Fascinating, isn't it? Such mastery over the form.
- The Rhunic influences are immediately obvious; my mother was a respected painter back in the homeland.
- I know. It is why I called you here.

- Ah. It's that Greyblood Gavar again.
- Keeps coming back like a bad rash, eh?
- And just as unwelcome, every time.
If there's one thing they know in the Portieri, it's bad rashes.

- The public's general reaction to Gavar's return seems to be one of confusion.
- Strange. I would have expected it to be anger.
- Exactly! I suppose five years is enough to calm even betrayed hearts.

- The prospect of going out for another diplomatic mission is just awful!
- Maybe one day someone will find a way to get Mascherines working beyond the Stones.
- Well, until that day comes, consider me cursed to be an ambassador.
Only the very best and brightest for Ombre's diplomatic corps.

- -and make certain that Rahil stays away!
- Surely there is a less extreme measure? The boy is young and in love-
- He's stalking my apprentice!
- But-
- If your son does not stay away from Valexia. You may rest assured, good sir, that he will answer to my Court.

Tell me he's changed. At least a little.
Have fun finding out.

-The Hand of the Spire-

Tristan was telling me the war's almost over.
Over? When does a war end? When the trumpets of peace sound? When the Maskrunners are dead in the gutter? No, it ends when it ceases to echo through every street, or shadow every face. It is over when the halls that it has emptied fill once again. This war... is far from over.

I trust the past five years have treated you well?
They've been... kind.
'Kind?' Is that what you call those years you spent throwing all your coin at barkeeps, fleeing the grip of sobriety?
The Kevali Fields may be located across the Belt, but it's still within the Registry's vigil.
And so is plagued by your rats. Why am I here?
The answer is all around you. You've been to the docks. You've walked through the grounds. How many Portieri enjoy the company of Mascherines?
Tristan told me. The Citte's losing too many of them.
You talk about the war ending. There is only one end to this war. One solution that will not only curb the rebellion but put the Registry in the strongest position it's ever been in. We must learn the secrets of the Mascherines. Learn how to stop them from disintegrating upon their wearer's death.
Then the guilds will be at your feet, begging you to teach them your secrets.
That part doesn't concern you.
... This is a job better suited for the Vegilus.
Widen your mind, Cicero. You think I called you here to bury your nose in dusty tomes?

"Really Important Stuff, Really" is the second-highest security grade in all the Registry, just below "Very Hush Hush, You Know."

How long's he been missing?
He missed sending in his last report, due twenty days ago.
And you've sent no one else?
Hah! You think you are my first choice? You, the coward, the exile, whose brother ruined my city?
A simple no would have sufficed.
Ophina and Corvus were sent to investigate.
What did they find?
That their songs were shorter than they'd expected.
Both of them?
Ophina was found hanging in her room, hands tied, wrists slit. Corvus' body was... not so fortunate. Whoever it was had resources. Wit, knowledge, finesse. It's a pity the two before you managed to find nothing apart from their own deaths.
And you think your Regenti is still alive?
I'd like to find out, yes.
So you called me back to feed me to the dogs.
No, I called you back to find my Regenti. If the canines come at you while you're at it, well...
You're a fool if you think I'll do this.
I'll think much more than that if you turn away. Especially if you read the case notes. You might find the name of my Regenti... interesting.
... Razitof.
You two were... acquainted, were you not?
You- ... Anything else?
Only that you are to breathe no word whatsoever to anyone else regarding this case. Everything else you need is in those notes. Arm yourself in the Hall of Bearings, then see what you can find. His office in the east wing is probably a good place to start.


Avestus Aliarme

There are few as calculative as Avestus Aliarme. Certainly, I do not look to him to learn anything regarding matters of ethics or of the heart, but when it comes to being efficient and objective, I consider him a master. I'd like to say that he hasn't always been this way - and then I'd proceed to tell you of a tragic tale that made his heart so callous - but to do so would require me to fabricate a lie. For all the time I have known him, which amounts to a fair bit, he has always put the welfare of the Citte and the Registry above everything else, his personal affairs included.

Yes, there is certainly something about his doggedness to be admired, but I do wonder how much it's cost him. I know he has given up much, but on the outside, he shows little remorse or regret. How much that is true on the inside, however, I have not gleaned.


The Vaorone

The Vaorone of Ombre is perhaps the most famous - if not respected- figure in the nation. As the leader of the Registry, with an abode sitting at the tip of the White Spire, the entire Citte falls under their gaze. The influence that a Vaorone had over the Citte was, in times past, unparalleled, but with the rise to power of the guilds, that influence has begun to wane somewhat.

That is all.