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Yes I forgot that I like my screen to be small for GBA games and I promise the next time they'll be bigger, but for now focus on the pretty princess Dozla and her long flowing beard hair, the envy of everyone. I haven't done this since...whenever I did Breath of Fire III and I don't feel like replaying, so cut me a little slack

Grado has shown up to party, and since Princess Dozla is (responsibly) practicing social distancing, she decides to flee, as I also tend to do whenever there's people in a place I am, plague or no

Dozla ain't your average damsel in distress, Seth. Don't patronize her

And now it's time to party, Dozla style

...Or not. That was just the dress rehearsal, OK? Dozla's got this shit firmly in hand

See? A quick game of attack-Vulenary-attack and Her Highness is perfectly fine, and got great first level. All hail Princess Dozla!

Honestly, this playthrough with everyone calling Dozla "princess" has me thinking of Rachel from Animorphs, who would absolutely swing a battle axe if she could figure out a way to do it in grizzly bear form. But until then she has her own severed arm to beat things with. CHILDREN'S LITERATURE! *jazz hands*

OK I run a hotel during the ABSOLUTE WORST TIME TO TRAVEL with just a skeleton crew while hitting 60-70% occupancy with assholes who don't understand that WE'RE IN A PANDEMIC SO THINGS ARE DIFFERENT so I'm a little loopy because THESE PEOPLE ARE EXHAUSTING so you'll have to forgive the tangents AND my trains of thoughts careening off track

Oh, and my jokes aren't as good as usual at the moment

ANYWHO we strip Seth naked (gross) and start axing people in their goddamn faces, by order of the princess

I'm literally worried about nothing on Dozla but speed because I'm a slut for a good GBA dodgetank so I'm glad Dozla isn't dragging his ass on that front

Honestly not much to say, this is still a tutorial map. I did forget to unequip Gilliam before making him hold Franz, so Gilliam got a kill too. But it's OK because Gilliam has an awesome beard on the inside. And Skill is always welcome on axe users

Princess Dozla is starting off on the right foot, and I'm proud of her

By "liberated" they mean "Princess Dozla dusted through the wall like she was full of Kool-Aid"

Oh god, what if all that is the Kool-Aid man's blood?!

You literally exist only to give the princess your hatchet, kid. Your parents knocked boots for that sole purpose

Dozla and Moulder are basically running south while Garcia kinda chills to the east and the screams of the villagers make their way to the north as their bodies slowly burn. The rest of the (naked) (ew) team is pretty much guarding Ross because of reasons I know not

I should note that I'm still using Moulder to heal. If Vilk can do it during an archer-only run, so can I. I'll probably switch to Natasha though, since she pretty much always ends up impossible to hit for me.

I went back north once the boss ran past Dozla

And we close out on a couple of levels. Honestly, I'm impressed. I consider any level that gets 3+ stats in Fire Emblem to be a good level, regardless of what stats they are, so Dozla's already hitting the ground running.

Next update to come once I re-figure out how to upload en masse to LPix because I am soooooooooo not a tech person, even for stuff that I remember being simple like this, kthx