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August 15, 1914 6:00am
The Belgian army forms up along the Gette, forming a line between Antwerp and Namur. Advance elements of the German 4 Kavallerie Division are spotted around Diest, just north of Haelen.

Aerial reconnaissance reveals further elements and 75mm M05 field guns posted in Haelen open fire to little effect.

At Leige, the final fort garrisons stubbornly refuse to surrender.

Forts de Longein and de Flémalle manage to distrupt two formations, but the remainder have little effect.

The French 4e Division de Cavalerie and German 3 Kavalerie Division run into each other along the French-Belgian border north of Verdun. At Jamoigne, just across the border, a brigade of dragoons accompanying a battery of 75mm M97 Field Gun are disrupted. The field guns unlimber but cannot fire this turn.
4e Hussards regiment are dispatched to assist.

2e Hussards move to surround two German battalions

10e and 12e Chasseurs à cheval move to engage on the French side of the border.

Ft de Montmédy fires with little effect. 9e Division de Cavalerie moves to engage.

All that is left is the movement of our reinforements to the front.
four Corps of the V and IV armies and three of the III army arrive and begin moving in the hopes of reaching the Antwerp-Namur-Verdun line before the Germans do. See the final situation for these movements.

At Vitry-le Francois, Joffre has the lead brigades of the 38e Division de Infanterie, Grand Quartier Général Reserve Corps load onto trains to reinforce Verdun. This takes all available movement points, so movement shall begin next turn.

Final situation:

Victory points:
Allied Powers Losses: 114 men, 4 guns
Central Powers Losses: 159 men, 1 gun.
Total Points: 9254 - Central Powers Minor Defeat.