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Hello everyone and welcome back. Today's update picks up where last week's left off.

Ginger awakens in her room in the inn. There's the sound of a door shutting.

How you feelin', Ginger?

They said you fainted in the middle of one of the general's stories. I had to have you carried back to the Hourglass. I reckon you made quite an impression on your fellow guests--though probably not the sort you intended. You sure you're gettin' enough rest, Ginger? The life of an adventurer can be pretty taxin'.

Anyroad, I'm glad to see you're back to normal. No offense, but lookin' after you was gettin' a bit tiresome. Oh, 'fore I forget, the general left a message for you. Said that when you're feelin' up to it, you should come and see him at the Hall of Flames. Probably wants to finish the story he was tellin' you when you fell asleep.

Momodi complains, but in her own way you can tell she was worried about Ginger.

Over across from the pugilist's guild is this little cordoned off area. This is the headquarters of the Immortal Flames. It's where Flames-aligned players come to do quests and stuff.

Raubahn is here to greet us.

I've been waiting for you, Ginger. I trust you are fully recovered? Good, because there is much work to be done--work that I would have you do...

Listen well, Ginger. This will take some time to explain.

I've prepared these letters for my counterparts in the Eorzean Alliance.

Five years ago, we looked on, powerless, as our brothers and sisters were taken from us at Carteneau--first by the Garleans, and then by the thrice-damned primal called forth by their treachery. Not a day goes by that I do not think of my fallen comrades... ...And of the Warriors of Light, of whom no trace remained. The tragedies of the Calamity are not so easily forgotten--nor should they be. In remembering all we've lost, we're reminded of what we still have.

And so I mean to mark the fifth anniversary of the Battle of Carteneau with a memorial service honoring the fallen. It is my hope that my counterparts in the Alliance will agree to do the same. And I would have you bear my words to them as my personal envoy. Why you? Because your deeds mark you as the nearest thing I have to a Warrior of Light. I can think of none more worthy of the role. The question is: will you accept it?
Then it is agreed! You will journey to Gridania and Limsa Lominsa as my official representative. Now, that's a great many malms to travel, but I've neither the time nor the patience to wait around while you do it on foot.

I hereby grant you permission to use the airship routes connecting the three city-states. This pass serves as proof of your privilege. Gone are the days when airship travel was available to all. The ever-present threat of imperial attack has forced us to impose drastic restrictions out of concern for public safety. These passes are only granted when circumstance demands it--as in this case. Though there were others who insisted you be granted one regardless.

Aye, Ginger, I am not alone in seeing it... Your potential is plain. But I have said enough, in the name of the sultana, I bid you go forth. See for yourself the wonders of the realm for which the Warriors of Light risked all. Rise to your calling and fulfill your promise. And should your path be barred by man or beast, strike fast and true, for victory belongs to the bold. Now go, Ginger, and heed the Crystal's guidance should you ever lose your way.

While I would like to share the musical theme that played during that briefing, there's only two versions on youtube that I would want to use. And both have major spoilers for the MSQ.

This update was recorded before Monday's. Anyway, back to Momodi.

Ah! Back from your meetin' with Raubahn, are you? What did the big man have to say?

Is that a fact!? Personal envoy of the Flame General himself! So you'll be bearin' the great man's words to the leaders of the Alliance, will you? And by airship! Bugger me...that's an honor and half, that is. ...But I can't think of anyone who deserves it more.

I'm proud of you, Ginger. I truly am. Now, I daresay Raubahn told you this, but not many people get to go on airships, these days. In fact, most folk go to their graves havin' never once seen Eorzea from above... Poor buggers shuffle off to meet Thal havin' never known the blues of Limsa Lominsa's shimmerin' seas, or the myriad greens of leafy Gridania... But not you, Ginger. You'll see those sights and more, and everywhere you go, you'll find fascinatin' folk with fascinatin' tales to tell.

The people you meet, the places you go-savor these experiences... For they are priceless, all. Sayin' that, it'd be remiss of me if I didn't remind you to be careful out there. Ul'dah ain't the only place beset by troubles, as you'll discover when you visit Limsa and Gridania. Truth be told, that might well be exactly what the general wants you to realize. I think he knows what kind of man you are, Ginger. And what kind's that, you ask? Why, the kind that can't resist stickin' her nose in other people's business, of course-and don't you ever go changin'! Safe travels, Ginger! I'll see you when you get back.

We're gonna be stuck doing the Ul'dahn Envoy for the next several updates. But in the meanwhile, we're also gonna be doing some sidequests. These are important sidequests because they're pretty cute and kinda funny.

Each of the three cities has a sidequest where you learn how to do a dance! That's pretty fun, right?

Psst, you there! Yes, darlin', you. They say you're the lass with the brass. Well, they call me that too, but for a different reason. Name's P'molminn, and I earn my keep as a dancing girl in these markets. Still, I should like to be one of those dancers dexter. You know, the sort they engage for the grand balls. Mmm, to be a dancer of craft, not mere wiles... and keep company in high society!
'Course, I'd have to learn a proper sort of dancing--less shimmy, more stately. And that's where you come in, darlin', because I've got a quarry for you to track down. They say a dancing master named Guillaunaux is in town. All the highborn ladies are aflutter wanting to take lessons with him. He's the best, that's the word! This is my chance to be something finer than Minnie the Minx! Go to the Steps of Thal and ask around about him, won't you?

The sidequest is simple enough. We just have to wander around talking to people.

Master Guillaunaux? Oh, it's lovely what he teaches. But strait is the gate, my good lady--he is very choosy about whom he teaches. You must dance for him and show some...innate quality. Why, he wouldn't even accept Master Gegeruju's diamond-crusted crumpet, and she was quite the danseuse already.

Oh, of course I know where Master Guillaunaux is. Don't you see these roses on my cheeks? And the ever-so-slight droop in my supple carriage? I've just come from practice! You can stop wondering who the belle of the ball is to be next moon. With what Master Guillaunaux taught me, I've no doubt that I'll dazzle the masses! Where can you find him? Well, I oughtn't say, but...oh, why not! You should find him on the Hustings Strip. He said he was headed to the airship landing.

The last lady is waiting up here.

Are you another one of Master Guillaunaux's camp followers? So cute. You know he's from Coerthas, don't you? Travels the world teaching the art of the dance... They say he was the youngest dancing master ever to leap the lance. That he had a large estate, a fine stable, and a coat of crown sable. Why anyone would leave all that is beyond me. When I think about that, it gives me shivers, you know? Why, if he weren't leaving Ul'dah today, I'd consider permitting him the pleasure of my person. Oh, don't look so shocked. Mayhap when he returns...

Someone thinks highly of herself... Anyway, he's apparently Coerthan nobility. What a shocker.

Master Guillaunaux? I am he. That you are an adventurer is apparent, but what business brings an adventurer to a dancing master, I wonder. At-tat! You will not answer where no question has been asked! It is the feet that must persuade, not the tongue. Now, dance for me!

The lalafell dance is waving your arms around and shaking your butt. It's not very good.

The vessel is rude, but the wine within may yet be fined. Unfortunately, there is much call on my time, and I am bound for another land. I will make a dancer of you when next I return to this city.

There you are! Heard anything good? Hope you're not wasting time with that looker there.

It's around this point that I realize P'molminn is a minimum height miqo'te. This puts her height around 4'10.

She looks like she's a preteen trying to dress "mature" to spite her parents. This quest is kinda uncomfortable in that light...

*says something*

*tilts his head in confusion*
Oh... Oh! M-Master Guillaunaux, I am P'molminn the dan...danseuse, and I would speak with you. It is my greatest desire to become a dancer dexter, and perform at a grand ball. Please, milord, won't you teach me?
So. It is not the adventurer who wishes to tread the parquet, but this stammering maiden. Child, I sift people to find dancers. Do you understand? Then let us see whether you can master these steps!

It's a little difficult to capture dance moves in screenshots, and I can't be bothered to gif it. So this is the best I'm willing to do!

- Bliss (Spoilers, I guess? But it's inanity.)

<gulp> ...That's how they do it in high society, huh? I can be the lass with class! Just watch!

I'm also not capturing a bunch of repeat shots of different people dancing. So here's P'Molminn trying her best to repeat.

Hideous. Grotesque. Your dancing stands alongside the Calamity in its horror.
W-Well! Those words might cow your highborn ladies, Master Guillaunaux, but where I come from, we take our lumps and keep on tvvirlin'! Now, what exactly didn't you like?

Gotta give her credit, at least. She's not dissuaded by some mean words.

Child, you rely overmuch on appearances. You go from pose to pose, pleasing to pleasing. That is not dance, but crude fascination.

Adventurer! Look sharp and take your turn on the floor.

- Return of the Hero (PGL capstone quest spoilers)

I... I can't take my eyes off of you! I mean, you're not exactly good. You'd be picking rotten orange piths out of your eyebrows if you did that at the market, but... It''s a story, isn't it? A dance is a story...and I have nothing to say. Because I haven't lived... just made a living.

This storyline was written in 2014. The Dancer job wouldn't be added to the game until 2019. But it looks like Ginger's a natural!

Aye, child. Ale-glazed eyes are easy to please, and you have squandered these years striking your poses when you could have learned a craft. Still, you have courage, I'll warrant that. I weary of teaching so many who may have lived, but in ways too alike. I wonder if you have courage enough.

She's like what? 13? 14? I mean 18? 20 at most? Exactly how many years has she squandered?

Do you dare start anew? To be a dancing girl no longer--to learn a true craft?
I... I...

I dare! I will learn the craft...of adventuring!

She steps forward. Ginger steps back. The dancer master is confused.

Do you adventure for fun or gain? Do you have to be very good with weapons? Those moves you make with your arms--is that some fighty thing? I want what you've got, darlin'!

The way to the grand ball is through quests and dungeons. I'll learn to slog, I'll learn to slug...and I'll learn to dance! Thank you, milady, thank you! I'm off to the Adventurers' Guild. You've taught me so much, and I'll never forget that dance you showed me!

P'Molminn promptly runs off.

...Did she choose a mere adventurer over me, master among masters? My airship departs this strange city soon. Dance your rude yet puissant dance, adventurer. Mayhap you will affect more aspirants as you did P'molminn. ...Hah! And mayhap I shall hang up my dancing shoes and start anew!

...and there he goes.

Ginger can BallDance now, though.

The quest ends right next to the lift attendant, which is where we needed to go anyway! So it all works out for us.

Up we go to the airship landing.

Greetings, madam. This is the reservation counter for passengers traveling to Limsa Lominsa. If I'm not mistaken, you are the Flame General's envoy, Ginger Pepper, yes? Highwind Skyways is at your service. Will you be flying with us today?

We don't often get to come into the boarding area. In fact, once we're done with the A Realm Reborn story, I don't believe it ever happens again. Also, this should come with a "several cutscenes will play in sequence, be sure to set aside time to view all of them" warning, but it doesn't.

Attention, all passengers: the airship bound for Limsa Lominsa is about to depart. Please make your way to the boarding gate.

And away we go!

All our friends from the intro came to see us off.

When first we met beneath the Sultantree, I sensed there was something unusual about her. I wonder if they will feel the same...

Godsspeed, Ginger, godsspeed! If I'm right, they'll be singin' your praises from here to the Farreach before long. May you always walk in the light of the Crystal...

I guess we made a strong impression on the Sultansworn! And Papashan. And several Blades... and Momodi... and that guy who told us how to accept quests? (His name is Wymond.)

The Black Wolf Prowls ***watch this***

Castrum Occidens is a place we haven't yet seen. It's surrounded by level 32 enemies. (Though thanks to this really weird person I met one New Years' Eve, I have been on top of that orange glowy thing in the background. It has collision!)

Garlean Theme (Imperial Will)

The ship lands and from inside comes...

If the ominous music didn't tip you off, then allow me to introduce to you... the villains of A Realm Reborn. From the left we have... Rhitahtyn sas Arvina, Gaius van Baelsar, Nero tol Scaeva, and Livia sas Junius. We've seen Gaius before, for just a single screenshot, in the first update.

It has been fifteen years, but the bitter taste of defeat lingers still...

Fifteen years since the imperial fleet set course for Mor Dhona, led by the Agrius, mightiest of all vessels.

It's a gigantic air battle between dragons and Garleans. And the Garleans are getting their ass handed to them!

Silvertear Lake lay ripe for the taking, and all of Eorzea would soon be ours...or so we believed. But an innumerable host of dragons met us that day, at the heart of which flew the great Midgardsormr.

Though we succeeded in slaying that lord among wyrms, the dread serpent's defeat was bought at too high a price. Our invincible flagship was lost, and all hope of victory with her. So ended our glorious conquest.

Eorzea... A blighted realm, riddled with false gods... Twice now it has eluded the Empire's grasp. For all the destruction it wrought, even Meteor, the Great Sin, failed to yield us control over it. And for this failure, the realm has sunk deeper into depravity. It is twisted beyond all reckoning-rotten nigh to the core. Yet it must be saved. Only Garlean rule can bring order to Eorzea. It falls to us to deliver the misguided masses from their ignorance.

We are of one mind, Lord van Baelsar.

As Ginger sets off to really start her adventure, the Garleans appear to be gearing up for a renewed offensive against Eorzea. And whatever that giant mech flying through the sky was, it couldn't have been good...

Senior engineers, please report to magitek research following the scheduled inspection.

(Midlander Engineer) Hey. Is the legatus really planning to take another tilt at Eorzea?
(Highlander Engineer) Eh!? What hole have you been hiding in? We're in the midst of preparing for a new campaign, and a huge one at that!

Both of these are Hyuran men. To avoid having the same portrait talking to each other, I'm gonna be using another portrait. In this case, a character who will literally never appear in the game again.

(Midlander Engineer) But...I thought the Emperor had given up the western lands for lost after Carteneau. What could the legatus possibly hope to gain by acting alone?
I sense you harbor certain doubts over the wisdom of the legatus's plan.

Nero tol Scaeva is Gaius's chief engineer and one of his four primary lieutenants in his conquest of Eorzea. Here he took off his hat because the dragon face looks pretty dumb. You can also infer that he's Gaius's second in command. How? His rank, tol. That means that he's the head of the tribunii of a Legion.

Garlean ranks work alphabetically. You have every letter of the alphabet from aan (slaves and people from territories) all the way to zos (the Emperor). Gaius's rank being van means he's one of the Emperor's generals, and is thus in charge of an entire legion of troops. In this case, the XIVth Legion. Van is the highest rank anyone in the Empire can achieve if they aren't actually royalty.

He's kind of important.

Pureblood Garleans all have a third eye on their forehead. I don't know why. Nobody does. But now you know.

(Midlander Engineer) M-My lord!
Please, call me Nero. Tell me, where were you born?
(Highlander Engineer) Othard, milord!
(Midlander Engineer) Ala Mhigo, my lord!

Othard is Final Fantasy China. It's an Imperial province that suffers under the cruel rule of Yotsuyu goe Brutus, the Imperial Viceroy of the region. She's one of the primary antagonists of the Stormblood expansion, and we'll learn much, much more about her when (if) this LP ever gets that far.

Ala Mhigo, which I've mentioned before, is an Imperial province that borders Eorzea. In just a small handful of updates, we'll actually be able to stand on a high point in the Twelveswood and look over the border wall into Ala Mhigo. It's a province under command of the Emperor's great grandson, Zenos yae Galvus. He's the OTHER primary antagonist of the Stormblood expansion.

The point of all this lore is to point out that these two engineers are conscripts from regions that the Garleans have conquered. They're men who don't necessarily believe in the cause and are only in Eastern La Noscea because they were told to go there under threat of death.

Here's an image to break up my wall of text.

Ah, Codename Hummingway, I presume?

This man has a terrible poker face.

(Midlander Engineer) I-I don't know what you-
Silence. Your denials will not change your fate. I assure you-Frumentarium sees all.

Clean up this mess. And do not miss any, or I shall be most displeased.

This cutscene confused me so much when I saw it upon replaying A Realm Reborn a month or so ago. I'm sure many of you are as well. When veterans think of Nero, they expect him to be using a very specific weapon and this shitty gunblade isn't it.

(Highlander Engineer) A-At once, milord!

Garlond... Soon you will be made to know the true power of magitek.

That's enough of that for now, I think. This update was mostly there to introduce us to the villains of A Realm Reborn. We'll see more and more later that the Imperials are incredibly shitty people, nearly to a one. They're cruel to the point of being almost cartoonishly evil, so it's easy to hate them!