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You know some people think the forest chapter is the worse of the two routes. I don't know what game they were playing, but it probably wasn't Fire Emblem Thracia 776.

They must care more about high-rank staff users than how much hair they're going to tear out.

No wonder Mangs is bald.


Now who could this be? Oh well, doesn't matter, generic boss with Bolting and Berserk...and...a Master Seal. Well, at least stealing it is simple.

Name's "Koyujo" which is the Japanese name for...some generic FE9 boss. Weird, I thought it was Novala from FE8 at first. Erm...he drops Rexbolt and that's about it.

Not even a meme like that one Wyvern? Why even draw the portrait then?

Oh fabulous, it's the Dark Bishop squad that Kempf had with him. Kempf's not even in this chapter.

Also I should clarify that Rewarp does not have only 1 use so you could totally steal these and use them. I don't know for what. We have no A-rank staffers yet!

There's also...L'Arachel. These cameos are getting more and more random. I wonder who recruits her? Probably Lucius.

Oh...oh my god. Janne. Is this for real? You get this amazing movement power, too?!

Never let them say Archers are bad ever again.

Well that should cut down on the time spent getting through this map ever so slightly, so it's welcome in my book.

Um...what?...Oh, right, right, this map has warp tiles. I was wondering if those were still there.

Well it's possible that's the only one, but I'm not testing every tile there is to step on.

UGH! Did there really need to be Fenrir tomes too?! There's already a Bolting!

Well the enemy has to use them for us to be able to get them. Maybe their abundance is a sign!

Or they could just be being mean. Poisoned Fenrirs and a Sleep staff...beautiful!

Well let's see if we can whittle down this Thief before his fingers get sticky--

Fucking. Really. Look at the size of that health bar! He's a Thief for crying out loud! I want that Animaslayer, though.

Hey look, it's Sara! She's not a zombie anymore!

How is that even possible? Oh well, let's see what she's got.

Woah...Paragon, Wrath, a free Fortify, I'm down for using her!...No Fire or Light ranks, though...weird.

Capturing these guys is almost too easy.

Oh great, Berserkers. The forest isn't even slowing them down.

Hey wait a sec. I wonder if...

YES! I love stealing!

That's right, run away like a little--

That Berserker could have been worth 100 EXP. Dammit!

It's okay, Leif, just pretend you're playing FEDA: The Emblem of Justice, where you're not supposed to kill everything for EXP!

Uh...Lucius isn't recruiting L'Arachel. Who recruits her?

Oh, uh. It's...Gerik.


You DID deploy him, right?

Just a sec.

Okay, now we can reset.

It's much easier to just drop Asvel up here anyhow.

Now to get rid of this boss before he starts Bolting me over and over. I'm gonna lose the items, but fuck it!

Who's got Fury now?!

Okay, now to put our newest Resire user to work. She has a B rank in staves, which is the highest so far. What the heck is going on with that? Well, the free Sleep Staff is nice too.

Totally not savestating to make this attack work, nope!

I'm clearly more useful than you, Fergus, so you carry the load!

I'm already carrying a load. Want to trade?

Where is this load?

In my pants.

...yep, that's the son of Beowulf alright.

Just a few more now.

The enemies just sit there and wait to get captured. My preference, but it's still kinda boring.

Clear path to the castle, Leif!

But this is an escape mission.

We need to recruit Miranda.

Who the heck is Miranda?

Leif, she's in love with you!


Shh! You're not in this map!

Huh, I just got two new units! Okay then, miss Miranda...

...Oh god...Charisma and Wrath aren't saving her. Like the Leadership star, though, and the Fire rank is okay too. And at least she can use all three kinds of magic.

Not to menion every other weapon type except Dark if she reaches level 35 and promotes to Master Knight.

Oh my god. That's going to take forever to get to. But maybe it's worth it after all. And as for our other character...'re fucking with me. What the fuck is Zelgius doing here?!

He likes guarding princesses I guess. That weapon of his is the Ekard. It gives Astra, Luna and Sol, all at once. Astra was nerfed to do only 3 attacks instead of 5, but they all come at full damage. I guess the Ekard is replicating the Aether skill?

Okay, but how does this armored General have CANTO? Oh well, at only 5 move he's not all that big compared to Dalshin and how far he can move. Shame, I like the weapon ranks. Let's test out that Ekard.

It's ranged? That's even craz-- AAAAH THE ANIMATION MY EYES!!!

Let's get out of here now. My eyes hurt. Weird how we didn't even run into a single warp--


Phew...that wasn't as bad as it could have gotten, I guess.