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Obligatory Quick start Link:
Full Rules Link:
Dune is a complex game, so I think it is best to explain the rules phase by phase:

1. The Storm Phase

Arrakis is devastated nonstop by sandstorms. These storms are represented in the game by a marker which moves on the 18 pie slices on the map. When it passes over a sand territory, it destroys all spice and units in that territory. When it stops over a rock territory, it locks movement into and out of that territory.

The storm also determines the first player, which is the player icon that is counter clockwise of the storm. If the storm is on top of a marker, the first player is the next player counter clockwise, and the one under the marker is last.

Initially, the storm movement is determined by the first and last player. Both players will take a battle wheel and dial it between 0-20. The storm will then move that many times, and the game will begin.

In subsequent turns, the storm will move between 1 and 6 zones using a deck of 6 cards. Each storm phase, the Fremen player will reveal the top card and move the storm that many times, then shuffle the deck. Once movement has been resolved, the Fremen player will look at the card, and know how far the storm will move next turn.

2. Spice Blow
On the Spice Blow phase, the first card of the spice deck is revealed and resolved. It will usually place a pre-determined amount of spice in a province, or reveal a worm card.

When a Worm is revealed, a Nexus occurs. During this phase, players can form and break alliances. Once the nexus is over, another card is flipped. Subsequent worm card's are discarded, but the Fremen player will cause a worm to strike

If a player has 0-1 Spice, CHOAM Charity will give them 2 spice. The Bene Gesserit always collect this.
I will always enforce CHOAM Charity, as there is no downside to having extra spice.

4. Bidding
Players declare how many Treachery Cards they have. This is public information.
One Treachery Card will be turned face down for each person able to bid. You can bid as long as you are below your hand limit (4 for all players, except Harkonnen who have 8.)

The Atriedes player can see the current card to be bid on. He can sell access to this information, and may take notes on the card and who gets it.

The first card is then bid on, starting with the first player counterclockwise of the storm.
A player may pass, but this does not exclude them from future bidding.
A player who wishes to bid must bid at least 1 more spice than the previous bid.
Once a player has bid and all other players have passed, they win the card, and pay their bid to the Emperor, unless someone blocks it with a Karama card. If blocked, or if the Emperor wins the bid, that spice is paid to the bank.
Players with maximum hand size always pass, they may not bid.
Players may not bid more spice than they have.
To keep the game moving, there will be a 24 hour time limit before an auto-pass occurs on a bid.
Once all bidding is completed players should do a final count of hand size.

4. Revival Phase
Units and leaders destroyed are sent to the Tleilaxu Vats. During Revival, each player gets a free revival(s), and can pay 2 spice to revive each additional force, to a total limit of 3. This means if the Fremen have 3 free revives, they can't and don't pay anything to get their maximum of 3 force revivals, where as the Emperor gets 1 free and may pay for up to 2 more forces.

If all 5 of a players leaders are in the bank, they may pay for 1 leader to return per turn. That player pays a spice cost equivalent to that leaders value.

5. Shipping & Movement
Starting with the first player and moving counterclockwise, players may ship units to Dune, then move them. A player may move a unit from their reserves to any territory on the map at a rate of 1 spice per troop to a stronghold, or 2 to anywhere else. This cost is paid to the Guild. The Guild pay half price to the bank to ship units, rounded up. Players may not ship units to their reserves, except the Guild. All factions apart from the Bene Gesserit are accompanied by a Bene Gesserit Adviser, which will coexist with them.

When shipping or moving to an area with several sectors, such as False Wall South or Cielago North, a player must identify which sector they are placing units in.

Movement occurs after all shipping. Every unit on the board, including ones just shipped, may move once, at a range of 1 territory. No player may enter a territory with two players already inside it. Bene Gesserit advisers do not count to this.

ORNITHOPTERS - A player who starts a turn with a force in Carthag or Arrakeen may move it via Ornithopter. The forces within that stronghold can move up to 3 territories that turn.

Storm - The storm prevents movement through it. No force may move through, around into or out of the Storm. Sectors don't inhibit movement however, so it is possible to land in Cielago North if only one part of it is uncovered by the storm.

6. Battles
Starting with the first player, players resolve all their battles for the turn. They may resolve them in any order they like. Players may not battle if separated by a sector in a storm. Players NEVER battle in the Polar Sink, it is a safe space for all people.

When two players are fighting, they will form a Battle Plan. A Battle Plan consists of:
Number - This is the number of troops the player will commit to the battle. If they win, they will lose this many troops. This number cannot be higher than the troops they have in the battle.
Leader The player must select, if able, a leader card and send them into battle. Leaders may not fight in several territories during the same turn.
-A cheap hero card can be used.
Offensive treachery card - Either a poison or projectile weapon, or the Lasgun. This will kill the other person's leader unless they play the correct
Defensive Treachery Card - Either a Poison or Projectile defense.
A useless Treachery card may be used in either position, however you can only play one card in each "slot" so to speak.

Battle Resolution
First an example from the quick start rules

First, players reveal their battle plan. At this time, a player may reveal their TRAITOR card. If this happens, the losing player loses all units and cards, and the winning player loses nothing. The traitor leader is killed and sent to the tanks, and the winner gets spice equal to the leader's value. If two traitors are revealed, both players lose everything, and neither gets any spice.

Offensive Cards take a shot at the opposing leader. If they aren't defended against with the corresponding defense card, the enemy leader is killed and send to the tanks. Their combat value doesn't count. If a Lasgun and a shield are revealed, the entire territory is nuked, and every force/leader/item is discarded.

A player has a combat value, which is the value of their leader + the number of committed troops. The higher number wins. If there is a tie, the aggressor will win. If their leader is killed, the number they dialed is all that is left.

The winner collects spice equal to the value of leaders killed, including their own.They lose their committed troops to the tanks. The loser loses all forces in that territory.

8. Spice Collection
In territories with spice, players collect 2 of the available spice for every troop they have in that territory. If they own the strongholds at Carthag or Arrakeen since the start of the turn, they have Carryalls and harvesters that increases the rate to 3 spice per turn.

9. Mentat Pause Phase
Smoke some space weed.
Check for game end.
There will be an "end of turn" post with the game state.
Turn 10, if reached, will have a breakdown of the winner. By default, the Fremen will win on turn 10 if they meet conditions. If they do not, the Guild is the default winner as they have prevented any one faction from controlling Dune.