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-A New Home-

Video: Act 2 Scene 1, The Knife Behind His Smile

Lucia says that ever since the War of Bearings began, the Maskrunners have been fragmenting. Returning back to their factions, the way things were before my brother.
And which faction has Razitof?
They call themselves the Dactites. They're the ones we met at the Quiet Order.
Led by the Herald?
And what do you plan to do?
Find this Herald. Get Razitof back. Simple as that.
Did I miss something?
... You spent most of last night working on this?
I needed to know the state of things if we were going to act.
And now you do. And you're talking about them... so...
What? Come on, if you have something to say-
Confidently. With... purpose, investment.
Well, some things change-

-and others don't.
Is she the result of the Cleaver?
How did you find us?
I returned to the White Spire this morning. Inspettore Lucia was there. Apparently she'd been here, for most of last night.
Can't hide forever.
Marshal, this is Amadea. She'll be lending us her expertise on the Dimenticate.
You've spoken to her of the artefacts, then?
We have.
So what are they? What do they do?
We're not entirely sure, yet. Our leads in the Cleaver were... destroyed.
And you call that expertise?
Please, Marshal.
*sigh* What are your plans now?
Since the artefacts have yielded no leads, we're heading straight to the heart of the matter.
What do you mean?
We need to get Razitof back from the Maskrunners - a faction of them called the Dactites, to be specific. And we're going to do that by finding the Herald, their leader.
Direct. How refreshing. And how do you intend to find this Herald?
By finding Lissandra Rorik.
... What?
The leader of the Maskrunners?
Make a distinction, Marshal. Lissandra leads the Malecarte - they're not the Maskrunners with Razitof.
This is ridiculous. Maskrunners are Maskrunners, what difference is there?
They've got as many factions as we have guilds. Maskrunners had once been an encompassing term, when they'd been brought together under the Malecarte's flag by my brother. But since the war, they've broken up again.
Just tell me which groups I should be taking note of.
The first: the Dactites, a new faction, led by the Herald, who have Razitof. The second: what remains of the Malecarte, led by Lissandra, my brother's second-in-command.
And you want to find her because you believe she can lead us to the Herald?
Yes. And Lucia concurs.
Inspettore, those are Maskrunners you're talking about associating yourself with.
We're not colluding with them. We just need information.
They are fugitives of the law.
I am an Inspettore, Amadea.
If you have another suggestion on how we should find Razitof, please, I'm all ears.
I hope you know what you're doing.
To find her, Lucia has suggested that we turn to a character called... the Bloodless?
I suppose that is a smart move.
Lucia didn't tell me very much about the man.
He's been around for a while, but only recently started gaining the attention of the rest of the Citte.
He is a man without honour.
He is a smart man of the Labores Solis, who recognises the power of information and secrets. If there is anyone that can track a person down in the Citte, it is him.
The Luca have spent years attempting to locate this man. He's crossed more than a few of my guild's boundaries.
Note that we are not here to tend to the Golden Guild's interests.
You might not be.
You think Faveo will be happy with you stopping this investigation just to catch one man?
Fine. I will not act against him.
I do not trust him.
I am sorry, Cicero, but there are entities in this city that I do not wish to be involved with.
For the sake of your brother, even?
*sigh* As long as I don't ever have anything to do with him.
And how do you intend to establish contact with this enigma?
You seem to know a thing or two about him.
I've worked with one of his messengers before - Vasco Tessitore. He's often found in a tavern called the Bleeding Beetle. That's our best bet.
Then what are we waiting for?


The Herald

If we are to find Razitof, it is clear that this Herald is our best lead. We aren't going to get anywhere without any information about the identity of this Herald, however, and I believe I know just the person that might be able to help us with that.


Kalden Azrus

Kalden's response to the Bloodless has been unkind at best, savage at worst. What is it about the information broker that provokes him so? It must be whatever he is keeping from me. I should see if I can sieve out any further details.


Tiziana de Felici

So the first lie has been fed. I cannot let her know that we have discovered the functions of the artefacts that Razitof searches for. If she knows that they have the ability to create Mascherines, that will only advance and hasten the Luca's involvement; the Golden Guild needs to be kept out of this for as long as possible.

I am not unfamiliar with the toxic rewards to be reaped from a lie sowed, or how quickly and violently deception can destroy acquaintanceships if left to fester; I expect that she will not be the least bit pleased when (or if) she finds out that we have been keeping this information from her, but again, I cannot let that interfere with the advancement of the investigation.

You do what you must, Marshal, and so will I.

Are you still interested in that hobby of yours? Collecting stones and fine metals and all that?
I haven't changed that much.
Have a look at this, please, and tell me all you can of it.

I was hoping you could tell me. I have a feeling it's got at least a few... special properties.
Hmm. I'll do some tests and measurements and get back to you about it when you return.
One last thing. Don't tell the Marshal about it, if you could?
My lips are sealed.


Leventhos Merimbus

It is difficult to talk about Leventhos without smiling - the man is truly a joy to be around, an attribute that is scarce to be found in Ombre. Many who know me know that Leventhos has been a large part of my life for a long time, but if I am to describe my relationship with the man, we must first start at the beginning.

Rhunic, just off the waters, Cyrus subtly motioned with the fingers of his free hand. He held the digits of his signing hand just beside his ear so it looked like he was playing with his hair or picking his nails; it was a decent enough cover for communicating with street sign. No guards, he signed, which was unusual for the docks. Others called us foolish for deciding that this was a good spot to find prey, but Cyrus and I knew what we were doing. The fact that there were often significantly more guards at the docks than there were at the other notorious hunting spots not only meant that we'd have to deal with less competition, but also that the pilfering would be easier; guards were just as aware of the reputations of certain places as we were, and they acted accordingly.

Following my brother's gaze, I saw the man he'd been referring to - tall and lanky, with the trademark ebony black hair and pale skin of the Rhunic people. Indeed, guessing by the style of attire he'd chosen to don, he mustn't have been here very long. And his features... Rhunic people were infamous for their youthful looks but this man couldn't have been any more than a decade older than I was. What was a young Rhunic man who I'd guessed had barely started his third decade of life doing here?

I waited until my brother looked over. Look at clothes, and face too. Young. First trip?

Must be, he signed back.

I nodded. Waiting for you.

Cyrus returned the slightest of nods and brought his free hand back to the book in front of him to turn a page. Glances slowly began falling onto my brother as he started to lower his cover. He made the peep-holes in the book he was reading a little more obvious. He held the book a little higher and allowed a brown page or two of empty paper to fall from it. To anyone who'd just started watching him, it was clear - he was a street rat, a lousy one at that, scanning for prey. They wouldn't do anything to him, not unless he moved - he wasn't worth their time - but he wasn't the one that lost the coin flip today.

I shuffled through the crowd, my walk filled with purpose. I was a young dock worker who'd been told his salary for the month would be halved for breaking that stupid precious TeSerric vase from yesterday's shipment. I frowned. I wasn't happy. People would catch on to that; they'd excuse my rough shoves.

My journey through the mire of flesh and odours and sounds was just one of many plain journeys through the crowd, and any eyes that should've been wary of me all had a much brighter target to keep watch over - the pathetic excuse for a pilferer that was my brother.

I reached the Rhunic man in a few short moments, and sidled up beside him, helping him unload one of the shipments from the boat.

"I hear the winds from Rhune are rough 'uns this time of year," I grunted, burning my voice a little. A little brine in throat and salty fish between my teeth would finish the accent.

We put the shipment down and he made a 'sh' noise - must've been a Rhunic grunt or something. He turned to me. "Thank you for that, but I don't remember asking for anyone." At least he had come with a healthy dose of skepticism.

"Naw?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. "But the boss over 'ere said you needed some 'elp," I said, pointing off behind him at one of the dockmasters.

He turned his head to follow my finger. "I'm sorry, I really don't-"

But I was gone.

The snatch was perfectly executed - he'd tied his purse to his trousers with a typical Rhunic knot. A simple lift of the knot's inner coil and a quick tug of outer string was enough to release the catch into my hands.

I blended into the crowd as quickly as I had emerged from it, and caught my brother's eye. I raised a single eyebrow in a smirk, but my expression quickly faded as he waved at me, desperate. My grin quickly turned into a frown. What, did I pick the wrong man?

Purse! No! He gesticulated frantically. I stopped in my tracks. What was it?

I looked down at the purse in my hands and cupped the bottom, feeling its contents. They were hard. I tugged open the strings and turned the pouch upside down as its contents began to fall out into my palm. Whatever it was jingled on its way out, so what else could it possibly have been but-

Seven small black pellets fell into my palm. I hadn't instantly recognised them, though my curiosity at that moment drowned out the disappointment that they weren't crescents. They had a distinct smell, and it scratched at some buried part of my memory, but I couldn't quite identify what they were. Rolling one between my fingers, I made note of its features - it was hard and dense and smooth and oddly familiar. Where had I seen this before?

I looked back up at my brother and began to sign, What are-

I frowned. My brother wasn't looking at me, but his eyes were wide open and his mouth agape. Why wasn't he looking at-

I spun around and followed his gaze, watching as the shipment I had just helped unload came to life.

The lid of the wooden box shattered, sending splinters flying into the air and people screaming, as a winged serpent perhaps the size of a large dog burst into the air. A vipertail. I looked back down at the pellets in my hand and the smell almost overwhelmed me with recognition. Dried bloodvine seeds - catnip of the vipertails.

My throat parched very suddenly as I looked up to my brother and his moving fingers.


He hadn't needed to sign that twice.


Sierra Vede

The mountain Sierra Vede has watched over Ombre since its inception and sheltered it from harsh weather. None have been able to explain the strange wound in the mountain in which the Citte nestles cosily, or how the mountain is still able to stand despite the gash in its base. In fact, little is known about the mountain at all - it had been around since the time of the Dimenticate (some extant records mention it) and the primary geological component of the mountain, a rock called Ombrite, cannot be branded - but that is close to all the knowledge we have on it. How the mountain came to be and what relationship it had - and perhaps still has - with the lands around it remain mysterious.

You seem troubled.
I stick with you for one day and already I'm part of plans to venture into the darkest parts of the Citte - Maskrunners, the Bloodless.
It is often in the shadows do secrets hide. And we are chasing big secrets.
What do you think the Citte will be like, once we find Razitof and the artefacts?
Well... Mascherines will no longer be scarce, which means the fundamental threads that our society has been woven from will change. How that even begins to affect our world... The guilds might not even need to exist. The titles of Contadani and Maskrunner might cease to mean anything, I... I really don't know.
Quite optimistic of him to skip right past the usual "mass hysteria" phase.
I suppose we'll find out.

He's going to help us find your brother, you know.
Then I'll be glad when he does.
... I'll see you later, then.

I hope you like the Astiguary because we'll be seeing a whole lot of it. This will be Cicero's base of operations for the foreseeable future, and we'll be returning here after every outing.


4th Scendera, 407IL.

I never enjoyed writing in loose sheets. Leather-bound journals have always been my preferred medium of note-taking, and if I'm going to commit to this investigation, then this is where my thoughts will go.

A brief summary of the investigation thus far: Razitof has been captured by Maskrunners while researching the origins of Mascherines and how they were created. His investigations led him in search of three artefacts responsible for the creation of Mascherines called the Heart, the Seed and the Knife; collectively they were known as the Trehroir. In the Cleaver, we learnt that he knew where to find these artefacts, but our leads ended there.

There are a few other loose ends that need to be wrapped up, as well: there was a stone found in Razitof's office in the White Spire and we have yet to understand its purpose or function. Also, Razitof had been looking into the creation of fey (he'd stored a handful of them in glass jars in his office) - but what that has to do with anything is unclear.

Our next major step in the investigation is finding a figure called the Herald - leader of the Dactites, the group of Maskrunners that have taken Razitof - and to do that we are going to go to an information broker called the Bloodless. Hopefully he can tell us directly of the Herald and where to find him, but in the case that he cannot, he should at least be able to lead us to Lissandra, leader of the Malecarte - the remnants of the Maskrunner faction that my brother led. I am hoping that she, as a Maskrunner herself, will be able to tell us more if need be.

My discomfort with the Maskrunners has not gone away in the least, but I cannot let that stand in the way of my duty.

Cicero actually kept all those old notes, too. Either he tossed some blank paper into the Vaorone's fireplace just to get a rise out of him, or after he walked out the door he rushed frantically back in to grab those notes out of the fire and blow them out.


The Bloodless

I suppose it's finally time the shadows of Ombre coalesced into an entity. THe other countries have all had masters of secrets for a while already - some more publicly than others. TeSerra has the Rayisham, Rhune has its Tzeraya family, Illisia has its Mindweaver, and now Ombre has the Bloodless. Of course, none of the true identities of the other countries' masters of secrets, save Rhune's, are public pieces of knowledge; as an Inspettore, however, I have access to these resources slightly more readily than most.

All I can say is that it is a pity this Bloodless hadn't made an appearance some years earlier; I imagine a substantial number of my cases would've been made much simpler had I this reportedly well-informed character to turn to. I am curious how deeply involved in the investigation he is going to be, and wary of the price he's planning on exacting for his assistance.


Maskrunner: Dactites

The Dactites are a relatively new faction of the Maskrunners. I'd never heard of them before my return to Ombre and, admittedly, am uncomfortable with this lack of knowledge.

Hopefully the investigation will shed more light on the faction, though at the same time, I am hopeful that we do not have to interact too intimately with them.

Don't be stupid!
You've seen how he is! He's a good man, Alena.
Even good men have standards!

Sir! We were just-
You were just 'nothing'? Well, if that's really the case-
We'd like to practice the Visiva, sir.
Both of you?
I apologise, sir, my brother-
Let him speak.
Yes, the both of us, sir. Meliare for myself, and Meseniare for my sister.
An odd request. You are not trained as Fabbra, and neither is she as Artigiani, correct?
I have yet to pass my Accredita, so not formally, yes.
But informally?
A few years ago I... acquired a few textbooks from one of the Registry's Fabbra.
Stole them?
Well they were too expensive, sir! And I heard the man complain about their poor condition. He would've tossed them out anyway.
And you, Alena?
I've spent many afternoons looking over the shoulder of the Artigiani at the Golden Heart.
You spied on the Dieci's Artigiani?
Oh well, I-I learned from them.
Well, if you want to practice the Visiva, you're going to need a piece of equipment from a Masquerada, aren't you?
Yes sir, but we understand if you don't want to do this. After all, we have nothing to our name, no credentials-
Will this do?
That's not an answer.
It would do fantastically, sir. There's enough space for the inscriptions involved in Meliare-
-and the blade is more than enough to paint on. Are you sure, sir?
Well, the worst that can happen is that I get an ugly blade back, isn't it?
All right. Just a minute sir, we'll do some basic forms.

Now. The moment of truth.

Hmm. The energies do flow smoother.
It worked, brother!
I-I don't believe it! Thank you, sir!
I think I should be thanking you instead. I imagine there'll be little time to pay either Artigiani or Fabbra visits for equipment, but now that you're here...
You're willing to let us continue working?
Why in all the Legacies would I put such talent to waste?
Oh, that's... that's wonderful, sir!
If there's anything more I can do-
Sigils, sir! Anything that has complicated Dimenticate symbols. I'd like to try my hand at the more complex workings.
I'll keep an eye out. And you, Alena?
If you could find plants of the more exotic variety, I could use their dyes. A larger palette drastically alters the effects of Meseniare.
I'll bring back anything I can find. Now... Hold on. Since you're both trained in the Visiva... You think you could handle this?
Raw Mascherines?
I don't intend on getting bogged down with the documentation if I have to go through the Registry's artisan to get these touched up.
Sir, this is basic work. We can get these up to scratch in no time.
Good. Until then, however, we have business to attend to.
Where, sir?
An establishment called the Bleeding Beetle. You know of it?
It's one of our favourite haunts, sir!
Excellent. Off we go, then.


The Visiva: Meliare and Meseniare

The Visiva revolve around aesthetically enhancing the equipment of Masquerada, from their wardrobe to their weapons to Mascherines even, in order to bolster their abilities. These augmentations take the forms of engravings in Meliare and painted symbols in Meseniare and both assist the Masquerada who wears the equipment to better channel their powers. The Visiva are unique among the Media, for the engravings needn't necessarily be performed by a person in possession of a Mascherine. Yes, a Mascherine is needed in order to benefit from the augmentations, but the actual process of the application of such enhancements can be done by even Contadani, however rare that might be.

There's a bit of luck.

The Tvothes' Visiva practice is your replacement for the equipment treadmill. Here at the Astiguary's forge, they can doodle on your party members' stuff to enhance their autoattack. Ricaro's Meliare etchings provide a damage boost and a chance for a small buff, whose type is imparted by Alena's Meseniare painting.

You start out with the Du'silq ink and Zo engraving for free. New inks can be found around areas with heavy foliage, and old Dimenticate sites will yield new engravings.

Ricardo and Alena can also get all your Raw Mascherines painted up and ready for service, since Cicero will just die if he's seen wearing white after Legacy Song Ages Day...only not just yet, because we're in a hurry to meet the Beetle.

Nothing new on Cicero's passive this time.

Zephyr (Mask Charge Cost: 20, Cooldown: 8 seconds)
Teleports to the target location, leaving behind 3 tornadoes that seek enemy targets for 5 seconds and deal 4 base damage per second. This skill generates more Threat than usual.
After teleporting, enemies within 3 metres take 20 damage and receive an Air Tag.
Increases tornado damage by 4. Enemies that touch a tornado become Silenced for 1 second.

Mud Drake (Mask Charge Cost: 20, Cooldown: 8 seconds)
Summons up to 2 indestructible, mud-spewing Mud Drakes at the target location for 10 seconds. Mud Drakes attack for 5 damage.
Increases Mud Drake attack speed by 100%.
Mud Drake+
Increases Mud Drake damage by 3 and reduces skill cooldown by 2 seconds.

Obelisk of Light (Mask Charge Cost: 45, Cooldown: 10 seconds)
Calls down a beam of light that strikes the ground and deals 50 base damage to all enemies within 2 metres.
Blazing Light
Enemies receive a Fire Tag.
Luminary Surge
Increase radius by 50%.

Coldstream Wash (Mask Charge Cost: 40, Cooldown: 10 seconds)
The caster rushes forward on a trail of water, dealing 15 base damage to enemies in their path. Enemies dealt damage this way turn 75% slower for 3 seconds.
Increases attack speed by 100% for 3 seconds.
After casting Coldstream Wash, the caster may cast it again for free within 3 seconds. Mask Charge Cost, however, increases by 10.

Whenever a Fire Tag is activated, the target suffers 10 burn damage per second for 3 seconds.

Mercurial Justicar
Increases shield duration by 5 seconds.

Tinderwisps (Mask Charge Cost: 40, Cooldown: 15 seconds)
Conjures 2 fireballs that rotate around the caster for 8 seconds. Whenever a fireball passes through an enemy, it deals 10 base damage to that enemy. Fireballs expire after 4 hits. This skill generates more Threat than usual.
Whenever a fireball passes through an enemy, the caster recovers 4% of their maximum Focus.
Flame Adept
Increases fireball speed by 33%. Fireballs can hit enemies 2 more times before expiring.

Each party member has access to two of Cicero's skills: Atmos Ring and Tidal Wall for Kalden, Creed and Tinderwisps for Tiziana, Fissure and Flintbolt for Amadea.

Increases attack and movement speed boost by 8%.

Flintbolt (Mask Charge Cost: 30, Cooldown: 10 seconds)
Throws a piece of sharp flint that pierces through multiple enemies, dealing 40 damage to each enemy.
Enemies dealt damage this way suffer 8 bleed damage per second for 5 seconds.
Throws another piece after the first. The second piece deals half the damage of the first.

Inspettore, if you don't mind me asking - you're awfully familiar with the owner of the tavern.
He was a close friend of my family's, when I was younger. Before I joined the Portieri, he shared his purse with us. Helped us get through rough times.
That's sweet.
And naive. Most Contadani can't even fend for themselves. What sense is there in sharing?
Leave it to the fuckin' cop.
What sense is there in not? Keeping everything to yourself, what's the use?
Ah. The stone cold girl finally shows a sliver of a heart?
It just doesn't make sense.

-To Further Stillness-

We'll be waiting for you here, whenever you're done.


The Bleeding Beetle

Taverns such as the Bleeding Beetle are not uncommon in Ombre. These are found closer to the docks than they are to the shadows under the mountain, and are favourite haunts of Contadani and those simply visiting from the other nations.

The lack of Masquerada that come by is easily explained - taverns such as this are for the poor and the rowdy, and few Masquerada would deign to associate themselves too closely with such common folk.


The Tvothe Twins - Ricardo and Alena

The despondency of life in the streets - the life of the Contadani - is a powerful force. It whittles away hopes and dreams. It saps energies and buries lusts for life. I have seen it in action all too often and have had enough personal experience with this dread force to be familiar with it: my family used to live on the verge between life and this state of existence. Death is not a good word to describe it, for we still breathed and moved and ate and slept. But there was a point when we had almost stopped dreaming, almost stopped hoping, almost turned into one of the countless others who walked around, their shoes filled with invisible lead, their shoulders supporting unseen weights. Their eyes - and that was where you could always see it - their eyes were empty shells - carapaces, carcasses left in the wake of this terrible force. It happened so often I had grown numb to it.

And then these two came along.

Lodged somewhere deep behind their brown irises was a glimmer - and nothing more, lest it seemed dangerously obvious - of a dream. As I watched them more carefully, I realised the spark showed itself in other facets of the twins as well - in their banter, in the corners of their mouths, in the way they spoke of the future.

Something had shielded this treasure that so many others had lost, and though I might not readily admit it, I find myself somewhat envious of them. Perhaps naiveté has been their shield - they are still young, and perhaps there will come a time when their eyes no longer smile the way they do now.

With all this said, however, after they asked me to allow them to practice the Visiva, how could I say no? Certainly, there's the obvious reason - I now have an Artigiani and a Fabbra at my disposal - but it's much more than that, and... And even as I write this I chide myself for being such a sentimentalist. A pair of young twins, out to chase their dreams. Any other man with more steeled a heart than me would spare them the pain that awaits them in the future. Tell them that they stand no chance of earning a living - after all they aren't even Masquerada; how would they test the efficacy of their creations?

But what can a man do, if his heart cries out at such a sight? One only need look at the light in their eyes to understand why it's moved me such. Perhaps a selfish part of me wants to see them happy so that I might vicariously live through their joy. Perhaps another part of me knows that their smiles will not last and so urges me to treasure them while I can.

Whatever the case, spending too much time on this is unwise. I will let them do as they please while we can afford it.

It's just ahead.

That's him, the one with the flute.
He's good.
Among the Citte's best. We should get closer.

What was that? Sorry I wasn't listening. Anyway, somebody had one too many and dropped Cicero's Stampede, Grotesques, Meteor Storm, and Aegis masks into this canal.

What do you see?
There, over by the side.

That man with the guards. That's Izander Ershel. He's the leader of the Salt Breathers, one of the smaller Maskrunner factions that existed before the war. Apparently they're still around.
I've heard of them. Getting Contadani addicted to Stone Salt then charging exorbitantly. They've practically robbed hundreds of families of their stability.
And nothing's been done about it?
And nothing will be done. Not today, at least. Remember who we're here for.


Thank you, thank you!

Marshal, don't do anything-

What are you doing?!

Oh, great.
Dammit, Tiziana! You're a loose cannon.

-Mars de la Fey-

-To Further Stillness-

That man is Izander-
I know who he is, damn it! He has a Contract on his head, for blood's sake.
You mean that-
Forget it! I see you're with Amadea- you're here for the Bloodless?
Then you will listen to me. Izander is a large man with a love of large spaces. He will not take any of the alleyways, and neither will you.
What do you mean by-
You will follow him, chase him, and he will send his guards to stop you. Be a dear and take care of them for me.
What'll you do?
Slip through the shadows. If you do your job right and keep him running down the wide street, I'll be able to take care of him once he's alone. I repeat. Alone. That means-
No guards, we get it.
Good. Then go, before you lose him.


Maskrunner: Salt Breathers

One of the many factions of the Maskrunners, the Salt Breathers are led by Izander Ershel, a man who has thrived off the misfortunes of others. Understanding how difficult the life of a Contadani in this world is, Izander saw the potential profit he could weave out of a business distributing Stone Salt. He began small - distributing the drug to Contadani under the pretext that it was medication. Needless to say, they developed an addiction to it and came back to him for more and more, fueling his dark empire. The Salt Breathers had joined my brother in the War of Bearings, but it seems they weathered the storm that struck in the wake of his death and are back in business.


Izander Ershel

Not every life in the gutters is one of empty pockets and hollow stomachs. Even within the depraved streets of Ombre there exists a hierarchy, and if one understands the machinations of the world between the shadows, rising through its ranks is not an impossible task. A requirement for such a flourishing, unsurprisingly, is a cultivated alienation from others of your social station. You cannot feel for their suffering - you must view them as resources to be used, assets to be abused, and certainly never as people. If one manages such a feat, and somehow furnishes one's heart with calluses, the upward road is that much easier.

But such a strategy comes at a cost - distancing oneself from one's humanity allows others to treat one in the same manner with far less weight on their hearts. In the more extreme cases, such as that of Izander's, death can be dealt with little remorse. It is an ultimately dangerous path to tread, and one that I, despite having been tempted many a time before, have managed to stay away from.

-Mars de la Fey-

Stop. There's three of them. We can take them on. Protect me.

Izander likes to pelt you from range or summon these chubby little clones.

They explode on death, and Izander can fart them out continuously with no limit on their numbers.

You should focus him down immediately or else you'll have cackling little firey mini-Ershels crawling all over you, gnawing on your skin. Talk about a nightmare scenario.

Don't let him get away!

The health bar at the top of the screen is for Izander's whole gang, not just himself. He's actually out of HP and ready to waddle away again here.

That also means the end of any active fire-guards, thank goodness.

The last Salt Breather tries to run but there's no escape from justice. Or screen borders.

There, ahead!

Going somewhere?


Get away from me.
Thankfully you have an ear for good music. Just a pity it's wasted on scum like you.
I did nothing wrong.
Oh, how entertaining the words of the ignorant can sometimes be. You consider ruining the lives of hundreds of Contadani, 'nothing wrong'?
They came to me for the Salt. They wanted it. I never forced it on them.
No. You simply lied to them, told them it was medication. And then you watched their lives fall apart in front of you as you grew fat upon their innocence.
I... I won't do it again. You have my word. I'll give them back the money, I swear.
A kind offer. How unlike you, Izander.
People change.
Hmm. Go then. The Labores will keep its ear out for you. If we hear that you have not been true to your word...
Hunt me again, I'll say.
A fair deal. Off you go, then.
You think you can threaten me-
Now, time for the real show.



-To Further Stillness-

So much cleaner for the heart when they fall upon their own blade, wouldn't you say?
You knew he was going to try that.
Of course I did. Stick around in my vein of work long enough and you learn that people like that never change. But the lot of you clearly haven't been in this vein for very long.
Silence, Bloodling.
And you are in a position to say such a thing? You, who ruined the entire plan?
As if you even had a plan. You're nothing but-
Izander Ershel is a man of habit, and a man of fine hearing. After every strong performance he witnesses, he retreats to his abode in the Dim Way, intent on scribing out the music. On his way back he consistently finds time alone in an alleyway (often it is the one just off Lower Troughstone) likely for the notes to settle in his head. This is the only time you will ever catch him without his guards, the time when his neck is most ripe for the cutting. So yes, o' golden one, I had a plan. But come. Enough talk of the dead. You've helped me clear a Contract. I suppose introductions are at least necessary. My name is Vasco Tessitore, Bloodling of the Labores Solis.
And I-
Inspettore Cicero Gavar, of the Registry, Amadea Invidius, Initiate of the Dieci Sovrani, and Lumbering Cow, Mistake of the Luca Infinita.
How dare you-
Hold, Marshal! We've come with a purpose. Do not forget that. We need to speak with the Bloodless.
I'd guessed as much, when I saw Amadea with you. Though I am curious to ask: such strange company you're keeping, my dear.
Well, "the winds of change are blowing strong-"
"-and the paths of the supple, carried along." I see. Well-
Oh, don't stop there.
I- I'm sorry?
Certainly you'll not quote one half of the song without the other? "The branches of death loll to its beat-"
"-and in their wake, do the sleepers weep." Oh, truly, what a choice of companion, Amadea.
You... know the song?
My brother taught it to me, yes. It seems you've forgotten who I am.
I'm afraid I had.
Excuse me, what is going on?
Nothing, Marshal. Just exchanging words about an old ditty. But enough of that. I'm sure we'll have more time to talk later, yes?
Of course.
So, the Bloodless.
We'd best exchange such words in more private estates. Not all streets are kind to the lax.
We'll head back to the Astiguary. We can all speak a little bit more, then.

A question, Bloodling, before we talk business.
Aye, sir?
You sing songs and tell tales of the lives of others, yes?
That I do. I also eat and drink and sometimes sleep.
Have you ever heard of a young boy, who went by the name of Javs, before? His mother had been a Dirge in the Labores as well. Talia Victus.
Hmm. Not names that chime in my memory, no. Why?
Hmm... it sounds strange, but you remind me a little of him.
He must be quite the fetching man.
If he were alive, perhaps.
Oh... I'm sorry to hear that.
It has been enough years for that wound to close. Forget I ever brought it up.