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There are three "acts" to the game's introduction. In this update we're going to complete act 2. For reference, the first act ended with Underneath the Sultantree a couple updates prior.

Let's get to it then, shall we? Ore wagons pass through this station every day-but not without incident. Wagons coming and going from the dispatch yard to the south must pass through a tunnel by Fesca's Watch-a tunnel in which some genius saw fit to put an ore storehouse, creating ideal conditions for a coblyn nest! So now the ore-loving beasts have taken up residence in a tunnel we dug, and we're practically delivering meals to their doorstep! But no more. Inside the tunnel in question, you will find a narrow fissure where the coblyns hide. Use this silver ore cluster to lure out the creatures, then slay them.

This update will also feature one of the rare sidequests that I show off!

See that bloke over there? Name's Osbert, an' he's hurt bad. Now, it ain't exactly my job to mind his business- I'm a Torch, he's a Blade. But at the end of the day we're both people, you know what I'm sayin'? Anyroad, I went over to him just earlier, asked what's wrong. But he refuses to tell me, the stubborn bugger. Seems his pride's more important to him than his life. What is it with men an' actin' tough?
I tell myself I've tried, but if the fella ends up kickin' the bucket... I don't want that on my conscience. I know this is sudden, but could you try an' talk him into drinkin' a hi-potion? I'd sleep a deal better for it. I ain't got one on me, but one o' 'em fellas over yonder sells 'em.

We got a free hi-potion for showing off our ability to equip level 5 gear. So this quest is a gimme!

Here's Osbert now.

Breathe, Osbert old boy, just breathe. Pain is just weakness leaving the-godsdammit, my head! If only I had saved a hi-potion. I think this might be the end...
*gives hi-potion*
Well, I... I don't really need this, but if you insist. You have my thanks, adventurer. I was resigned to suffering in silence, for I, Osbert the Undying, veteran of countless battles, could not afford to show weakness to my colleagues and our allies. They look to me for inspiration, you see.
To think that I was almost brought low by a gentle blow to the head! Hah hah hah! I was only incapacitated for a few moments... I think. To repay you for your discretion in this delicate matter, I shall share with you my warrior's wisdom: if you must practice your juggling, use heavy stones at your own peril.

This game sometimes.

As part of our ongoing THM training, we need to kill eight giant gecko things. They can be found living peacefully in this little stream. Fun fact! The things we killed in the previous update as part of the FATE were also Efts!

This here is also a great time to show off what (largely) sets FFXIV apart from other MMORPGs. This Eft is casting Stagnant Spray. There's no doubting exactly where the effect will hit, because it's a large orange cone in front of the monster. We just have to run out of its area of effect to completely dodge it.

In general this pattern continues for the entire rest of the game. "Stay out of The Bad" will seriously cover you for a lot of effects. The problem comes during the endgame stuff when danger zones are no longer represented by orange markers on the floor and instead become background decorations or, worse, only show up a fraction of a second before they kill you.

But that's a complaint for an extremely long time from now. For the entirety of this LP, even if you don't know exactly what to do in any given enemy encounter, just dodging orange AOE markers will get you like 99% there.

Skipping ahead, and magically all the Efts are dead.

And now we're heading into the train tunnel to do a quest.

That's a big coblyn. Holy shit!

We have to kill several enemies, but they get weaker so it's no problem.

Simple enough, right?

Well done! It shan't be easy work to keep the tunnel free of coblyns, but our wagons should be able to go unmolested for a time. Disruptions to ore shipments threaten not only the interests of Amajina & Sons Mineral Concern, but of Ul'dah herself. One might liken these train tracks to veins that bear our nation's lifeblood. If only we had more men like you to lend a hand.

This is the first mention of the Amajina & Sons Mineral Concern, but it will most assuredly not be the last. The Torches, mentioned in the sidequest up above, are their private security company. The Amajina & Sons Mining Concern are one of the largest companies in Ul'dah, and so one of the most powerful. It's up there with the East Aldernard Trading Company in terms of ubiquity.

This quest is barely worth mentioning. It's just filler. The short version is: we're being hired to see who's booby trapping the train tracks and derailing shipments.

There's four large rocks on the tracks and we have to move them off.

Doing so spawns a Spriggan enemy that we need to kill. Repeat three more times.

This quest is the big one for the update!

Ah, the altruistic adventurer! I was hoping we'd bump into each other. Why? Because the most fascinating piece of news recently reached my ears, and I'm eager to share it! May I? Rumor has it that there is a vast, untapped vein of ore beneath the ruins of Sil'dih. But that is not all! Inconceivably, the Concern appears to be entirely ignorant of its existence. And even as we speak, a young upstart-a self-made merchant from Stonesthrow of all places-is moving to claim it!
The fellow's name is Wystan, and he is a very, very ambitious young man. Not only does he intend to secure exclusive excavation rights, but they say his master plan is to use his new fortune to curry favor with the Sacrarium. Of course, the thaumaturges only consider the opinions of the most wealthy when drafting the laws of Ul'dah. If you would have your voice heard, you must be prepared to pay a sultan's ransom. One voice which is invariably heard belongs to Lord Lolorito. He has long lavished gil upon the thaumaturges, and some claim that he devises new laws with the express intention of ruining his competitors while protecting his own interests.
Suffice it to say, if Wystan thinks he can compete with the likes of the Syndicate, he's in for a rude awakening. But that eventuality may yet be a little way off. For the present, he is moving ahead with his plans, and assembling a team to survey the site. I'm told he's at the Coffer & Coffin right now, recruiting able-bodied adventurers to escort his prospectors. Warin said you were looking for work. Mayhap you should meet Wystan and volunteer for his expedition?

This quest is extremely important. It, first, introduces us to Lord Lolorito by reputation. He is the richest man in Ul'dah. The East Aldenard Trading Company I mentioned earlier? It's his company.

So back down the hill to the Coffer & Coffin we go.

Come to join? Sorry, but you're too late. Some Brass Blades looking for extra coin volunteered, and the team's already en route to the ruins. But look, I know it's not easy to find work these days. If you're interested, there's something else you can do for me. There are these children outside-little ones from Stonesthrow. I look after them when I've time to spare, and so they've taken to following me around, even when I tell them not to. But what with overseeing the search for the vein, I barely have a chance to visit the privy at the moment, much less entertain younglings. Can you give them these ginger cookies and convince them to go home for me?

Each kid has something to say about being given a cookie. But it's generic precocious child stuff. You can probably guess the general idea of what they say. So let's just skip over all that and return to Wystan.

Thank you, adventurer. I only wish I could do more. Stonesthrow is no place for a child. ...Not that my childhood was much happier. Never enough food to go around, nor work to earn it-but no shortage of contempt from the great and the good. I remember thinking things could only get better... Yet now, after the Calamity and everything else...for us refugees to be forced to live outside the gates like bloody beastmen is a disgrace. They say with enough money you can change the laws here. So I'm going to make a fortune and do just that!

I'll buy the excavation rights and start my own mining business. Then I'll give my fellow refugees the work they're crying out for, and pay them fairly! The mining companies have profited from our suffering for too long. But in their hubris they've grown complacent-presenting us with a golden opportunity. And we will take it, adventurer-we will reclaim our dignity, and with it our place within those walls.

Show of hands. Who can guess how this quest is going to go? Remember the major theme for the past 10 updates, minus the two that had the "summer is FUN" stuff.

We found her! We found the vein! Wystan, ye must come an' see!

Already!? Amazing! We leave at once! You should join me, my friend! Come and bear witness to history in the making!

The ruins I pointed out in the previous(?) update are the Sil'dih Excavation Site. And we can already see the Duty Glow off in the corner.

Like I said, the theming in the Ul'dah story is nothing if not consistent.

Way down the Hole Duty

Thal's balls, son! A vein of ore in the middle of a ruined bloody city? Godsdamned idiot! What did ye think was gonna happen? That ye'd strike it rich and get cozy with the Order, while the masters of Ul'dah looked on? No one crosses the Syndicate!

Remember that The Syndicate is the oligarchy that's actually in charge of Ul'dah. The Sultana is the head in name only, while they have all the real power.

<pant> <pant> The...the Syndicate!?

Hah! Finally sunk in, has it? Well look at this! Not all yer friends've deserted ye, it seems... Lucky boy! Now ye won't have to die alone!

O mournful voice of creation! Grant ye this humble stone a soul, that it may wake to life!

By the way, this nameless guy talks in red spooky text. See below:

Lots of stupid flowery language. Get used to these assholes because they're like the Organization XIII of this game. Except their goals are completely mysterious and nonsensical. And, yes, they're the game's primary antagonists.

Who's that spoutin' gibberish!? Show yerself!

The pile of stones behind the Blades turns into a fuckoff golem.

This ain't part o' the plan! Bloody hells, does Lord Lolorito mean to kill us too!?

And all the Blades fuck off, leaving Ginger alone to fight a golem many times her size.

It's a pretty simple fight. We just have to dodge its windup strikes and that's the entire battle.

You are strong. But are you strong enough to withstand this? Yesss...writhe! Writhe in eternal darkness!

Impossible! Never has the golem been so sorely tested!

That the golem could be vanquished... That woman is no ordinary adventurer.

Ginger thinks she sees something...

But it's nothing.

Here comes Thancred!

Damn, seems I've missed all the fun. I see you didn't need my help this time.


Ginger is seeing a vision of Thancred in Ul'dah.

I would compose a ballad in your honor, but I fear no words would do you justice. The Songstress of Ul'dah herself could not rival your beauty.
Oh, stop it!
I have oft heard it said that a blossom's beauty can move a man to love and long, but I never truly believed it until I met you two desert roses.

Thancred is a notorious womanizer.

I hear they attacked another caravan...
Aye, an' business is sufferin' for it. Bloody Amalj'aa... What's stirred 'em up, do you reckon?

Another raid...and I'll wager that caravan was carrying crystals, much like the last. If they truly mean to summon a primal, we must act quickly.
Are you coming, love?
You wouldn't keep a girl waiting, would you!?

So tell me, where in this marvel of a city might you lovely ladies be staying?

At this rate, grain will soon be more precious than gold. A result of the uncommonly bad harvests, to be sure...

And we have youto thank for them, do we not? Aye, this weakening of the aetheric flow must surely be linked to Dalamud's descent. And, of course, to the primals. A fine mess. But we must not lose hope. Louisoix will know what to do. We need only trust in his judgment.

So this little flash took place before Dalamud's fall...

Truly a marvel of Sharlayan ingenuity... It's as if I could reach out and touch the aether.

This scene looks familiar...

Time to focus... No more gallivanting about like before. The Scions are counting on you. Have faith. Just have faith. You can do this.

Hmmm... This disturbance is recent. The Sultantree? Maybe Papashan will know something of it.

We're back to the present now!

Looks like they gave you quite a thrashing. Can you walk?

It's me. I was too late. Our person of interest had already quit the scene. The General? Very well. I shall be there anon.

Thancred is obviously doing Big Things! What they are is hard to say. Also this scene is unrealistic due to reasons relating to this LP's thread's title.

My colleagues went to great lengths to provide me with the means to detect aetheric disturbances, but every time I find one, you seem to be in the middle of it. I'm starting to wonder if it might not be simpler just to follow you around. Sadly, I have business elsewhere.
Tread softly, my friend. The carefully laid trap you dismantled was clearly sanctioned by Lord Lolorito. I heard the Blades mention him as they fled. Believe me when I tell you that he is not a man to be trifled with. The sultana's enemies grow bolder by the day, and I suspect they have the support of outside forces.

Thank you. If you hadn't come along, those bastards would surely have slaughtered us all. I would speak with you further, but it isn't safe for us to linger here. Find me at the Coffer & Coffin later. Until then, stay safe.
I shall accompany Wystan and his men. They need protection-and I need more information. Ah, but where are my manners? I have yet to properly introduce myself. I am Thancred, a humble scholar surveying the flow of aether in Thanalan. It is an honor and a privilege to make your acquaintance. I hope when next we meet it is under more auspicious circumstances. Farewell!

...Ah. Wait a moment. It occurs to me that we may have... Never mind. Fare thee well!

This is a delicate situation. Ginger just disrupted a murder being carried out by Ul'dah's police force, ordered by the most powerful man in the city. And the Blades that escaped know that a Lalafellin woman was involved.

Let's meet with Wystan and see how he wants to proceed.

Twelve bless you, my friend. You risked your life to save ours. Betrayed by my own guards... Gods, I was a fool to trust those men. Lolorito owns the godsdamned Brass Blades. I should've questioned their motives from the start. Even so, I could hardly have predicted that the wealthiest man in Ul'dah would want me dead for the heinous crime of seeking to change the law! I'm just a merchant, for gods' sakes! That ruthless bastard!
And what of that monstrosity? Those were his own men! It beggars belief! Well, that's it. I'm finished. If I stay in Ul'dah any longer, I'm as good as dead. My associates, my friends-gods, even the children may not be safe if I don't disappear. And you...godsdammit, if Lolorito learns of your involvement, you'll be next.
I'll speak with the others and make sure your part in this stays secret. Beyond that, I don't know what to suggest... Maybe you should seek the counsel of Mistress Momodi. She's helped countless adventurers in her time. Mayhap she'll know what to do. Go quickly now, my friend. Lolorito's spies may be watching.

Well shit. We just crossed the most powerful man in the city by accident and now if we aren't careful we'll wind up dead in the desert.

So let's buy passage back to Ul'dah and talk to Momodi. She'll know what to do.

Settle down, Ginger. You've got nothin' to worry about. No one seems to know you were at the ruins. Wystan, on the other hand, is now a pariah-about as welcome 'round here as a rabid wolf, poor bugger. Suffice to say, that boy risked the wrath of the wrong man. Lord Lolorito: chairman of the East Aldenard Trading Company, generous contributor to the Order of Nald'thal, and member of the Syndicate. Didn't get where he is by leavin' loose ends, that one. Which is why he ain't above killin' his own men.
Hells, even if those Blades knew what was comin', it's not like they could refuse to do their benefactor's biddin'. <sigh> Don't let this color your view of Ul'dah, Ginger... It's true that there are some here who ain't afraid to crack a few skulls if it gets 'em what they want. But most of us are decent folk just tryin' to make ends meet. You know, a lot of people would call you a damn fool for riskin' your life to save a marked man... But I believe you did a good thing, Ginger, and for that you have my respect. Listen: you've been through a lot lately. Why don't you rest a spell?

I'll have the boys at the Hourglass set you up with a room, my treat. Just have a word with Otopa Pottopa whenever you feel like stayin'.

And when you've got your appetite for adventurin' back, consider takin' on a guildleve or two. We've a lot of requests from locals lookin' to hire adventurers for various jobs. It'd be a good way for you to earn yourself some extra gil. Eustace can tell you more about how the system works, so go and speak with him if you're interested.

The Recommendations list is now available.

We can now also pull up a list of recommended activities. The farther along we get, the more this list gets populated. It's full of stuff like "run dungeons" or "do this achievement you're close to finishing."

Anyway, that's enough for now. Ginger is safe for the time being, and next time Momodi will have a new lead for us. So look forward to that! We're about to enter the last major section of the introduction. After that the story actually kicks into gear!

Linked videos:

Way down the Hole Duty