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Well here we have it. In the vanilla game, Chapter 22 is so infamous that nobody has ever beaten it without a Warp staff. No, no, people have beaten it without Warping Leif straight to the castle, but I have never seen anyone NOT use a Warp for the entire run.

Aside from the river of blood becoming a river of mud, we've got Pirates who steal your stuff, Ballistae, Wyverns of course...

Here's the boss. I don't know who he is and has no boss names beyond this point, but another source says he's the father of Claus. (Remember that Bishop that stoned Eyvel in this hack?) Anyways, Hel magic means you can't status him and you can't avoid getting Berserk'd.

He is also the victim of a glitch: If you bring the Black Knight into the chapter, and watch all the cutscenes, the Black Knight will replace the boss here. He's still on your side, so if you wanted to, you could Rescue him, Warp Leif to the castle and seize right away. If you skip the cutscenes, the Black Knight instead replaces the unit right in front of him:

Motherfucking Corple with a ton of annoying staves. He replaces Cyas, so he can't be killed or captured, either, and he's immune to statuses, too!

Anyways, the forest route has proven superior once again. Just make sure L'Arachel gets an A rank in staves so she can Warp.

Corple's also sitting right in front of the Seize tile. You can get him away from there by casting Sleep on an enemy; Corple will rush over to Restore him, and then the enemy heads for the nearest shop to pick up a Killing Edge because they never re-mount after waking up.

There are also a handful of returning Wyvern bosses like Grommel and Narcian, and they have crazy weapon loadouts.

Not to mention lots of high-powered enemies and such.

A Pure Water! So helpful! Actually I've been told that the reason for the junk items past this point, and presumably the Corple betrayal as well, is that the villagers of Thracia now see Leif as an aggressor after that failure to invade Alster. I kinda get that, but, shouldn't Corple still remember me FREEING HIM?

Now I have apparently lost my screenshot of it, but this chapter has that same reinforcement trick from Chapter 19, which means killing anything at all allows more powerful Wyverns to pop in. Oh and if you're wondering about Reinhardt, I didn't see him at all in this map, so I guess he's just gone and we don't get a Holy Sword (then again Olwen's dead in this playthrough anyways.)

So since I refuse to actually fight the enemies, we are going to Warp skip. We can't take advantage of the glitch, and the boss is packing a LOT of speed and defense, but he's killable with two units (though you'd need two Warpers. Let's pretend I have this, because Marty with the Devil Axe is the only way I can think of to do it with one unit in one turn.)


However this is probably a bad play, because next up is an even tougher battle!

Originally known as the "Ced saves the day" chapter, Super Thracia removes every advantage you have yet again, because Ced doesn't appear until Chapter 24.

Trabant's back and he's executed the "Three-headed Dragon" strategy from FE4. Every last one of those Wyverns is hostile and attacks you all at once.

At the head of every wave is a returning boss.

And Arion (sp?) is guarding the castle. I guess Super Thracia is trying to re-create the rest of the Thracia chapters from FE4, which is not a bad idea.

Also, there's a Bishop with a Blizzard in a very out of the way location. He's guarding houses with some good items and has a Berserk staff.

The houses at the start do nothing as far as I know.

Anyways, you can at least Silence the Bishop and Rewarp over there to take his stuff, and you're going to want to.

I guess Warp Skipping two chapters and avoiding all the enemies on a third was a bad move, because I can't do jack shit to the enemies in Chapter 23. I just can't.

They're loaded with the Iron Maiden, the lance that does effective damage against mages, so having Asvel wreck them all with Wind magic isn't happening. Only way I can think of to handle all these foes is to use the Dain's Shield glitch, either by Berserking an enemy or just having Karin be level 35.

Hey, I know! What if we made Ced (or whoever appears in his place) appear by triggering the castle event and then simply Rescuing the Rewarper?

Manfroy The White over there is actually supposed to be Garnef.

Arion's here to save us!


Yeah so he gets a critical with a Devil weapon...which backfires.

I know it's scripted but it irritates me anyways.

This is the other reason the chapter is impossible for me. Look at this shit. Garnef has 99 HP, 60 Magic, and 52 Defense. At best I can chip away at that every turn and the asshole is recovering a chunk of health back every turn. And with Nihil and Dain's Shield (of all fucking things) Warping in an Animaslayer is completely out of the question.

Here's the best I could do: Warp someone over to the Bishop after Silencing him.

Take his Berserk staff.

Berserk an enemy with Dain's Shield.

The enemies recognize the Berserked unit as an enemy and move towards him as he's the closest one...but they never actually attack, because the glitch makes them think they'll do zero damage. Now I might have been able to pick them off one at a time, but so many of them have ranged weapons that being in range of one means you're going to attract many of them at the same time.

The houses aren't much help. I like the Bolt Axe, though.

And we get the Purge spell. I don't have anyone with a B in Light magic, sadly.

That church also seems to do absolutely nothing! Again!

So yeah. I can't see any way to deal with this much at once, given the state of my file. Run's over, can't do it. Guess I should have trained Karin after all. Unless I get exceedingly lucky, this is all I can show off "legitimately". It did cross my mind that I might get somewhere by disarming a unit like Safiya and leaving them to get captured, but there's no guarantee a ranged enemy wouldn't attack her instead.

By Berserking an enemy in the south and luring everyone down there instead, I got this situation. Still not much I can do.

I guess you really can't win against Garnef.

He has a talk conversation with Leif. I don't know why.

So, what does this mean? Are we dead, with only two chapters to go?

Yes. It's unfortunate but I don't feel up to spending more time trying to get out of this situation, seeing as I'm busy with Three Houses and trying to figure out how the hell Bows became the best weapon type.

But there's a way I can show the remainder of the game, so the last update of Super Thracia will cover the finale...and boy does Super Thracia have a big finish, if nothing else.