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Update 10: Chartreuse

Ah, greetings once again. Busy times these, y'know, always so much to do and far too little time. I've got the time to spin the tale of Goatmurdered again for a short time.

For the Dance Macabre and the town, their adventures had taken somewhat after their adventures to the south in search of Horos and northeast in search of silver.

With many bars of silver at the ready, esteemed craftswoman Drakenel continued her work in fashioning new arms and armor for their expedition team. Yet, that would take time, and quite a bit of it.

Not used to sitting around anymore, the Dance decided to take a short expedition to the north to the location that King Arathor pointed them in.

Turn 100 - 103

: 'Ey, Anon, want to come with?
: Your gathering skills would be appreciated. We might stop to pick up some different food if we have the time.
: Er, I dunno. I kinda got some work t'get back to in the mines and, well it's kinda dangerous out there.
: *In the distance* To conquer thy foliage and to hear the lamentation of their lemons! Hyah! Hyaaaaah!
: On second thought, why not? Yeah, let's go. I think I've been sleeping in the mines too much recently.
: Evil Wizard Legume! Your tyrranical reign ends here!
: ...Can we leave quickly?

Anonymous in tow, they set a course to the northeast again, headed for that bridge they passed by earlier.

Though they found themselves restless easily, the Dance had been hoping for some calmer times. They'd been predicting a future of hard battles ahead, and it seemed the chaotic lands of Thea weren't going to remain uneventful for long.

: Ah, gods, it's always something isn't it?
: We might as well see what it's about.
: If you lose an arm, just remember it's not my fault.

: Hey, a reward? Hell yeah, whaddya need-
: You know as well as I do that this could be a demon and easily a trap. Don't you remember what happened three years ago in that other mire?
: Aw, look at it, you big grump! It obviously needs our help! Surely we can spare the time to lend a hand!
: Someone remind me to knock him out if we ever come across a rusalka. You're worse than Redsnapper sometimes.
: C'mon, give me a break here. Sometimes they give you the payment before betraying you!
: Me is convinced. Me and we help.

: Sure, thing, little guy. Hey, Samurai, mind giving-
: *yoink*

: Nice work.
: Like carrot from loose soil.

: Say, what did happen in that other marsh you were talking about?
: ...Like I said, remind me to knock him out first if we ever meet a rusalka. Just... please do.
: I think I'm getting the picture. I didn't think him so easily tricked, though.
: Oh, trust me, he never believes a word of it, he just can't resist trouble if there's treasure or pretty ladies on the line.
: Hmm... how interesting.

The treasure map pointed far to the north, up in the snowfields. They considered going there, but first there was this matter of a bridge and a reward.

: Bah, might as well cross it. Looks sturdy enough and I'm not sure I feel like trying to cross this ravine.
: We'll just need to see who this robed figure is...

: This seems... so eerily familiar somehow.
: Do ya think it's anything we would know how to answer?
: If its what I think it may be, then yes. Just follow my lead, and answer as plainly as I do.

: The Great Evil King.
: ...Fat Samurai.
: Shei-kun.
: Pharnakes.
: Uh, I'm Rocket Baby Dolls.
: Samovar.
: Old Grey Guy.
: An Anonymous Idiot.
: Me Redsnapper!

: Green.
: Red.
: Blue.
: Bright lilac.
: Er...
: Baby blue?
: Chartreuse.
: Beige.
: Charcoal.
: Bleu!

: (The hell, how're we supposed ta know that?)
: (...Er.. given the average size and strength, and size of rock, not to mention sedimentary or igneous...but what about the wind patterns?! Argh, why does this seem so familiar?)
: (C'mon, we need an answer quick, hot stuff.)
: Me wants to know what kind of troll?

: Right on, furball! You got 'em good!
: You are a true credit to the team, little guy.
: Me don't know what I say.
: I'm not sure how it worked either, but you did a good job.
: Me is convinced. Me did good job.

: Ah! That's why it seemed so familiar. Alas, young Pythonicus. Your humor was for a different time and place.
: Pythonicus?
: He led an elven comedy troupe for a time and had been writing what he considered his magnum opus before he went mad. It was about a search for a chalice or something. This skit was pulled straight from his unfinished manuscripts.
: So...that was him then?
: That or a dedicated fan of his.
: Hey, let's get moving already. I've already got one treasure map burning a hole in my pocket!
: Fine, fine. We're coming.


: Beige? Really? Always such a square, my friend.
: Look who's talking. Who even likes chartreuse?
: Tch, chartreuse is all the rage in the cool crowds you know.
: At least know I know to get you some gaudy, puke yellow underwear for your birthday.
: And, I'll get you a bland, dried out leather coat.
: Still better than puke yellow, my friend.
: ...Damn it, this conversation isn't over yet.


Checking the other map, the expedition would find that the destinations of both maps weren't far away from one another.

Deciding to cut through the mountains, instead of going around, they found themselves approaching the mud troll's stash rather quickly.

: ...I'll climb it.
: Isn't that a ritual for Morena?
: I'm climbing it. No bears to wrestle around here.

: Found bird.
: Is it tame?
: I guess so.
: Caw-haw! I'm a wild spirit born to soar free! I've flown the coop!
: Do not quail, there is no cawse for alarm. I mean no harm, no fowl!
: It talks too much.
: Hey, at least it can talk.
: Without feather ado, I shall introduce myself...
: I am the great Corvus Maximo!
: Sounds fine, Jim.
: Ah, you must've heard me wrong. I am no Jim!
: Ah. Jimmy it is then.
: Alas! What a fowl turn of events, my grand name tossed aside from a cuckoo in the flock!
: Actually, Sammy, you were right. This one does talk too much.

Another odd companion then joined the flock, Jimmy Dalad, if the stories have it written correctly. Crows aren't terribly great fighters, even when they have 5 foot wingspans, but they're sneaky enough to provide a minor distraction mid-combat.

Turn 104 - 108

With time comes experience. Arzaac continued to have the sharpest eyes of anyone around, while certain members of the Dance began to grow in tactical expertise. It would make for a good start, but they'd need more of it.

The expedtion had reached the troll's cache by that time, and found what made for some decent crafting materials.

As the map of Pythonicus directed them further north, they found themselves in a small elven grove.

: Hm. I had no idea this was here.
: I've heard tales of such a thing...

: Huh, how about that? Say what kind of-
: *Clamps hand over Sam's mouth*
: Thank you, fair lady.

: Not exactly much for customer service, is she? Ah, well we got our loot anyhow.
: Argh, Oggy! What was that for?
: Sounded like you were going to ask her what the gift was.
: You got me wrong, friend, but why would that matter?
: You know the saying "never look a gift horse in the mouth"?
: Aw hell, this is coming from the guy who gave orders to knock me out if we met a rusalka.
: There's a difference between demons and minor benevolent deific figures
: What even are you two dingbats going on about?
: ...
: ...
: ...You'd never understand.
: Whatever. Feel free to stay here and argue this out while we go raid another ruin.
: We're coming.
: (What a pair of nerds. What happened to being a striga hunter?) *Walks off.*


: You need to let go of this chartreuse thing.
: What? That's not even remotely close to what I was going to ask.
: Listen, I know you. I know you two were going ask about it.
: Apparently not, because you're completely wrong on that.


It was at this time they discovered obsidian, a high quality stone material. They didn't really have enough to make anything useful with it at the time.

Regardless of that, we know for a fact useful things were being made at home at that time- Heavy Armor. 3 sets made of silver would serve the Dance well in the future, but they'd have to make it home to claim it first...

: That's a lot of tracks. Samovar and I are going ahead to scout the ruins. Watch our backs, alright?
: There must be a bear den nearby.
[IMG][/IMG: Hey, Sammy, did you hear-
: :hmmyes:

*Branches snapping*

: Hold on, what's that noise?


: Go for the eyes, Jim!

: Ugh, that takes care of that.
: Hold on, hon, I'll get those scratches for ya.
: Wait on that, weren't there more bears? Where'd they go?!

: *Steps out of the bushes, covered in loose fur*
: Ah, I see.
: :haibrow:
: Heads up, we've got more incoming!
: By Horos!

: ...What terrifying things the darkness has wrought.
: We're back folks, let's mop these up and hustle out of here before more things come for us!
: Where to?!
: Westward, there's less snow in that direction!

Turn 109 - 111

The team having swiftly made their way out of the dangerous tundra, they regrouped on the northwestern plains.

: So, what happened to be in that ruined town? It seemed to attract a lot of hostility, though that may have been coincidence.
: Just an old axe is all we could find. Not even worth the time.
: Robbing ruins? How corvid! Such a macaw profession!
: Speak for yourself, Jim.
: Ah, a truthful riposte.
: Wordplay aside, it looks like there's a slaver band not far from here. Think we ought to take them out before they wander any closer to the town?
: Let's do it.

It did not take long to catch up to the vile band- their victims evidently did not travel very fast.

: (Nasty business, this. Can't we just kill these fools and be done with it.)
: (As much as I loathe them, it's still our way to talk it out first. I don't see any manageable stealth approach here, and if we just charge in, they may start killing the slaves when they realize they're losing.)
: (A likely event, and one we may want to avoid. Good intuition.)
: (If intimidation fails, we take the element of surprise while we still can. Got it, Rocket?)
: (On it, boss.)

: You there! Let them go, or else.
: Or else what?
: *Holds up axe*
: *Flexes*

: That's hot, but seriously, or else what?
: (You ass, don't you see we're completely outmatched here? Offer 'em a deal or something and let's scram!)
: Ugh, fine. You can take half of the cargo and we'll just leave. Sound fine to you?
: ...There's a slight problem. I see no "cargo" here.
: Listen, lady, you ain't making any sense. What does that even mean-
: *Crossbow quarrel lands squarely in the neck*
: "You moron, you absolute buffoon." That's what that means.
: (Signing up for this was a mistake.)

The resulting battle was quick, but not quick enough. There weren't many survivors, but they were grateful for the rescue. While many of them decided to go their own way nonetheless, one orphan stayed with the Danse.

They set a course home, but Shei-kun was particularly bothered by the outcome.

: That battle still on your mind?
: What use is my sixth sense if I couldn't change the outcome? I predicted that, but in the end... I still couldn't protect them.
: The flow of future events is often hard to change, but I think ou simply need a stronger sixth sense.
: What do you mean?
: Presently, you can only see the one outcome, right? I hypothesize that if it gets stronger, you may not only be able to see multiple outcomes but also mentally explore their environments. It could give you just the tactical edge we need to better handle similar situations like these.

: When we get back, I'll work with Drak and we'll see if we can design a stronger focus for your sense. Meanwhile, don't be too hard on yourself, okay?
: ...Sure, thanks.

: Hey, little guy. You look like you need to go see Miss Pharnakes. And stick behind me next time, we don't have any armor for you.
: It not hurt much, but me will stay further back next time.
: Still, thanks for the effort in that fight. You were very brave.
: Me want protect like Shei.

In short time the Dance Macabre returned to Goatmurdered, where their new gear awaited them. What would come in the following days was the foremost question on every person's mind. The Cosmic Tree? A "Leech Lord"? Their initial quest of survival had already turned into something far more significant, and there wasn't any way out of it but forward.

In time, they would have to undertake an even greater quest, but that wouldn't be for a long while.


Drakenel's Craft Logs.

"3 of these were made, two of which were higher quality than the first."

"2 of these were made, the second of which came out inferior due to flaws in the wood."

"3 of these were made, one fully of silver while the other two had to settle for gold and iron accoutrements respectively."

"Evil King claimed this for Shei-kun, though I'm really not sure why. She mentioned something about it being 'perfect for heightening senses.' I just thought it looked nifty, personally."

"Anonymous ended up taking this to be shared amongst the Dance members. It changes hands regularly, so I suppose they have some use for it. I had made it when I was practicing with the Ancient Wood."


Alright, voting time, and a lot shorter than the last one. First, I need to know where we're going next.

1. Take a gathering break to stock up on some foods and maybe some other materials.
2. Go take a journey to the southwest to follow the Cosmic Tree questline.
3. Embark on Horos's quest to slay the Leech Lord. (I checked, and with our new gear, it will be doable, though maybe a bit difficult.)
4. I want more silver! We ran out too fast!
5. Heck with all that, let's just explore some more for a while. See what turns up.

Next, we've got a science point to spend. We can save it, or learn something on our tech tree:




If there's any particular questions about what they do, (I know its been a while since I've been over them,) just ask.

Remember that any materials we learn will show us where an existing node of it is and give us a free +5 of that resource. That and anything next up on the tree from it we'll finally be able to see on the map in the first place.