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Hello everyone and welcome back! We got a new skill, Twin Snakes.

Twin Snakes is an alternative to True Strike, and can take its place as the second action in our attack combos. It deals less damage, even hitting the flank positionals, but it also gives you a 10% damage increase when you use it. The damage buff lasts just long enough that you can alternate which you use as the second action of a combo while keeping it at 100% uptime.

Ginger's combos now look like: Bootshine-> Twin Snakes-> Snap Punch-> Bootshine-> True Strike-> Snap Punch-> Repeat

By the time she hits level 50 Monk, she'll have two full, unique combos... one for the flank positional, and one to use from the rear. And the beauty of PGL/MNK is that it's seamless to swap between the two as needed! It's very versatile in that regard.

Can I count on your discretion, Ginger? If so, then listen closely...

Duty, Honor, Country is the finale of the Ul'dah opening!

The outside world believes Ul'dah to be a sultanate, ruled by Her Majesty Nanamo Ul Namo. Truth is, though, it's the six wealthiest citizens that hold the most sway--the Syndicate. Be that as it may, the sultana's still got the support of the people...

But she might struggle to keep even that if a certain incident becomes public knowledge. It pains me to say it, but the crown of Her Majesty, symbol of the royal dynasty, has been stolen. And Owyne... Owyne's the Sultansworn who was charged with guardin' it that night.

Look in the background! Those two look kinda familiar...

I'd bet anythin' this letter was written by the bastards who made off with the crown. It can't be a coincidence that a man we know to have been fraternizin' with thieves had a letter for Owyne of all people, at this of all times. You need to take this to the man himself, Ginger.

Tell him Momodi sent you, and that it concerns a lost heirloom. If it looks as though the fellow needs help, I want you to lend it to him. The future of our fair city may depend on it.

Getting to our destination is as easy as teleporting to the Alchemist's guild and talking to the nearby Sultansworn.

(Sultansworn Elite) The Heart of the Sworn lies beyond. State your business. ...Pardon? Did you say a lost heirloom? Ahem. Proceed.

(Owyne) Well met, adventurer. What business brings you here this day? ...A letter? Very well, let's see it.
*hands over letter*

(Owyne) ...Have you read this, adventurer?
*shakes head*
(Owyne) I see. But you have some inkling as to its contents, I think. Mistress Momodi has doubtless explained to you the significance of the crown, and what its loss could mean for Her Majesty the sultana... <sigh> This theft shames the Sultansworn--and me most of all. The blame is mine, you see. I grew lax in my duties, and in a moment of carelessness... No, it will do no good to recount the tale now.
(Owyne) Since the hour of the theft, we've searched frantically for any signs, any whispers as to the whereabouts of the crown. We have found nothing. The identity of the thieves, and their motives, seemed fated to remain a mystery--until you arrived, bearing this ransom note. In it, the criminals state their price for the return of Her Majesty's crown. And though it pains me to say it, I fear I have no choice but to acquiesce to their demands. Too much is at stake to do otherwise.
(Owyne) The crown symbolizes Her Majesty's birthright, and identifies her as the custodian of the Ul legacy. It must be recovered. I will travel to the Unholy Heir and pay them their ransom. Though I am not foolish enough to meet these men alone as they stipulate, I dare not bring a host of my comrades lest the thieves take fright. Friend--would you consent to be present for the exchange?
(Owyne) Mistress Momodi has always spoken of you in the most glowing terms, and I have never yet had reason to question her judgment. On behalf of all those still loyal to the sultana, I beseech you--help us in our hour of need.

Jesus christ he likes to hear himself talk. It sounds like Owyne either fell asleep on the job or trusted the wrong person. Regardless, he's a fucking idiot who's really bad at his job. He immediately decides to try and pay the ransom without talking to the other members of the Sultansworn. Bodyguards who fuck up this hard don't typically keep their jobs! Especially in Ul'dah of all places!

The meeting spot is where we killed those toads in the last update.

(Owyne) I've come as agreed! Now, show me the crown!
(Geribald) Aye, you'll have your precious crown--once we've been duly compensated.
(Owyne) Do you think me a fool!? What assurance have I that you will honor your part of the agreement?

(Geribald) Now, now, Owyne... you're the least trustworthy man here. Not only was the crown stolen on your watch, but it looks to me as if you've violated the terms of our exchange. Did we not say that you were to come alone? And given that you are not alone, what guarantee have we that there isn't a company of archers surrounding us even as we speak, ready to feather me and my men the moment they catch a glimpse of the crown? You have made mock of our trust. The deal is off.

(Owyne) Wait! Here's your payment, as promised!

(Geribald) <sniff> <sniff> ...Aye, 'tis the real thing. Ahahaha! A thousand thanks to you, boy! You've succeeded where scores of thieves have failed! And now, at long last, we have it! The power to create an army of undying soldiers--The Traders' Spurn!

(Owyne) No... no, it can't be! What have I done!?

For the sake of clarity, the Traders' Spurn is a powder which kills anyone who is touched by it and raises them as the undead. Ul'dah used it in a war thousands of years past to crush a city by the name of Sil'dih.

I say this now because if I didn't, we wouldn't get that information I just gave you until the actual tail end of this LP when I'm covering Patch 2.5 content. And even then, it only shows up at the end of a joke questline. I'm serious.

(Geribald) Surely you must have wondered what it was that you were handing over--what it was that seemed as valuable to us as the crown seemed to you? Or did you assume we were feeling charitable? Ah, but you must feel terrible, knowing that you've brought us the doom of Sil'dih. Worry not, boy--we'll grant you a quick death and spare you further ignominy.

Welp. Owyne is an idiot who just sealed Ul'dah's doom.

(Owyne) There's too many, Ginger! Run! Run while you still can! I... I will do my duty.
It's your duty to serve the sultana, lad--and you'll be doing it for a good while yet!

Is that Papashan?

Sultansworn! Put these thieves to the sword and secure the crown!

(Geribald) Sultansworn!? Hah! No matter! Kill them all!

The finale of the Ul'dah opening is a huge fucking brawl between the bandits who stole the Sultana's crown and the Sultana's elite bodyguards. This theft was hinted at wayyy back in the cutscene following the "Underneath the Sultantree" duty. This is why FFXIV tells such a good story. Things get hinted at in an abstract way, and then later on (sometimes actual years later) that buildup pays off in spectacular fashion! This stolen crown business is fairly neat and while it is the weakest buildup, it's nice to see them honing their craft so early on.

Owyne wants us to help him, and we will, but the more mooks we take out, the easier this job becomes. And so Ginger roams around the battlefield kidney punching assholes.

Eventually Geribald is left by himself.

(Geribald) Meddlesome fools! You know not whom you face! Hearken to me, denizen of the abyss! Slay these interlopers and feast upon their souls!

As a desperation move, Geribald summons another voidsent... one identical to the kind that tried to attack the Sultana. With everyone on the battlefield attacking it, it goes down like a sack of bricks.

(Owyne) Master Papashan! But why...? How...?

The General saw you sneak into the vaults, Owyne. He suspected something was afoot and ordered us to keep an eye on you.
(Owyne) The Flame General...? He ordered you to look after me?

(Sultansworn Elite) Master Papashan! More of them to the north!
After them, Sultansworn--they have the crown! This lot sought only to delay us!

(Owyne) Let us speak again back in the city!

All's well that ends well! With properly competent people on the case, our job is done...

Or so you'd think.

The source of her strength becomes clear... You may have bested the golem, but you will not fare so well this day.


Our new friend just vomited purple clouds at us.

{O mournful voice of creation! Send unto me a creature of the abyss, my thrall to command, that I may smite mine enemies!}

In-game, the text in brackets comes up as red. SA mercifully doesn't allow you to change text color, so I can't do that here.

This guy just summoned a voidsent.

Your very being imperils the plan. You cannot be suffered to live.

This is just a pair of boss fights back to back. First up is the Lesser Gargoyle.

After a few minutes, Thancred shows up to lend us a hand!

You certainly have a knack for getting into trouble!

We then beat the everloving shit out of this nameless idiot. He has a lot of health, but he can barely do anything on his own. He spends most of his time casting Blizzard II.

Blizz 2 looks impressive, but it's the single most useless skill in a THM/BLM's repertoire. It only affects stuff around them like this and it barely deals any damage. Even when playing at levels where the only AOE they have is Blizzard 2, no THM/BLM uses it. Ever.

Easy as pie!

Unnngh... That the wisdom of the Paragons should be brought low... by mere mortals...

Paragons? This is indeed a disturbing revelation... We had long suspected the involvement of the Bringers of Chaos--Ascians, to give them their true name. But we could not be sure they were responsible for the recent disturbances until now.

As if the sultanate needed any more enemies...
*says something to Thancred*
Hm? Have we Sharlayans crossed paths with Ascians before? Well, we've certainly-- Wait. I don't recall telling you about my homeland. Ah, yes, that's right--you're one of the gifted.

Thancred is obliquely referring to Ginger's unique gift to see into the past. It'll get explained more later on, so just hold tight until then.

You know, this marks the third time I've found you in the midst of trouble. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're a lodestone for it! Anyway, I'm glad I started following you around. Who knows what grand conspiracy you'll stumble upon next!? I jest, I jest... Had I truly been watching your every move, I wouldn't have taken so long to intervene in your latest altercation.

But all's well that ends well, eh? Our masked friend is no more, and while I very much doubt we've seen the last of his kind, his demise will likely grant us at least some respite. And on that note, I must away. Until next time, Ginger.

Oh Thancred, you have no idea just how right you are. Ascians are the primary villains of this game, and they will never stop showing up. Eve n the current patch is still dealing with them! Anyway, Thancred wanders off, while Ginger turns around to spot...

A purple crystal.

...That immediately shatters. Very curious!

Let's return to the Sultansworn's office and see if they were successful in getting the crown.

We get the reward first and then we get the cutscene!

Does it surprise you to see me dressed so, Ginger? I was once a Sultansworn, you know, though it's been fifteen years since I put down my sword, and took up the role of stationmaster. It is a capacity in which I am no less proud to serve, lest you doubt. Whenever Her Majesty ventures outside the gates, I have the honor of protecting her person. Never before had I seen her so despondent as when news of the crown's theft reached her ears.

But thanks to your valiant efforts, she is returned to her former vibrant self. You have the gratitude of every Sultansworn, Ginger.

Exalted vessel of Nald'thal, guardian of Thanalan, seventeenth ascendant to the throne of Ul'dah, Her Royal Majesty Nanamo Ul Namo presides!

Her gown having a puffy bottom is so dumb looking. It never gets better, either.

They regaled me with tales of a champion amongst champions, one whose tireless service to the crown merited the highest honor we might bestow. Never did it occur to me that it might be you. Bring it forth!

Betokening our gratitude and esteem, I, Nanamo Ul Namo, Sultana of Ul'dah, confer upon you this gift.

Your Grace.
See to it that our champion is my personal guest at the banquet.

As you command, Your Grace.

If what they say is true, Ul'dah owes you a great debt.

I am Raubahn Aldynn. With the consent of Her Grace, I oversee the affairs of the sultanate. Brave souls are few and far between in these times. I count my blessings when I find one. Her Grace invites you to join her at the coming banquet. I trust I will see you there.
Until then. For the sake of Her Grace, and the glory of the sultanate, may you walk in the light of the Crystal.

Earlier in the update, Owyne and Papashan mentioned a Flame General. That's Raubahn. He's a member of the Syndicate (the group that actually rules Ul'dah), the leader of the Immortal Flames (the Ul'dahn military), and the personal bodyguard of the Sultana.

There's a lot more I could explain, but the important bits I mentioned above are all we need to know for the time being. His story will be explained and expanded upon, more than any other Grand Company leader, across the patch stories in the future.

Nanamo and Ginger are both tall for Lalafell. Most others are under 3 feet, while they're both apparently over 3 feet!

Raubahn nods at Owyne, while Owyne salutes.

And then, just like that, the Royal party departs.