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Update 2: Arrival to Silva Tenebris

Due to the length and different content, this first video will be split into two parts.

Campaign Introduction (watch this)

Tutorial (optional, it’s an extra long tutorial that I played slowly in to show off all of the mechanics. No choices in it have any impact on the campaign itself)

If you don’t want to watch the tutorial, essentially, the expedition arrives on planet to discover that Necrons killed the previous colony and the lost Magus. As the team explores further, they activate a device that alerts the Necrons and starts waking them up, before the team gets killed by a Necron Destroyer Lord called Void Admiral Aghrolek. The expedition now has about 280 hours before the tomb fully awakens and the Necrons force the expedition to retreat.

With the intro and tutorial sorted, we have the first 2 missions to choose from:

New Missions:

Scaevola Mission 1:

Scaevola’s missions are all about researching the Necrons and what happened to the original colonists, often to the detriment of the Tech-Priests and Skitarii actually in the area.


Videx Mission 1:

Videx’s missions are about conserving the spiritual integrity of the expedition. They will request things like escorting a censer-servitor through an area or placing vox systems to broadcast sermons, and though they can seem inane, they often result in improved morale and safety among the Skitarii.


In my opinion, we actually got very lucky with getting 2 melee options right off the bat. I’ve gone full playthroughs without getting anything other than the basic Power Axe you start with. Otherwise, both the Omnispex and Curatio Claws are useful defensive/supportive equipments.


We started off with enough Blackstone to do 2 upgrades, and could either put 1 on each priest or boost one up to level 2 of their path.

So I need votes for which mission to do first and the preferred upgrades for the Tech-Priests

Also, should I use the Arc Scourge?
I have more details about it in the Current Armory section, but essentially it's a pre-order weapon that can make the early part of the game much easier since it’s solidly powerful, easy to equip, and has a small AOE.