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The three meteor bosses can be done in any order. I stick to Purobolos>Titan>Manticore because I'm not creative.

Purobolos is easy with decent AoE like black magic and rods.

They cast Arise as a death counter on each other but they're all doing it at once so it doesn't work.

If I get jobs that can't hit 'em all at once then you get to see the fucking nightmare!

The Chemist's innate 2nd command, !Drink, lets it use those, uh, drinks we've been collecting. Speed Shakes give the chemist haste, for one Haste is broken as shit in ff5.

Goliath Tonics temporarily double the Chemist's max HP.

This helps tank Titan's main oof, Earth Shaker. He can use it at random during his turn,

and it's an on-death counter.

Yes, I have had runs where no one had the HP to survive Earth Shaker. There's ways around it, but if you don't need it, who cares?

At Gohn (that's the name of the ruined town) Cid and Mid get stuck. Hm.

Anyway let's leave and sell off the random junk I've picked up that isn't useful. This class set can't use heavy armor, shields, and the only weapons are knives, swords, rods, staves, and harps. Anything else is pointless and should be liquidated into capital.

I do have Chemist, which means I need a lot of these restoratives for !Mix down the line. Lix sells items at half price so it's an insignificant financial invesetment.

I also get a lot of rods, because my Red Mage isn't doing shit for damage without one.

Anyway now that we've flown around the world twice over let's go back to those nerds. They're in agony.

Manticore isn't a particularly hard boss, even without Stop locking it down. Its 3300 HP is a bit higher than you ever think it is and it has a high chance to use Aqua Rake that hurts just off of Aqua Rake's high attack. Ice absorption os probably more annoying than anything.

Stepping on the warp takes you to world 2. It's important to remember you can't go to a shop until after Gilgamesh 2, and he can chokeslam you if you're not ready. Even then, level 1-3 magic and elemental rods and some weird niche items like Mage Mashers aren't available there.

World 2, called Galuf's World because he's the first guy we met from it, is slightly darker than world 1.

We're on a tiny insignificant island.

Paos are the only random encounter. They drop Tents all the time and are open to literally anything and everything, but they don't give shit besides 1 AP and said Tent.

You have to use a Tent in the forest to progress.

Fiesta Dude has a solo fight he doesn't have to win, but I try anyway.

Transition shot.

Galuf stomps on four spiders at once. Doing this puts him 300 exp ahead of everyone else.

The Galuf solo segment is capped off with a really simple fight.

Just deal 1500 damage to Gilgamesh and he leaves.

So, finally, after all that, we get to see the whole team at once.

So, Bard and Chemist teaming up means I never have to try at a boss if I give even a tiny bit of concern. Getting to them, though? That's trouble. Chemist can solve any battle but is it worth the resources to do so? Red Mage will keep declining in value until it's nothing but a mid-30s magic score to hang !Mix or !Sing off of, and the Monk has no magic to speak of. Monk does get exponentially better with !Mix backing it up, becoming some of the best single-target damage possible.