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23: Stealth General

This sounds promising...

This part of the game has some heavy stuff. You have Guy and Ninian talking about their dead parents just before, then all this right after it...

...followed by an execution.

(Which is a little weirder in this context because partial names don't get randomized...)

"I did 15 points of damage. Fifteen. How the hell does that work. I don't even have Lethality."

...this part still, unfortunately, makes sense.

And then, a general sneaks up on the group!



Senpai no.

anyway he peaces out because of reasons and

I have no idea what this means!

Unfortunately we have to bring Priscilla. Fortunately, we have an extra slot to do so with! But first...

Dorcas' promotion gains are nothing special - one mag, no speed? Come on! - and he doesn't need the extra con, but more importantly, he gets staves and we finally have someone who can heal!

...the only problem is that just like Florina, he pays a price for his power. I was afraid of this.

Which is why I didn't use those boots straight away!

Scouting the map as best we can, this peg has a stealable torch,

and here we just have a regular ass axe dude.

And as you can see, I didn't actually kill Geitz for his experience points. Although it would, to reiterate, still totally have been worth it! That was a pretty sweet level.

And to answer the question, no, not really. You are a good unit, whereas he is not.

Heath had to give up on the idea of a Wyvern Lord reunion tour.

"Not a good unit" is still underselling how bad this guy is. He does come with a free torch and iron bow, however, which is at least something.


Behold, Geitz! This is a one-time offer!

Let's just start. I don't remember what's in this fog, so I'll just do whatever.

Steel lance enemies are obnoxious. There are very few weapons that could hit Nino for 18 damage at this point.

Oh no. A shaman. Whatever will we do?



Hey! I want that!

Dang it Sain!

And of course this misses.

Nino killed something I don't know it doesn't matter

Ninian lit a torch.

Huh, there were still quite a few guys down here. This one has a stealable light rune but will suicide in 0.03 microseconds because he can cross rivers. The fighter has a devil axe he drops, and the Hector drops an emblem axe, because we don't have enough devil weapons yet. And the mage on top drops a torch. That's a lot of torches! I probably don't need them all.

Well shit! I keep forgetting that Hector doesn't have def.

Let's try something different.

This time, Ninian's going south. Since Geitz has a torch and we're guaranteed a drop, I don't feel like I need to steal one on top of that.

So she took Geitz's and got danced closer.

Here he is, the little shit!

And then, we kill.

And bard.

Huh, that's a suspiciously high amount of exp for a promoted unit! I wonder if the devil axe adds to an enemy's value or something...?

No one ever lands a hit on a bard. Once you've learned to dodge thrown produce and beer bottles, this is nothing.

The thief runs, but we're in position to catch him this time.

...and this guy still suicides before I can steal his stuff.

Well okay it's probably worth it!


Serra knows what she wants, and what she wants is to hurt people.

I wanted to give this kill to someone who might need it, but Ninian can't not oneround.

Oh well.

This guy had a mine I could have stolen, but A, mines are kind of garbage and B, he suicided on Ninian.

We're thinning them out.

Just in time for someone to show up...

In a suicidal rage. Look, I totally get that feeling, but


Yeah, this part of the game is not happy.

But at least Vaida decides to become blue.

See, that was a joke because

look, stats!

I'm a little torn on Vaida. She has no str, but on the other hand, iron lances are really good and she has the con for bigger stuff too, as well as the speed to double and pretty good def. On the other other hand, I already have Bartre, and we know she'll drop to 6 move on promotion, whereas I believe Sain should end up at 7. He is probably the better candidate for a permanent spot on the team.

(Also, a character who randomizes into their own class is kind of boring.)

She comes with some stuff, either way,

...and actually has the palette for a flying unit, which is a bonus, I suppose. If I picked on looks alone, Sain would be benched so hard...

This is good.

I went through the trouble of trading Dorcas the torch staff only to find out he can't fucking use it because it'd D rank and he only gets E on promotion aaaaa why

so my new plan is to have him spam this heal staff as much as possible.


Well, we got one of these in case we need it, so that's ok I guess.

Some more reinforcements start spawning from the top, but they mostly aren't very scary.

That is effective damage!

Sain killed a mage.

And I'm confident enough in Guy's survivability to just... do this.



More healing!!

oh no

ooh noo

oooh nooo!

He's like. Right here. I just can't see him.

Despite his squishiness, Hector is kind of actually really good!

Hey, that's


Sain lived and retaliated, and here's Uhai.

He's not bad, but, everybody together now, ~It's a stationary boss ~~ with no range ~~ and we ~~ can murder him ~~ without any riiisk~!

...oh, he drops one of those, huh... Well, I guess if I ever get that super nomad Lyn...

Tee hee! ...going to wait, though. He has stronger weapons.

No, we'll get to him later. Uhai looks pretty good!

oh god he doubles Hector with the devil axe I did not think this through


okay so landing two hits wasn't super likely but like... fucking hell.

I've stopped attacking these guys. Hurt me more! I need to heal!

And when it comes to Uhai, I just do what I should have done all along. 2 range all the way.

The steel bow is pretty good for this!


Guy can't hit.

Lucius can, but ugh.

This is literally all Lucius' work. ...I can't really complain after Hector dodged those 40-somethings a little earlier...

Dorcas healed enough to level up.

Hector still can't hit.

I literally fucking Eclipsed my way through Uhai's entire HP pool

And it was worth it.

But we didn't, and now he's dead.

I looked it up, and there's actually a time limit for this one! I can't believe I still somehow managed to get it, but the turn limit is 15 so I guess I just barely dodged it.

Next on Ninian's Bizarre Randomizer,

delusional nomads!