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Um... Could you pass the soy sauce, please?




A-ahem. Say, Ran...
I don't suppose you're still upset or anything, are you?

I'm the same as ever.
Just your usual live-in janitor, and resident big dumb idiot, Ran Yakumo.

Seriously, I'm sorry!
Here, you can even have my fried tofu, okay?

Don't belittle me.
I'm a nine-tailed fox. Do you really think fried tofu will fix everything?

I mean, seriously...

My heart can't be swayed so easily!

I see I've got your attention. Here, here.

Say "ah~".


Damn, this sauce is amazing. I'm too good at this.

You said you were feeling down, so I was worried you wouldn't bother with dinner...
But on the contrary, you still did all the chores. Well done, my splendid shiki.

I knew it. Words are but words, while you and I share an unshakeable bond...

No, I just figured I'd do them out of spite, since you can't do them yourself.

Out of spite!? Was our bond really that brittle!?

You know, while I was making this... My mind was filled with the thought of your praises, and how you'd look while you were eating...


J-jeeze, that's a low blow.
You can't just lay it on thick like that all of a--

It pissed me off!

So I just kept swinging my knife, hoping to get your face out of my mind.

Wha-wha-what!? I thought we were hitting a good mood there!
Dramatic piano chord.

At the end of it, I took a good long look at myself, and calmed down a bit.

And I decided, it's fine. I'm just a shiki that likes cooking, and that's okay.

If I can't take pride in my own hobbies, then I'll lose sight of what's good in life.

I uh, I see.
Well, as long as you're back to normal, I won't complain.

...Better than taking all those blows to the gut, anyway.

Yep. My lord is so dignified and beautiful! But on the inside, she's completely helpless.
So with renewed passion, I will dedicate my all to her aid.

Oof, the unexpected roundhouse out of nowhere!
Dramatic piano chord.

Though I may be a shiki, I'm still a fox.
It's in my nature to want to toy with people.

Seeing you all worked up these past few days made me want to mess with you, like the old days.

Oooh... I've awoken your inner nine-tails, I see.


Regardless, from that fateful day, my loyalty hasn't wavered in the slightest.

My feelings are unshakeable.


What is this, some kind of carrot-stick ploy?

Jeeze, you're always so tense. I'm being completely serious here.

It's scary that you can say that with a straight face.

Thinking back... That was around when humans starting really encroaching on youkai territory.
Being forced to sit and watch as our kind were systematically culled, I felt completely powerless.
Wallowing in self-loating, haphazardly attacking anyone I set my eyes on...

And then, I met you.

...Come to think, the first time we met, you suddenly attacked me.
I was quite surprised to meet such a reckless kitsune.

It's a bit embarassing, thinking back on it. You really beat me up.

After all that violence, finding myself crawling on the ground, covered in wounds, I couldn't help but laugh.
I thought, "Ahh, today's not a bad day to die."

Seeing you so content with yourself was quite revolting.

Haha... Lying there, waiting for the final blow...

And then suddenly, you pulled me up and said, "Come with me."
Seeing you there, gallant, and imposing...

In a way, that really was the final blow. Love at first sight, I suppose.

What a liar, you are. It sure didn't seem that way to me, at least.
That stupid smirk on your face suddenly twisted into a scowl, full of questions and doubt.
You couldn't help but wonder how I could be so arrogant, didn't you?

I didn't really understand my own feelings, back then.
My heart was a mess, and my pride wouldn't let me accept it.
It was the first time I had ever felt such deep fear of someone else... or such affection.
And as we spoke with each other, my admiration grew even deeper.

Glad to know all that sweet-talking was worth the effort.

...Even back then, I could tell. There was a light in your eyes.
You were no ordinary youkai, reveling in hedonistic pleasures.
I could see within you, someone that thought deeply about your nature. About others, and the world.
That's why I made my decision.

Then let me be the light that guides you down the path your destination.

Oho! Quite the charmer, aren't you?
I'll be counting on you, Ran.

Leave it to me!

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