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39: Killshuna

"Ruins which for reasons of Convenience don't exist if you come here with Matthew in the lead. Don't Worry About It."

It does at least make some amount of sense that we need to do this map once we know about it, though.

Kishuna is depressing. Everyone in this game is depressing!

Anyway what the hell I never found a really good use for either of these things so I may as well throw them on Matthew so maybe he won't die instantly on the final map.

Pretty small map, this.

Kishuna's much less of a problem than he was last time. More avoid, but, you know, still harmless, and doesn't run away if we don't one-turn him.

He's accompanied by this paladin who somehow forgot to bring a weapon he can use.

An assassin's hanging just outside.

And then

there's this guy who's kinda scary.

But, you know, Dorcas exists.

Go for Matthew, you insufferable halfwit. Matthew.

Ah hell with it.

Also Serra is here and pinker than ever.

Someone's going to have to wield Armads, and it's not going to be Guy.

Matthew's not awful anymore! Hooray!

Ninian's mostly here to chest, but she's getting some kills in too because I'm impatient.


They don't all suck.

And of course Dorcas is here just in case.

Serra wins a Hector lord-off.

Not... Not six whole points of damage! I don't know if I can take this!

ah who am I kidding I'm loving this shit

This too.

"Unfortunately" a whole bunch of these guys are mages who can't do shit inside Kishuna's "fuck mages" aura.

But their levels are really high, so they're nice, juicy bags of EXP.



Even a generic should be ashamed to come with basic fucking fire tomes at this point!

Not that it matters, but I mean. Principles.

yune can we talk for a moment

After a little bit, a train of bishops starts pouring out of these stairs by the start.

They aren't a threat, and with the power of Guy's A support with Matthew and swordreaver, this guy isn't either.


Seriously, there's a fuckton of bishops.

Serra kills every last one of them.

Opening the door

causes a bunch of weaklings to start spawning from the stairs by the boss.

Well, I say that but one of them actually hammered Ninian in the face.

That's really the worst of it though.



And that's that. I lost the shot somehow, but he got to level 12 with +1 def.

Kishuna just dots when he dies.

Aw yeah, I'm incredibly pumped!

Next up on Ninian's Bizarre Randomizer:
