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Chapter 10: 21:45-23:17: Big Boss Man

And here we are, finally faced with Evrart Claire himself.

EVRART CLAIRE: “Welcome, Mr. Du Bois, Mr. Kitsuragi. It’s good of you two to stop by. Please, have a seat.” He gestures to a *tiny* chair opposite his desk. “I’m Evrart, Evrart Claire, head of the Débardeurs’ Union here in Martinaise.” The man relaxes into his chair and continues: “I’d offer you my hand, but unfortunately my health prevents me from getting up. You understand.”
COMPOSURE: [Easy: Success] He looks extremely comfortable. The tiny folding chair, on the other hand, looks like a torture device.
KIM KITSURAGI: “You go ahead, detective.” The lieutenant nods at you, then the chair.
ESPRIT DE CORPS: [Easy: Success] Whatever he has in store for you, it can’t be good, he thinks. I’ll do my best.

EVRART CLAIRE: “Very well, Mr. Du Bois. I respect a man with strong convictions…” As he nods, his multiple chins move like ocean waves. “I, too, have convictions, one of which is that I will not engage any man who won’t face me at *eye level*. Should you find yourself more amenable in the future, I’d gladly resume our conversation. But until then, I’m afraid I must ask you to leave.” He turns back to his typewriter.

EVRART CLAIRE: “So tell me, how can the head of the Débardeurs’ Union help a representative of the Revachol Citizens Militia today?”

EVRART CLAIRE: “Oh, by the way, I heard you got a rather rude reception from a certain… Lawrence *Garte*. Some people have no manners, it pains me to say.” “*This* should take care of that nonsense.” He points to a giant novelty cheque on his desk—it’s absolutely, comically huge. “It should be sufficient to cover your expenses for a few days and patch over your differences with the cafeteria manager. Go ahead, take it.” He points at it again.

EVRART CLAIRE: “Yes, I know Lawrence. He’s a real character—no Union man in him. A real piece of work, that boy is.”

EVRART CLAIRE: “Is there anything you’d like to say to me, or…?”

EVRART CLAIRE: “*Cool*? I wouldn’t go that far. I’m sure there are cooler things than delivering a comically oversized novelty cheque to a cafeteria manager, but, sure… if that’s what’s cool nowadays."

Wait… he just admitted it’s ridiculous. He’s clearly trying to humiliate you, and you walked right into it, dumbass.

EVRART CLAIRE: “Now, I’d like to set your mind at ease about one other matter: your *lost gun*. Let me assure you, Union people are on it as we speak. I’ve got my best hounds looking for that *lost gun*.” His slug-like lips move, but all you hear is an echo: lost gun, lost gun, lost gun…

EVRART CLAIRE: “I know *everything*, Harry. Rught now I know that you’re worried. Don’t be worried. Everything’s going to be alright. It’s not like you left it loaded. You didn’t lose a *loaded gun*. Local children aren’t out there playing with it right now, pointing it into their own mouths… It’s in a safe place. I just know it. I have a feeling everything’s going to be alright.”

KIM KITSURAGI: “Officer, we will deal with this later. We don’t need Mr. Claire’s help with this.”

We fail the check.

EVRART CLAIRE: “*Mr. Du Bois*, you don’t look so good…”

EVRART CLAIRE: “Mr. Du Bois… Are you okay? Can I get you a glass of water or something? Are you having some kind of medical emergency?”

KIM KITSURAGI: “Don’t be dramatic. I can see your condition isn’t terminal.”
EVRART CLAIRE: “What an odd demonstration of… huh, you got me, Harry… I don’t even know *what*. As entertaining as it was, I’m afraid we’re wasting our time, and I’m an extremely busy man, as I’m sure you are too.”
KIM KITSURAGI: “Okay, enough! We are here to ask you some questions pertaining to a murder investigation.”
REACTION SPEED: [Easy: Success] Quick, here’s your window! Get yourself together and ask him questions! Police officer questions!

EVRART CLAIRE: “Rubbish, Harry, rubbish! I mean look at you!” He raises his hands towards you. “For your age you are obviously in the peaks of physical condition. A real silverback!”

EVRART CLAIRE: “Of course, let us dispatch with the formalities. You call me Evrart, I call you Harry!

EVRART CLAIRE: “My god, so it’s true! I didn’t want to believe it, but you *are* a fantastic science-fiction amnesiac cop, aren’t you?” He shrugs with an amazed expression. “What are the odds of that?”

EVRART CLAIRE: “I assure you, there’s nothing to be ashamed of, Harry. You’re among friends and the good news is…” He taps on the folder in front of him. “I have a big fat folder on you, Harry. I’m sure you have a lot of questions to ask—maybe I can help you out? I’m sure you had some concerns you thought I might be able to address,” he pauses to look down at a brown folder on his desk. “And you were probably right—I can.”
KIM KITSURAGI: “Are you trying to tell me you’ve gotten hold of some of our documents?” The lieutenant inspects Evrart over his spectacles.
EVRART CLAIRE: “Mr. Kitsuragi, would you mind?” His eyes never leave yours. “Me and Harry are talking about lost identity right now.”

EVRART CLAIRE: “It’s Harry…” He glances at the folder. “Harry Du Bois.”
INLAND EMPIRE: [Challenging: Success] You feel like a *Du Bois*, but you don’t feel like a *Harry*. Strange.

EVRART CLAIRE: “Fine, Harry.” He waves you off. “You can be Harry Raphael Du Bois De Costeau—or whatever you *choose* to be.”
KIM KITSURAGI: The lieutenant covers his face and sighs audibly.

He’s trying to play you, trying to turn you against Kim! Don’t fall for it!

EVRART CLAIRE: “Ah, this?” He closes the folder. My friends in the organization gave it to me, Harry.”
KIM KITSURAGI: “I find that very suspicious. May I have a look?”

KIM KITSURAGI: “I’m sure it’s not that bad,” the lieutenant whispers. “At worst he has an old RCM folder, and I very much doubt even that.”

KIM KITSURAGI: “You might have noticed there’s one hanging on a tree behind the hostel cafeteria.”
EVRART CLAIRE: “Oh my…” He smiles pleasantly. “Don’t take this question personally, but *why* would I get involved in this matter?”
KIM KITSURAGI: “Mr. Claire. The man was hanged with a cargo belt. A steel reinforced cargo belt. It’s safe to assume the Union had *something* to do with the murder.”

EVRART CLAIRE: “I can certainly see how having him up there might start affecting *some* real estate values. He licks his fat lips and smiles. “But of course, all joking aside, I *am* going to help you.” He picks up the handset of a radio-phone to his right—then clicks a button. “Jean-Luc, my boy. I’m sending two police officers down. They have a dead-body-in-a-tree problem they need help with. Namely, they need it to be taken *down*. And, Jean… please take it easy with the race science. That’s a *yes* to getting the body down, *no* to the race science.” He hangs up and turns back to you.

EVRART CLAIRE: “Yes. Your lost gun.” His face turns serious. “My best men are on it. They’re turning every stone, searching every playground, asking kids, grandmas, everyone. Your gun *will* be found, Harry. Let me assure you of that.” He winks at you. “It’s just a matter of time and… *effort*.

EVRART CLAIRE: “Yes, thank you for the *hot tip* regarding your lost fun Harry. My men have indeed” – he makes air quotes – “*factored in that you pawned it*. Now please… let the professionals do their job. Kick back, Harry, relax! I have *great guys* on this. You focus on what’s important—building our relationship for the good of Martinaise.”

EVRART CLAIRE: “Harry, Harry—I was only trying to be tactful. A lost gun is a dangerous thing. I can’t have it around in my neighborhood.” His tone is suddenly very serious. “Kids could be playing gun-roulette with it as we speak. Teenage gangs could be arming themselves. Get a hold of yourself, Harry!”
KIM KITSURAGI: “I assure you, we are working on locating the missing sidearm as well.”
ESPRIT DE CORPS: The lieutenant is concerned about the lost gun and feels that the fact you haven’t prioritized looking for it is unfortunate, if inevitable, and doesn’t put the RCM in a good light.

EVRART CLAIRE: :”Oh, of course. That’s your main thing, here. That’s *why* you’re in Martinaise.” He nods. “I know everything that goes on around here. And I would *love* to help you, like I’m helping you with the body and your lost gun…”

EVRART CLAIRE: “But I *can’t* think straight with this thing weighing on me…” Suddenly, he slaps himself on the forehead. "You’re police officers, aren’t you? I have a crazy idea. You guys are basically door-opening machines. Incredibly talented at opening doors.”

KIM KITSURAGI: “I’m not sure I understand.” He looks to the Union boss. “If you’re asking us to break down someone’s door, it’s not going to happen.”

EVRART CLAIRE: “Harry, I’m a very busy man and, more importantly, I don’t have that extraordinary physique you do.” He slams his fists together. “You look like you could run around all day!”

And you do!

KIM KITSURAGI: “You want to send someone a message that the police are working for you.”

EVRART CLAIRE: “A loud blabbering weasel. When weasels feel no one is watching, they start acting *foolishly…*” He removes his glasses and rubs his nose.

EVRART CLAIRE: “Fantastic, my friend! Just let me know when it’s done and we can take our friendship to the next level.” He flicks his fingers. You can get the key from Mañana—he’s down by the gates. Mañana’s like a free agent in the Union. Special operations. Hardened socialist. A real free-thinker too. He’ll tell you precisely where the door is.” He smiles obviously satisfied with how well he planned it all out. “One last thing, Harry.”

EVRART CLAIRE: “I don’t know what that means, Harry. Shady brew? There are so many moving parts in my operation I can’t keep track of them all… You know what? Don’t even tell me. Whatever it is—do it. Surprise me!” He reconsiders. “Just one thing… if you can, make it even *shadier*.”

EVRART CLAIRE: “Harry, you smooth-talking son of a bitch,” he says with the fondest of smiles. “Time is a precious resource and I don’t have enough of it to count containers with you.”

What is it with everyone in the Union and loving the sound of their own voice?

We are now the ultimate Sorrycop. The bonus for Rigorous Self-Critique is honestly one of the best in the game, letting us recoup Health and Morale for failing Red Checks. They’re not that common, but it’s still really handy. Also, we’re currently out of thought cabinet slots. We’ll have to spend skill points to get more in the future.

Again, if you try to cash this, you’ll be humiliated. Not that that’s ever stopped you before.

Kim wants to talk again.

Remember how Leo said Evrart leaves at 22:00? Well, it became 22:00 while we were talking to him. I believe this thought is a vestige of us not having the pass card at that point. When it passed over to 22:00, this thought appeared along with the pass card, which probably disappeared when we got our card from Evrart. This is all speculation, but it’s fascinating to me because it’s one of the only times I’ve seen the scripting “break” in this game.

Sure, try it you maniac.

KIM KITSURAGI: “Now is not the time to get philosophical, detective. You can do that after hours.”

Mañana is gone for the night, along with the scabs, meaning we can’t get the key yet. Measurehead is still guarding the gate in perpetuity, but we’ll talk to him about getting the corpse down tomorrow.

GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANANGER: “As a police officer, you must understand that I cannot take you at your word—without *evidence*.”

GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANANGER: “Good luck trying to use it.” He taps his foot against a metal box installed in the back of the counter.
INTERFACING: [Medium: Success] Draconian measures…

GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANANGER: “Not until you bring me the money.”
KIM KITSURAGI: “Okay…” He turns to you with a heavy sigh. “I *might* have something in my motor carriage we can use. When you’re done here.”
ESPRIT DE CORPS: [Medium: Success] I *really* didn’t want to resort to this, the man is thinking.

Before we go, you’ll notice that I neglected to pick the option to give him the giant novelty cheque. Well, that’s because I fucked up, so let’s reload a save and see that, because I think it’s at least a little funny:

GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANANGER: The cafeteria manager stares at you, baffled. “You must be joking, right? You come here, trash everything—and now you try to pay with a novelty cheque? This isn’t a game show. I’m not going to accept it. You owe me cold hard money… I want to see that money in the palm of my hand. Every single cent.”

Well, let’s head to the motor carriage then.

KIM KITSURAGI: “I have something here we could sell. Look in the back, in the suspect transport enclosure.”

COUPRIS KINEEMA: The cage at the back of the motor carriage looks rather uncomfortable. Four shiny hubcaps are stacked against the seat. Their silver edges sparkle in the dark.
KIM KITSURAGI: “I confiscated these four a little while back. We can take them to the pawnshop down by the Martinaise Canal.”

KIM KITSURAGI: “As I said, they’re useless anyway. I should have remembered I have these earlier…”

KIM KITSURAGI: “Yes, the Bird’s Nest Roy, near the canal—we’ve been there. If I’m not mistaken it should be open late.”

KIM KITSURAGI: “Yes, we’d like to sell these hubcaps,” the lieutenant steps in and hands him the spinners.
BIRD’S NEST ROY: Roy takes the hubcaps from the lieutenant and inspects them. The spinners appear iridescent in the dancing light of his pawnshop. He marvels at the cobalt shimmer, and nods: “Yes, these are very, very good. Did you defraud some foreign prince for them? Jump a mesque banger? No matter… I’ll give you 200 reál.”

BIRD’S NEST ROY: “Of course. I meant no offense. 200 reál for you, officer. Delightful doing business with you. Do come again.”
KIM KITSURAGI: “Thank you.” He takes the cash, then turns to you.

EMPATHY: [Medium: Success] The windfall is a small consolation.

BIRD’S NEST ROY: “I’m not purchasing any more clothing at the moment…” he looks you up and down quickly. Suddenly, his gaze fixes on your tie. He steps back from the glass. “And *especially* that tie. It swallows photons around it. I have no need for *necrotic* objects.”

Well, whatever. Back to Garte!

GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANANGER: He takes out his key chain and fiddles with the mechanism behind the counter. “The electronic lock to your room has been disabled till 21:00 tomorrow.”

KIM KITSURAGI: He opens his wallet. “I’ll take a room here too.”

KIM KITSURAGI: “I have a cigarette every night when I go over my notes. It’s something of a ritual.”

KIM KITSURAGI: The light of his cigarette illuminates a fleeting smile. “You mean this?” he flicks the ash. “This isn’t cool—it’s an unnecessary trial of will. And unhealthy.”
VOLITION: [Easy: Success] Keeping the habit within the parameters he’s given himself takes a lot of focus. It would be easier to simply quit.

KIM KITSURAGI: “Well, we inspected the victim’s body. So that’s good—it was not easily *approachable* in that state, but we did it. I would say our initial inspection was *very* thorough—and we have solid leads to follow up on. The body is still hanging from that tree, which is… unfortunate. But we performed a thorough search of the premises of the crime scene—that’s great.”

KIM KITSURAGI: “I look forward to that. As for the interviews… We conducted an interview with Evrart Claire.”

KIM KITSURAGI: “Well…” He frowns. “We will have to work through that.”

KIM KITSURAGI: “You can look into the process of changing your name after we finish this investigation. We didn’t talk to the Wild Pines rep. We really must do that tomorrow.”

KIM KITSURAGI: He nods thoughtfully, tapping his finger on his cigarette. “It’s impressive, especially for a man your age—and in *those* heels…”

KIM KITSURAGI: “Yes, although indirectly, as citizens can always request records from their local station.”

KIM KITSURAGI: “You can’t. Those who don’t show up become fugitives, though, and have fewer legal rights when they are eventually caught. It’s about power projection. Thus far they seem to mostly show up.”

KIM KITSURAGI: “You have to supply compelling evidence for why it was necessary to use lethal force. In these cases—your partner is usually your witness.”

KIM KITSURAGI: “The Coalition Government and the Moralintern more broadly. The RCM was formed by the Coalition Government to restore order in the International Zone after the Revolution. So we did. Now we attempt to *maintain* that order, no more, no less.”

KIM KITSURAGI: “Interesting question. It’s a blue forget-me-not. Their motto is: Love, Compassion, Self-Discipline. I think you can gauge what they *want* you to think of them from that.”
CONCEPTUALIZATION: [Medium: Success] Something kind and *usual*.
LOGIC: [Medium: Success] Something almost self-explanatory.

KIM KITSURAGI: “The Moralintern are a fact. I try not to have opinions on facts—until they change. And…” He looks at the city below… “It doesn’t look like that’s about to happen.”

KIM KITSURAGI: “Yes. I *did* –when I was younger. In my twenties I considered myself a moralist. *A blue forget-me-not, a piece of the sky*,” he quotes. “They’re not all that bad.”
CONCEPTUALIZATION: [Medium: Success] That’s another leitmotiv associated with moralism.

KIM KITSURAGI: The dying lights of the city shimmer below—slowly, like luminous clouds, they pass on his lenses. The lieutenant looks at his slim cigarette, contemplating the next drag.
ESPRIT DE CORPS: [Medium: Success] This *soldier* is the highlight of the day for me, he thinks. This little stick right here.

KIM KITSURAGI: He looks at the dark silhouette of the equestrian monument cutting into the night sky and says: “We run this city. West of the river is RCM land.”

Thanks, Kim.

See ya tomorrow. But before we go to bed…

Let’s do something about this fucking mirror!!!

Encyclopedia check fails.


Well, let’s actually go to bed, then.

And so ends the first day of the rest of our life.