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I was complaining to Eevee about the lack of dialogue on gamerescape on any non-Shadowbringers quest I thought to check. He pointed me at a different site... one I've mentioned before in the LP even. And it has dialogue from everything. So good news: no more complaining from me about the lack of transcribed dialogue!

Also in case you're wondering, I checked the gamerescape wiki for the final quest of 2.0. It doesn't have any dialogue from a duty that I'm willing to bet 85% of the playerbase has memorized the dialogue from. So I was about to start really freaking out because that duty is 45 fucking minutes long, and has more dialogue than some light novels.

We've seen all of these wonderful people before. Thancred is obviously in the middle, but the others all had cameos in the first two updates.

So you want to know more, then, do you? Well, ain't that a surprise... I swear, if I painted "CERTAIN DEATH" on one door and "LIMITLESS WEALTH" on another, nine out of ten adventurers would go through the first, and the other bloke wouldn't be able to choose, on account of bein' Ul'dahn. Anyway, don't say I didn't warn you.

This game has some awesome lines.

First of all, if you're wonderin' whether you can trust these "Scions of the Seventh Dawn," you can. They're good people who've made it their mission to solve some of Eorzea's most pressin' problems. 'Course, that ain't no small task, and so they're always lookin' for dependable individuals to join 'em-individuals like you, Ginger.
Now, I've been given leave to tell you where to find the Scions, but you must promise to keep this information to yourself. As you can probably imagine, it's somethin' Eorzea's enemies would very much like to know. The Scions are headquartered in Vesper Bay, out in western Thanalan. The place you're lookin' for is called the Wakin' Sands. Give your name to whoever's at the entrance, and you'll be let in.
You're a woman in demand, Ginger, and the days ahead promise to be busy, but I hope you won't forget your old friend Momodi. Drop in and tell me how you're farin' from time to time, you hear? Right, well, I've said my piece. Off you go.

Way back when in the LP, when we first came to Horizon, I snarked that I'd set up a counter for the number of times we had to come back. Then I scrapped it. The run we're about to make is why.

There's no aetheryte in Vesper Bay, something the MSQ will try to lampshade eventually. We're very obviously about to join the Scions, and so for most of the rest of the MSQ, we'll be getting briefings in the Waking Sands and leaving to go elsewhere.

You can see why I was tempted to create a counter. Back in the day, the 2.0 and parts of the 2.1 and 2.2 MSQ were full of unnecessary trips to Horizon.

But it's now a solved problem.

We've made most of this trip before. But now we're continuing past the nameless fishing village and going into Vesper Bay proper.

There's a bunch of quests here. Because this is where a lot of the 2.0 arcs start, there's a bunch of dungeon pointer quests to be found here. Also there's quests we'll eventually do that unlock the dying and glamour systems.

Deep in the desert of my heart,
A lonely flower blooms...
Yearning for the heavens above
To quench my thirst for you.

Uwaaah! <cough>

I would thank you not to sneak up on me like that! Now, please be advised that this is private property. Unless you have pertinent business here, I must ask you to-

*says something*
Here at the behest of Thancred!? My sincerest apologies! May I please have your name?

Ginger Pepper...Ginger Pepper... Ah, here you are. Ahem! I bid you welcome to the Waking Sands, headquarters of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn! My name is Tataru, and I look forward to assisting you during your time with us. The Antecedent is within the solar. I shall let her know to expect you.

Down the stairs we can find the way in.

The Waking Sands

The Waking Sands is a good track. Anyway, there's a four way intersection in the middle here. We're going left first.

This side room has some other Scion hopefuls. Let's chat with them before going to meet with the Antecedent.

The Antecedent made me an offer I couldn't refuse. Said that if I joined, I'd get to fight against the primals and the imperials both to my heart's content. Aye, I know I could get the same by enlistin' in one of 'em Grand Companies. But I've never been partial to salutin', if ye know what I mean.

A'aba Tia seems nice enough. His bloodlust is also understandable, and he's on the right side so far. And he's highly skilled to get an invitation!

That receptionist is something else. Did you perchance notice how small she's written the names in her roll? I couldn't make out a single one, no matter how hard I tried! ...Sorry, just trying to make idle conversation. This whole affair has me all worked up. I thought for sure that it was some sort of scam--that they were rounding up hapless adventurers for some nefarious ends. But now that I've seen the facilities for myself, I must confess it looks legitimate...

Aulie is always sitting or standing oddly, so this is the best shot I could get of her. I tried looking up other screenshots on GIS, but all I got were RP blogs and a shot of the back of her head. So as far as I know, I'm the only person in the world to notice she exists. Ouch.

I had a dream unlike any other. l was myself, but then I became something...more. When I spoke of it to others, they directed me here. Did you have one too?

We'll learn more about Arenvald between quests. He's not had a great life, but he's got a chance to make something of it now!

The quest ends here, but there's a rather lengthy cutscene following it. So we're not done here yet.

I take it you are Ginger Pepper. Tataru sent word that you had arrived. Lady Minfilia has eagerly awaited your coming. This way, if you please.

Let's take a closer look at that envelope item.

This is how they fixed the problem of having to run to Vesper Bay constantly. To the playerbase, Pray Return To The Waking Sands had become a meme, and the devs know how badly they hated it. Everyone complains about it. Sure you could take the port to Limsa and then take a ferry to Vesper Bay, but if you have shitty loading times (like me) then it used to be faster to run.

Now you can use these items to get here in a flash. And I'm pretty sure we won't use 12 at all before we never need to come back again. Even better - you get a bunch more throughout the MSQ!

Let's play a game of "pick the protagonist."

So you are the adventurer of whom I've heard so much. Well met, friend. My name is Minfilia, and I lead the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. I have awaited your coming.

I wasn't kidding, by the way. These are the six main characters of Final Fantasy XIV, insomuch as this game can have main characters.

Please, be at ease. You are among friends here.

Even with all of his incessant flirting, Thancred is a good guy.

No doubt you're ripe to burst with questions, but have patience-all will be revealed in time. First, let me begin by telling you who we are and what we do. We are the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, an order that transcends political boundaries. Our single objective is the preservation of the future of Eorzea. Among our gravest concerns are the godlike beings known as the primals.
Their existence is a bane upon Eorzea-nay, the world at large, and we have striven to find a lasting solution to the threat they pose. Our order is home to a number of individuals who, like you, possess a rare and special talent. This talent takes various forms, but one holds particular interest for us.

These pictures are to break up Minfilia's monologue for the most part. She can speak when she wants to, and she has a lot of exposition to cover!

Tell me, have you ever experienced a sudden, inexplicable loss of consciousness? Have you ever had the sensation of being pulled away from reality? Felt as though you were hovering in space, a mind without a body? All these things are the manifestations of your talent. Yours is the power to transcend the boundaries of the soul-a power known as the Echo. The Echo allows you to pass through the walls of a man's soul, and hear the resonations of his past.
You will be there in his memories, and see things as he saw them. You may even interact with that which you see, though you cannot change the outcome of events. For another blessing, the Echo will enable you to know a man's mind even if you cannot comprehend his words.

Translation: the Echo is the babelfish of Eorzea. Not everyone has it, though.

In short, the Echo is a truly extraordinary power. And this power is strong within you. It is only a shame that we cannot use it whensoever we choose. That's right. I too possess the Echo.

With that established, let us return to the subject of the primals. So long as they exist, the realm cannot take so much as a single step towards true peace. Measures must be taken-measures which transcend boundaries, be they of faction, race, language, or creed. And to do so, the Scions require the aid of those with our talent. Make no mistake-the Echo will be instrumental in dealing with the primal threat. Without it, we cannot hope to save the realm.

I know not what it is you desire for yourself, nor what it was that first brought you to Eorzea. But I firmly believe that the power we possess was given to us for a purpose. Why else would the gods entrust man with a gift so extraordinary, if not to have him use it? And so I implore you: lend us your power.

Naturally, your aid will not go unrewarded. We are fortunate to have a number of influential allies, and at a word from me, they will gladly afford you certain privileges that might otherwise be denied you. The right to employ retainers, for example. Are you familiar with them? They are individuals who may be relied upon to manage your assets and belongings on your behalf.

The papers you requested, my lady.

Minfilia signs something and hands the paper back to Tataru.

Thank you, Tataru.
The pleasure is mine, my lady!

By way of a welcoming gift, I have taken the liberty of adding your name to the retainers' registry. As of now, you are entitled to employ the services of a retainer. You will need to consult a retainer vocate regarding the particulars of this arrangement, but believe me when I say that retainers will prove invaluable to you in your adventuring endeavors.
Let this gesture serve as evidence of our commitment to do all in our power to facilitate your personal objectives. In return, we ask that you aid us to the fullest extent of your talents. A mutually beneficial relationship, I am sure you will agree, and one which serves the greater good besides.

Well, that was a veritable lecture, was it not? Forgive me, but it is important that all concerned are aware of what is expected of them. Now you know our purpose, and what we can offer you, I invite you to consider joining us. When you have come to a decision, you may tell me without fear of censure.
In good faith, I shall entrust you with our order's password, which our members use to reach one another when afield. It is "wild rose." Pray keep it safe.

We'll deal with retainers eventually. It's a gameplay thing that really won't intersect much with the LP. I was tempted to have you all vote on what to do regarding one, but... eh. Voting to show off a single screenshot seems a bit wasteful, no?

Before I end this update, let's talk to our new friends.

Summoning a primal is no small feat. It requires a tremendous concentration of aether, which is why the beast tribes go to such lengths to obtain crystals. Once they manifest in physical form, their unquenchable thirst for aether only grows stronger. They would drink the land dry with nary a thought to the consequences. Considering their fearsome strength, it could be well within their ability to do so. it is for this reason we must do our utmost to oppose them.

This is something the game will eventually harp on, but this is a small taste of it now.

Our organization, the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, was formed through the union of two separate entities. The first was comprised of Sharlayan natives such as myself, and was called the Circle of Knowing. The second, made up of individuals that share your rare gift, was known as the Path of the Twelve. The terrible events that ushered in the Seventh Umbral Era taught us that only together may we stand against the evil that seeks to consume us.

This is Y'shtola. In crossover games like Theatrhythm or Dissidia, she's the face of Final Fantasy XIV. It wouldn't be wrong to say she's become the face of the game. Many people believe this gives her protection from Plot happening to her. She's the Scions' liaison to Limsa. She's also, for some reason, a conjurer. So she's the team healer currently.

Yda and Papalymo are the two halves of a pair that work together. They cover the Scions' interests in the Twelveswood and Gridania. Behind them is Urianger. He's a nerd.

Seven waning moons see seven suns rise, Divine order roils, fallen corpses writhe. Thus the Divine Chronicles seek to warn us once more. The meaning of these words now shines clear: they evoke the dire circumstance of this imperiled age. The realm doth shudder and twist, and the dawn lieth cowering 'neath the stifling blanket of night. And we abide. We await the coming of the unborn era's seed--the Light which shall pierce the glowering Darkness.

Urianger was a shy child and so he spent most of his time in his youth reading ye olde thyme stories where everyone spoke in Shakesperean English with lots of thees and thous. So he's now fundamentally incapable of communicating without trying to emulate the heroes from his books. Like I said. A giant nerd.

While there are others who possess the Echo, none are near as strong as you with the power. Hence our extremely high expectations of you!
This place is called the Waking Sands, and it's our headquarters. It used to be somewhere else, you know, but then a bunch of things happened, and we ended up here instead!

Papalymo plays the straight man to Yda's nonsense. He's also, I shit you not, 43 or 44. She's in her 20's. He's a thaumaturge while she's a pugilist like us!

Minfilia is the head of the order, and she facilitates communication between the teams in the field. I don't believe she actually gets into combat ever, but she's a pretty accomplished miner. She also attends all the formal functions so the Scions can do field work instead. The playerbase doesn't really like her because "she doesn't do anything but call you back to the Waking Sands constantly."

Anyway, that's enough for now. Believe it or not, we're actually almost halfway through the current story arc. The 15-20 arc started with Call of the Sea back in Gridania and it runs for 16 quests. And none of those quests were changed. This arc for the most part has pretty good pacing, as we'll see. Ignoring every sidequest along the way sure doesn't hurt.

NEXT TIME: The remaining PGL quests