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Despite fleeing just a moment earlier, we can just waltz back into Raisins.

Those passes are...a bit...out of our budget right now

Got some new stuff in, jerk.
'K don't come back.
[Selfie] Eww yeah you have to buy a selfie pass, sorry!

I don't usually transcribe vendors' dialogues, but this is an exception to show that Mercedes hates us. Can't blame her, but still

She won't stop us from going behind the counter, though

Why would anyone go to another restaurant ever?
The waitress can't keep her hands off me. She touched my forearm today!
Check out my fancy pants.
[Selfie] Sorry, I only follow Plantmancer heroes.
Ohh, no reservation? I'm afraid we won't have an open table for you until...ever.
You can get your food to go if you want, cutie. I'm busy.
[Selfie] Awww, you need to buy a pass before I would dream of selfieing with you, sweetie!

And I guess Lexus hates us too. Porsche is fine with us though

Haha haha. Get your own Fun Fries. Yeah, yeah!
Huhuh, huhuh, Fun Fries are gay.

Porsche is so hot. Haha ha. Hot girls are so gay.

Huhuh huh. Sorry, you're not my type. Huhuh. Huh.
Yeah. Hahah hah. He's taken. Hahah. That's gay.

Huh huhuh. Your costume is gay. Huhuh. Huh.

You can't hear it, but these two talk as if they're high. Which, considering this is South Park, they probably are.

[Selfie] Oh, are you a Blaster? That's rad! Let's take a selfie.

Haha. hah. Thanks. Selfies are stupid. Stupid things are gay.
Huhuh, you're lame.
Haha we're both lame.
[Selfie] Huhuh. I'm only gay for Speedster heroes, sorry.

At least we got one selfie after so many rejections

Isn't it great to have friends to battle with? You'll meet more of the boys in town if you help 'em out. I'm sure they'll be happy to fight with you too! Hope that helped!

Gee how nice of you to tell us AFTER we recruit our final party member of the day. Very timely. What next, you're going to tell me that getting shot is bad for my health?

No comment? Okay then

We still have our errand to the taco shop, but we can stop by other buildings on the east side of the Main Road.

...The buildings we can get into, that is.

What's a matter? You a little slow, honey?
Did you buy that outfit here, child? Interesting coordination.
[Selfie] Sorry, I'm not much for selfies.

I'm not sure I want those things in my clothes shop

There's a bunch of stuff up on the shelf. There's a ladder we can use to reach them.

Vendor: Hey, you know you don't work here, right?

She knows. She doesn't care

What do you know, we're at the taco shop already! That was a very quick.

Well, there is something interesting that we can just grab without asking him: the cactus' mustache

[Selfie] Star of stage and screen Morgan Freeman is not prepared to take a selfie with you at this time.

This here shows how much food you need to fill up that tortilla. Now to just put it all together.

Yeah, this is the crafting tutorial I alluded to several times. I planned to cover crafting here, but Bebe's selfie requirement forced me to cover it earlier. Eh, no big deal

Sacred Ground, Spirit Board and First Aid Kit are all DLC items, so we're not going to use them. Sacred Ground in particular requires an item available only from that DLC, so the game gave us 50 of them from the toybox (which I sold immediately for a cool 50 cents total

Well done, kid. Now that you've gotten your first taste of crafting, let's dig in.

You can combine food items into whatever you like. Go ahead. See what happens if you combine a burrito and an enchilada.

I'm bored of crafting. Let's do something else instead.

Oh trust me... You don't want to miss this.
Patience - crafting is an important power for any superhero.
You can't skip this, asshole.

Crafting it is then

Congratulations, New Kid. With an enchilada and a burrito, you've Enchirito. That's the first time anyone's ever done that.

And what the hell - have a few more recipes. They might just save your stupid ass.

Morgan gives us the recipes for a Burrito and a few costumes. Nothing too exciting.

[Selfie] Nothing left to do now but to document this moment in human history. With a selfie.

OK, let's never do that again.
I don't know why you kids need to create your own social network, and the whole town buys into it, but here I am. Morgan Freeman.

Morgan Freeman is so nice and would never hurt us even if we hurt him. Disclaimer: Statement might not be true to everyone.

On another note, remember how I said loading screens give helpful tips?

You might ask why I'm suddenly bringing up the loading screens. The answer: no reason at all. Definitely. No ulterior motives here

Sounds like pushing the work toward the customers, but it gives more flexibility and novelty I guess.

Oh yeah, I finally remembered to actually craft those pictures. It gives a lot of EXP, but the game has a huge jump on the EXP needed between these two levels.

They say some farts are so powerful they can actually...bend the fabric of time. You be careful out there.

I think we should advance your character. COON OUT!

Let's explore the eastern side of town first. And do the cops' errand while we're at it.

Woman: Bet we're gonna have a rough winter.
Woman: No judgments, kid. You're entering a safe space.
Woman: The cats in this town need to be empowered. I say we unionize the cats!
Woman: You on the run, kid? Got the government on your tail?
Woman: I'm such a softie for marginalized communities. Maybe becasue I'm in like three of them.
Woman: Pardon my French, but I think people are doo-doo heads.
Woman: God's watching over you. If there is one...I don't know.
Woman: You illuminati types really need to work on your disguises.

That's another glimpse of generic NPC dialogues

The next building is even less interesting; that guy is just a vendor. Although considering what happened here in SoT, that's probably for the best.

There's a yaoi in one of the pictures, but we can't grab it.

We can grab this though

Oh yeah, there's some cats littered around town. They flee when we get close to them, so we can't do anything with them. A lot of the times they're situated near an area transition and will flee if we came from those areas, so that's why we haven't seen any so far

Also of note is the lava located ot the north. Going through that road will eventually leads us to the "Taco Bell". Like I said earlier, we're not exploring that area today.

advantage in combat - use the fart to gross 'em out, and punch 'em while they're upchucking!

Clerk: Aren't superheroes kinda played out?

Terrance and Phillip will not be making an appearance in this game

Member The Passion of the Christ?
Oh, I don't wanna 'member that!
Member when Sinbad played a genie in Shazaam?
Yeah! Actually, no, I don't 'member.
I 'member!

We can drop a shoe on these Chaos Minions. Literally.

Normally I won't engage in random battles, but battles against Chaos Minions in this screen have a unique aspect.

Oh no, ButtLord, Chaos Kids - your Kryptonite!

Clerk: You kids mind doing your Comic-Con bullshit somewhere else?

Clerk: I seen better special effects on 1980s Dr. Who.

That's right, we have a guest commentator

Minion: (Brown) I'm taking five.

Clerk: What is this Comic-Con or something? Those are some pretty low-rank superhero costumes.

Clerk: Guess watching this beats scraping gum off the seats.

Minion: (Earmuffs) Chaos is inevitable!

Clerk: Someone better clean up all that blood.

Lava of Chaos also inflicts Burn. I don't know how they can hold lava with their hands in the first place, but

Feel the wrath of...HUMAN KITE!

Clerk: You little cosplayers need to work on your stunt coordination.

Clerk: You should've blocked that.

Mosquito's Max HP is 90. Like I said: he's very fragile.

Here I go.

Also like I said: Super Craig can't do Omega Crash Extra if there's someone in front of the enemy. However, he can use Shining Hate Finger to Enrage the minion behind Mosquito. Since that minion can't actually reach Craig, he won't be able to do anything that turn and will let Mosquito live.

Come and get me dick.

Clerk: Hey are those real special effects or CGI?

Clerk: Haha! You ate shit!

Minion: (Brown) Topsy-turvy time, twerps!


...Too bad there's still more non-enraged minions that could easily kill Mosquito . At least he dies right after from the Gross Out he inflicted before his death

Yeah I saw that comin'.

Minion: (Party hat) Kneel before Chaos or forfeit your puny life!

Clerk: Whoa!

Minion: (Earmuffs) On me! Let's swarm these fuckers!

Clerk: This is the lamest superhero battle I have ever seen.


Minion: (Gray) I hope the master saw that!

Oh, is this my turn already? OK.

I am out of fucks to give.

OK, let's see what you got, New Kid.

Sure. We got a Revive Serum.

Mosquito is back in buzzzzzness!

Consumables can only be used either on yourself or on 1 adjacent ally, so positioning is still important.

Revive Serum only restores 20 HP, but it instantly gives the restored ally their turn. So as long as we have 1 person standing, we can bring everyone back up easily (provided we have enough serums and good positioning).

Prepare to be swarmed!

We could've finished this mission without reviving Mosquito (everyone is restored to full health after each battle), but we haven't seen his super so...

Pandemic Pestilence: Revolting bug horde Grosses Out foes [Gross Out]

Clerk: That looked totally fake. I could see the wires.

Minion: (Earmuffs) Entropy!

Minion: (Earmuffs) We took out a hero!

Notice the surviving minion? He immediately kills Mosquito before dying of Gross Out

Bravo. Great job. Etcetera, etcetera.

That was a fun diversion. Let's explore one last building for now.

We're interested in your posters.

I'm in real good with Jimbo and Ned, little buddy. We teamed up on some comedy gun-safety classes that slayed.

Woman: Farting is a privilege, child, not a right.
Woman: Why don't the homeless just move to Hawaii? Great weather AND free coconuts?

There's no free coconuts in Hawaii last I checked

Woman: I swear the air in this town is 50 precent flatulence.
Woman: I swear, the riffraff in this town are driving us decent folks to self-medicate.
Woman: Movies these days are just so violent. And so loud!
Woman: You know that the only true superhero is Christ, right?
Woman: The cats left South Park because they know a giant earthquake's coming.
Woman: You drink the tap water here, don't you? Yeah, I bet you do.
[Selfie] Sorry young man, I can only take selfies with customers.

We just have to buy something from him.

[Selfie] Well I'd love to, customer.

I love a local, hand-crafted selfie.
Why not take a few thermoses of our coffee to school. Your grades will shoot through the roof!
Our locally sourced coffee will give you the confidence you need to dress like that every day!

[Selfie] I just can't...not until Tweek and Craig sort out their issues.

Welp. Looks like we'll have to play psychiatrist if we want to get her selfie.

On an unrelated note, Cartman mentioned that we're going to advance our character. If we were to repick our classes, which would it be? Choose TWO of the following: