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The Creators.mp3

: They must have broken the Fourth Wall.

: But that shouldn't be possible!
: THESE are the creators?
: I don't understand... I thought we were supposed to be fighting gods.

You're speling is aweful Ross..

: Well, plus Saffith, I suppose. And we probably should count Evan too since we ripped off IoR so much.
: Wait, there are MORE Creators?
: ENOUGH. I don't care who you are or how many other Creators exist. You took Xaya from me, and I want her back!

(music stops)

: What do you mean impossible? You're gods!
: It's beyond our power. And it's your fault, actually.
: There is a concept in the pseudo-literary world known as the Ham-Feels Equilibrium. To put it simply, whenever something insanely over the top, or hammy, occurs, it must be balanced by an equally strong sad event.
: When the two of you defeated Kumakuma, you gave perhaps the most ridiculously over-the-top speech I've had the displeasure of hearing. I blame Moosh for this.

: Regardless, the hamminess of your speech sent shockwaves through the universe, threatening to tear it apart. This necessitated the creation of an alternate reality, a reality in which the battle against Kumakuma ended instead in a tragedy.
: My reality...
: Precisely. Your universe exists solely so that Xaya could sacrifice herself to save you. All the changes present in your world, such as your feelings of love for her, worked towards the goal of creating an ending with enough feels to counter the trainwreck of an ending those two created.
: Finn, I know this must be hard to accept. But Xaya didn't die just for you. She sacrificed herself for the sake of the universe. You need to come to terms with that and move on with your life.
: ...No. I refuse to accept that. You want your equilibrium? Fine. I'll give you something so hammy, you'll have to give her back to me in a tearful reunion.
: I'm going to kill a god.

: Creators, we'll strike you down here and now to bring back the other Xaya!

Final Final.mp3

True final boss time.

MushRuss's main gimmick the portals on the sides of the arena. If a projectile passes through them, it has a janky chance of teleporting to one of the portals on the other side.

My heart to all you sinners!

Portals only affect the projectiles MushRuss shoots. You or your projectiles or the boss themselves aren't affected.

It can get pretty hectic.

Confirmed Deaths: 73 (I somehow missed 2 deaths last time, so +2 to that)

And... we respawn in the fight.

Partly because of that, and partly because the boss itself isn't that overbearing, it's a really easy fight compared to what we just went through.

Kunai with Xaya are still the big play.

Confirmed Deaths: 74

Tried light bow, but it makes a tink sound, which means they're immune to it. Gods can't be killed by light, it seems.

Eventually, though...

The Creators.mp3

: Oh. I forgot to sprite the Moosh Mech.
: You... you had MONTHS to work on this Moosh. MONTHS. Does he at least have any attacks?
: Oh yeah, he's got a mega laser. I even combined it with a portal attack. Watch.


: Kumakuma. You've lost. Humans aren't your puppets. We live. We laugh. We love. You couldn't understand this. And now, that will be your undoing.

: Um... the power of love?


: Xaya!
: Finn!
: Well great, now you've created a paradox on top of everything else.
: I don't understand? What happened? Was that laser you?
: Actually, that might have been me. By accident.

: I don't mean to interrupt this tearful reunion or anything, but I should point out you just ripped a massive hole in the continuity. We need to get to fixing that like... right now. Or else the universe could implode on itself. I'm still blaming Moosh for this.
: That seems fair. All of you, we'll let you leave and keep Xaya with you if you just promise to stay out of this realm from now on.
: Wait, you're just letting us leave?
: We have bigger issues to handle now. I mean, we could come up with another few boss fights, but this has been a big enough trainwreck as is. Plus, Moosh still needs to finish Canada.

: Anyways. Xaya, Finnigan, Finn, Other Xaya. I think it's time for you to go.

: I see... It's bizarre. I remember seeing the laser and then appearing in front of you, but at the same time, I remember walking out of the temple and surprising Finn and father.
: It must be because of the paradox we accidentally created. I think we screwed up a lot of things...
: But who cares? Let the creators sort out their mess. We got Xaya back, and that's all that matters.
: Are you sure you don't want to stay any longer? It's been kind of fun, talking to a different me.

...Wow, self indulgent much?

: No, we really should be getting back before we accidentally break anything else. I'd hate to think I doomed the universe because I wanted to talk a little longer with an alternate version of myself.
: That's a sentence I never thought I'd hear. But how are you even going to get back?
: With reality as broken as it is right now, I think we should be able to punch our way through.

: And so, having absolutely shattered reality itself, Xaya' and Finn left for their own world, bidding adieu to their parallel selves.
: Their actions would send ripples through their world, forming a world of inexplicable strangeness. The parallel adventures of the two duos were only just beginning.
: But that's a story for another time...

Oi, yeah, that's right ya cheeky blue bear, fix yer damn game is a buggy mess eh by!


Well, 74 deaths. That's over twice the amount I finished the game with.

This was a fun ride, ya'll!

Death Count: 74

Next Time: Xaya mode, a postmortem, and... what next?