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Archiving guidelines (Updated 2021-05-03)

If you want your thread archived you've come to the right place. Here's how to make sure you get everything prepped. Please read over the relevant sections as I'm liable to ask you to fix issues on this list if you submit without doing so. This is only partly because I'm an asshole, it's mostly because I'm lazy and asking authors to polish these things makes it a lot easier for me to keep on top of archiving threads.

FYI, TOC = Table of Contents.

General concerns

For threads with just the OP (maybe with an extra post or two immediately after)

This is typically VLPs with links to a video host. These are generally pretty easy, nothing special to do, but remember that if your VLP has links to thread posts then you should look at the next section even if you're not an SSLP.

For threads with update posts

The main blocker for these threads is having a consistent and well-formatted table of contents. In particular:

Also some general notes about this format of LP:

Submitting your thread

When you've made sure everything is hunky-dorey, then email me. Please don't PM me on the forums as it makes for another place I need to check and remember, and I usually just end up emailing myself to keep track of it.

Your email should have your LP's game name and your username in the subject - otherwise I get a lot of "Archive my thread" emails which are hard to keep track of at a glance. The body should have a link to your thread up front so I don't miss it, and any particular requests you want such as including the first post after the OP, resizing all images to fit, etc. If you want a blurb added, then include the text on a separate line without any quotes, as well as the link to your image.

Please stick to one email per thread even if you submit two or three LPs at once, it makes organisation simpler.

Also don't write the email with the text of one thread link but then an actual link to another different thread. Like You'd think this wouldn't need to be here but more than one person has done this, and it just gets super confusing.