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Update 7: Striga Hunter G (Turn 51 - 63)

Turn 51

Ah, the story continues.

Some of you might know that jewellery was a common craft of Goatmurdered's early years. However, it is easy to forget the power that lies in such ornaments. In fact, even Drakenel, the village's most rational thinker and non-believer in magic, doubted not their power.

It was by this, the two crafters of the town could come together for a time, despite their mutual dislike of each other, and design a new project.

: Even still, I'd think re-creating some plate armor would suit our expedition better.
: You would, wouldn't you? You are quite predictable after all- are you sure all those raw vegetables aren't going to your head?
: Tch, I'd just rather be using our valuable resources before they get stolen again.
: I could keep that from ever happening again.
: We'd all prefer if you didn't. You'll probably just put a hex on the whole thing, witch.
: Speaking for everyone else now, are we? Still so exhaustingly willful...and judgemental. I'm no witch, and besides, I know nothing of hexes.
: You're not fooling me, and you never will.

: Hah, I don't need to. Besides, all this has given me a new idea, one I'll talk about with my new apprentice.

This mention of an apprentice was, in fact, true. One of the older children, later in adolesence than the others had begun following Black Robe around.


The expedition waged war against the undead in the north.

Whereas we've seen most of the dangerous skeletons, Unliving Corpses is where that danger rises. Still wearing fitting armor but being immune to pain makes these hard to destroy by normal means.

Though, for Dance Macabre, the common strategy was to level one with a spear charge and then finish them by attacking their head directly. Our combat instructors still teach these historical techniques, just in case, though the undead are by far very few these days.

Turn 52

With the end of the darkness nearing, the expedition remembered the visits they had been paid by the gods recently. Though there was much to explore in the north, the thought it wise to go seek out Horos's call to the south.

On their southerly trip, they found themselves faced with a ruin. After dispatching the remaining undead there, they found some notable supplies in form of quartz and malachite.

In the end, it didn't seem as if there was too many things to be found in the north either. Was the east the only profitable region?

Turn 53

As the sun rose over the horizon, the survivors found themselves more experienced.

For Dance Macabre, much of it was physical experience. The never-ending trek across the world surely kept the body in good shape. In other developments Samovar was beginning to warm up to the "furball", as he called Redsnapper, while Pharnakes was beginning think a little bit harder about things after hearing Evil King speak on some subjects.

Shei-kun, as ever, continued to plan for protecting her friends in every circumstance.

Back in town, Drakenel began to work out very complicated formulas- arithmetic to whose uses had long since been forgotten, believing they may have a use related to their survival. Meanwhile, Anonymous had been growing more muscle since he'd began working in the coal mines, as after all, it is not only hard work but he would be the only one around to save himself should he slip down.

Drakenel saw presently no use with the enchanted bone they'd found, so she went out to make herself a pretty necklace- simply as practice. She theorized it would turn out quite nicely. After all, she'd just finished the cabbage patch.

As the Dance Macabre rounded the coastline, the sun began to rise...

Turn 53

They continued heading south, heading back for the village to resupply when the sky suddenly darkened again.

: Bah, damn th- *mmphph*
: Thanks, Ogs.
: *Nods*
: *Mmmpgh* -you sonofa- *mmphph*
: Ah, Perun again? It would seem that this is no ordinary storm.

: Behind me, friends, I know how to hold this at bay!

True to her word, Shei-kun had been devising plans for storm safety. With Pharnakes timing out the blows between each strike, they charged forward with Shei-kun deflecting debris as they made for more cover. Though it was arduous, and they were nearly struck once or twice, they made it through without losing anything.

: Haha! There is nothing I cannot defend against!
: Eeeeee! We winners!

After the event, a short conversation was had between Shei and the elf druid.

: Could you see the magical trails there?
: That time, yes.'re telling me I witnessed Perun himself unleash that storm?
: Indeed, I supposed you would have. Such is the nature of your gift- it is the ability that served oracles in the old times. Our training isn't getting too far, however, I think for now we need to get you a physical catalyst.
: And that would be?
: A ring, a staff, anything you could use to help focus your powers, really. The primary concern would be the material. I'll meet with one of the crafters to see what they can do about it.

Turn 54

Though, it would seem the crafters had a little more on mind for the moment. A group of undead had made it to the town's gates and set upon entering the town with ill intent.

: Oi, I thought the expedition was supposed'ta take care of this stuff!

: *Crushes the skeleton's skull* They ain't can't be everywhere at once, ya know. These weaklin's ain't so bad though.

: Easy enough.

The village wasn't defenseless, after all. These were but a minor encounter.

Turn 55

On the expedition's way back to town, however...

: Bison?


: Hmph, bison.

There was an unusually large amount of attention put into that journal entry, and though it seems odd, we have no reason to not accept it as truth.

Turn 56 - 57

Now having safely arrived at town, bison free, the town dropped off its gems and other loot of the journey, prompting the beginnings of some more crafting.

Though, 'twould seem their return was well timed, for not far away from the town lied a traveling band of undead more powerful than what they usually saw. If it reached the town, it would almost surely fall. They would have to intercept that before the enemy had a chance.

Yet, before that, Old Grey Guy was insistent on checking out that graveyard first.

A peculiar find, a still surviving Westernlander creation. Yet not all was as it seemed, at first.

: Elvish? Let me read that...

: 'Ey, Grey, that's-
: *Raises fingers to lips*
: What's with these silver chains?
: That would suggest something dark lies within.

: ...I've never once heard of an elven striga.
: Look, I like my loot as much as the next guy, but I don't like this.
: No, I cannot wait any longer! My life up until now has been only to reach this moment alone!
: What in Horos's backside-

: Begone, chains! Simon, old friend, I will relieve you of your curse now!

: Everyone, strike without hesitation!

Bursting from beneath the nearby ground came two of the horror's thralls, and from each corner of the room, a frenzy of frightened bats!

: Ack, they're everywhere!
: Defensive stance, Pharry, defensive stance!

: Eee! Many bat, too many bat! Me hates bat!
: Not arguin' with that!

: Og, watch it! *Jumps in*
: Hsss!
: Hrk! *Falls after taking the hit*
: No, Sam! Rgh, die, you fiends! *Thrusts spear*
: Hraaagh...!


: It ends here, Simon!
: You worthless mound of lies, you can't hope to stop me alone!
: T-that's 'cuz he ain't alone, blood breath!

: Aaaargh! NOOOOoooo...!

: Master- hraak...!

: Got 'em!

With but a final few bats to kill, the arduous fight was finally over. The spoils were astounding, far better than what they'd thought they would find.

A Wise Man's Arm, a very light staff for those who can't afford to carry much...

Mithrill, the miracle metal that formed the miltaries of elves and dwarves alone. Incredibly light, sharp, and hard, it makes for some of the best swords, spears, shields, and armor imaginable.

And if to demonstrate its power, a Mithrilldus encrusted with rubies was with it- a one handed sword as powerful as any of the two handed ones they'd used thus far, and nearly one sixth the weight.

Yet, that all came at a price. Samovar's wounds were grave and he stood on the edge of death, while there were also many questions as to Old Grey Guy's actions...

Turn 58

: ...Y'know, it ain't a bad day to be free of a curse? Heheh--rgh! Ah...
: Must you always make the craziest gambits? Nevertheless, please, save the celebrations for once you've recovered, my old friend.

As Old Grey Guy set to gathering medicinal herbs, Shei-kun and Pharnakes took to treating the wounds as best they could. Fat Samurai's wounds were but mere scratches and she refused help until Sam had recovered.

However, Rocket Baby and Evil King sought to interrogate Old Grey Guy now, rather than later.

: You want to explain what sorta godsdamned trick you've been pullin' on us?
: I never expected I'd ever reveal myself, but I never expected I'd be free of my curse either.
: A curse, you mean one from that striga? My magic never registered any lingering hex upon you.
: If only but it were a hex... no, it was a mental curse- the overwhelming pressure of guilt. I have been reminded of it every time I have seen the moon, and I have never been able to forget that ghostly light.
: Oi, so what'd you do that's so bad?
: Simon...he was my brother, and I did some things he saw as pure betrayal. Needless to say...I did not handle it well, and things only grew worse from there. His hatred of me overtook him, and when he died, I knew he was to become a striga.
: But this Simon, he was an elf, if I'm not mistaken? You are a pure-strained human, a Westernlander, even.
: I was his adopted brother, 'tis why I know how to read and write Elvish. That inscription was my own.
: Intriguing, yet I am left with more questions than I began with. There is far more than it seems to you, Old Grey Guy.
: Can I ask you one more thing for now, Boss?
: Yes, what?
: Since when were you and Sam old friends? I didn't hear of this before.
: I'm hoping Sam will be able to answer that for you. Mind helpin' me make sure that happens?

Turn 59 - 63

In time, those questions would be answered, but in the meantime, Samovar made a lucky recovery. Upon their return to town, there was much excitement regarding the tale of a dead striga and the precious metals recovered from it.

The experiments in making jewelry had found success and members of the team ended up with some pieces worthy of note.

: Ah, Drakenel, do you perchance still have that enchanted bone?
: Nah, sorry. Already made this funny necklace with it. It glows and stuff like I figured it would.
: Ah, perfect! Could I have that beautiful piece of work?
: If you like it that much, sure. Just be careful wearing it, that light makes your eyes go all funny.
: Shei-kun will appreciate this greatly, thank you.
: Aw, hell, I'm just glad someone appreciates the quality of my work.

: Here, you take this ring with you too. I liked it, but I kept havin' to take it off to do any work, so it's not like I'm using it.
: This is quite beautiful as well! Thank you.
: It's just the product of my genius. Y'see, I've been doing all sorts of work on new plans and I was starting to think about what I could do to make it better. I think it's working out, don't you? Oh, but how does this compare to elven work? I'm sure that stuff's real pretty-
: *Slips the ring on* Ah, but what about that mithrill?
: Oh, Horos! That's right, Oh, I'm gonna make such amazing things with that...! *Runs off*
: By Veles, she talks too much.


: Say, you're Drakenel's older sister, right?
: No. Related, though.
: Eh, anyways, I noticed you were eyeing this ring. It doesn't do anything, so go ahead and have it.
: Why?
: Payment for services rendered. Now go tell your urchin of a sister to stop making faces at me through her window. My concentration is ruined thanks to her, and I've got rather pressing things to do.
: ...Yeah, okay.

New accessories in tow, the expedition has a brief party in celebration of their recent exploits and the party, Though, they know that group of undead lies not far away- there's no time to party.

They approached carefully, with a plan. The undead looked like soldiers, which means a tough fight, but Evil King brought up that in her experience the undead often retain some instinct. In this case, she hoped they would have retained an instinct to retreat in face of an ambush.

Some well placed footfalls later, and the band of undead was dispersed swiftly. Many of them still remained to walk the lands, but individually they'd be easier to deal with later on.


Upon the defeat of these restless bodies, the number of workers at Goatmurdered's kitchen increased to two. Black Robe had indeed taken another apprentice, and this one had just finished her occult rite of passage.

: Aaand...we're done! Now then, your new title is now Delilah Flowers. May your powers bring us control and stability to Thea.
: ...Um, sure. Yay.
: Really, you ought to be more excited! You're the first witch without a demonic bloodline!
: ...Right. Um, y'know...I need to put some more bandages on.
: Is it eating through the bandages still?
: Yeah...I figured spider silk would hold longer...but...Anyways, can I go back to the fields, Auntie?
: It's Sage Black Robe to you now, and yes, you can go. Be back at dusk for more hexing circle training.
: Aw...
: For Horos's sake, we're almost done with them. Now go mine coal or whatever it is you normally do.
: It's vegetables, but whatever. Yay...
: (That is the most sluggish girl I've ever seen. Honestly!)

Delilah proved all of Black Robes theories to be a success, that indeed, a witch could be trained without a proper bloodline- it just needed time. The new witch was by all means not nearly as powerful as, say, The Great Evil King, but she was a natural magic user.

Though, unfortunately, that issue with the caustic, venomous blood kind of made having her work in the kitchen basically impossible. She'd have to find another one for that, another one that wasn't so resistant like Drakenel, but not as lethargic as Delilah.

And as with any passing of time, the people's experience grew. For the most part, this was but more solidifying upon strengths, and in the case of Fat Samurai, quite literally Strength.

In the next few days, Drakenel finished researching the properties of silver, realizing it's usefulness and being ready to take advantage of its ready supply.

This usefulness was realized in the form of decorations for the time being, ones Evil King assured her were quite powerful.

: You tryin' to tell me I can see the future?
: Well, sort of. It's a native power of silver, and it's quite a long story...

Though, some other decorations were made too.

: Ah, these do match quite nicely with my eyes! Ahaha, it just makes me feel so light, like I'm ready to dance!
: Glad you like 'em! They're nothing much, really, though if anything, you make 'em look good!
: Aw, thanks! I'll have to be sure I don't lose them while I'm out with the expedition.
: Speaking of that, you ever planning on coming back and staying here for a while? Robe's starting to scare me more and more.
: Really, now, she's not that bad. A bit terse, a bit frightening, but still-
: She turned one of those girls in the fields into a witch.
: I-I mean, that sounds a bit-
: She bleeds poison now. I have to keep making her bandages because the stuff is caustic and disintergrates them.

What strange and shocking times these were. Well, some of it was more surprising back then, but still.

That's all I can tell for now. Until next time, dear listeners...



Holy lezcos, that 3 skull encounter but two turns away from town was two Unliving Corpses and 3 Skeletons- I've seen 4 skull encounters easier than that! It's a really good thing we came back.

Also, Samovar passed two roughly 15% chances of death there. Fun, right?

And I elected to take silver to get the extra +5 of the resource. Those silver brooches are no joke.

For reference, Fat Samurai now has Fast Reaction which is piercing damage in Physical and Cure Sickness challenges (to make best use of her high strength), while Pharnakes now has Light Steps which is piercing for Hunting and Stealth (so she can make use of that ridiculous Dexterity/Stealth score of hers.)

Shei-kun now has 5 Sixth Sense (Leech damage in Hex and Tactical), Evil King now has 10 Feint (Poison damage for Social And Tactical to go with her 9 Speech, and Rocket Baby now has 8 of both Find Weakness and Diviniation (Leech for Social/Tactical and Poison for Hex/Intellect respectively.)

We'll now essentially do very good in a lot of non-combat challenges, especially hex and social.

Anyways, voting time!

We're still headed to the god's quest for now, given I forgot how much a sidetrack this would be. On the other hand, we have mithrill now!

That being said, what do we research now?

Also, as great as it is having Redsnapper around, I'm a bit leery as to taking him with us regarding the present danger we're seeing. 25 Health is a lot, but none of that is actual shielding, so every hit he takes is a wound for every point. He also doesn't do very much damage, presently, but he is quite useful in physical challenges and makes a decent meatshield for non-combat challenges

What will we do?:
A. Keep him with us for physical challenges, and try to keep him out of danger.
B. Have him trade places with Anonymous, our strongest and best gatherer.
C. Have him trade places with either Vodkahead or Arzaac, our weaker gatherers.
D. Just put him back in town for now.

Votes will be called on the 21st!