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Hello everyone and welcome to Limsa Lominsa! I've mentioned it many times over the course of the LP so far, but this is really our first glimpse of it. And we're arriving in what appears to be the early morning.

It can't be at twilight because the entire cutscene with Gaius was at night and Limsa is on the same island as Eastern La Noscea. Also time in Eorzea is universal. So even in the far east, it's the exact same time of day. It's best to not think about that too hard.

The airship docks and Ginger steps off.

A Sailor Never Sleeps (Limsa Lominsa night theme)

This arrivals attendant is here to let us in.

Ah, you must be the envoy from Ul'dah! Welcome to Limsa Lominsa, madam. Admiral Bloefhiswyn awaits your arrival.

Limsa seems to employ more miqo'te than any other city-state.

You are the Ul'dahn envoy? Welcome to Limsa Lominsa. The Admiral has been looking forward to your arrival. Please proceed to the Crow's Lift at your earliest convenience. It will take you to Bulwark Hall. Once there, pray speak with Zanthael. He will be pleased to show you in to the Admiral's command room on the Bridge.

We're not gonna be talking to the admiral straight away.

It took me a rather long time to learn Limsa's layout. It's not especially well laid-out at all. The best thing you can say about it is that there's a lot of ways to get between the two levels of the city. We took the elevator down to Bulwark Hall, but from here we're gonna go on a quick tour to grab aetherytes.

I'm not gonna show every one of them for obvious reasons. Though this shot lets me demonstrate that, for some reason, Limsa's aetheryte plaza is where a lot of players like to hang out.

Dodozan here has the city's dance quest.

It's another quest where there's no dialogue on the gamerescape wiki. Yay.

Oh my, oh dear. My cask of ale is gone, and it had to be the one ordered by someone who doesn't brook tardiness! I would bring the matter to the Maelstrom, or perhaps seek help from the Yellowjackets...but my client would likely frown on involving anyone...official.
An adventurer such as yourself, though, would be capable of doing a little unofficial investigating. Will you find the stolen ale for me? It was right outside Fisherman's Bottom. Someone surely saw something. What's that? You would have the client's name? Oh, none of that. Discretion creates opportunities. Now do go to Fisherman's Bottom and make your inquiries before this cold of mine grows worse! <cough> (The Bloody Executioners!) <cough>

I've mentioned that Limsa is a Thalassocracy before. That means that it's a government ruled by naval supremacy. Almost everyone living in Vylbrand, the landmass that Limsa is the capital of, is either a current or former pirate. Admiral Merlwyb is, therefore, the most badass pirate among the bunch. She also formally outlawed piracy, but you know how pirates are.

The Bloody Executioners are proudly and openly pirates in spite of the ban. Most merchants won't deal with them because they're outlaw pirates. Anyway, this means that we need to find who was dumb enough to steal a cask of rum from this group of pirates.

Oh and the Yellowjackets are the Limsa police force.

After a cask? Well, can't rightly say if it's your cask, but there was a big fella come by recently carrying one. He asked me ifl had smoked mackies what would go down nice with ale. 'Tain't the only thing I know, neither; the louse wore black, and you know what that means: the Bloody Executioners!

Wait what? An Executioner stole his own cask of ale? We better ask a few more folks.

Did I see someone walk off with a cask of ale? Why, sure, it was during the afternoon off-loading. Fella didn't look like a thief, though. Hoisted the cask and walked right on over to the Astalicia.

Ginger doesn't know this, but the Astalicia is the headquaters for the Bloody Executioners.

Lookin' for Dodozan's cask of ale, eh? Aye, I'll help you. Dodozan ain't a bad sort, for a swivin' trader. There was a toper come askin' after the cask. Wanted to know if it was ale, the poxy fool.

Well... let's go look into the Astalicia to see just what the hell's going on. Why would the Executioners steal a cask of ale that they ordered from a trader? Wouldn't it be easier to just steal it in the first place?

The Astalicia is moored just behind the last informant, so let's go traipse aboard.

This guy looks like someone we can talk to!

This shirtless guy is step dancing with a catgirl. The rest of the crew is cheering them on.

What're ye...what're you looking at? This is a--hic--dance do...dua...duel! A dance duel. Mush more important than anythin' you got. Mush, mush more!
Ye may be able to scamper up the rigging to the crow's nest, but can ye get down? Not for a siren's teat, ye great clodhopper!

Beggin' pardon, Cap'n, but there ain't no Miqo'te alive heavier on her feet than a great galootin' Roegadyn such as yourself!

Hahaha! Well said, Cap'n! And well retorted, ye bloody Sun Seeker! Or was you a Moon Keeper...? What other lands they got there? Bah, who even cares, am I right!? ...Who are you, anyway? There was a whole passel of you afore, but now there'sh only one. That's a miser's trick, it is.
*starts to say something, is immediately cut off*
Ungh... Nope, nothin' worsh than a miser. This whoreson what was a Madrigal... er.... Admiral... What was his name? He didn't like no drinkin' nor dancin'. Bad for...hic...corals. Corals? Can't be right... Corals!
*tries again, is immediately cut off. again.*
Hah, 'course you're right there, lassie! Should never doubt meself. Anywaysh, thish Madrigal--I'll call him Madrigal Pinchfist--passed decrees like they was farts. He decreed no dancin' "within a hand's reach of spirits." But no Madrigal's smarter than a sailin' man--we just stopped reachin' with our hands altogether! Hah! We invent--invenitated stepdancin'. That showed Madrigal Pinchfist and his corals!
*not deterred, tries again. still interrupted*

She also adopts a "I'm really sick of you" look on her face around this time.

Haha, aye, that'sh right, lassie! Gets me all fired up, too. Makesh you think, like. Oho, I know! You want to dance! All thish time, I jus' thought you was bein' churlish, but--
*interrupts the pirate*
No, no, no! I insist. Dance first, talk later. That'sh the way of it!


Why, you cagey sea fox! Dance like sailin' folk, you do. Hic, could swear there was three of you... or was I jus'...? Never mind, you'sh practically a sister now! You ask me anythin'!
*finally gets to ask about the ale*
A cashk of Dodozan's ale? Carried it off from Fisherman's Bottom my very own self, I did! Hads to, matter o' fact. We'd already drunk all we had aboard! 'Course Dodozan's gettin' paid for it...someday. Don't make a differenshe if he frets a night or two, heh!

That awkward moment when something you say is heard by everyone nearby.

Why, ye reprobate whoreson! That's the tale o' that cask ye lugged in?

Ginger gets well out of the way.

Blackguard! Ye dare call yerself a Bloody Executioner, all hugger-mugger 'bout what belongs to who? Dodozan has the cods not to mewl about the colors we wear, and ye play him for a fool?
I...I'm sorry, Cap'n! W-Wasn't thinking it through. Gots to fix that, I do... It'sh what they call a coral failin'...
<sigh> Adventurer, I beg pardon for my man. I swear, Llymlaen mistook him for an oyster and gave him grit for brains when She made him. Since yer already here, how 'bout you square our account with Dodozan, take this payment to him? We'd be much obliged. You danced with us an' all, so I'm trusting the gil won't inspire any moral failings in ye. That's some long keel on the Astalicia, if ye take my meaning.

Ginger is much too honest a woman to steal. Especially from the most notorious pirates in Limsa.

So why am I showing off these sidequests? Because they're short and the stories are cute and funny. Minus the weirdness surrounding the looks-extremely-underage miqo'te from last time, that quest was funny for how it upset your expectations for how things would go. And this one is also pretty damn funny because of Ginger getting interrupted every time she goes to speak is great.

Also it features my favorite punchline in FFXIV: an NPC being stuck arms in the air, shocked expression on their face, and bent backwards from shock.

The last dance quest isn't nearly as funny, so I probably won't be showing it off. But that can wait until we get to Gridania. It does give some characterization to one of the crafting guildmasters, but...

Huh... Well, that's the price I was to receive, but where did you get it? Oh, from the Bloody--er, I mean, from the clients themselves? I see. Yes, there's always some blustery young fellow like that. Hasn't earned his swallows or stars yet, I'll wager. Cods, you say? Captain Moenskaet is kind to say so, I'm sure, but I hail from Ul'dah. We trade with anyone if they've gil to pay. Pirates, princes...they're all the same to me. And if I know these particular pirates--and I do--they'll be wanting another cask soon to drink away this little fracas. Many thanks, adventurer!

Ales well that ends well, I suppose?

Now that we've endeared ourselves to the local pirates and gotten every aetheryte in the city, let's have that meeting with Merlwyb.

Greetings, madam, and welcome to our fair city. If you would permit me to examine the seal on the missive you carry... Yes, everything seems to be in order. My apologies. We cannot afford to be complacent, you understand. Please, step this way.


Ripples in the Sea (Merlwyb's Theme)

So the silver-tongued merchants send an adventurer to speak for them. It appears the Ul'dahns place great faith in you. This way.

I bid you welcome. I am Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn, Admiral of Limsa Lominsa, and commander of the Maelstrom. Now, what news from Thanalan?

Hm. A memorial service to honor the fallen.

Seven hells... Has it been five years? Five years since the Garlean Empire sought to wrest Eorzea from our grasp... It was in answer to the imperial threat that the city-states formed the Grand Companies, and forged the Eorzean Alliance anew.
But Garlemald was not content to wager all on a simple contest of martial might. They had other plans-the Meteor project. Legatus Nael van Darnus-hells take him-intended to "cleanse" our realm by snatching the lesser moon, Dalamud, from the heavens and casting it down upon our heads. Desperate to prevent this lunatic scheme, we marched our forces to the Carteneau Flats and there met the VIIth Imperial Legion in battle.

I want to point this out because it's something most players never pick up on. The Legatus of the VIIth Legion tried to end the world with a giant meteor. The Legatus of the XIIth Legion is an Imperial Prince. Legatus of the IInd Legion is the Emperor himself. There's something connecting all these and see if you can spot it now that I've spelled it out like that!

Never have I seen a fight like the Battle of Carteneau-and I have seen full many. But though we gave no quarter, spared not one onze of effort...we could not prevent what followed. From inside the shell of Dalamud came a winged nightmare-a dragon the size of a bloody city. 'Twas the elder primal Bahamut, bent on making an eighth hell of Eorzea.
In the space of a breath, the legions of the Empire were set aflame, while our own armies fared little better. 'Twas as if the whole world was burning... Words cannot well describe the scene. And some miracle, a few among us were spared. Even as I steeled myself for death, a blinding white light enveloped me, robbing me of my senses.

When I regained them, the dragon was gone, and the still-smoldering land was warped beyond all knowing. Were Archon Louisoix still with us, he would doubtless shed some light on these unfathomable happenings. Alas, he is not, and I fear we will want for his wisdom in the days to come. For while our nations struggle to recover from the devastation, the beastmen call forth their damned primals to torment us anew.
Unless we put aside our differences and rebuild now, our foes will catch us unprepared. And I speak not only of the beastmen. Do not imagine that the Empire has forsaken its claim on Eorzea. The imperials crowd our borders, waiting to strike.

Damn it all, we need champions to replace those we lost... But such thoughts are worse than worthless. Time is short, and none will save us, save ourselves. It is the duty of every soul who survived the Calamity to work together for the good of Eorzea...and this memorial service may be the very thing to unite us. Aye, Raubahn has the right of it. I accept his proposal.

I can't remember the name of the guy saluting, but he's basically Merlwyb's right hand. He's a bit player in this scene, but he'll get more importance later on in the story.

Your duty is done here, adventurer-I will see to it that the Flame General receives my reply. You travel next to Gridania, yes? Pray give my regards to the Elder Seedseer. Oh, and tell her the wolf has been sniffing around the stables. A private jest-and one in poor taste-but I would have you tell it all the same. Fare you well, Ginger. May the Navigator guide you on your journey.

Reading between the lines with some meta-knowledge will tell you exactly what Merlwyb's "private jest" is. Not much goes on without her knowledge, especially where the enemies of Limsa are concerned. Gaius van Baelsar made his arrival in East La Noscea no secret, and his appellation is The Black Wolf.

She's warning Kan-E-Senna of renewed activity from the Empire. Gridania needs this warning more than others because Baelsar's Wall - the wall separating Imperial Ala Mhigo from Eorzea - is right next door to Gridania.

We get kicked out next to the elevator up. With our business in Limsa concluded, I take the elevator back to the airship landing.

I originally expected this update to end here. Even if I showed every aetheryte, it wouldn't have been much longer. So let's press on to Gridania!

There's no "meanwhile" for this departure.

Dance of the Fireflies (Gridania Night Theme)

Unlike other cities, the Gridanian day and night themes are mostly the same... ish. The main melody is the same at least. I don't like it very much and my BGM is often muted in Gridania for this reason.

Someone here is wearing the same outfit as Ginger, so they're on the same quest. But the other two? Oh, I know exactly what quest they're on. They're in the cutscenes before the level 42 trial boss.

Greetings, good madam. You are the Ul'dahn envoy, are you not? I have received instructions to assist you. Pray make your way into the city proper, and identify yourself to the conjurer at Nophica's Altar. She will admit you to the Lotus Stand, where the Elder Seedseer awaits.

I've decided to not cover this quest. It's not especially funny or entertaining. It's your bog standard "teacher is too hard on children, children run away, teacher learns to loosen up" anime plot. I guarantee anything you came up with in your mind is more entertaining than the real deal.

The aetheryte plaza is near enough to the adventurer's guild/inn. It's not exactly next to it, but it's close enough to count!

The dance quest does take us to meet Beatin. He's the perfectionist in charge of the carpentry guild and also the dad to a bunch of orphans. The orphanarium is in his backyard, you see. Also I'm now reminded of a roleplayer I know who made an exact copy of Beatin so they could play as him. Balmung is a weird, weird server y'all.

While running around, I find this kid connected to the dance quest.

Koji Fox is a menace. Anyway, that's enough about this quest.

Because it's a thing, and because it will help facilitate communication, I've decided to make a Cross-World Linkshell for LP stuff. Seek Ginger out in-game if you want an invite! Anyone who plays on Primal is welcome to join!

Let's talk to this silent conjurer. She's not quite as quiet as her name implies.

You are the Ul'dahn envoy? Begging your pardons, madam, but might I inspect the missive you bear? Verily, this is the seal of the supreme commander of the Immortal Flames. Please come with me.

Dewdrops & Moonbeams (Kan-E-Senna's Theme)

So you are the Ul'dahn envoy. On behalf of our fair nation, I bid you welcome. Please. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Kan-E-Senna, Elder Seedseer of Gridania, and leader of the Order of the Twin Adder, our nation's Grand Company. I understand you bear a message from the Flame General.

A remembrance service for the fallen of Carteneau... Pray tell me, adventurer-what do you know of our conflict with the Empire?
It would seem my counterparts recounted the tale in some detail. That is well. Hm? A message from the Admiral? ...A wolf has been sniffing around her stables, you say? I see. Well, I shall be pleased to provide her with such counsel as I am able. But first, friend of my friend, I would tell you more of the Garlean threat.

For the greater part of its history, Garlemald was not even among the most influential nations in Ilsabard, the northern continent. However, its innovations in the field of magitek, some fifty years past, helped to raise it from the depths of obscurity. Emboldened by this technology, it set about subjugating its neighbors, swiftly absorbing each into its ever-expanding territory.
And when all of Ilsabard lay within its grasp, it turned its ravenous gaze upon Eorzea. Yet Garlemald's transformation did not come about by virtue of magitek alone. Its success owed much to the consummate leadership of its first and reigning emperor. Solus zos Galvus-the man who built an empire in his own lifetime. Yet he has lived long, and after more than four score winters, it is said that he grows frail, and ever more prone to illness.
If rumors are to be believed, the matter of succession has destabilized the imperial court. This would explain the Empire's relative inactivity in recent years, which has granted us much-needed time to rebuild. Yet we cannot allow ourselves to become complacent, for Garlemald still maintains a presence in Eorzea, in the form of the XIVth Imperial Legion.

Commanding this great host is Legatus Gaius van Baelsar, a man whose ambitions are well known to us. So long as he breathes Eorzean air, none of us may sleep easy. The Calamity wreaked such devastation upon the realm that it has been all we could do to nurse our wounds, never mind rebuild our defenses. Simply put, we have not the strength to repel the Empire. To add to our woes, the beast tribes continue to summon their primals, whose very existence is a bane upon the land. Each nation is beset with its own primal problem; none has the resources to look beyond its own borders.

That's a lot of words, but it's some very important background details. Emperor Solus is extremely old and is apparently at death's door. Because he's so old, there's an impending succession crisis when he dies. Presumably his chosen heir is dead. This means that Gaius is not here at the Emperor's behest and is instead operating either on his own, or on behalf of a third party.

Kan-E-Senna also mentions Primals. It's a word with which we will soon be well acquainted. The short version is that primals are the gods of the beast tribes. Ul'dah is under a constant threat by the Amalj'aa and their god Ifrit. Limsa has to deal with the primals Leviathan (the Sahagin) and Titan (Kobolds). Gridania, meanwhile, is under the threat of Ramuh (Sylphs) and Garuda (the Ixal). Bahamut was an Elder Primal, which means he was of unprecedented strength. And finally the second update also very briefly showed another Elder Primal: Odin.

I'm taking this time to introduce these primals because large chunks of the story are dedicated to taking them out. We'll have a lot of opportunities to get well-acquainted with them over the coming weeks and months.

The Admiral desires my counsel regarding a brazen wolf. She means to tell me that the Empire may soon resume its advance. Though the primals pose an undeniable threat to our survival, the threat posed by the Garleans is greater still. Clearly, each nation can no longer afford to think only of that which occurs within its own borders. A storm gathers upon the horizon. If we are to weather it, we must needs stand united once more. A remembrance service may help to rekindle the spirit of unity which brought the peoples of Eorzea together when last the Empire threatened our liberty. The Flame General was wise to make his proposal, and I wholeheartedly approve of it. The necessary provisions shall be made for a service here in Gridania.

Your work here is done, my friend. I shall send my reply to the Flame General forthwith. I thank you for coming. May the Twelve see you safely home.

Fun fact: apparently Kan-E-Senna isn't just being nice when she calls Ginger her friend. Every time, from now on, that the two get to interact, Kan-E will call us her friend. Merlwyb and Raubahn both see us as extremely competent minions, the kind you trust with your most dangerous and important assignments. Not too bad for a girl who rolled off the wagon in Ul'dah with big dreams and the ability to punch stuff real good!

Airship travel being open means that the reins have finally been taken off. Ginger has successfully escaped the tutorial zone!

This dude has the next MSQ for us.

I pray your meeting with the Elder Seedseer went well, my lady envoy. Correct me if I'm mistaken, but did you not also deliver a message to Admiral Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn of Limsa Lominsa? While you were there, did you happen to meet Baderon, the proprietor of the Drowning Wench? Gregarious gentleman, always happy to help his fellow man. Well, I am told that he has a task for a capable adventurer. I know not what the task entails, but I daresay the Flame General's personal envoy would make a fine candidate. If you are interested in learning more, pray speak with Baderon at his establishment.

Baderon is Momodi's equivalent in Limsa. So don't mind me as I pop right over!

Having spent so much time with the tutorial, we can now jump around at our leisure. So the LP will only be moving faster from here on out!

Welcome to the Drownin' Wench! Sit wherever ye like, lass. I'll be with ye in a-- Hm? Aye, I'm Baderon, all right. Who's askin'? Ah, 'eard as I've got a job fer a capable 'venturer, ye say? Well, yer bloody right! Just so yer fairly warned, though, this ain't no job fer the faint of 'eart. Things're liable to get downright bleedin' 'airy. But if ye think yer still interested, let me know, an' I'll fill ye in on the details.

It's Probably Pirates is a famous quest for good reason. You'll understand why shortly.

I thank ye fer takin' the time to 'elp me out. Now, I'm sure yer busy, so I'll come straight to the point. Word 'as it some suspicious-lookin' buggers 'ave been sneakin' in an' out o' the Sastasha Seagrot, an' I need a trustworthy sort to 'ead up north of Aleport an' find out who they are an' what they're up to.
Don't sound like much, I know... But since that nasty business over in Swiftperch, folk've been a bit uneasy. Well, I say 'a bit'... 'Tis all they can do not to soil 'emselves every time the bloody floorboards creak. But it weren't so long ago as the fishbacks' pet pirates paid us an unwelcome visit, an' folk are feelin' a bit nervous.
If you would permit me, Master Baderon, I should be happy to elaborate.

Well, well, if it ain't the chief Yellowjacket 'imself. To what do I owe this rare honor, Commodore Reyner? Come to make sure me patrons are behavin'-or just thirsty?

Reyner is pretty involved in the Limsa start it seems, but he doesn't have a lot of stuff to do outside of that. So he doesn't get a portrait.

Neither, in fact. I was informed that you had requested an adventurer to assist in my investigation, and I came to offer what information I could sift from recent reports.

Over the course of the past moon, there have been several sightings of an unfamiliar vessel off the coast of Aleport, in the vicinity of the Isles of Umbra. This information came to my attention no more than a few weeks after a squad of my own soldiers had completed a routine patrol of the region, the Sastasha Seagrot included. Their search revealed little, save that a family of coeurls had taken up residence in the caves. Nothing to concern us, in short.

In light of recent developments, however, it would seem wise to search Sastasha again. But with the Sahagin testing our defenses daily, I am loath to assign the task to the limited forces at my disposal. Our line is stretched as it is. Thus I sought the services of a competent adventurer to conduct an investigation in our stead. Any aid you can offer in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Then it is settled. Sastasha is located in western La Noscea. For more detailed instructions on how to reach the place, I suggest you consult V'mellpa. She can be found at the ferry docks on the lower decks.
You 'eard the man! Good luck to ye, lass!

Sastasha is the game's first dungeon. That means that the next update is going to feature, well, the game's first dungeon!

This quest here isn't really worth showing off, but when we complete it, we'll unlock the Challenge Log. That's a list of optional challenges that resets weekly. You get a bunch of XP and some gil for finishing challenges, and many of them are pretty easy to do.

This quest unlocks the aesthetician... the in-game barber! It sends us back to all the city-states again, but this next series of quests will also send us back to all the various city-states, so we can just finish it as we travel around.

You're either a brave woman or a fool, friend, to be wandering the streets of Limsa tonight, what with the Slasher of Fisherman's Bottom on the loose. Ye've not heard!? There's a madman about! Why, it's said he brandishes blades so long and sharp that they could gut a whale! No one's seen any blood yet, but that hasn't stopped the rumors from sending shivers up spines in every alehouse in town. That you're still standing before me tells me you don't scare as easily as the rest. Perhaps you could assist with the investigation. To start with, you might want to look into that scream | just heard outside... <shudder>

Why will no one listen!? My blades... I must have my blades!
What are you waiting for!? That's him--the Slasher! Apprehend him, toss him in gaol, and throw away the key! Or gut him and feed his lifeless body to the sharks for all I care!! Woe, woe is me! Whatever did I do to deserve this cruel fatel? For six moons, I saved every last gil of my husband's hard-earned wage, forgoing new shoes, a new purse, sometimes even food for our children--all in anticipation of this day!
What's so special about today, you ask!? Why, this day marks the arrival of a world-renowned aesthetician in Limsa! My endless patience and self-control were to be rewarded with a hair-raising transformation that would have every fashion-conscious Lominsan oohing and aahing in admiration! Instead, I find myself accosted by this lecherous lout! Speaking of which, weren't you going to do something about this? Go ahead, have your way with him-- l doubt he has anything to say for himself!

Talking to this wild-haired individual, we find...

Normally I'd transcribe this, but the word "doubt" is in orange. That's a hint for the quest. Ginger needs to...

*doubtfully shakes her finger at the man*
Oh, the ignominy of it all! Of course you take her side! For shame--is there not one sympathetic ear in this entire nation!? An artiste of my renown should be welcomed with open arms, and a twenty-one-cannon salute! Instead, I am branded a criminal, the tools of my trade--nay, the extensions of my very soul--ripped unceremoniously from my person like barnacles from the side of a frigate!
I will not last long in my weakened state. No, even as we speak, the world around me grows dim... With my dying breaths, I speak unto you three names--three kind souls who may yet put right what has gone so frightfully wrong. Forgemaster H'naanza of Naldiq & Vymelli's, Guildmaster Beatin of the Gridanian Carpenters' Guild, and Severian at the Alchemists' Guild in Ul'dah.
If there is an onze of compassion in you, seek them out...and tell them Jandelaine sent you. When my soul is restored and my name rightfully cleared, all of Limsa--nay, the entire realmI--will sing your praises. For I, Jandelaine, am none other than the aes...<cough>...the aes...! <wheeze> Urghhhhhh...

Yeah. Jandelaine here is the barber this dumb lalafell is looking for. Oh well. Forgemaster H'naanza is here in Limsa, so...

H'naanza is the forgemaster of the Armorsmith's guild.

Jandelaine sent you? Let me guess, the barmy fool's lost his tools--pardon me, the appendages of his very soul--again, and is thrashing and tossing like the end of days is nigh. The man brings it on himself. If he toned down the theatrics and went about his work like an earnest craftsman, I daresay he'd save himself these misunderstandings.
No, I've not a whit of sympathy for the fool. You, however, have my pity indeed for having to play audience to his whinging. Anyroad, this should shut him up for a while. Tell him that if he loses these, I'll graft the next pair into his bloody hands!

I like H'naanza.

Down to where we were looking for the ale earlier in this update (Fisherman's Bottom) we find V'mellpa.

You're here about Commodore Reyner's investigation? Then you'll want to board a ferry bound for Aleport. Once you arrive in western La Noscea, though, you'd best pay a visit to the Hall of the Novice before you blunder into Sastasha. The Adventurers' Guild runs the Hall, and the folk there will prepare you-train you with the skills you'll need to face the dangers undoubtedly waiting for you in the Seagrot.
The Hall is on the way to Sastasha, just north of Aleport. Head inside and one of their seasoned adventurers will take you in hand. Best of luck to you, friend! No matter what they've told you, be ready for pirates. There's never any shortage of the bastards. This is Limsa Lominsa we're talking about...

This is where, in the story, we're meant to do the Hall of the Novice. So that should give you a pretty good idea of how far advanced Ginger is!

I'm going to cut this update here, because it's gotten quite long in the tooth. We've been all around Eorzea, and befriended the heads of all the city-states. Ginger's great deeds aren't done yet, though.

NEXT TIME: Sastasha, the first dungeon.