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Chapter 69 Side B: Observatorium & Skyfire Locks Sidequests

Music: Undying Faith

Hey, everyone. It's been a while. When we last left Aggro, we'd made some progress on our quest to find the Enterprise after she'd made contact with Ser Haurchefant. While he gathers info for us, Aggro has a bit of free time. Now is probably a good window to learn a little bit about Ishgardian culture.

I thought about what we should do first. Our options are still limited. At level 36, none of the Camp Dragonhead quests are available, so we're stuck with whatever is around the Observatorium. This does give us a chance to meet another one of the Coerthan beast tribes.

Our quest is a little number called "Speak Softly to Me". Maucolyn here is getting creeped by some faint whispering he's hearing during the night, and he'd like us to figure out what's going on so he can sleep better.

Looking around, it's hard to see anything that may be the source of the whispering. I guess we'll just have to tell him that we found nothi-...

Everyone, meet the Snowman. They're philosophical creatures, and this one is pondering over their very fickle existence. Yes, it's weird, and no I don't know why either. This won't be our only quest with them. Coerthas is fucking wild.

Sad I are so many dreams we had; rally my spirits, won't you, ere the finale...

The purpose of the quest is to respond to the Snowman with the emote they say in orange bold. I'm not going to show Aggro using every emote, but I'll just list the things this new NPC says here.

Profane you do our pain with a rally so mundane! As to shelter with a booth, my icebound heart do soothe.

Willing I are to take the top billing; a battery of gallantry from the artillery of flattery; cheer us until dry are the tears...

Like me you do really twice does lightning strike? Kiss me, friend, if us you'll miss! Throw it, though, not nice to smooch on snow.

Farewell, adventurer, so many troubles you quell. Peace we is at, drunk we have life to the lees. Bye-bye, world, all that lives must someday die...

After that rather dark exchange, the Snowman passes away.

Y'know, I hadn't considered that someone could be throwing their voice or something. Oh well, nevermind. It looks like we probably haven't actually met another new beast tribe yet.

That's our first quest of the update complete. I'm hoping to somehow fit eight into this update, whereas it's normally three. Uhh... let's see how this goes. Our next quest is actually once again with Maucolyn. This one is called "Toss Fit Workout", and it unlocks a new emote!

Maucolyn seems to be puzzled by seeing a man named Duvicauroix throwing snow around, but he's also too stubborn to ask about it directly. Oh well, what better use is there for an adventurer anyway? Let's see if we can find him.

For some reason I decided that now was a good time to go sightseeing? Uhh... the view is nice, at least. You can not only see Camp Dragonhead from here, but also the Steel Vigil in the distance as well. It's that massive ruined structure deep in the background, and it was lost to the dragons some time ago. Depending on our timing with FATEs, we may some day meet the dragon that lead the assault.

Oh, I remember why I came up here now. I wanted to see if we could get a closer look at the piece of Dalamud embedded into The Nail. Pieces of the old moon still litter Eorzea, and probably will for centuries, but this is the second time we've gotten a better look. It's oddly mechanical.

Anyway. Let's get back to that quest.

Spotting Duvicauroix from the tower above, Aggro leaps off like the crazy person she is.

It looks like Duvicauroix was just killing time, but what is this snow-toss thing all about? He suggests we give it a try ourselves by simply using /throw.

We've learned to throw!

Beginning the next quest, Duvicauroix wants us to try the emote on him. Sure thing, but I just don't see what all the fuss is abo-...

Aggro immediately goes for the crotch. Lady, what are you doing?

Duvicauroix tries to take it in good spirit, but he's screaming inside.

Anyhow, what I like to do is toss snowballs at snowmen. That way, you can hurl 'em as hard as you fancy.

He suggests we try throwing more, and it was rather fun, but he also heavily suggests we try it on snowmen from now on. Well, at least this won't be as weird as the last time we interacted with a snowman.

Oh god, not this again.

No, I no eat dummy-dummy. Dummy-dummy throw like zero! Only become yummy-yummy if throw like hero!

Basically, this Snowman is a little bit less bleak than the last one we met. Rather than recite poetry about the fragility of their own existence, this Snowman intends to coach us into becoming the best dang Roegadyn snow-thrower this side of Eorzea. Let's do it. Cue the montage!

Aim is yummy-yummy! Still much to fear, though, hero not here. Throw to me again!

Uwehehehe! Finally, a throw of a hero, all yummy, no ! There's snow on my boots! I happy now! Snow tossed, hero made. I tired, need to sleep. Don't worry about what they say. They call you crazy... Revolutionaries always get called crazy.

Has Aggro slept at all since we first left Ul'dah? Hold on, what was that about becoming "yummy-yummy"? Did this Snowman plan on eating Aggro before it passed?

Now, you go lie down a spell and don't go saying nothing to them inside. They'll figure you a winter-drunk for sure. They might even put you in for a leeching.

Well, the recently deceased top hat Snowman did warn us that we'd be called crazy, so it's best we stop there.

And with that, we've completed "Rolling with the Snowies". We're nearly halfway done, but that's the last of the rather fanciful stuff. From here, we'll be meeting some of the regular folk of Ishgard and learning a bit about their culture and the realities of the climate change they've been facing. We'll complete the single quests first, and I'll close the update on a very short storyline.

Incidentally, our next quest is also with Duvicauroix. This is actually just a bit of a coincidence. "White Mischief" is a quest from A Realm Reborn, but the /throw emote quests were added some three months later in A Realm Awoken. They're not connected in any way.

Anyway, let's see what he needs from us now.

Damn! That took a dramatic turn! Duvicauroix needs us to go and slaughter whatever monster was capable of wiping out his caravan. He's worried it'll prey on others. Sure, this sounds like a real adventurer quest this time.

Music: Fealty

The ambush site is somewhere to the west.

Ominously, Aggro discovers bloodstained snow among some wreckage right next to a stream. I think we've found the location where they were attacked. Figuring the beast most likely stalks this area, Aggro determines that she should wait for it to show up. She'll serve as the bait herself.

Finally, the White Death finally shows up, revealing it to be nothing more than an incredibly aggressive and deadly rodent.

Of course even the most deadly Coerthan rodent is nothing to the two-time god slaying Aggro.

Back at the Observatorium, Duvicauroix is surprised by the true identity of the caravan's killer. He makes a valid point, but it seems to be increasingly apparent that everything about Coerthas wants the Ishgardians out. What did they do to get basically the forces of nature to hate them so much?

Our rewards include the choice of a Linen Robe, three Hi-Potions, or more Allagan mint. Aggro doesn't appear to be feeling the cold so bad (and she's also not a mage) so I typically just grab the mint to sell.

Since I want to end the update on another storyline, we're going to stop by Skyfire Locks to speak to Sylvaintel for the Sheep to the Slaughter quest first. This'll be the last quest before a three-parter. The reward is once again spellcaster-centric, so we'll just be taking the mint later.

It seems like these strongholds are used as shelters for the Ishgardian citizens during an attack. I'm guessing it's specifically for locals without residence in Ishgard itself, but it looks like they're not supplied enough to feed or keep those citizens warm. Sylvaintel basically wants us to slay six Ornery Karakuls. They're also rather important for later crafting, at least if I remember correctly, so a visit won't hurt to highlight them.

We'll be able to find them quite easily just south of the gate to Camp Dragonhead. There's nothing really interesting to say about how they fight, so let's gloss over it and skip to when Aggro has already murdered six of these hapless creatures.

Once dead, we've to do rounds around each of the Skyfire Locks shelters.

Inside, Aggro delivers the skin and meat. We're not offering a lot by handing over three to each, but every little helps I suppose. If Sylvaintel asks every adventurer who passes through then they'll be restocked in no time.

Unfortunately, most Ishgardian commanders don't see the value in adventurers, so our quest isn't a common one. Hopefully there won't be an attack anytime soon.

There's a lot of deep-seated frustrations at the strongholds, and it's clear that Ishgard was not and is still not prepared for the perpetual winter they've been facing these past five years.

With four strongholds now... somewhat stocked up, it's time to return to Sylvaintel for our rather meek rewards.

Alright, with that one last individual quest cleared, it's time to end this update on a positive sombre note.

Our last set of quests come to us from one of the knights we met presumably in charge of the strongholds.

Prairillot isn't really happy with the situation, and we noticed earlier that he wasn't super happy with the reliance on adventurers for restocking the strongholds.

You are eager to do us service, is that not right, adventurer? There is some urgent need for firewood and you would gain much by assisting us.

It's a simple task he asks of us, but it's alarming that they don't even have enough soldiers on the ground to gather firewood. Despite his proud attitude, Aggro is happy to accept Prairilott's request.

There's eight pieces overall to gather. Apparently firewood just lies around on the ground, which is a good thing, since Aggro's let her Botanist's woodcutting skills rust. The best she can still cut would be the fresh trees in the Black Shroud.

The only Firewood worth noting are the three located nearby the hilltop where we met Francel. They're on a cliff just off the side of it.

Incidentally, Francel's aide—Stephannot—is who Prairillot asked us to deliver the firewood to.

I heard that Ishgardians weren't friendly, but damn. Stephannot is talking like we're one of the knights under his charge.

Fie, I mistook you for another; I sent out a recruit some time ago to take delivery of relief supplies. You came all this way to bring more fuel? I bid you thanks.

Oh, it appears like there may have been an additional reason for the lack of supplies around the Skyfire Locks. This missing recruit may also be another avenue for us to assist.

'Tis no comfort we seek, you understand, but life. The cold is too relentless to go along without fire. I give thanks for your service, but Coerthas is no place for those who lack discipline and faith. You will perish, and in so doing, mayhap endanger the crusade.

Sadly, Stephannot seems to be unwilling to work with us and gives a rather ominous warning.

Though that won't stop us getting an extra quest out of him in "I'd Rather Be Cannon Fodder" anyway. Let's see what we can do about that missing recruit. Finding lost things in the middle of nowhere is kind of Aggro's speciality, y'know, besides god slaying.

Ahem... adventurer. I sent a runner to Camp Dragonhead, but he is many hours overdue. I fear he has lost his way, green recruit that he is. I would prevail upon you to fetch him back.

It's nice that Stephannot is able to put aside whatever biases he may have about adventurers because he's so concerned about the recruit.

Unfortunately, since it's been clear weather all day and we can see Camp Dragonhead very clearly from the doorway, I'm not holding out hope for this young recruit. Let's go see what we can find.

Investigating the area on chocoboback leads to the discovery of a Magicked Blade and some broken armour. Could this be the recruit's? Probably. Let's take a closer look.

Without giving us much time to inspect the sword, a large Feral Croc swiftly ambushes Aggro and Bobbycorwe-...

Jesus fuck, what even is that thing?

Whatever the case, Aggro puts it the hell down and I guess she also guts it because we end up with a ring in our key item inventory.

Umm... sure thing, game.

With the nightmare fuel put down, Aggro must return to Stephannot to inform him of the recruit's sad fate.

Stephannot is still an ass, I see. Aggro hands over the ring and he changes his tune.

This is the boy's ring. What is the meaning of this? A feral croc... Are you certain? He could simply have dropped it! I'll not stand for surmise when the boy's honor... what? Yes. He had ginger hair. Oh, for the ruth of Halone...

He was a good lad, afire to take his place in the war against the dragons. To die so ignominiously instead... I cannot tell his sire, yet to lie to a fellow knight about his own son—'tis more than I can tease out right now.

That morbid note finishes the quest. The Ishgardians sure are a prideful lot, but the 1000 year war has unsurprisingly brought more toxic elements to their culture than suspicion over foreigners. The poor recruit's fate is a shameful one, and that leaves Stephannot with a dilemma. Well, we're here now, so let's help see this through.

It ill becomes a knight to prevaricate, but I have added the boy's name to the patrol that was lost to dragons. You must tell Theobalin that his son died gloriously in battle. Let his name not stand in shame—he deserved better.

The remaining quest is a sad one, but it's also short. We only need to deliver the message, and then "Death Becomes You" will be finished.

Music: The Dragon's Dirge

Theobalin is just up the stairs, leaving Aggro to speak to him for the quest to finish.

Aggro hands over the ring.

Yes, I know what this means... There was a patrol out of Skyfire Locks last night that was killed to the last man. Was he one of them?

Aggro lies to Theobalin.

Ah, then he died well, for I heard they brought down two dragons before the fire came for them. In every generation of my family, at least one son has died in the crusade. I scarce remember my father, who fell manning the ballista at the Locks, and I am the last of three brothers.

Yet, our honor is intact, for my son gave his life to the cause. Would that he had known for days, fought more battles ere he fell! That is my only regret. Thank you for the message. You lack no courage to make your way to Coerthas in these troubled times...

A one thousand year war certainly takes its toll, but it seems like the Ishgardians are experiencing hell on Earth Hydaelyn especially since the climate shift. Theobalin stands the last man in his family and last of his line. His son wasn't lost to the war, and that's shameful to the Ishgardians. It feels like the commanders and nobles back in Ishgard underestimate the dangers of the now strange lands they inhabit, and their people pay the price.

Something needs to change, but that must come another time. Garuda has still been awakened, and without Cid's Enterprise to break through her Vortex, Ishgard and the rest of Eorzea may not stand long enough to experience the change it needs.

The experience from her quests has finally leveled Aggro up, and it appears that Haurchefant may now have some word about the Enterprise's whereabouts. Next week, we'll see what he has to say.

The Set of Primogs minion featured in this update. They're an orchestral band of mammet Moogles. Standing next to another player with their own Primogs will result in more dance and song from them. Currently, the only way to acquire them is by purchasing the Before the Storm Soundtrack, otherwise known as the final soundtrack for the Heavensward expansion. We're away off experiencing anything from it.

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