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Update 23: Tyrannosaurus

I suppose we should meet up with them soon.
Let’s not keep them waiting too long.
Let’s have a quick look around the Border Camp again before moving on.
I can’t tell. Are they recovering, or getting worse?
All I know for sure is that I don’t want to end up like them!
Otherwise, you won't use your full strength.
Now let’s head on over to Basho to meet up with Jake and Sierra.

Don’t tell me he’s scared! Hiding from us... Is that it, Dragon? Grrrrrr! I’m Jake of Nevan! You can’t run from me, you stupid lizard!
You really are as dumb as rocks, aren’t you?
Wh, what?!
Ahem. No luck finding the Imperial Dragon there?
We can see that, yeah.
Hmm, any clues on where the source of this Bloom could be?
Our investigations say this one’s somewhere in the south of the continent. I don’t know where to take it from there. But this Dragon’s gonna regret the day he ticked off Jake of Nevan! So, are you guys still helping us out, or what?
We are... undecided at the moment. But we wish you luck in your search in the meantime!
Slaying dragons is my job, not just today’s quest. But waiting around with no enemy in sight... I feel impatient. Show me where it is so I can chop it in half.
Eager to get into the action, aren’t you?
Hey if yer that bored, you can kill the small fries here while yer searching. As long as the Bloom’s still here, they’ll keep on coming back too, so ya can keep on whacking them back, over and over!
I’m beginning to wonder if I should feel sorry for the dragons after hearing your morbid suggestion.
If they all didn’t want to die horribly, maybe they shouldn’t have invaded Eden!
Yeah, what she said!
Oh dear. Those second thoughts about this arrangement just keep on piling up.
Nothing more we can do here until we accept the mission to kill the mysterious Imperial Dragon, which we aren’t doing for a while.

The Dragon's out there, but we can't figure out where.
We’re doing fine, no need to be that concerned about us! ...Do we look that bad?
No, don't sweat it, I was just wondering. Carry on.
What a coward! If it wants to beat us, it should fight us fair and square!
I wonder what to do?
Do I look like a bartender to you?!
...Who’re you?!
Always the same song!
That’s not true! They swapped some of the words with each other this time!
I want to visit my sister there someday.
I wonder when this fighting will end?
She then does a quick twirl.
I see that you too are enjoying the art of eavesdropping.
...That's preposterous! I wouldn't condescend to eavesdropping!
I believe in Lady Emille.
Means focusing on details and missing the whole.
That's where we think the Dragons are.
It may not hurt to re-investigate those places once we accept the mission.
He said Mt. Jomaron had moved!
How the heck does a mountain move!?
A dragon could be the cause. Moving a mountain probably wouldn’t be beyond an Imperial.
A dragon that’s strong enough to move a mountain... I shudder to think how we’ll take such a monstrosity on.
It could just be causing quakes. That wouldn’t be anything new. Either way, it doesn’t matter how strong it is. All living things can be killed if you know how!
If that’s supposed to inspire confidence, I’m sorry to say it’s having the complete opposite effect on me.
You can’t really say she’s wrong, considering the... inventive ways we’ve witnessed her slaying the local wildlife.
Like me, they prefer the heat to the cold! Brrr... it's freezing!
Don’t you have a duvet to be making use of?
Wait is this that 100-
Yes. Let’s not spend any more time here than we need to.
I guess the market for that would be small, hee hee ♪
I wonder what on earth the reason is?
I would think there are plenty of reasons for that.
If you have to stop and think of a reason in combat, you'll run out of time.
What about several hundred of them?
I wonder what’s worse, one big strong dragon moving a mountain, or several not-as-strong dragons moving one?
My answer is whichever one takes longer to die.
I put some mud pies into his bath!
Don’t you dare get any ideas, Ark.
Too late!
We know. We just met up with them a while ago.
...Uh huh.
The more you use one, the more you'll get attached to it. Surely you have a favorite already!
No not really.
Can’t say I stuck with any specific one for too long.
I stole a few of mine from the dragons, but even I didn’t stick with em.
I’m not really one to use weapons. Magic gets the job done a lot better.
I could probably relate to this statement if it wasn’t in an RPG where there’s no point in sticking with a weapon when a better one clearly exists, outside of ultimate weapons.
What the hell is going on here?
I... really don’t like the sounds of what they’re planning.
Don’t worry Buront. We’ll be sure to return the favor and not let anything happen to you if this... project of theirs happens to be completed.
Don’t forget dear Stella and Dia! We won’t let anything happen to those two either!
I hope we find the Imperial Dragon soon.
but it's never even clear if she's thinking at all...
Like two peas in a pod.
Targets of this skill won't suffer statuses. Instead, their pain level will build up. When it eventually wears off, they'll suffer severe damage! So it's a useful skill for lengthy battles. Do you understand?
Whoahohoooo, this sounds sweet! I gotta learn how to do that someday!
Masked Pain is a very unique mechanic which I’ll go into later. However, Ark can’t use that as of now, as it’s tied to her Dagger skill branch.
I see he’s still bitter over that argument.
They're perfect!
Just back away slowly.
As a matter of fact, we did.
The Dragon menacing our continent... we can't even find the blasted thing. If we can only track it down, we'll have a place to work from. The Bloom is spreading so quickly that all we can do is burn it back. Pleroma is building weapons to help, but the situation is dire. Even if they finish, it may be too late to do anything...
Perhaps we should help them out after we finish our current mission. I’m not sure how much longer they can keep at this.
I’m sure Stella will agree to that. No strong arming required!
We’ve seen all there is to do in the Nevanplace Empire.
That reminds me. This place was closed down because the nearby mines were occupied by dragons and the Bloom. We were thinking about helping them out after we dealt with Flame Eater...
What compassion! Yes, now may be a good time for that since one of the Imperials is no longer on this continent. Though maybe we should put more thought into who helps them out since this wasn’t part of our initial plans.
We have been doing a lot of traveling and I could use a break. A trip back to Kazan sounds nice.
I wouldn’t mind doing some more dragon butt kicking. Let’s talk things over with the boss lady and see what she says!

Oh yeah, I did say we should do that. But uh, is it really okay? We still have to take down the Imperials after all.
What kind of heroes would we be if we just ignored everyone in need? Going after the Imperial Dragons is no excuse for forgetting everyone else!
One hundred bird-
Within reason.
Sounds like your mind’s made up on that? Now, who should we bring along for this? I can’t get enough of this dragon slaying gig, so I think I’ll be sticking around.
I could use a break after all our traveling we did. I’d prefer to be at full strength when the time comes to face Invisible.
I as well. I wish you luck in your endeavor.
I’ve still got a lot in me for some dragon butt kicking! Bring me along, boss lady!
Woo hoo! Girl’s night out!
Wait a minute! Is this really okay? I’m not there to heal you, and Buront isn’t there to protect you all!
Oh, it’s okay. We have Dia to help protect us!
I’ll be sure to bring back what remains of them to you in a soup can.
Oh don’t worry about what the grump says. We’ll all be fiiiiiine!
Who needs defenses when you can just raze everything with sheer offenses!?
Edward, you shouldn’t worry too much. They’re all very capable people. I’d be more worried about whatever has the misfortune to face them. Especially Nila’s wrath.
Indeed. Our abilities are all so vast, that no matter the combination, I’m sure we’ll always prevail! This being no exception.
I guess if you’re all that sure. G-good luck out there!
Eh heh heh, don’t be such a worrywart!
Meet the party for this venture. I’ve decided to change up the party whenever we go on sidequests from now on to add in some more variety to the characters you’ll be seeing in action. I’ll still be sticking with the chosen party for the main missions. Everything else is basically decided on a whim.
Incidentally I worked with a random number generator, and this was the party it decided to spit out. It’s a little on the glass cannon side as the closest thing to any defense we have is Dia’s healing. But the sheer offensive potential of this party should make up for the lack of defenses.
I’ve leveled up Cure II a bit more, bring it up to a base heal of 75. Dia’s speed along with her healing skills having a stronger base heal than Edward’s healing skills can help , so we should be fine even if Edward isn’t in the party.
And here’s we’re where venturing off to.

Euck. This little workshop here’s just overrun with the Bloom.
No wonder they can’t get any work done. Come on, everyone! It looks like the mine goes in deeper this way.
This first part of the dungeon doesn’t have any encounters or dragons in it, so just head on over through the north exit.
There are 6 dragons in this area, 3 of which are patrolling a path and 3 of which are staying still.
This chest in the northeastern area contains the map for this dungeon.

This side dungeon had some enemies that were a little out of our league before, but we can take them on now.
Level: 42
LIFE: 180
ATK: 117
DEF: 68
INT: 60
SPD: 46
Attack Type: Blunt
Attributes: Small
Exp: 470
Gold: 42
Item Drops:
-Normal: Big Acorn - 30% Drop Rate.
--An unusually large acorn.
-Rare: N/A
Damage Multipliers:
Slash: 100% Blunt: 100% Thrust: 100%
Fire: 100% Ice: 100% Lightning: 100%
Insipid Orgling: Applies a 75% multiplier to the entire party’s ATK for 5 turns. Has a speed factor of 80.
Enchanting Fog: 20% chance of inflicting Confusion on the entire party. Has a speed factor of 75.
Tanucorns are both dangerous and annoying. They can lower our party’s ATK to slow down battles, and they can also Confuse the entire party to make them kill each other. You’d think Insipid Orgling and Enchanting Fog have antisynergy with each other, but not really. Our party deals so much damage to each other that Insipid Orgling doesn’t really lower the damage enough to make a meaningful impact.

Take them out fast if you can, you really do not want to see your heavy hitters confused.
The dragons that are on patrol don’t move particularly fast, so you can dash into their backs to get a preemptive attack.

Armored Dragon
Level: 39
LIFE: 1500
ATK: 135
DEF: 78
INT: 52
SPD: 56
Attack Type: Blunt
Attributes: Dragon, Death Resistant
Exp: 5760
Gold: 118
Item Drops:
-Normal: Thick Tendon - 30% Drop Rate.
--Tendon of an Armored Dragon.
-Rare: Dragon Filet - 10% Drop Rate.
--Medium dragon meat. For carnivores. Increases intelligence for the day.
Damage Multipliers:
Slash: 100% Blunt: 100% Thrust: 100%
Fire: 125% Ice: 0% Lightning: 125%
Ailment Susceptibility:
Death: 10% Masked Pain: 100% Skill Seal: 25%
Fear: 25% Curse: 50% Bleed: 25%
Poison: 50% Sleep: 25% Confuse: 25%
Paralysis: 50% Blind: 25% Stun: 100%
Freezing Cut: Deals 120% melee ATK-based Ice damage to one party member. Has a speed factor of 90.
Megaheadbutt: Deals 130% melee ATK-based Blunt damage to one party member. Party members adjacent to the initial target take 60% damage instead. Has a 40% chance to inflict Paralysis. Has a speed factor of 90.
Gather Power: Multiplies the user's ATK by 150% for 2 turns. Has a speed factor of 100.
Armored Dragons are the ones patrolling around on the map. They’re basically stronger versions of Hammerheads. Headbutt got upgraded to Megaheadbutt and is now splash target instead of single target. Not only that, they’ve picked up Gather Power to boost the damage of their attacks more. Fortunately they’re using the nerfed version, as the one that multiplies ATK by 2 would cause Megaheadbutt to be a near party wipe since the party wouldn’t handle an ATK stat of 270 too well. If your party is particularly fragile, you may want to consider defending on the turn after they use Gather Power, or use EX to finish them off quickly if they’re low on Life.
Whoahoho! I feel SO PUMPED UP!
Hee hee hee! First time hearing something like that, huh?
Isn’t it nice, Dia? More people can enjoy your songs now!
Yeah! It feels great to be helping out more people than just Stella for a change!
As long as it get the job done faster, I suppose.
Twang twang!
381 damage, that’s already a hefty chunk of its HP gone.
Over a 5th of its HP gone already.
Um Nila, you causing an indoor thunderstorm or something!?
Ohoho, you’re in for a treat, Ark! You wanted to see just why Flame Eater was scared of us? Then let me give a demonstration!
I suggest finding shelter nearby, now.
Oh. My. God. THAT WAS AWESOME! Ya just- just- vaporized, that hammer lizard!
Heh heh heh! That’s the power of concentrated magic for you!
Geez, I wish I could get that strong someday. Strong enough to just take out a dragon in one hit.
I’m sure you will, Ark. I’m sure you will.

The Armored Dragon didn’t actually get a chance to attack in that battle, but it can be a dangerous foe if left alive for too long, as it hits pretty hard and can end up using a strong multi-target skill that incapacitates your party if you get unlucky.

Nila’s brain grows bigger, and with it, her power.
Cure II now has a base heal of 90, which will definitely help our party a lot.
Ow! Hey, can you please be more careful, Dia?
If you wish for me to dress this wound properly, then you’ll stay still! Hmph, no wonder Edward gets so annoyed when attending to his duties.
Just relax Stella, and we’ll be done real soon, okay? Oh hey, she’s also kind of bleeding out from her legs as well. You think we can do something about that?
Dia being a healer makes dealing with the Bloom damage in dungeons a lot more tolerable than not having any healers at all.

So uh, is this dragon gonna do anything, or uhhhh...
Maybe it’s asleep?
Wh- I- Ahem. I’m very much certain that’s not the case. It seems like it’s waiting for something.
I think it just doesn’t have a lot of interest in us.
Hmm... Why don’t we have a look around?
Just what are you up to now?
Quick, pretend like you’re mining.
What. How?
I dunno. Just... kick some rocks or whatever. Bang on the walls! Improvise!
Right over here is an ore node.
Ore Node:
-Little Stone: 50%
--Just a stone.
-Kathrocite: 40%
--Can be found almost anywhere. Easy to work with, but a bit frail.
-Melluride: 9% - 10 needed to open up the Mulluride Workshop.
--Mainly found in Northern Nevan. Used in fine equipment and machinery.
-Melluride Hunk: 1%
--Just a handle in a chunk of ore. ATT + 120 SPD - 15
Uhhh, does anyone hear some stomping and chomping?
What the!?
This dungeon introduces a new type of dragon behavior. While some dragons aggroed onto you if you got in their line of sight, these stationary dragons aggro onto you if you’re in a specific part of the map and will head straight for a specific tile. In this case, being near this ore node will aggro this dragon. You’ll have to move out of the way quickly, as they move really fast when they’re pursuing you! After reaching their destination, they’ll be stuck for a bit before heading back to their original point slowly. They’ll take a while before they’ll try to aggro onto you again.
Nice try, but I know a trap when I see one!
Ouch. Looks like it chomped on that wall just a little too hard! Ha, look! Its teeth are stuck in all those rocks!
Quickly, before that beast dislodges itself!

Nyahaha! Nila, that was so dirty! I love it!
Mmhmmhmm. As fun as it can be to go in weapons blazing, you can’t just do that all the time. Gotta add a little cunning to the mix. Now let’s give this poor little dragon a harsh dental appointment!
Megamouth Dragon
Level: 39
LIFE: 2100
ATK: 140
DEF: 78
INT: 45
SPD: 52
Attack Type: Blunt
Attributes: Dragon, Death Resistant
Exp: 6408
Gold: 120
Item Drops:
-Normal: Flexible Hide - 100% Drop Rate. 2 needed to unlock the Sergeant Cape. (Accessory. -10% Physical Damage.)
--Hide of a Megamouth Dragon.
-Rare: Dragon Filet - 15% Drop Rate.
--Medium dragon meat. For carnivores. Increases intelligence for the day.
Damage Multipliers:
Slash: 100% Blunt: 100% Thrust: 100%
Fire: 100% Ice: 100% Lightning: 100%
Ailment Susceptibility:
Death: 20% Masked Pain: 100% Skill Seal: 25%
Fear: 25% Curse: 50% Bleed: 25%
Poison: 50% Sleep: 25% Confuse: 25%
Paralysis: 50% Blind: 25% Stun: 100%
Gobble Up: Deals 60% melee ATK-based Blunt damage to one party member and has a 15% chance to inflict Instant Death. Has a speed factor of 70.
Tear to Shreds: Deals 120% melee ATK-based Blunt damage to one party member and has a 30% chance to inflict Bleed. Has a speed factor of 90.
Megamouth Dragons are considerably more durable than Armored Dragons, though their offenses are a little less impressive. Gobble Up will try to eat a party member in an attempt to instantly kill them, though if it fails you get hit for a minor amount of damage. Tear to Shreds is their big hitter skill, but since they only have single target attacks for offenses, as long as you have enough defensive support or Hypno Crystals, you should be fine. Overall not too bad as long as you can outlast them.
I do at least like their skill names. Gobble up is rather blunt in what it does, and Tear to Shreds is a pretty metal name for a skill.
Also the design of this dragon is just goofily funny to me.
Locked and loaded!
Sometimes after a hard dinner you just need an ice cold drink!
Damn, that’s impressive even though she never tagged a weakness.
Here’s some toothpicks for ya after that rocky dinner!
Also very impressive. Outdoing Nila on the average damage output.

Overall they’re not too bad to deal with, but if Gobble Up’s Instant Death component activates at the wrong time, it can be scary.
Remember that there is an inn at the nearby Melluride Workshop, but no clinics are there. If you lack Hypno Crystals, you’ll have to head all the way back to the Nevanplace Empire to revive any dead party members.

Heading on through the northwestern exit...
The two dragons that are patrolling around are Armored Dragons, while 3 of the dragons that are staying still on the southern end of the map are Megamouth Dragons. The one staying still slightly north of the central part of the map is the cause of the Bloom. Taking out that dragon will get rid of the Bloom in the mines.
Swift as the coursing river!
Even without EX, that Skanda’s Cloak Nila has gives her a big enough speed boost to outspeed several things. It’s a fantastic investment on a Mage and lets them exterminate things fast.
Ooh, Silver Water is always a welcome find! Don’t have too much of a need for these yet though, as the current tiers of consumables we have are covering our needs nicely. Nothing much left in this section of the mine, so it’s back to the first area.
Meh. Still a welcome find, just not as good as the Silver Water.

Lost Soul
Level: 43
LIFE: 220
ATK: 116
DEF: 73
INT: 62
SPD: 55
Attack Type: Blunt
Attributes: Small
Exp: 444
Gold: 55
Item Drops:
-Normal: Green Hair - 30% Drop Rate.
--Hair of the Lost.
-Rare: N/A
Damage Multipliers:
Slash: 100% Blunt: 100% Thrust: 100%
Fire: 100% Ice: 100% Lightning: 100%
Tempting Song: 25% chance of inflicting Charm on the entire party. Has a speed factor of 75.
Lost Souls are very dangerous enemies simply because they have access to AOE Charm infliction! Oh and they can come in groups, so you might get hit with Tempting Song spam, resulting in everyone killing each other while the enemies finish you off.
Take them out fast if you don’t want to self-player kill.

Uh oh. This one doesn’t look like it’s waiting to ambush us!
I guess it’s just taking us head on!
Oh yeah, not all Megamouth Dragons will stay still until you reach a specific area. All of the Megamouth Dragons in this dungeon will try to ambush you, but some will just aggro on you and directly chase you down if you get too close to them to avoid easy preemptives.
Hey hey hey, lemme go! I’m not dragon chow!
Gobble Up is basically just chip damage if it connects. The real threat is in this Instant Death component. This dungeon will basically beat it into your head that you should really start bringing along Hypno Crystals from this point onwards.
Well, that’s kind of annoying.
Tear to Shreds hits twice as hard as Gobble Up, though the Bleed it inflicts is not much to worry about.
Please don’t ask me to heal a trivial wound such as that in the middle of a battle.
Not like we could, even if we wanted to.
Oh don’t worry about me, I’ll live.
Just try not to have battles with a Megamouth Dragon last too long, or things can end up getting ugly if nearby dragons decide to back it up.
Killing that Megamouth and a nearby Armored Dragon was enough to get Stella and Ark some level ups.
Stella’s muscles get ever so bigger, though unfortunately Ark doesn’t have enough SP to power up in the same way.
There’s an ore node up here, and heading for it will cause both Megamouth Dragons to rush on after you. If you’re not careful, you can easily end up facing both of them at once, which can get quite bloody.
Why do these things wanna eat me so badly!?
You do look rather short compared to the rest of us. Perhaps they think you’ll be easier to digest before moving onto everyone else.
Ore Node:
-Nagmetite: 55% - 4 needed to unlock the Megaton Hammer. (Staff. +85 ATT, -3 SPD.)
--Very common ore. Strong, but easy to work with.
-Mana Water: 30%
--Dew left to soak up mana. Recovers 15 MANA.
-Melluride: 14% - 10 needed to open up the Mulluride Workshop.
--Mainly found in Northern Nevan. Used in fine equipment and machinery.
-Melluride Hunk: 1%
--Just a handle in a chunk of ore. ATT + 120 SPD - 15
While gathering isn’t really a big part of the game, it’ll be in your best interest to gather 10 Melluride if you can to complete this side venture. That being said, don’t bother trying to harvest it from these nodes, there’s a better place to do that later in this dungeon.
Killing the last Armored Dragon on this screen got Nila and Dia some level ups.
Cure II’s base heal jumped up from 90 to a whopping 120! Making it a lot easier to keep my party alive!
And Nila gets some more INT.
Tree Lion
Level: 43
LIFE: 280
ATK: 124
DEF: 80
INT: 65
SPD: 52
Attack Type: Blunt
Attributes: N/A
Exp: 451
Gold: 43
Item Drops:
-Normal: Thick Blubber - 30% Drop Rate.
--Blubber of a Tree Lion.
-Rare: N/A
Damage Multipliers:
Slash: 150% Blunt: 100% Thrust: 100%
Fire: 100% Ice: 50% Lightning: 100%
Ice Javelin: Deals ranged INT-Based Ice damage to one party member. Has a base damage of 80. Has a speed factor of 80.
Out of all the new enemies in this dungeon, this is basically the only one that’s a trash mob. Though it has a decent amount of bulk to waste your time.
Not a tough enemy to deal with. You’ll want to save these for last compared to the other dangerous enemies in here.
We’re done on this screen, let’s head through this exit next.
There’s a spring up here, which you’re probably going to want to make use of if your party is in bad shape.
Because you’ll get doubled ambushed by Megamouths if you don’t move out of the way quickly!
I don’t like where this is going.
Oh that was a bad time to engage one of the Megamouths!
How many times do I have to say it!? I AM NOT A SNACK!
Oh this is going to get hairy.
Fortunately I managed to burst down the first Megamouth before I could get seriously double teamed.
Muzzling strike!
Yer muzzling needs work, Stella!
Eh heh, sorry about that.
Huh. Did you like dive into a bowl of monster food seasoning or something before we came in here?
No! These things just really wanna chow down on me for some reason!
Don’t worry, Ark. You won’t be monster feed while we’re around!
Bizarrely enough, every single Megamouth so far tried to eat Ark, and she somehow never died from that.
Friggin’, fraggin’, stupid overgrown maws...
Had to burn up a bunch of EX to make it out of that alive, but fortunately no one died.
Here’s the last of the new enemies in this dungeon.
Level: 42
LIFE: 230
ATK: 120
DEF: 72
INT: 45
SPD: 55
Attack Type: Blunt
Attributes: N/A
Exp: 520
Gold: 42
Item Drops:
-Normal: Wolf Tendon - 30% Drop Rate. 5 needed to unlock the Rock Masher. (Axe, +100 ATK, +10 POW, -4 SPD.)
--Tendon of a Jibashiri.
-Rare: Predator Meat – Kill with Thrust damage. 15% Drop Rate.
--A predator's meat. For carnivores. Increases POW for the day.
Damage Multipliers:
Slash: 100% Blunt: 100% Thrust: 100%
Fire: 100% Ice: 100% Lightning: 100%
Sever: Deals 130% melee ATK-based Blunt damage to one party member and has a 10% chance to inflict Instant Death. Has a speed factor of 90.
Intimidate: 30% chance of inflicting Fear on the entire party. Has a speed factor of 80.
Jibashiris can be pretty dangerous as they too have access to Instant Death. They’re kind of like Minimouths if you think about it. Lost Souls and Tanucorns are higher priorities over them since Jibashiris can only kill 1 party member at most, while those enemies can incapacitate your entire party easily.
My blood! He-he bit out all my blood...!
Ark! Shoot, where did we keep the Hypno Crystals!?
They were in the left pocket of the bag!
Hang in there, Ark! Can’t you rummage faster, other me!?
I wouldn’t have to rummage so much if the rest of you kept our supplies organized!
It’s not wise to let a pact with a demon go unfulfilled, you know. We have more work to be doing.
Ngh... Thanks...?
Fortunately that battle had no more incidents. It’s funny how a Megamouth wasn’t able to kill Ark, but a normal enemy did.
Ore Node:
-Nagmetite: 40% - 4 needed to unlock the Megaton Hammer. (Staff. +85 ATT, -3 SPD.)
--Very common ore. Strong, but easy to work with.
-Kathrocite: 40%
--Can be found almost anywhere. Easy to work with, but a bit frail.
-Melluride: 19% - 10 needed to open up the Mulluride Workshop.
--Mainly found in Northern Nevan. Used in fine equipment and machinery.
-Melluride Hunk: 1%
--Just a handle in a chunk of ore. ATT + 120 SPD - 15
Another ore node, though not one you’ll really want to bother with. Heading to this one will trigger the last Megamouth Dragon to go after you.
Hmm, where do you think-
Really? You all were that distracted?
So were you. Snrk.
Shut up, Ark.
N-No! My body! Move, please!
Yeah, that’s how hard Armored Dragons can hit when you actually give them the chance to attack you.
Oh that’s even worse.
Live, damn you!
Wow... that felt so divine. Dia, are you sure you’re a demon, and not some sort of angel?
Wha!? I! I! I! Plbt! Plbt! Just what are you getting at!?
Aheehehee hee heeeee! Stop getting all flustered every time this kind of thing happens, and just go with it!
Nyeheh, I don’t think she’s used to getting this kind of attention.
Wow, that’s a lot stronger than Edward’s healing! You really want to keep us all alive that badly, ohoho!
See? There were lots of reasons I trusted Dia! I told you all we could rely on her!
Q-quiet, all of you! Or I’ll make good on my promise to deliver your remains in a soup can!
Even though Dia doesn’t have access to the Medicine passive, her healing is actually better than Edward’s because of the higher base heals and her speed! Having a Princess serve as your medic isn’t really a bad idea at all. The only main weakness with that strategy is a lack of reliable AOE healing.
Ngh... Th-thanks Dia, for saving me.
Don’t mention it. R-really, don’t.
That Cure II was really well timed. Without it, Stella would have died. A charged Megaheadbutt hurts. Try not to let battles last too long if you can help it.
And with the last of the normal dragons dead, Ark gets another level up.
She can never have too much POW. Now back to what we were doing before we got ambushed.
Now we have a quick route to the end of the mines. Perfect time to rest up for the upcoming boss.
A level up for Stella that she can’t do anything with, unfortunately.
Here’s the boss dragon of this dungeon.
It might not look like it, but you can actually get behind it to get a free preemptive attack.
I’d say our party is good to go.
So let’s take on the dragon!
Video: Tyrannosaurus

Level: 43
LIFE: 2000
ATK: 156
DEF: 90
INT: 48
SPD: 45
Attack Type: Blunt
Attributes: Large, Dragon, Death Resistant
Exp: 8064
Gold: 130
Item Drops:
-Normal: Impotent Arm - 30% Drop Rate.
--Arm of a Tyrannosaurus.
-Rare: Dragon Steak - 5% Drop Rate.
--Large dragon meat. For carnivores. Increases might for the day.
Damage Multipliers:
Slash: 100% Blunt: 100% Thrust: 100%
Fire: 100% Ice: 100% Lightning: 100%
Ailment Susceptibility:
Death: 20% Masked Pain: 100% Skill Seal: 25%
Fear: 25% Curse: 50% Bleed: 25%
Poison: 50% Sleep: 25% Confuse: 25%
Paralysis: 50% Blind: 25% Stun: 100%
Sharptooth: Deals 120% melee ATK-based Blunt damage to one party member and has a 50% chance to inflict Stun. Has a speed factor of 90.
Tyrant Dance: Deals 90% melee ATK-based Blunt damage to the entire party and has a 30% chance to inflict Fear. Has a speed factor of 80.
The Tyrannosaurus, to put it bluntly, is not a really impressive dragon. You could probably tell, but it’s not a true boss dragon. Rather it’s a dragon taken from an upcoming dungeon plopped into this one. It’s not that much stronger than the rest of the dragons in the Melluride Mines, and if you can kill them, you most certainly can kill the Tyrannosaurus.
Tyrant Dance is the closest thing to a threatening skill it has since it’s AOE and Fear can lock down the party. But if you can deal with that skill, you’ve basically won the fight.
I see very little reason to deviate from my standard openers at this point considering that we got a preemptive on it.
Double tap!
Just have to compress that spell here, here, aaaaand here...
How morbid.
I should try for a higher launch this time!
The first one wasn’t enough!?
Ha ha haa! Can you feel the storm crackling tonight?
And time to beat this dino down.
Witness the force of a great typhoon!
I just pulverized ya!

Awww. I didn’t get a chance to unleash my SUPER METEOR STRIKE!
There there Stella. There there. I’m sure there will be plenty of chances to act like a meteor later!
You’re right! I’ll just have to keep on looking for those opportunities!
Yeah, the Tyrannosaurus didn’t even get a chance to attack. It’s not really much of a boss, and can easily be dealt with if you can handle this dungeon.

Woo hoo! We cleared out the mines! I’m sure all those smiths there will be happy to hear about this!
Before we report back, let’s have a look around.
Ore Node:
-Nagmetite: 50% - 4 needed to unlock the Megaton Hammer. (Staff. +85 ATT, -3 SPD.)
--Very common ore. Strong, but easy to work with.
-Melluride: 38% - 10 needed to open up the Mulluride Workshop.
--Mainly found in Northern Nevan. Used in fine equipment and machinery.
-Hypno Crystal: 10%
--Crystal with a strange lifeforce. Recovers from death with 100 LIFE.
-Melluride Hunk: 2%
--Just a handle in a chunk of ore. ATT + 120 SPD - 15
I guess if you want to hunt for free Hypno Crystals you could make use of this node. But this isn’t the node you want.
Ore Node:
-Melluride: 76% - 10 needed to open up the Mulluride Workshop.
--Mainly found in Northern Nevan. Used in fine equipment and machinery.
-Kathrocite: 10%
--Can be found almost anywhere. Easy to work with, but a bit frail.
-Nagmetite: 10% - 4 needed to unlock the Megaton Hammer. (Staff. +85 ATT, -3 SPD.)
--Very common ore. Strong, but easy to work with.
-Melluride Hunk: 4%
--Just a handle in a chunk of ore. ATT + 120 SPD – 15
This one is. This node has the highest chance of giving out Melluride, so you can farm for those items here to open up the workshop.
What the!?
Whoa that's lucky! Granted this node has the highest chance of giving them out, but still.
Heeey, do you think this could make for a good weapon? I could see Edward swinging this around really hard!
Stella. That is a handle in a hunk of rock. What in the world makes you think that’s a suitable weapon!?
I mean smacking things with a rock sounds like a good way to kill em.
Yeah I think if you kind of squint and turn your head it looks like a hammer.
Perfect! I’m sure he’ll love this!
...I think he would genuinely prefer the soup can over that.
The Melluride Hunk is actually a Healer only weapon you can find from gathering, and gathering only. This thing is actually several tiers above what Edward can purchase at the moment, so it can be really strong for battle Healer builds. The downside is that it comes with a massive speed penalty, which pretty much stops Healers from fixing up people fast, so that better be a penalty you’re willing to live with.
Since we’ve cleared out the mines, there are some NPCs that popped in on the first area now.
You’ll want to make sure to talk to this guy after defeating the Tyrannosaurus.
To say thanks, let me show you a little something, eh?
Now you can do ten times a day, easy!
If we talk to him again:
Melluride is precious stuff. You can take a little bit, but leave some for me!
Pretty much what it says on the tin. Being able to gather more is a nice convenience, especially when quests get involved.
The kid shakes.
Don’t go overboard with carrying all that. You have to take care of yourself too.
Let’s head back to the workshop to see how everyone’s doing now that we’ve reopened the mines.

The master is in the center, and ore is accepted to the right!
Even if all we have is scrap iron, I'll forge you a blade!
The goods here, the equipment... I could never have imagined. Everything I see is brand new... my hands won't stop shaking! ...That's how I felt my first time coming here... In a remote workshop, nestled in the snow, sleeps the true art. And I'm going to try to learn it myself! Time to get to it!
Already heard of what we did? Yeah, that was us, eh heh.
I owe you one. I can finally get back to work again. By way of thanks, I'll get some armor done. Always good to have more equipment.
This reward is actually permanently missable. If you clear out the mines far too late in the game, you won’t be able to claim this armor, and it’s not something you can get anywhere else. There’s a reason I made sure to do it now.
Hey, Bernard! Quit looking stupid and show 'em around! ...Jeez, he's about as useful as a runny nose. Brawny enough, but...
As for that piece of armor...
It’s a really useful upgrade! Only Fighters and Knights can equip this, so you’ll want to get this sidequest done if you have those in your party. Comes with a hefty durability and offensive upgrade, which Stella will definitely appreciate!
I took the time to farm up 10 Mellurides, as it can be in your best interest to do so at this point in the game.
Yep, that's it all right!
Fade to black.
All ready! Just say when you want it, okay?
When we talk to him again...

You can trust in this!
Donating the ores opens up this shop for use, and boy does it have a lot of good upgrades!
All this Melluride equipment is exclusive to this shop, so that’s another reason to get this sidequest done. That being said, while the Meltomahawk is a good upgrade for Stella, there’s an even better one I can unlock now. Just needs 5 Wolf Tendons from the Jibashiri’s to unlock.
The rock Masher is an even bigger upgrade for Stella than the Meltomahawk, as it comes with an even stronger attack rating and POW boost. The speed penalty will hurt a bit but it’s not a big deal. Overall this was a very worthwhile side trip and we even got some levels in the process to help deal with the upcoming areas on the Invisible mission.