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19: Ninian's Bizarre Re-recruitment

We'll stab him. Eventually.

There's a good little character moment for Guy here.

But then, bandits attacked!

Well more "wyverns and mercs" but

Ehhh I don't think there's that many.

Just gals being pals.

And then Priscilla got sniped out of the sky.

And her pegasus died. That's the story we're sticking with because once we get back to gameplay, she's still a pirate!

The game booted Kent for Wil and Rath but honestly at this point I'm just going to leave them on the bench, I don't care to drag useless characters along just to fill slots.

Priscilla re-joins at the start of the map.

Equipped with not one, but two devil axes!

So this is the part where we're re-introduced to the protagonist of the previous part of the show and they proceed to totally steal the show from these new no-name schlubs.

Ninian's still pretty good,

but she has lost the emblem sword she used to have and now has a steel one that weighs her down terribly. We've also lost the Mani Katti, apparently, but she does have a white gem. Lyn always comes with a gem on this map; which type you get depends on the value of your money and items at the end of Lyn mode. The white gem is the most valuable one, because I had a lot of valuables. Including an actual white gem!

Dorcas is still good.

And Jaffar is still Jaffar.

And here's Hector, the only axe user in the entire game who has an actual fucking con stat!

We will want to grab this village straight away because I think some of these guys used to be brigands and if it's this guy or the left merc, they can reach it turn one.

Luckily I have a flying jeigan and two bards!

...and no staff users.


Let's start cleaning up!

And then

better barding!

And also a lance through the face because I don't need my vulneraries stolen.

Decent! That's C lances, too.

I had options, but Guy ended this... uh, guy.

Meanwhile, Ninian went and sold her white gem and picked up an iron sword. It still weighs her down, but not enough to be a huge problem.

And we're going to bait some jerks with Dorcas.

Hector has this neat little thing, which is very strong! He doesn't get weighed down by it at all, either.

Jaffar sucks, but he can still shop.

Hector didn't accomplish anything, but got hit twice.



This should be easy, too

...except Ninian missed.

Dorcas got the myrm

but it didn't matter. Goddammit, Hector.

We try again. Different level this time. Probably worse.

But this time I could finish the myrm,

and trade Hector a vulnerary so he'll live even if he does eat a hit.

Of course, this time he dodged.

Here's an axe for you!

She's not fast, she's never going to be fast with axes and 3 con, but she is pretty tough.

Wyvern reinforcement!

Dealing with this guy first. Uh.

And one for Serra!

This is actually good against the boss, as he's a dark mage. Too bad we don't have anyone who can use it!

Dorcas is still good.

Kinda scared that Serra will get double-roasted by the mage (again), so I had Florina drag her out of there.

Dorcas is perfectly fine, but this isn't a very good reward.

This is nice, though!


And a good level! So bulky.

And Hector finished.

Yyyyyeah. That would have been bad.

Nils does better.


But they don't act after appearing, so we can just run in and stab.

Fort and a vulnerary... Dorcas should live.

That was still a little hairy.

A lone brigand spawned in. It's going to take Jaffar several rounds to kill him.

He's so benched after this map.

Ninian is quite good!

And Dorcas is good, too.

The boss, however?

The boss is not good! Flux is 4mt 13wt. So he's not slowed down, but he's also not fast.

Oh hey, Jaffar got his brigand. And a level. Yes, that sure is a level.

I knew there would be reinforcements from the top left, so I sat around for a few rounds. Not really a big thing, but I figured I could get some exp on my lower-level units from them.

Matthew, though? Needs to run the fuck away, fast.

Got some pretty decent ones.

That done, it's time for the boss.

Who made the mistake of attacking Dorcas.


nnnghhhhh I forget that Ninian isn't the main character any more

Oh well.

There are all sorts of conversations you can have on this map, since Ninian's group encountered Matthew earlier.

But that's the kind of stuff you show off in a normal lp.

I don't remember what he was on my first run, but I had to Jeigan him to win this map. This time, it was really not a problem.

I'm not sure why Ninian's jumping on Guy so hard in this scene,

but they make nice in the end.

Even him, and soon... you.

(For a given definition of soon.)

Next on Ninian's Bizarre Randomizer:
