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Last time we left off back in the Bloom Garden, so we have a little backtracking to do. Fortunately we weren't particularly far in, so it's a pretty short trip.

Really, the only notable thing that happened on the way was Tsubasa picking up her Rank 2 skill. This gives her Gentle Embrace, which increases the amount of HP she heals. She also picks up Zan, so she can start pulling her weight on offense.

You can also find a Speed Incense on 3F if you play around with the blue doll's state a little bit. We're going to hold on to this for now, but it'll probably get dumped on either Itsuki or Tsubasa before the end of the dungeon.

Back where we found Mr. Hatanaka, we have the controls for the red dress. The left option lets you grab a treasure or two down on 1F, but we need to head upstairs, so right it is.


Ah, there she is. This rescue mission stuff isn't so hard.

...Aaaaaaand then she walks off. Good effort, team. Really went hard on the pursuit.


Wait! Tsubasa! You can't just go after her alone!

But, Itsuki, she's-

Oh... Sorry. When I see her like that, I just remember what happened to Kiria... and it gets hard for me to think straight.

I see...

Hey, Itsuki. You remember back in elementary school? How I used to be kind of clumsy?

...Used to be?

Yeah. Is...something wrong?

Uh, no. Nothing. What about it?

Well, whenever I made a mistake and got all sad... my sister would always ask me to sing with her. And when I did... I'd forget all about being sad, and I'd just laugh and sing with her.

So...if some Mirage is controlling Aya and making her do all this awful stuff... I won't let it hurt her anymore!

If that's the case, then I guess I don't have anything to worry about.


Well, if I can avoid it... I really don't want to end up fighting her... But both Kiria and Ms. Maiko trust me to do what I have to.

So I want to save her with my own hands. This time, I'll be the one that helps her smile again!

I'm sure you can do it, Tsubasa. I'll do everything I can to help you.


Plus, we've got one more teammate we can rely on. We've got this - right, Touma?

Damn right. C'mon, Tsubasa, we've got a rescue mission to take care of!

Itsuki, Touma... thank you!

And with that little inspirational speech, let's head upstairs.

On the way, Itsuki picks up his Rank 2 skill, HP Fitness. It's good for an extra 10% HP, once we get back to base.

And right around the corner, we have our first checkpoint. We could turn back, but we just started this run, so we'll press on for now.

As we step outside, we find ourselves on the stair access. And at the top...

It's showtime.

The Mirage

Jackpot. Right over there.

Hey, look at that. Didn't even run away from us this time.

Aya...! I finally caught up!

Oh? If I'd known we'd be entertaining such adorable little guests, I'd have dressed for the occasion...

Something about seeing Tsubasa sets off Aya again. Turns out this whole mind control thing might not be as absolute as it seemed.

Aya... It's really you, isn't it!? It's me, Tsubasa - your little sister!

Who are you...? I don't know anyone like you...

...No, that isn't right. Those eyes - I know those eyes... That unwavering gaze...almost like... Tsubasa!

Yes! It's me, Aya. I've come to take you back... so let's go home together!

No... it can't be her... Tsubasa was so small... an adorable little girl...

Heh heh heh... Overslept, have we? Perhaps I can shed some light. I'd say, you've spent, oh... five years in slumber?

Five... years...

Oh, but Ayaha, that must mean... that girl there truly is your dear sister.

Aah... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!


I'm trying too... I'm trying so hard... But I just can't do it anymore! I can't go on like this...!

Aya! What's wrong!?

It must be because of the Mirage that's controlling her...

So quick to shift the blame... You know, darling, no girl likes a man who's so quick to point fingers. Me, controlling Ayaha...? Why, I'm insulted! After all, we're partners.

You mean... these are Ayaha's true feelings...?

No- No, that can't be right! My sister would never say things like that. I saw her practicing so hard, every day. She practiced so late into the night... She was always working so hard!

Poor, naïve little girl... You think hard work is the same as success? All it's good for is false comfort. Just a way to relieve some of the pressure - nothing more. Just ask her yourself.

Better-looking girls dropping out... Better singers cut one after another... It didn't take long for me to realize, I was a joke. There was no way I could become an idol.

But I couldn't let everyone down... It was just too much! I couldn't take it all! Please, just stop telling me I'm someone I'm not... I never had any talent to begin with!

That's not true! When you were an idol, you shone like a beautiful star! I heard you sing... I could feel the emotion in it! I felt your passion for your music!

You can talk all you like, girl, but I'm afraid Ayaha's not interested in listening to your little tantrum.

That's not true! I don't believe that!

The effect is much more obvious in the video, but she believes in her sister so hard it makes a pink aura in the room. It's impressive, in a "okay kid, turn it down a notch" kind of way.

Ngh... Ah...

It's not about talent. You're a star - you're my idol. You were pretty, and cool, and I loved everything you did... and I'll always be your biggest fan!

I can...hear something... Is that... Tsubasa...?

Well. That's problematic...

She hears something...? What does she mean by that...?

I won't let you little wretches hold me back... There's too much I still need to do!

Well, whatever Tsubasa did, it's working enough that our mysterious villain decided to throw an enemy at us. I guess that's progress?

Aya and the mirage slip out, leaving us with a really angry girl and a flying pony. I'm sure this will end swimmingly.

Get out of my way! I don't care what you throw at me... I'm going to save my sister!

Before we deal with our flying friend, we should turn our attention to her companions. Killing these Men o' War should be your first priority for several reasons, not the least of which is because they have an annoying set of resistances that only Itsuki can really exploit (Weak - Sword, Wind; Resist - Lance, Thunder).

Far more important, however, is that these guys are your introduction to the idea that enemies can combo you. These guys are packing Wind-Thunder, Lance-Thunder, and Elec-Thunder, which means that if Tsubasa or Itsuki is on the receiving end of an attack, there's a good chance they're about to go to town on you. The faster these guys go down, the quicker this damage race becomes manageable.

And as if that wasn't enough reason to hunt them down immediately, they also have Poisma up their sleeve, and you do not fuck with poison in this game. Every turn that you're poisoned, you take damage equal to 25% of your max HP, and it persists after battle, inflicting damage with every step you take until it's cured.

With her backup taken care of, the peg knight herself really isn't that much of a threat. Without the Men o' War, all she can really do is hit you with either Skewer or Zan, and she's weak to both wind and fire so it's pretty easy to work her over with sessions. If we had bows, that would work too, but we're not gonna see them for another few chapters.

At any rate, it doesn't take long to mop her up. Everyone gets a couple levels, Tsubasa gets Fire-Lunge, and we all get to go home happy.

A Plan of Attack

Hold on, Tsubasa. We're going after her, but it might be better for you to take a moment and calm down first. ...And not just that. Something's bothering me with how Ayaha was behaving.

What do you mean...?

It was almost like... she couldn't hear you, Tsubasa.


Maybe it'd be more accurate to say it was like your voice just wasn't reaching her. Think about it. She was following that Mirage's orders, but she wasn't really responding to Tsubasa, right?

Now that you mention it... you might be right... But then, how can I get Aya to understand how I feel?


Tsubasa, I can sense your love for your sister... and I can feel your wish to save her from peril. I believe your best chance to truly express these feelings to her could be through the power of your singing.

Through a song...

After Kiria's performance, I'm starting to see how song can give words a certain kind of power. A power that's different indeed from the forces we wield in battle.

Like Kiria's concert... Okay. I'll do it! I'm going to save Aya with my song. I know I can!

Itsuki... If I'm remembering right, Tiki said she could use Unity to awaken new abilities.

Maybe with this Performa and Tiki's help, she could sing a song that could break that Mirage's control...

Yeah! Let's go try it!

That sounds like a plan to me. Back to the Bloom Palace!

Before we do that though, some general upgrades. First, a new sword for Itsuki; Touma's been maxed out for a few levels now, but he still doesn't have any new weapons available.

We'll also pick up new radiant skills for both Itsuki and Tsubasa before we grab Feel My Voice. It's nice that it *does* have a mechanical benefit (faster ailment recovery in battle), even if the skill itself is purely a plot token.

Do you think I can reach her now...?

You must believe in yourself, Tsubasa. I know you can save her.

...You're right! No matter what, I'm taking my sister back!