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Alright, we've got a pretty long one here.

I've learned the hard way that this is VERY important.


Elen is a Thief. Her bases and con are bad, but she's a Thief nonetheless.

HP: 102
Strength: 73
Skill: 119
Speed: 105
Luck: 20
Defense: 125
Resistance: 62

Well, alright then! Luckily, there's an arena in this chapter.

Sue is going over this way, because Echidna needs to be as safe as fucking possible.

Not like Sue is in much danger anyways.

Meanwhile, Lilina is sticking up here to grab Ta--Thito.

Roy and a few others lead a sub-charge down here to grab the villages.

And our hero promotes.

Oh, that's nice.

Gonzales gets the first of his many levels for this chapter.

I told you, Sue will be fine.

...It'll be fine.


Hah, weapon triangle.

Sue continues to give no shits.

This is about as safe as I can fucking get her.

Our first village reward is...


Unfortunately, in FE6, the Light Brand is locked to 10 damage plus or minus one for WTA at range, but this is still one of the best swords we've gotten.

Reinforcements will be around here eventually.



Thito and Klein--Wait, Thito and Miledy swapped positions. That's pretty funky, I like it.

Warp number 1:


Elphin is, refreshingly, really damn good. Plus, he brings a nice chunk of change.

HP: 138
Magic: 129
Skill: 91
Speed: 73
Luck: 29
Defense: 98
Resistance: 75

Well, I think Elphin just took the spot of Geese for "prepromote seat filler". I'm impressed!

The bandits will be here soon, so Elphin gets into position to intercept.

...Sue continues to be unphased.

Sadly, Elphin has no eyesore pattern; he uses the default pattern for any promoted class, since, y'know, dancers don't promote.

...At least, I think that's what's happening.

Meanwhile, this is...fine.

This is less so

I'll take that though!

Another nice chunk of change.


Oh. I guess we're not getting that reward.

Whatever. We're good--


I think I have like 5 of these.

Here's where things get cheaty again.

Igrene's spawn also brings 3 enemies with her. If she gets hit by 2 of them, she dies.

Putting Elen in range kills her.

They ignore Perceval with Thunder, and 2 hits kills him with Bolting.

So I just kinda go nuts on the keyboard, or, as professionals call it: Abuse the RNG.

This was closer than it had any right to be.

It was not worth it under ANY circumstance.

Those'd be okay growths on a normal unit, but as a prepromote, they're just sad. I have a merc already.

And then I un-load the savestate because MGBA has a function for that. Thanks for the heartattack...

I re-load it and we're safe.

Gonzalez warps Ogier up to talk to Igrene so she won't kill herself.

This is fine.

Similarly, Sue rescues Miledy so she won't ram face-first into the boss, because she can and will.

The generic over there got a crit. It was funny.

The archers will escape, but the fliers will fight.


pew pew

Yes, more speed please!

That's another bonus we won't be getting, because greenies are stupid.

Another warp charge blown, to get Miledy safe ASAP.

Another level.


I never got her statscreen this run, but they're mediocre; here are her growths:

Not bad, but she's hamstrung by Falcoknight caps.

please stop

Ah, got a bit of Camus Xenologue going on here, I see.

Probably for the best, since she's not doubling these guys naturally and it's scary.


"Echidna is recruited when Larum talks to her"

oh fuck

Fine, just go!

Gonzales profits at least.


If she didn't dodge I would have died on the spot.


Sue deals with bandits.

Bors deals with Elphin's old spot.


happy 4/20

Bors caps defense.

Can I have a break?

At least someone's doing okay.

...With 3 capped stats, I shouldn't be mad, but...

How serendipitous.

I go a little mad with power.

Reinforcements are gone, but I'm still not done.

I'm reminded why arena with tanky units is a bad idea.

Gonzales caps out.

Bors stops here; Arena sucks when you're fragile because it's just Fimbulvetrs and Silvers everywhere.

Meanwhile, Elen gets 11 levelups. I don't want to show every single one, because my arms are killing me right now.

I cut her off when Deke caps out.

Two consecutive crits. Oh, how beautiful.

Skill capped on promotion, and Luck is now capped as well.

And we're done.

This was Elphin's replacement on the other path; no big loss, since he was just a mediocre Wyvern Rider.


Next time!:

Well that's just embarrasin'.