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Update 13: I dream of George


Before we go and try and get that photo for Niko, there's something shiny in the bookcase... say, wasn't there something like that in the Barrens?

It's a tube of glitter glue.

You can have that if you want!

Never know when you need to glitter things up, right?

Oh! Are you sure?

Yeah! I have tons of those!

Thank you!

Glitter glue, huh? Well I'm sure we can find a use for that eventually. We found a use for that kernel of corn... oh speaking of that, we'll need to take care of that soon!

Before we leave, let's check in with Dr. Silverpoint again.

You've been walking all over the world, huh?


Geez... I can't imagine...

Do you get really tired sometimes?


But I don't mind!

It's actually really pretty!

Haha, I'm glad you think so!

What did the world look like with the sun?



Y'know, it's kind of embarassing to admit how little of it I have actually seen.


Ironic, isn't it?

Even though I'm the world's leading researcher...

All I do is stay here and build robots.

Extremely same.

Right... I've been seeing robots everywhere!

I just thought it was cuz the world was too dangerous for most people to explore...

That's not far from the truth, actually.

But I know someone who still does his research firsthand!


I mean, he outright build a machine that could fly! Something we all thought was not physically possible!

...Wait... the clover dude knows the scientist too? This guy is everywhere! Is there anything he can't do?

Oh, that's...

I asked him about working with us, so he provides us with all sorts of insights from time to time.

But for some reason, he REALLY didn't want to build robots.

Or, more specifically, coding them.

How come?

Because coding sucks, that's why.

Beats me!

I mean, he's happy to work with robots!


It's been a while since we last talked. He must be busy with his books now, yeah.

Huh... she kinda cut that conversation short. I guess the topic is a bit sensitive to her. Anyway! Let's go get that picture!

Huh? What?

Doesn't the lady look... kind of familiar to you?

I wonder if she's related to the robot lady who gave me the amber.

I almost want to ask her about it... should I?

Ohh, now that you mention it... yeah she does look like Silver...and her last name is Silverpoint... Yeah maybe we should go talk to her again, Niko.


How... did you get this?

This robot lady in the Barrens gave it to me!

She looked... kinda like you?

I see...



I even based her on myself so I'd KNOW it'd work!

Break... through?

We wanted to build a robot that acts like a person, thinks like a person...

...a robot that isn't bound by its own code.


But turns out, you can't really BUILD something like that.

That was the only time I've ever seen a robot go rogue.

Scariest day of my life, tell you what!


But she seemed so nice when we talked!

Even if she talked a little weird...

Ah, she's been repaired for some time now.

My friend was able to stablize her volatile state through his own means.

A real miracle worker, that...

... but the damage was already done.

I gave up on her back then... we all did.

I'm sure she realized that...

... and now she won't ever come back.

She won't even answer my letters...

I'm sorry...

Ah, sorry for rambling.

You should hold on to that amber, okay?

I will!

Don't overwork yourself, okay? Your journey is just as important as your end goal.

And just like Silver herself, Kip also has a nice heart to heart with us. I feel like Silver is a bit of a missed character, just because we don't really get enough time with her despite the game doing so much to give her character and an interesting backstory. Also, the sneaky mention of the clover dude just somehow fixing a rogue thinking robot like it was no big deal. We're on to you pal

Anyway... we're done with the factory! Let's go get that picture and head off to the library!

If you recall, this woman told us that she was standing outside of a photo booth, but that it wasn't working anymore. Well, earlier we didn't need it and now we do. So let's try and ask around and see if we can get it working again.

Actually, yeah!

I need to take a picture for.... reasons.

Well, I got good news and bad news. The good news is that the photo center is right behind me.

The bad news is that.... it doesn't work, right?

Heh, you're catching on quick. After operations ended in the Barrens, this place got shut down. All of the engineers lost their jobs and became street vendors.

Maybe the Goons and I can figure it out from them!

That's good! It would certainly help out people with expired IDs... like me.

All the street vendors are engineers, eh? Well then surely they can help us with the photo booth.

Let's start with the water vendor and go down the street from there.

Hmm... it's been a while. I'm pretty sure that the bulgy lens goes on one of the ends, but I forgot which.

The camera? Oh, joyous memories. We went through thick and thin together. And by that I mean the concave lens did.

Let me see... When arranging the lenses, make sure that the thin lens is positioned between the two curved ones.

Yes, yes, certainly. The thick lens should be positioned to the left of both of the curved lenses.

...Okay, you got all that? Because that's all you get... Well, okay, I'll at least show off the area and lenses.

So we have the concave lens, the convex lens, the thin lens, and the thick lens. All of these need to be in the appropriate spots to use the photo booth.

The thin lens will need to go in between the two curved ones, but the thick lens is gonna be to the left of the curved ones. So thin has to be 3, and thick has to be 1.

The concave lens needs to go through thick and thin - number 2.

And that just leaves the convex lens!

Time to go take a picture!

Ouch, m-my eyes...

... are my eyes always this big!

Nice! We've got our photo and we're ready to go to the library! But uh... why should we be satisfied with just one photo?

Ouch, m-my eyes...

Good thinking, Goons. It's a good idea to have a backup.

Hmm, two is good... but maybe we should have more?

Three is enough, right?

Hmm, nah... we need more.

Now, you're getting it! Let's do it again!

And again!

Hmm, that sounds like we'll need to take another to replace it!


Hmmm, we could still use a few more.


And there it is... the ULTIMATE PHOTO. Now THIS is the photo to use! All of you who just took the first photo and went about your day are LOSERS. Unlike us GOONS.

There is no difference in which photo you use, except for the photo Niko blinked in - which can't be used at all

...and glitter.

Nice! We've got our glued photo, let's go to the library and show off Niko's brand new library card.

Library Stroll

Oh crap, we forgot to glue the picture to the card... well maybe the bot won't notice?



Thankfully, the book bot does give us the card back. Which would really suck for the game to pull a soft lock at this point

NOW, let's try.



Maybe I should have changed the name.

Puzzle Solved

Let's finally go talk to George and figure out how to get inside that Tower!

Guess we can see why she never answered the phone...

Whoa! There's a lot of books in here. There's also just a random ass refridgerator and... is that someone with a die for a face??

Who the heck do you think you are, barging in here like that?

I don't care if you're the Messiah, manners are still a thing!

I'm... sorry?

Well? Are you just here to apologize?


I mean, no!

I mean, I need your help...

I'm not sure what I need to do next. I think I need to go in the Tower?

I don't know how to get in!

Well, I don't know either.

Shouldn't the Goons help you with that?

Uhhh?? Why is this on us?? We're just along for the ride, we can't be expected to know everything!

All I know is that nobody from this world can get in there.

Not beyond that tiny entrance room, anyway.

If anything, there might be a book on how the Messiah of all people can get in.

But I don't got anything like that in MY collection.

Would like to, though.

I see...

Hmm, she's looking for a book to help us out, huh? I think we can accomodate that request, actually...! After we look around the room first, of course.

What? You ain't never seen manuscripts before?

That's what books look like before they get published, kid.

I see! Do you help him publish books?

Well, DUH!

Why do you THINK I have literal mountains of his manuscripts, here?

Like, man oh MAN does that guy work fast.

I just couldn't keep up!

But one day he just, stopped.

ABOUT TIME, I would say.

But it's also weird since it's HIM.

BUT! Worst part of all?

Even after he stopped bombarding me, the piles of material I have on hand never seem to get any smaller!

Uh... calm down George. It's gonna be ok-

Are you okay?


Oh, sorry...



What does he write about?



I... think we broke her.

Let's uh... just talk to her again about the book.

Well, since you're already here.

It'd be rude for me to tell you to leave.

Or you can read something here, I don't care. Just don't make a mess!

Actually, we do have a question about a book! One we've been carrying since our journey began!


I have this book!

I... think it's written in some sort of... words I don't recognize?

Oh? Lemme see...


Of course...

OF COURSE!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey uh, kid...


Looks like I'm gonna have to translate this for you.

Might take a while.


*yawn*... excuse me.

I haven't had a good night's sleep in weeks!

I have never 'd as hard at a game as I am right now.


...that's ... not good...

...You know what?

I have a guest room in the attic down the hall.

Go take a nap!

Just looking at you getting tired is making me tired!

A nap sounds good for Niko, they've done a lot since the last nap back in the elevator area. Let's go get them some shut-eye.

Oooh! Those books are pretty shiny. We should investigate! Besides, if the book is boring, that's a great way to help fall asleep

Huh, so Rachis is the father of the two kids in the Glen. The Author is definitely the guy that they were talking about, though.

Those are some nice sketches, granted I never progressed beyond drawing stick figures so this may as well be high art to me.

This guy REALLY likes clovers. I mean, that sketch makes them look really pretty - having a multi-colored outline rather than just a black color.

Huh, I wonder what the prototype looked like... and why could they not use that one? Not that I hated the current one but why did the prototype need to be... discarded? Also, why was taming a lost cause? This book asks more questions than it answers...

And there's the bed, right next to that book! Time for Niko to read one last book and enjoy a nice nap!

...What the hell is this book talking about?? Are we breaking out multiverse theory right at the end here for no reason? Who is the Author referring to here, as well? I'm just gonna forget we read this book, after all Niko needs some sleep!

I wonder what things Niko will dream about...?


Gosh, finally! We're past that stupid bookbot! Let's go talk to George and get out of here.


So you're gonna like, save the world and stuff!

Didn't think I'd run into ya, but now I did!

Um, thanks?

So like, what up?

Can I getcha anything?

Yeah! I heard you can help me!

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do now...

I think I'm supposed to go in the Tower... but how do I do that?

At least, WE don't.

The Tower's only got one teeny room in it, it ain't even got stairs!

I bet you need the Goon's help on this one, pal...

Exactly how? I dunno.

But I bet'cha anything that sorta knowledge is in some mystery book somewhere.

Nothin' in my collection fits the description, tho.


They're... nice?


I'm supposed to like, help him publish and stuff.

But he hasn't shown his face 'round these parts lately. That's like, throwin off my groove, man.

Like, I'm used to him sending me new stuff all that time.

I mean, of course I can't keep up with the pace that he's writin', but he don't mind.

Makes me wanna work hard too, so I do!

I've been playing catchup with the stuff I haven't gotten to finish yet.

But you know what's weird?


The stuff I'm supposed to finish don't get finished.

Like I've put out book after book but the work pile don't get any smaller.

This freakin' Author dude, man... he's just like everywhere!! The plane, the kids, the books, the clovers... what can't that cat do!!!

I better up my game dude. Peeps are lining up to read his books!


What does he write about?

Dude, what DOESN'T he write about!

Like I said, he's got passion, lots of it!

It's like every time I turn around he just writes another huge anthology about the universe.

Gotta respect that.

Well, guess we need to show that clover book to miss George so she can help us dudes and dudettes out.



Where'd you find this?

Somewhere in the barrens!

Cuz this...

got that symbol and everything.

Here, lemme read it... aw seriously? He even used that language... I gotta translate this, man. Mind if I borrow this?

Not at all!


It's gon' take a while tho, you cool with that?

That's fine!

*yawn*... excuse me...


You looked totally tapped out, dude!

I look... what?

You look like you're ready to take five, bruh!

...yeah I don't get it.

Don't worry I gotcha. I got a guest room in the attic down the hall! If you wanna crash there, go for it!

*yawn*... excuse me... again.

Don't sweat it!

Go catch some Z's! Guest room's in the attic down the hall, FYI.

Yo, that sounds like a decent idea Niko. It's been a while since your last nap little kid! Let's head over there and get some shut-eye.

Let's take a peek at that book before Niko heads to bed.

Yoo.. wtf is this book? Multiverse theory? Are you kiddin' me? We gonna open that can of worms here, right before the Tower? Jeez... let's just get some sleep kid.

I wonder what Niko's gonna dream about this time?


Finally!! We've made it past that darn bookbot and can finally talk to George so we can go to the Tower.

You must be the savior!

I'm sooo happy I actually get to meet you! <3

It's nice to meet you too, miss!

SO! Are you here to check out the archives?

I can give you a tour!

Actually... I need your help! Can you tell me what I need to do next? I think... I'm supposed to go in the Tower...


Do you know how I can get in?


Gosh, I don't think ANYONE's supposed to get inside the Tower!

I mean, there's a little room that you can go into...

But there's no stairs or elevators or anythign else...

If you want my guess, you'll probably need the Goon's help?

I don't know how exactly...

In my experience, that kind of knowledge is usually recorded in some sort of cryptic book.

But I haven't read anything like that before...


Hmm, a cryptic book eh? Well I think we can help you out there darlin'. But first, let's check out the room and see what's happenin'.

OH! These are the manuscripts the Author sent me!

As the head librarian, it's my job to help him with the publication process.

But ah... lately he hasn't been sending me anything. This isn't like him...

I mean, I guess it does give me soem extra time to work through this backlog!

To be honest, I'm a little behind, haha!

That guy works really fast!

I see...

... the weird part is, I've been publishing book after book AFTER he stopped sending me things, right?

But the pile of manuscripts never seems to get any smaller!... at all!

Golly, you think I'm going bonkers?

...Maybe only a little.

I'm so excitedddddddddd~

His books are in high demand, y'know?

We literally have people lining up to read them!


What does he write about?

Haha, what DOESN'T he write about?

It's really impressive how fast he can crank these scripts out!

Like, where does that guy get all that time?

Work work work work work~~~!!

Yup, she seems to have just darn plum lost her mind! We should show her the weird book we found back in that ol Barrens area and skedaddle.

Oh! I do have this! I think it's written in some sort of.... words I don't recognize?

Oh my gosh!



And not just any book!

Golly... where did you find this?

Somewhere in the barrens!

Oh! We found it in a safe! Right, Goons?

In that case, I know what I have to do now! I need to borrow this journal for a bit, okay?

Gotta translate it!

Oh, cool!

It... might take a while, though...

That's fine!

*yawn*... excuse me...

Gosh! You look really tired!

A little, yeah...

No worries! I have a guset room in the attic down the hall!

If you want, you can go take a nap!

... a catnap!


A nap sounds good, eh Niko? I could probably use a bit of shutout m'self.

Let's take a looksie at that there book before Niko goes to bed.

What in the gosh darned hell is this book? Multi-verse theory? What kinda nonsense is that? We need to just ignore that gibberish and get ya to bed Niko.

I wonder what that little kid's gonna dream about this time?

What odd dreams you have Niko...