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After Touma's sidequest we get dumped back in the Bloom Garden, and wouldn't you know, Tiki's got a quest for us too. Before we do though, there's a couple quick topics to check. First, Tsubasa is...having some problems, shall we say.


whenever I make eye contact with Ms. Maiko lately, she does this creepy laugh like "hur hur hur"'s kind of freaking me out, tbh <_< it feels like she's hiding something. do you know anything about it?

Well that's reassuring. I'm sure Maiko would never do anything shady in this line of work.

Additionally, now that we have Touma's first quest done, his profile has been updated:

In the Kaiju Suit posted:

dammit, i didn't get
the part. guess i
just gotta train!

Aw, don't feel bad Touma. You'll get there one day!

Anyway, let's see what Tiki wants.

I'll Tiki-Tiki You (For Reals), Part 1

There's someone I want you to check up on...

That...certainly is a quest name. Tiki's whole quest line in general has some very...unique names and characters.

You got married?

N-No! That's just a username! Like a nickname! Th-That's all!

This person composes songs with the Uta-loid program "Tiki" and is referred to online as a god.

That's amazing.

But you know, it seems like they haven't been making any songs lately. I was looking forward to Tiki=Waifu's songs too, so I'm worried that they suddenly stopped composing...

Got it. So, I need to go look for this Waifu person.

Yup! Thanks, big brother! I'm counting on you!

I've heard rumors that Tiki=Waifu uses a laptop with a "Tiki" sticker on it, and composes at the same cafe every time.

A cafe, huh? Okay, I'll keep an eye out.

Before we go any further, I just want to affirm that yes, the game is asking us to go hunt down someone who goes by Tiki=Waifu. Let no one ever say this game is lacking in self-awareness.

We could head straight to the cafe (there's only one, after all), but we might as well hit up the other mirages while we're here. It's important to touch base with everyone, even the ghosts that turn into swords.


For all his efforts, he could not become a hero. I hope he does not give up from this... Then again, Touma surely would not.


Itsuki, you've done it! Tsubasa must be relieved indeed to have her sister back.


It seems the greatest unease in Tsubasa's heart disappeared when her sister was rescued... We have you to thank, Itsuki.

And Tharja just asks us to look after Kiria like in the last update. About what you'd expect, all things considered.

Back out in the real world, let's see what's going on in the-


sorry... could you just forget all that stuff I said earlier? about Ms. Maiko hiding something from me?
I shouldn't talk about her like that. she really helped me when I had to save Aya. I owe her so much...
I'm so ashamed of myself ;_;

Come on Tsubasa, get it together girl. This isn't even your sidequest.

At the Cafe

: Seriously, dude! I'm totally serious! That had to have been Tiki=Waifu!

Hm? Those people over there...


Yeah, I heard...

: I saw it with my own eyes, man! Tiki=Waifu was walking around the 106 all sleepy-eyed.

: Then all of a sudden...poof without a trace. I bet it's that "spirited away" thing!

: Yeah yeah, all right already. *sigh* I wonder if Tiki=Waifu retired... I was a big fan too.

What do you think, Chrom?

I can't say for sure yet. However, the 106... being spirited away... Those points concern me.

Let's look into it. There is an Idolasphere there and all...

Now that sounds like a lead. We'll check in with Tiki real quick, then head for the 106.


Tiki, do you have a moment?
Did you find Tiki=Waifu?
No, but someone saw Tiki=Waifu disappear near the 106.
You don't think...
Yeah. The Idolasphere might be involved. I'm worried, so I'm going to check out the 106. I'll contact you if anything changes, so wait for me, okay?
No, it's nothing. Be careful!

Hrmm... It's faint, but I do sense a human's Performa. ...Hm? What is that...?

What's wrong?

I don't know, but I sense another presence, too...a powerful one. What in...?

We'd better be on guard then. Let's go, Chrom.

So this is...strange? I don't know why this conversation is here - to make you think you're going to have to fight a miniboss or something? Because if you were paying attention, there's no recommended level for this quest. In fact, you don't have to fight anything unless you actively go out of your way to do this in a really inefficient way. You could scour the place from top to bottom, but realistically the only places that we need to check are the 4F midboss room and the boss arena on the roof. Spoiler, we're looking for the former.

And there she is. At least this is a quick and easy one.


Yes. What about it?

I didn't think you were a girl... There was the phrase "my waifu" in the name, so I assumed...

Tiki is still my waifu. My love transcends gender and dimensions.


And when I came to, I was in this weird place...

Itsuki told her where the exit is...

You can get to a safe place from here.

A safe place? So you're saying where we are now isn't safe?


Ahh, so this place was dangerous after all.

I can guide you there if you're nervous about going alone.

That won't be necessary. I made it here, so it's only natural I can make it back.


Thank you for saving me, Nameless Kind Person. I'll be taking off then. *leaves*

On our way here, I thought I sensed an odd presence. ...Maybe it was just my imagination.


I've safely rescued Tiki=Waifu.
You there, Tiki?

I wonder what's up with Tiki... I guess we should head back to the Bloom Palace and check on her.

That's...odd. Usually Tiki is on top of things. Guess we should go so see what's up with her.

I'll Tiki-Tiki You For Reals, Part 2

No, that's not it...

(I'll wait and see what happens...)

It's not working...

Aw, she's practicing her poses for taking a carnage form.

Um! Big brother! Th-This isn't- It's not what- This is- I-It's not what it looks like!

So what in the world were you doing?

Um, you promise not to laugh?

I won't.

You promise promise?

...Um, I was practicing taking on a Carnage Form.

What would you do that for?

I thought that if I could take a Carnage Form like everyone else, I could fight by your side...and save Tiki=Waifu too. Listening to her songs cheers me up so much. I wanted to repay her somehow...


Tiki... we're already companions though.


There are things that only I can do, but the same is true with you, Tiki. I think true companions are those who can complement each other.

You mean it? Am I really being useful for you and everyone else?

Of course. You're fighting a battle for us here. It's fine that you don't take on a Carnage Form.

I see... You're right.

Okay, I'll keep doing my best at what only I can do! Thanks, big brother!

Tiki has become Troubled Uta-loid thanks to Itsuki's influence!

Tiki acquired the backup skill Idola_Safety.exe!

Now this is more interesting. Since Tiki and the other support folks can't fight, instead of unlocking new skills and abilities, they tend to give you passive buffs for completing their sidequests. In this case, Idola_Safety.exe makes it so that skills and items that have field effects (like Kiria's Lightoma and Touma's Estoma) will last longer. Not particularly useful if we're being honest, but it is her first skill so

The last thing of note in the Intermission is this laptop at the office. By using it, we can check to see when everyone's next sidequest opens up. Tsubasa, for example...

It is too soon for you to being Tsubasa's next side story. You must progress further in the main story before it will become available.

So even if we *did* have her at the appropriate stage rank, we can't do her first quest until we get a little further in. Kiria, on the other hand:

You must increase Kiria's Stage Rank before her side story will become available.

This means that it is available right now, we just don't have her at a high enough rank to do it. Generally speaking it's pretty easy to keep track of this stuff since the Stage Rank screen literally tells you "Yo you unlocked this person's next side story," but it's nice to have everything all in one place, especially for Barry, Maiko, and Tiki who unlock strictly through plot.

Anyway, that's gonna be it for Intermission 1. Let's see what the hell Maiko has planned for us and head on to Chapter 2.

Personal Training

That was pretty tough, huh?

You seem pretty...into this, Tsubasa...I can barely keep up.

Now that I've got my first song coming up... I'm just really fired up, you know?

Are you guys finished with your lesson already?

I decided I'll be your personal coach. I don't plan on going easy though. Think you can keep up?

Of course! If you're the one asking me, I'll go through any training!

How about you, Itsuki?

Huh? Me too...?

Naturally. All right, you two. Let's get to it.

Yes, ma'am! Coach! Miss! Tready for raining!