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Well, here we are...the seige of Lenster. Here, drink this.

Leif, if I have to chug even one more Stamina Drink I'm going to puke. These are NOT HEALTHY.

What are you talking about? I have one every chapter.

Case in point.

It's been a long road, but, the final battle is here at last!

This isn't the final--


So we've split up, which creates just all kinds of problems...and wait a sec. Only four hostages?

The other four are over here. The soldiers in the throne room are placed similarly - the ones that need to talk to the western hostages are on the west side of the room, and vice versa. So, if both doors open at the same time, the enemy pathfinding will naturally guide the soldiers to their hostages.

Oh my god, did they just make recruiting Xavier a bit more manageable? There has to be a catch.

Well did you notice that wyvern and mage by any chance?

Oh no.

Oh don't worry, we'll just sit perfectly still until you enter range!

Better watch out for my new spear, though! I call it the IRON MAIDEN. It does effective damage against mages!

Hey, if that's what it takes to put me down, I'll just have to kill you first.

Better hurry then! I hear a thief wants what's in this chest.

I didn't know you were into that kinda guy.

The BOX, you MORON!

Wait. I think I know who that is on the throne.

YOU! Alright, now this is what I'm talking about! I always did want to put this guy's head on a pike myself. I don't need a stinking "Scion of Light" to do it for me!

I'm going to make Asvel do it instead.


Dalshin has maximum abs!

Puny soldiers mean nothing to me!

Dalshin, that was one of OURS! We're supposed to capture them, not kill them! We get a bonus item if we spare them.

Actually this chapter is glitched and always gives the bonus item anyways.

Oh. Carry on, then. Kill them all!

I mean look at them, all that HP and they all have Silver Lances, it's so unfair!

Are you ready, puny Thief?!

Even if you can mount your horses indoors it's kinda still faster to go unmounted in most maps in this hack.

These reinforcements repeat quite a bit, and the mage spawns with Dire Thunder. Time to farm it like mad!

I suppose we must bait each enemy one at a time, yes?

Dalshin thinks otherwise!

Ha! If you think that's going to work, I've got Miracle on me, so I dodge lethal hits way more. And reducing me to 1 HP activates it for every extra hit!

Dalshin hates random enemy stat variance now. Dalshin requests Divine Pulse.




I am so glad this can't actually kill the hostages.

Might as well level Linoan a little.

I don't know what ring that is, but just in case it's a Body Ring we have to grab it!

I will GET you for killing my sweetheart! Again!

Oh what do you care, she'll be back next chapter anyways. So will you in fact.

Death is still painful!

Oh, I see. I am never dead, so it is hard to understand the pain of one who dies many times.

So I will allow you to stay right there and block the reinforcements from the stairs while you heal.

Oh thanks, that's actually kind of--

oh FUCKING hell

And now to pull in the other enemies for easy distraction.

What's the matter? It's only the fastest Sage alive holding the heaviest book ever. Why can't anyone hit me?

I thought Ced was the fastest Sage alive?

He's an Archsage, it's totally different.

Alright, he didn't get himself killed. Now get our stuff back by capturing him!

I'm helping! This means I get a promotion now right?

Fine here's your promotion. Have a fantastic time being an Archer+1.

So are we ready to open everything up now?

Oh my god I've been healing a dozen times every map! Why am I still stuck at B?

Apparently someone didn't get the memo that you don't put keys INSIDE the chest.

Uuuuugh they never stop coming!

Okay here we go...release the hostages!

Oh cool, I can use that.

Welp, see you in thirty more turns!

This strategy should be familiar. Disarm a strong unit that can't be captured, clog the chokepoints, then drop a hostage in front of the soldier. If it's the correct one, he turns green, move onto the next one. If not, rescue back and try again. Though tedious, this process is consistent and can work in the vanilla game as well.

Naturally, the fact that you have to do it this way is a sin against humanity, but hey, at least it's worth it, right? Hahahaha....nope.

Uh, why is the map blue in this scene?

I guess a Master Lance is nice, and the weapon ranks are nice, but...Accost. Why do all the units with potential get wrecked by Accost? Wrath is good with that big HP pool at least.

Time to lift all the goods away from him...(don't ask why you can't steal that gem)

Reminds me of fighting Ishtar in FE4. Just use the wind mage!

And an Armorslayer to finish the job! Man, for being one of the major villains he had like a ton of weaknesses.

Icing on the cake.

53 turns. It took 53 turns to do all that.

But it's all going to be worth...

Ha! Just kidding, this promotion is still bad.

The bonus item is a Master Seal? No secret shop for me I guess. Why a Master Seal? Could the game be trying to...tell me something?

Actually who cares, it's the end. We win. Lenster was liberated so it's over.

But aren't there still like seven chapters to go?

It's over for US, Asvel. The Didja Redo thing is coming to an end.

I guess it was getting a little tiresome. But what do we do now?

Hope to god Ephraim doesn't get us killed when he takes back over.