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35: Character Assassination

Unfortunately we do not have Roy (or the Fire Emblem) with us so we can not do the Thing. ... A randomizer that lets you recruit characters from different games would be cool, though!

Better not chicken out now, I wants my exp!

...But not on you. OUT. You don't want to see what I'm about to do to these guys anyway.

I wasn't expecting to be able to do this, but I have way more of these than I need!

I wanted to at least show off Assassininian,

but as you can see, her gains aren't anything to write home about

and of course she drops three points of move.

Looks cool, doesn't do anything useful. I'm reloading my save.

So, map.

I'm pretty happy I got the map with the other brother to start with (even if it means I had to miss out on re-recruiting Raven instead of nuking Pent from orbit, as satisfying as that may have been). If you don't get the one with the village and all the pirates, it's a fog of war map. With a moving boss. Who looks like this. Yyyyeah no thanks.

He is still quite the powerhouse on this map, given he's also on a throne now, but the fact that he doesn't move means we should be able to overwhelm him once he's out of goons to throw at us.

To steal the Iron Rune, I would need to promote Ninian and get her another point of speed. Still not worth it! He will drop a Rescue staff, which may or may not end up mattering at this point.

There's a couple of stealables on the map, nothing too special but it's not as if it's hard to grab them. Unfortunately, at this point, there's really not much left for me to say, nor a lot of interesting new characters to find and be terribly disappointed by. It's just kind of going to be this for the rest of the game, more or less. Maybe we run into something interesting around the endgame, but I'm not entirely convinced.

I guess I could make things more interesting by bringing my garbage tier people like Wil or something, but I'm far enough in that I kinda just want to be done with it - and let's be real, I didn't let Florina boss abuse for 90 turns just to bench her now.

So anyway. Let's steamroll.


And swords.

Florinatron operating well within parameters.

Parameters getting bigger!

As you can see, we don't really care terribly.

Oh no! Not 7 points of damage!!

Sain went shopping. These are both quite good!

this is not

Yoink! I'm not grabbing everything, but a few of them are actually worth something.

It's not Bartre's day but

he really doesn't need to be any better than he already is.

Hell yeah, give me something usef

ffffff is it too late to go back and shank Zephiel

i mean for multiple reasons

but mostly for this


Not a bad palette for the enemy sage! Enjoy it while it lasts

oh wait too late.

Guy can walk on water and mountains. He's neat like that.

Though unfortunately not fast enough to keep up with these two.

Here's a promoted enemy Lyn! Awful, but existent. 6 move is whatever.

There's a ton of reinforcements on this map, too.

But we're almost to the boss already!

These guys are usually wyverns. Also, Vaida's usually with them but, you know, we killed her replacement so we don't get her here.

That's all I care to grab.

You'll notice I left Ninian in range of three promoted casters. That's because she is perfectly safe there.



Will you run out of idiots already?!

There's more down here, too.

Oh well, exp.

I don't think Dorcas will be the best person to handle this...

Sain isn't either.

I killed some mooks while I pondered.

Huh! Fimbulvetr is a brave tome. And Aureola is a reaver tome, I've just realized.

Well, there's always the trusty old Eclipse effect!

And we have a healbot standing by to patch up any scratches from the Pope Laser.


Serra's still not a magic tank, but this isn't very scary even for her.


Lloyd went out with a wet fart of a level.

And then we wiped out all the enemies.

Athos don't give a fuuuuuuuu

guess he might have some kind of point or something maybe.

That's weird. Why are you so weird Bramamamimimimond.


Quit your whining, she's right here!

Thanks man, but we don't use those


athos what the fuck

athos stop!!

That... that's not... Oh, son of a fuck. I'm ending this with every lord unpromoted, aren't I...?

Well, at least we're picking up something nice in the near future. Next, on Ninian's Bizarre Randomizer: