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Update 1: This Beloved Place

I restarted the game, because I wasn't sure if we were going to get Adan or Abby. Abby won, if that wasn't obvious.

Her level's a bit less good compared to last time. Edelgard's is very good, though.

Anyway, after we clear Prologue again...

Sothis... Yes, that is it. My name is Sothis.

What are you talking about?
I was not able to recall my name...until just now. And just like that, it came to me. How odd.
That look upon your face... Did you think me a child? A mere child who forgot her own name?!

I'm less than a child?
Correct! You understand.
You threw yourself before an axe to save just one young girl.

Thank you.
There now. Is gratitude so much to ask? I did deem you worth saving, after all.

What will happen when time resumes?
When time begins again, the axe will tear into your flesh, and you will surely meet your end.

How rude of you to drag me into this!

As much as my irony-poisoned brain would love to answer "I'll just stay here and wait to die," the response isn't funny enough to do that.

Turn back the hands of time.
Of course! I must turn back the hands of time!

I cannot wind back time too far, but all is well. You are aware of what's to come, which means you can protect yourself this time. Now, go... Yes, you who bears the flames within. Drift through the flow of time to find the answers that you seek...

Hey, the thieves are running away! Go after them!

Ugh... Why him?

Don't you recognize me? It's Alois! Your old right-hand man! Well, that's how I always thought of myself anyway. It must have been 20 years ago that you went missing without a trace. I always knew you were still alive!

These days I'm just a wandering mercenary. One who has work to do. Good-bye, old friend.
Right... Good-bye, Captain.
Wait! That isn't how this ends. I insist that you return to the monastery with me!
Garreg Mach Monastery... I suppose this was inevitable.

That is correct.
Is that so? Well, physical differences aside, your mannerisms do remind me of the captain.
I'd love for you to see the monastery too. You will join me, won't you?

What's troubling you, Captain? You aren't about to run off again, are you?
Even I wouldn't dare run from the Knights of Seiros.

Jeralt and Alois walked off-screen before this.

Ah. It seems your presence is required. Get going!

You're clearly an experienced mercenary. And your father...that would be Jeralt, the Blade Breaker?

I didn't know he was a captain.

Hey! You are coming with us to the monastery, right? Of course you are. I'd love to bend your ear as we travel. Oh, I should mention that the three of us are students of the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach Monastery.
We were doing some training exercises when those bandits attacked. I definitely got the worst of it.
That would be because you ran off.
Too true! I was the first to make a strategic retreat. Everything would have worked out if these two hadn't followed me and ruined everything. Because of them, every single one of those bandits chased after us. Utterly ridiculous.

His intentions were as clear as day. You will prove a lacking ruler if you cannot see the truth behind a person's words.
Hm. You will prove a lacking ruler yourself if you look for deceit behind every word and fail to trust those whom you rely on.
Oh, joy. A royal debate between Their Highnesses. I wonder how being completely predictable affects one's ability to wield power. Personally, as the embodiment of distrust, I'd say your little exchange smacks of naiveté.
Me? Naive? Tell me, are you actually incapable of keeping quiet, or is your lack of self-awareness a condition of some sort?
In any case, forgive our digression. I must speak with you, if you can spare a moment. The way you held your ground against the bandits' leader was captivating! You never lost control of the situation. It showed me I still have much to learn.
Your skill is precisely why I must ask you to consider lending your services to the Empire. I might as well tell you now. I am no mere student. I am also the Adrestian Empire's—
Halt, Edelgard. Please allow me to finish my own proposition. The Holy Kingdom of Faerghus is in dire need of exceptional individuals like yourself. Please, do consider returning to the Kingdom with me.
Whoa, there! You two sure are hasty. Trying to recruit someone you just met. Tactless, really. I was personally planning to develop a deep and lasting friendship on our journey back to the monastery before begging for favors.

This may seem like an important choice, but it isn't. Choosing one of the lords' homelands gives support points with that respective lord. Since we'll be going with Edelgard...

The Adrestian Empire.

Looks like we'll have to pick this up another time.


But I feel as though she is always evaluating me...

But I sense darkness lurking beneath...

But that smile doesn't reach his eyes...

I may be sleeping...but I...

"Relative," huh?

You've been here before?
I've never spoken of this to you before, but...many years ago, I was a knight here. I reported to the archbishop...Lady Rhea. As you know, the majority of folks in Fódlan are devout followers of the teachings of Seiros. The leader of that ridiculously large religious organization is the archbishop, Lady Rhea.

Seteth is voiced by Mark Whitten. I'm actually not really familiar with any of the roles I see on his filmography.

Right. Hello.
It has been a long time, Jeralt. I wonder...was it the will of the goddess that we have another chance meeting like this?

Rhea is voiced by Cherami Leigh. She's been in a lot of anime and video games, but you may know her best as A2 in Nier: Automata, and as Makoto Nijima in Persona 5.

Forgive my silence all these years. Much has happened since we last spoke.
So I see. The miracle of fatherhood has blessed you. That is your child, is it not?
Yes... Born many years after I left this place. I wish I could introduce you to the mother of my child...but I'm afraid we lost her to illness.

My name is...

From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for saving those students of the Officers Academy.
Jeralt. You already know what it is I wish to say, do you not?

Your apprehension stings. I had expected that Alois would have already asked this of you. I must step away for now, but I expect they will desire a word with you soon. Please listen carefully to what they have to say. Until tomorrow... Farewell.

I'm sorry I dragged you into this. Looks like I'll be stuck here for a while...and I'm afraid your services are requested as well.

As a servant?
Nothing like that. They want you to teach, by the sound of it. You heard those brats earlier talking about the Officers Academy, right? Well, the academy just happens to be short a professor. And apparently that damned Alois went and recommended you to Lady Rhea.

Manuela is voiced by Veronica Taylor, who you may know best as Ash goddamn Ketchum.

Er, no. I'm not the one you're looking for.

I don't know what she's thinking, making you a professor like this. She may be up to something. Stay on your guard.

Competence and age are not necessarily correlated, as you well know. I am Hanneman, a Crest scholar and professor at the Officers Academy.

Hanneman is voiced by Dan Woren, credited as W. T. Falke, who you may know best as Igor from Persona 3 and 4. And yes, his Hanneman voice has a similar intonation to Igor, making him sound a bit surreal at times.

I wonder if you bear a Crest of your own. When next you have a moment to spare, I insist that you pay me a visit so we can delve into the subject further.
I'm Manuela. I'm a professor, a physician, a songstress, and available. It's nice to meet you.

You're a songstress?

Perhaps you've heard of me? The Mittelfrank Opera Company's beautiful, peerless—
Spare our colleague the needless chatter, Manuela.
Now then, it seems you'll be taking charge of one of the academy's three houses. I expect you haven't yet been briefed on the nature of each, have you?
Do you really not know? Fine, I'll do you a favor and explain. The Officers Academy is comprised of three houses of students, each of which is closely affiliated with its region of origin.

Their house leader this year is Edelgard, the Imperial princess, who is in line to be the next emperor.

Their house leader this year is Prince Dimitri. He is to be the next king of Faerghus.

Their house leader is Claude, grandson to Duke Riegan, the leader of the Alliance.
To think that the next emperor, king, and sovereign duke are all here. It certainly is a promising year for the academy.
I'll say. I just hope none of those little treasures cause any trouble.
Hm, quite. For now, I suggest taking a stroll around the academy to get your bearings. And when you've a moment, please stop by my research laboratory.
The old man has a point. Oh, and keep in mind that I've only notified the house leaders that you're our new professor. It's more fun that way. I suggest you try spending time with the students. Some odd ducks in that bunch, but they're good kids.

I have made my decision, Seteth. I know worrying comes naturally to you, but there is truly no need. That "stranger" is Jeralt's flesh and blood, after all.
I can't say that's all too comforting. How trustworthy is this Jeralt character? Is he not the man who went missing after the great fire 21 years ago? I would remind you that Flayn is now here with us as well. I beg of you...please consider whether this is an unnecessary risk.
Seteth. They have my trust. Let that be enough for you as well. More importantly, I have received a report from Shamir. I am increasingly concerned about a matter regarding our suspicious individual. We cannot ignore those who harbor ill will toward the church, especially if they are frequenting Garreg Mach.
Yes, that matter is of great importance as well. I shall continue my investigation. Rhea... For now, I will have faith that you are placing your trust with the utmost care. I pray that nothing occurs to shake that confidence.

School bells ring.

And so we begin our first monastery exploration.

To start, please speak with the three house leaders. You should also take a look around the academy and acquaint yourself with your new home. That is your first task here at the monastery. Please let me know if you accept it. Once you have finished, come and speak with me.

No sense in denying a quest that we need to finish in order to, y'know, advance with the game.

Frankly, we had someone else in mind for the role, but they ran off during our dustup with the bandits. Can't entrust students to someone who's abandoned them once before, huh?
You saved the lives of the students you came across. That, at least, was admirable. Now, you should make the rounds. Go around the monastery and see that you greet everyone.

I never properly introduced myself, did I? My name is Edelgard von Hresvelg. I am the princess and heir apparent of the Adrestian Empire. I wonder if you'll be tasked with leading the Black Eagles...


The house leaders are willing to fill us in on each of the members of their house. Loading each of them takes us to a new screen, but since all of the info there will be in my unit writeups anyway, I'll just put in the leaders' descriptions of each person.

Tell me about yourself.
Me? Well...some think I'm a bit distant. Arrogant, even. But there's little to be done. One day, I must rise to become Adrestia's next emperor. What else... Well, it seems to me that we may have similar personalities.

Tell me about Hubert.
Hubert is the heir of Marquis Vestra. He has served me since I was a child. You may think his blood runs a bit cold, but... Heh, actually, that's rather accurate. Still, if you can get past that, you'll see he's quite astute and reasonable.

Tell me about Ferdinand.
For some reason, he thinks of me as a bitter rival and is always trying to challenge me. It's terribly irritating. His house is that of Duke Aegir, which produces Adrestia's Prime Ministers. That family is...perhaps too pleased with its own status.

Tell me about Linhardt.
He's remarkably intelligent, but he only wishes to apply himself to tasks that particularly interest him and nothing else. He's also fond of...well, napping. If he had any work ethic or sense of duty to speak of, I suppose he would be destined to become an official of the Empire.

Tell me about Caspar.
He's the second son of Count Bergliez. He has no inheritance in his future, which is perhaps why he's always so eager to prove himself. He's overly energetic and rushes headfirst into any battle. If he ends up in your care, be sure to keep a close eye on him.

Tell me about Bernadetta.
She's Count Varley's only daughter. I suppose you could say she's a bit eccentric, but she seems like a gentle soul. I believe she's shut herself away in her quarters and doesn't care to leave, but...don't worry. I'll make sure she finds her way to class.

Tell me about Dorothea.
Few commoners have joined the Black Eagle House, but Dorothea is an exception. She's a songstress from a famous opera company in the Empire. I'm not entirely sure what brought her to the Officers Academy.

Tell me about Petra.
To the west of Fódlan is an archipelago called Brigid. Petra is the granddaughter of their king. Brigid is a vassal state of the Empire, which is how she came to be enrolled here. She's incredibly smart and studious.

I guess that means I'd better introduce myself properly. I'm Claude von Riegan. I'm from the ruling house of the Leicester Alliance, but don't worry too much about all that madness. I'm guessing you don't know which class you'll be teaching yet, do you? I bet you'd like ours. We're not as...difficult as the other two.


Tell me about yourself.
Piqued your interest, have I? As luck would have it, I'm pretty curious about you as well. But what's life without a bit of mystery? Let's just just spend the next year or so learning about each other, little by little.

Tell me about Lorenz.
He's the heir of Gloucester territory. If you haven't already picked up on it, he's a bit arrogant and fancies himself a lady's man. That said, deep down he's really devoted and honest... Though I wouldn't mind never hearing him talk about his noble obligations ever again.

Tell me about Raphael.
He comes from a merchant family, but his parents died in an accident. Seems like he's had a rough life. Despite all that, he's just about the most cheerful guy you'll ever meet. His passions are training, eating, and... Actually, that's about it.

Tell me about Ignatz.
He's the second son of a merchant family. Since his brother will inherit the business, he's training to become a knight. If you ask me, doesn't seem like he truly wants to be a knight... He's probably just doing it to please his parents.

Tell me about Lysithea.
Lysithea is the daughter of Count Ordelia, and is probably the youngest student here. But watch out! She gets angry if you treat her like a child. As for me, I do it on purpose. You have to make your own fun in this place, you know?

Tell me about Marianne.
Marianne is Margrave Edmund's daughter...and that's pretty much all I know about her. She doesn't interact much with other students, so I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of folks here have never even heard her speak.

Tell me about Hilda.
Hilda is the only daughter of Duke Goneril. It seems her father and brother coddle her quite a bit. If you look up "lazy" in the dictionary...her picture won't be there because she never got around to submitting it. Not too unusual for a noble, I guess.

Tell me about Leonie.
Leonie enrolled because she wants to be a mercenary. I think she said that her father is a hunter. She's pretty blunt and as stingy as they come. A habitual saver, too. I think she's hoping to repay her village for helping to send her here.

I am Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, crown prince of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. Of course, at the academy I am simply a student. And I've heard word that you are to become a professor here. Delightful news. I still have much to learn, but I'm confident I could benefit greatly from your guidance. In any case, welcome to the monastery.


Tell me about yourself,
Me? Oh. Um. Please forgive me... It's difficult to open up on the spot, don't you think? I'm afraid my story has not been a pleasant one... I do hope that doesn't color your view of me, but I understand if that can't be helped.

Tell me about Dedue.
Dedue was born in Duscur, and has been loyally working in my service for the past four years. He's rather taciturn, but once you get to know him, you'll see he's a kind and good-natured young man.

Tell me about Felix.
Felix is the heir to House Fraldarius. He has a bit of a sharp tongue, but don't let that fool you. Deep down, he's a good guy. He gravitates towards people who are skilled. Perhaps you would enjoy a friendly competition with him sometime.

Tell me about Ashe.
He's the adoptive son of Lord Lonato of Castle Gaspard, but I hear he was born a commoner. He has an extremely earnest personality, so I'm certain he will approach your lectures with great enthusiasm.

Tell me about Sylvain.
Sylvain is the heir to House Gautier. He is a capable person who highly values his friends. That said... Well, he's always been a bit of a...ahem, skirt chaser, so to speak. Pardon my bluntness. I speak with him about it often, but it doesn't seem to help.

Tell me about Mercedes.
I hear she was born to Imperial nobility, but a twist of fate brought her to the Kingdom. She may seem carefree on the surface, but she's actually a kind soul who pays careful attention to everyone around her.

Tell me about Annette.
Annette is Baron Dominic's niece. She is a talented student who scored extremely high marks at the Royal School of Sorcery. She's cheerful and hardworking. Brilliant, really. Though she can be a bit oblivious at times. I hear she caused an explosion in the kitchen last night...

Tell me about Ingrid.
Ingrid is Count Galatea's daughter. She is also a childhood friend of Felix, Sylvain, and myself. She is diligent, industrious, and principled. In truth, she is more knightly than most knights you will ever meet.

We could go back to the audience chamber, but let's talk with every student. Get to know them a bit better.

I heard you came to the aid of Her Highness. You have my most sincere thanks. This is Petra. She has come all the way from Brigid to study in the Empire. Back on her archipelago, she is actually a princess. In Fódlan terms, she would be called heir to the throne.
Hello. I am called Petra. I am pleased to be meeting, I am pleased to have met you.

The name's Caspar, by the way. Pleased to meet ya!
Linhardt. Good-bye.
Yeesh, Linhardt. How'd you get into the academy with those manners? So, are you a student here too? Maybe we'll be in the same class!

Oh, my name is Dorothea. Before I joined the academy, I was a member of an opera company in the Empire. You should hear me sing sometime.

Bernadetta, this is no stranger! Our house leader owes this person a great debt. Is that not right? I am Ferdinand von Aegir, legitimate son of the Aegir family, the Empire's foremost house. Are you going to join our class? I look forward to getting better acquainted with you.

I'm Sylvain Jose Gautier. Feel free to say hi whenever you like.

Oh, Mercie! Do you think this is that mercenary people have been talking about?
Now that I think about it, that does sound like something Dimitri may have said... I suppose you'll be enrolling at the Officers Academy too, then?
Well, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Mercedes, and this is my best friend—
I'm Annette! It's nice to meet you.

He also said you're quite skilled. And he doesn't just say things like that. I look forward to sparring with you and beating you.
Felix, must you always speak of fighting right away?
Oh! And, may call me Ingrid. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

This here is Dedue. He serves Prince Dimitri.
I have heard that you rescued His Highness. Words cannot express my gratitude. Should you ever require my strength, please know that I will hasten to repay this debt.

My name is Lorenz Hellman Gloucester. You will want to remember it.

No, Raphael. That's Captain Jeralt's kid. Hi, I'm Leonie Pinelli—Captain Jeralt's first and greatest apprentice! I'm sure he's told you about me?
Nice to meet you! I'm Raphael Kirsten. Who are you again?

Oh, you are? It's such an honor to meet you!
Ignatz Victor. My parents are Alliance merchants.
And I am Lysithea von Ordelia. Please do not forget it.

I'm Hilda Valentine Goneril. And her name is...
M-Marianne von Edmund...
Are you joining the Knights of Seiros or something? Well, I look forward to seeing more of you!

Alright, we're done here. Let's go talk to Rhea, do one more thing, and then close out the update.

Hm. I suppose it is time for you to take charge of one of our three houses of students. I must note that I am personally against entrusting someone as lacking in trackable history as yourself with such a task, but it is as the archbishop desires.

Since you are new here, we have decided to allow you first pick. Manuela and I will take charge of the remaining two houses.
(Which house will I choose...)

I plan to leave a lot of stuff to thread/server voting, but one of the things I'm deciding on my own is route order. And to play the route I wanted to do first, we need to instruct the Black Eagle House.


They are all promising youths who bear the weight of Fódlan's future upon their shoulders. I hope you appreciate what an honor it is to lead them.

I am in the middle of something, Flayn. Is it urgent?
No, no, it's nothing. More importantly...Who is this?
This is our newest professor at the academy.
Oh my! A new addition to the Officers Academy! I am so very pleased to meet you, Professor. I am Seteth's little sister, Flayn. I am so happy to make your acquaintance.
Let us focus on the topic at hand. There is something you should be aware of. In a few days' time, there will be a mock battle between the three houses, intended to gauge the current progress of the students. We will be using this battle as an opportunity to ascertain your own abilities as well. Please do not disappoint the archbishop. That is all.

Easy, Caspar. Aren't you being a bit rude?
You know it's a waste of time to expect politeness from him. It will be a pleasure learning from you, Professor.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to take a nap.

Oh, okay.

I'm sorry for the chaos you've walked into...
I hear we are rather close in age, Professor. I hope you do not mind if we treat you like one of us.

I don't mind at all.
You have a gut, Professor. I will take great joy from your teachings.
Petra, I believe you mean to say that our professor has guts. That's a bit different from having a gut.
You can't go around saying someone so slim and attractive has a gut!
Oh? Please take my apologies. I have not yet mastered this language.
Professor, I want you to know that it's perfectly acceptable for you to treat me as you do the others. I may be the Imperial princess, but here at the academy, I'm just another student. That said, know that I have high expectations of you. And high hopes. But I'm certain you can lead the Black Eagle House to greatness.

Why will the ice be broken? Is this a custom I have missed in my studies?
Not real ice, just the ice Well, it just means let's get to know each other.
I don't want to train! Let's stay in the classroom and...learn from a book.
Let's all calm down and have a nice cup of tea, how about? Doesn't that sound lovely, Professor?
I know we all agreed to treat each other as equals, but there is a limit to what I can tolerate. The esteemed Black Eagle House requires order.

Ugh, they're not normally this...rowdy. I do hope you can manage, Professor.

Can Abby manage it?

Eh, probably.

Next time: our first real monastery exploration, as well as a battle. See you then.