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Update 73: The Final Trek

Alright, the final floor. Let's get this done.

And here's the final new enemy in the 5th Stratum.

Volt Cat
Level: 54
HP: 984
STR: 55
VIT: 51
AGI: 44
LUC: 31
TEC: 49
Attack Type: Slash
Exp: 3999
Item Drops:
-Drop 1: Dark Fur - 40% Drop Rate. 1 needed for Ice Fang Rapier (Rapier.) 2 needed for Genesis Book (Book) and Great Coat (Clothes.) 4 needed for General Leather (Light Armor.)
--Used by black cats to conceal themselves in the darkness.
-Drop 2: N/A
-Gold: Sharp Claw - Kill with Fire. 80% Drop Rate. 1 needed for Claymore (Sword.)
--Delivers fatal wounds to the unsuspecting.
Description: A beautiful mountain cat which stalks its prey in the Porcelain Forest. Was once the pet of nobles.
Damage Resistances: Slash: 100% Strike: 100% Pierce: 100% Fire: 100% Ice: 100% Volt: 50%
Ailment Resistances: Sleep: 100% Confusion: 50% Plague: 100% Poison: 100% Blind: 100% Curse: 100% Paralysis: 100%
Bind Resistances: Head: 150% Arm: 50% Leg: 100%
Other Resistances: Death: 100% Petrification: 100% Stun: 100%


Thunderclap: Uses the Arms. Deals 180% Volt damage to one person. Has an action speed of -50. Has an accuracy of 20.

Volt Cats are the final palette swap of Great Lynxes and... They're not really that threatening. I mean Thunderclap can pretty much instantly take out anyone who has a low TEC stat, but it's very inaccurate and very slow to go off. Also if you have Antivolt, these things aren't a threat at all. Really the only notable thing about them is that they take a while to kill due to their huge HP pool.


Unless you instantly kill them.

Another mapless area.

C3 Take Point:
Mint 70% Gather Rate.
Life Honey: 30% Gather Rate.
Aloe: Rare.
Common Gather Periods: 0 to 10.
Rare Gather Periods: 1 to 4.

Though there's a room off to the side with a Take Point in it.

As well as letting us open up that shortcut from the start of the floor.

Now there are actually 2 Divine Judges in this area.

Their patrol paths at night.

Their patrol paths at day.

Now as you can see, there are 2 routes to take in the middle of this map. No matter which time you come at, you want to take the bottom path.

On the way to the middle of this mapless section, Sidney and Faye get level ups.

Leveling up Proper Form to 3 unlocked this skill.

Proper Form now increases Sidney's accuracy by +15.

Faye now has 5 points in Attack Order, which also unlocked Ad Nihilo. I'll grab that skill later.

Now the reason you want to take the bottom path is because...

I wonder where this one leads.

...Really. Really!?

Back to the entrance, apparently.

The top gate is just a waste of time.

Everything inside me is burning!

Unfortunately, Sidney died on the way back there.

Second time's the charm, right?

This gate is the way forward.

This is another instance of double stacking gates, being forced to guess which one to go through.

But for now, let's ignore those and press onward.

Well that was a complete waste of time.

There was absolutely nothing of note in here.

And that gate took us back.

But as for the gate marked with yellow, that one brings us...

This isn't fun anymore.

I wasn't having fun with those things in the first place.

Look on the bright side. We're getting a lot of exercise this way.

Backtracking to where we were before, again...

This is the way forward.

And over here, we get another Limit skill to make use of.

The Nova Script grants us the Star Smasher Limit skill, which requires all 5 party members to make use of. Surely it must be truly powerful if it demands 5 people to cast it.

Okay, let's see this in action.

Uhh... boom, baby?

Okay, what Star Smasher does is that it deals 800% Strike damage to one enemy at the start of the turn. It may sound impressive, but there are several problems with it. Since it's a STR based attack, it takes into account the average STR and Weapon Attack of the entire party. So if you have a lot of support party members in your team, and haven't bothered to update their weapons, the damage output isn't gonna be particularly impressive. The other problem is that it requires 5 party members to use, which means you lose out on the utility Limits and the Elemental Limits, which can get you far more results. Though since it is a physical attack, it can be boosted by Charge and Berserker Vow, but I really have a hard time justifying losing out on the Aegis Limits for more damage.

Another passage that can't be opened yet.

Asteria got a level up shortly after.

Meteor now deals 47% damage per hit.

I missed the other side of this shortcut earlier, but now we don't have to go through that mapless section and have to deal with those gates again.

That's not to say we're done with the gates entirely.

F4 Chop Point:
Mahogany: 70% Gather Rate.
Aesculus Wood: 30% Gather Rate.
Paulownia Bark: Rare.
Common Gather Periods: 0 to 8.
Rare Gather Periods: 1 to 4.

Here's the Chop Point on this floor.

And this gate just takes us out of this little side area.

Guess what, more gates.

And the way back, if you need to take it.

More inaccessible passages.

And a campsite.

I decide to camp here to fill up my party's HP and TP a bit.

We've really come a long way, haven't we?

Yeah. I gotta say I wasn't expecting too much from this whole thing, aside from exploring a tree and taking down monsters.

Yeah... Kinda funny how crazy this whole thing turned out. What with joining up with Armoroad and all...

Faye? Is something wrong?

It's just... I dunno. Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if we sided with the Deep City instead. I mean for one thing, I don't think we would have met Charlotte. Maybe we might've gotten someone else to help us out. Stuff like that.

Ha ha, you too? I'll admit it's something I've thought about as well. But we've made our choice. It's too late to go back and change our decision, you know?

...Yeah, I guess.

Oh, sorry about rambling like that. Guess we better get going.

Here's the last Divine Judge on this floor.

Now if you're on this floor at night, you can get around it.

However, there's no avoiding it during the day, so we're going to have to take it out.

Better me than the others...

Well aside from that mishap, the battle went relatively smoothly.

There's a nice bit of treasure off to the side.

And some more gates.


What is it, Alice?

I thought I saw something between those gates, but I can't make it out right now...

Eh, it's probably not worth worrying about. We'll probably get there soon enough.

And here's the shortcut back.

Wow, there's a lot of those on this floor.

You can't see it due to the terrible draw distance, but this mapless area has a Mortal Hunter in it. You'll need to take a particular route through this room to avoid it.

Just take this route through the room and you'll be good.

Now the game's just teasing us with the double gates.

Our objective now is to get back to that 2nd gate.

We'll have to go through a few mapless areas first to get back there.

Oh, look at that sheep over there! It's so fluffy!

Yes, fluffy. And crazy!

Why do you say that?

Because that sheep is one mean motherfluffer.

...I. HATE. YOU.

This is the Somnovore's patrol path. It's actually the last Somnovore in the Stratum. Just make sure to stay right behind it, and it won't be able to catch up to you, despite all those mud tiles.

We're not getting to that second gate just yet.

Now we can skip through all those mapless sections on future visits.

But there's still one more we have to go through. The good news is that it's the last one in the 5th Stratum. Anyways, there's another Mortal Hunter in here, but again, you can't see it due to the bad draw distance. If you want to avoid it, follow these directions. If you don't have any way of negating mud tiles, walk up 2 tiles.

Yes, you'll get into a battle. This is what's supposed to happen.

Please excuse us!

But just escape from it.

You'll be pushed back, but also reposition the FOE in the process.

You should probably remember that little technique for future reference. Just saying.

From there, you can take this route to get to the door.

But if you have Guard Soles or Rain or Shine active, you don't have to bother with any of that nonsense, and just take this route to avoid the Mortal Hunter entirely.

Now we can go through the 2nd gate.

Which flings us a bit further on the 20th floor.

A4 Mine Point:
Nephrite: 60% Gather Rate.
Dolomite: 40% Gather Rate.
Akaganeite: Rare.
Common Gather Periods: 0 to 9.
Rare Gather Periods: 1 to 4.

This room up here contains the final gathering point in this Stratum, the Mine point.



Oh my, that's a lot of gates.

And moving onwards, there's a chain of gates.

At least it didn't send us too far.

But which one do we go through now?

I'm afraid we'll just have to try them out, one at a time.

This part is just a bit of a time waster.

But the gate I marked in yellow is the way forward. All of the other gates just send you back to that orange tile.

And now we're at the final part of the 20th floor.

There's another gate over here but...

I wonder where this leads.


Yeah, I'm not sure what the point of that gate is.

And with this shortcut, We now have a quick route to the end of the floor.

You may seize this opportunity to open the door and protect the Princess, or withdraw and rest.

I get the feeling we're gonna be in for something big pretty soon.

Yes, we should probably rest up in preparation.

Incidentally, that much of the map is as much as we can complete at this time. But now I'm going to go back.

The Ice Fang Rapier was made from Scylla's drop. Provides a good amount of attack, and adds 30% Ice damage to regular attacks.

The Genesis Book provides a 10% boost to the user's TP pool.

And that's all for new equipment. There's one more loose end to tie up.

This little quest.

Hmm, I think we have time for one more quest. Hey, Missy! What's the deal with this one?

Ah, welcoming! You are taking on that request, yes? Thank you, as always! The client is wanting a 4-Leaf Clover for her son, who gets picked on a lot. I don’t believe it is right for a parent to butt into problems between kids... Well, whatever. She put up a request, and I am not going to stop her. You can do it! I remember reading about the 4-Leaf Clover in a picture book about the royal forest. It might be easier if you talk to that person over there. He’s a botanist! Go on, then. Help this overprotective mother hen keep her chick safe!

Hibiscus... the flower of delicate beauty. Perfect for me, no? How may I help you, explorers?

Missy told us you knew something about four-leaf clovers. We're looking for one.

You’re looking for a four-leaf clover? Hmm... Do you know of the ancient monster called Mistletoe?

Uhhhh... Oh right, those plant things in that forest the Manticore used to live in! But...

You look as if you’ve no idea why I ask... Borage... the flower of dull, slow wits. Simply put, bring me the remains of a Mistletoe and I will tell you where you can find your clover. Quince... the flower of effort. All things worth having require effort. Good luck, explorers.

You need a Proboscis from one of the Mistletoes in the Manticore Sea Quest. By this point, you should easily be able to take it out. I already had a spare so, let's talk to him again.

Welcome back, explorers. And have you brought the remains of a Mistletoe for me?

Right here! I told you keeping this thing around would be handy.

Ah, so this is the specimen... Campanula... the flower of gratitude. You have my thanks. Then as promised, I’ll tell you where to find four-leafed clover. Your desired variety is a mutation of white clover. It’s said they become four-leaves when trod on. Where, then, do many people tread, where three-leaves also grow? Fuki... the flower of... One truth. Near the waterfall by the entrance of B1F. It is where many explorers set out from, no? Ah, and one more thing. The fourth leaf of these clovers... it is the leaf of happiness. I’ll be praying for happiness to reach the boy.

Incidentally, that's not the only place to get a four-leaf clover. Missy also gave us another hint, telling us that one can be found in the Porcelain Forest. Let's take a look there, first.

You recall the request you accepted to find a 4-Leaf Clover... There may be one among all the 3-Leaf Clovers at your feet. You can search here.

This seems like a good place to start looking.

You diligently search through the clover, looking for the elusive 4-Leaf Clover.

Fade to black.

...There are only 3-Leaf Clovers here.

I don't think we're going to find any here.

Let's not give up just yet. We didn't search the whole place after all.

Unfortunately it's random whether you get one from here or not. You might have to search a few times but after several tries...

Ha ha! found one!

You joyfully pick the 4-Leaf Clover that took so much effort to find! You have found the requested item. Take it back to the bar for your reward.

Hello! Back again, yes? Did you find the 4-Leaf Clover?

Right here.

Whoa! You did it! Now the client’s son will not be teased anymore! One less thing for a nervous parent to worry about, yes? You are earning a reward, too. As always... Good job! Take your reward!

That's one way to complete the quest. There's another way we can do so. Let's take a look at that method.

If you hadn’t accepted that request, you would have walked right past, obliviously... You then see a boy desperately searching for something in the clover on the ground. You can search this place for a 4-Leaf Clover, or leave.

We can search a few of the tiles around here to try to find one.

You ignore the other adventurers who pass by with odd glances and perform your search...

Unlike with the Porcelain Forest, the 4-leaf clover is actually found on a specific tile.

Namely, this one.

As you joyfully reach for it, you sense something watching you from behind... The boy who had been here is staring at you. You can ignore him, or leave the 4-Leaf Clover here.

Unfortunately for the kid, we need this clover more. So we're going to have to take it.

Sorry kiddo, but this thing's ours.

You worked hard to find this 4-Leaf Clover, and you happily pick it. You have found the requested item. Take it back to the bar for your reward.

Hello! Back again, yes? Did you find the 4-Leaf Clover?

Right here.

Whoa! You did it! Now the client’s son will not be teased anymore! One less thing for a nervous parent to worry about, yes? You are earning a reward, too. As always... Good job! Take your reward! Oh, by the way... The client’s son was always looking for this on B1F.

Wait, what?

But he came back crying the other day. I wonder what happened to him...

Uh oh.


A-at least he got it in the e-end?

We get the exact same rewards, for the record. Now there was something else we could have done instead.

Instead of taking the 4-leaf clover, we can leave it for the boy.

You nod at the boy and walk away without saying a word. You were unable to officially complete the request, but you can report what happened.

As nice as that was, I wonder what we'll have to put in for our quest report.

Eh, we'll just have to explain what happened to Missy. It's not like there's only one 4-leaf clover out there.

Ah, it’s you. Welcomes. The client and her son came by a moment ago and cancelled the request. So no reward. She said some kind-hearted adventurer gave a 4-Leaf Clover to her son.

Really now?

This might sound crazy coming from me... but it sounds like you know what’s important. I am proud to have people like you working for me... Here! This is an official reward from me to you for doing your best. I’m so glad that I can trust you to do the requests I hand out! Be proud!

We get 2 Luck Books for our trouble.

And despite the quest technically being cancelled, we still get the exp reward, which doesn't change.

Alice increases her pickoff capabilities even further.

Try making yourselves stronger, I dare you.

And Faye now has the ability to dispel enemy buffs.

I'm feeling lucky!

I use the Luck Books on Faye to lower her ailment susceptibility.

Now there's only one thing left to do. But first, let's take a look at our guild.

The last thing we have to do is to take down the final boss. So vote for up to 5 characters to handle that duty. Votes must be bolded.