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17: The Use Of Staves

I don't know if that's the word I'd use.

Presenting Wyvern Lord's former lead vocalist, who left the band to pursue a solo career and tore the fanbase in half in the process.

I forget. Is Fifi here supposed to be utterly incompetent, purposely trying to sabotage shit, or is he just high?

None of that, now, we don't want you to still be level 1 when we hit the fire dragon.

Things Guy should be saying...

Sometimes this guy sounds more like Lundgren's kid.


These enemies will be re-randomized by the time we fight them.


Since we finished the sidequest, we have Merlinus now! It is very handy, I can let him carry this ring until I decide what to do with it around endgame or so.

This guy has an emblem axe. Mage just has Fire. Not an issue.

Erik, meanwhile,

more like somad am i right

He drops his weapon, and I could see this being handy. Especially since we should be picking up the prettiest archer again this very map!

Nobody really has anything fun here, except this guy who has a devil axe.

With my brain and your muscle, we can rule the world!

what? Well okay fine mostly her muscle, don't be such a nitpicker

Lucius comes with the worst fucking bow and a goddess icon I might end up selling so I can buy swords.

And no, the +5 luck doesn't make the poison bow not suck!

Reaver weapons!

This one wasn't good either, but at least Nino has something to work with.

I know pirates will spawn from the forts. I also know pirates may have 8 move, depending on which kind of pirate they are. Not taking any chances with that village (and recruitable character)!

You are entirely harmless.

Lucius still doubles this guy. Because he's a soldier.

Now then, who do we...


Hahahaha she just had to spawn as one of the most unSerra people in the game...

We do still have to recruit her, so let's clear a path!

Fortunately, Florina doesn't have any problems getting to Lucius.

...or, you know, unfortunately, depending on who you ask.


...the devil axe is anti-cavalry...

Nope, no way, I refuse to believe he lands an 18 on Nino, fuck it let's go yolo

and all that junk!

I would not get used to the sight of Guy doubling.

But here's a gif, so now you can go back and look at it any time you want!

As bad as Legault is, there is still some use for 8-move units with magic damage.

And now Matthew can work his way towards yet another godawful level.

Right, who's up next?

That's what I thought.

This doesn't look too bad, really.

Last one of these guys done.

Bartre is... good...?!

Nino is also good.

(Florina as well.)

Rain incoming. We can probably use that.

It happened again! Sorcery!

And Nino got a totally unnecessary crit.

Florina hit the village for

not a sword.

Erik whines a bit but accomplishes nothing.

We do get flying reinforcements, though!

They have slim weapons, Matthew can totally take them-

abort abort abort abort!

He landed a sixty-nice, but that was only the pegasus. He is going nowhere near the wyvern.

Meanwhile, the chokepoint by the top village

serves Florina well.

This is messing with my head.

Serra, you liar!

You're not trained in the use of staves at all!

Nor really the use of axes, for that matter!

Does come with this little thing, though. It looks pretty useful!

no but you know who will be tasting a lance


So will the map! Heyo!

Rath got lucky with the devil axe. The only reason I'd feel even the slightest bit bad losing him is because he's my Dorcas, honestly.

And then some dancing.

And that's him.

And a new toy for Lucius!

Look at that. He can actually deal damage now!

Finally, I can buy some basic iron weapons.

So Nils won't have to spam his longsword on everything!

Heeeyyyy that's a lot better than last time.

And this isn't bad.

It is, however, a wrap.

That's the only way peasants should be treating a noble

Next on Ninian's Bizarre Randomizer:

this map.

Very exciting!!