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Hello everyone and welcome back. The first part of this update is the end of a quest we've had in the log for a while now. I actually recorded it after turning in the Ifrit quest last time, but the previous update was already getting very long and it was at a good stopping point already... so here we are!

Yeah, we're finally giving Jandelaine his barber accoutrements.

If there is an onze of compassion in you, friend, I beg of you-retrieve for me the tools of my trade. For I am none other than Jandelaine, the aes...<cough>...the aes...! <wheeze> Urghhhhhh...
*gives him his new tools*
Could this be...? Yes! I can feel it! The light returns to my eyes... Power courses through my fingers... I... I live!

And as I live, this unspeakable embodiment of ugliness must die. Begone, foul demon!

Aesthetician's Theme (Starlight and Sellswords)

This lalafell looks upset.


Lots of cuts!

Oh god she looks terrible.

...And so I ask. How do you feel, madam?

You can kinda see why I didn't include this last time beyond length concerns. This is quite a jarring tonal shift after the "HEY EVERYONE YOU JUST MET IS PERMANENTLY BRAINFUCKED" reveal of last update.

Why, it's as if, in but a single magnificent moment, I traveled beyond the void and returned to life as the embodiment of all that is beautiful in this world!

Could it be? Yes, it must! How else to explain such power? You are the one whose coming was foretold! You-yes, you-are the aesthetician!

Jandelaine is an anime protagonist.

In the flesh, madam! I am Jandelaine, crafter of coiffures so divine that Menphina Herself doth begrudge my clientele their beauty. But let us speak of you, madam! For where a moment ago stood a fashion-challenged frump, now there stands...

...A beauty reborn.

The whole time, Ginger's been standing there with a mixture of amusement and bemusement on her face.

And you are the one I must thank for reviving my soul, that I might once again bestow my gifts on a realm bereft of beauty-a kindness I intend to repay in full.

Oh no...

Do you fear that your own hairstyle is becoming passe? Fear the specter of-<gasp>-ugliness threatening to consume you? Fear not, friend, for it shall not survive my wrath!

Jandelaine died on the way back to his home planet.

Not really. He can only cut hair by diving at it in the most over the top way.

Thankfully the game doesn't open the aesthetician menu up right then. Instead...

Ginger spots a sparkle and kneels down to see what it is.

As the madam before you, as this very realm we call home, from an abyss of unfathomable drabness, you shall rise anew.
My clients have been known to make reservations moons-even years-in advance, but you shall know no such troubles. No, for proving a staunch ally to good taste when all others turned a blind eye, I gladly place myself at your beck and call. Yes, the next time you find yourself plagued by aesthetic ennui, you need only ring the crystal bell from the comfort of any inn room at which you have taken up lodgings.

Jandelaine shall hasten to the scene. Yes, in a flash, the dreary, uninspired life you have hitherto known shall end. You shall travel to the realm beyond, and return to us as... ...A beauty reborn! I give you this as a token of the trust between us. Treasure it, for it is the key to a world of aesthetic wonders ordinary women shall never know.

Jandelaine wanders off...

Oh, Master Jandelaine! Do come back! I've not made my next appointment!

Well that was supremely dumb.

We get a token for a free trip to the stylist and...

Unlock the aforementioned stylist! So now if I want to, I can change Ginger's hair style and color. I probably won't. But I could!

Time passes and Ginger finds herself in Gridania.

She can punch real good. In fact, she can punch with the best of them. But that's not the only tool of war. So let's unlock a new class!

Jillian here has the usual spiel about classes, but nobody reads that stuff anyway and literally nobody cares. If you do, then by all means go install the game yourself and give it a look. The TL;DR version is that lancers make up the bulk of the Wood Wailers, the defense force of Gridania.

Well then, have you made up your mind to enlist in the Lancers' Guild?
Excellent! I shall let Guildmaster Ywain know to expect you. All who seek admittance to our ranks must present themselves before him. He will judge if you are fit to become one of us.

Text warning: Ywain is gonna talk. A lot.

Well met, adventurer. I understand you wish to learn the lancers' art under our roof. I see you have some combat experience. Yet it remains to be seen if such skills as you have acquired will avail you here. But no matter. In my capacity as guildmaster, I shall guide your training, beginning with the very basics-the principles of our art.
There exist myriad fighting styles, each of which has its own unique qualities. None, however, can claim to be as offensively minded as ours. Our approach is ever one of attack, no matter who-or what-we face. An experienced lancer is able to wield a polearm as if it were an extension of his body. He transforms into a raging storm before his foes, delivering a barrage of devastating thrusts and slashes. To facilitate such a relentless assault, we lancers forgo plate, favoring armor of leather and chain-such materials as provide adequate protection without unduly hindering movement.

This is a dirty lie. Lancer is one of two classes that gets a type of armor all to itself, and at higher levels, it's seriously just a recolor of tank plate. So while early on, Lancer may wear leathers like Ginger has now, it will eventually wear some really heavy crap.

A lancer's worth may be measured quite simply-in how swiftly and decisively he can pierce his enemy's defenses. By its nature, the polearm is a simple weapon to wield-for good or ill. Even in a farmer's hands, it is capable of wreaking considerable havoc. Thus has it been a mainstay of every great army since ancient times. Yet know that a lance alone does not a lancer make. Faced with unfavorable odds, an unseasoned spearman will break formation and flee without a moment's hesitation.
A true lancer, however, flinches not before his enemies, for he knows not the meaning of fear. Ever does he press forward, disdainful of the odds, that he might pierce the enemy line and open a path to victory. Needless to say, doing so requires no small amount of courage. And that is why our guild has striven from the first to instill this essential quality in every soul who passes through our halls. Arduous trials await you should you join our ranks. Knowing this, have you the resolve to wield the lance?

Ginger just nods while staring at him wide-eyed that someone can talk so much about sticking people with the pointy end of a long stick.

Well said, adventurer. I see no reason to deny you a place within our ranks. Ah, but I neglected to introduce myself. I am Ywain, master of this guild. Pleasantries duly exchanged, I shall add to your hunting log the names of the creatures against which a lancer might hone his skills. In celebration of the occasion, I hereby present you with your very own spear. Arm yourself with it, and speak to me once more. I would have you undertake your first task-a trial, to be precise.

Ginger just needs to equip the lance and she will turn from a pugilist into a lancer. Simple enough, right?

When you change to a new class, you're stripped down to your undies with just your weapon equipped. So be sure to put some clothes on before talking to the nice man who's trying his best to not look at Ginger's smallclothes.

There's no penalty for having multiple jobs. There's no limit, either. So Ginger can eventually be every combat and crafting job if she wants to learn all of that. The only catch is that she has to level them all from scratch. So while she is indeed a very accomplished pugilist, that doesn't mean squat for using a spear and so she has to start with the bare-bones-basics and work her way back up.

So you were able to discern one end of the spear from the other. Good. You are doubtless eager to put your new weapon to the test-which is well, for I too have a test in mind, or rather...a trial. In order to develop an affinity with your weapon and learn to gauge such things as distance, you are to go forth and pit yourself against the creatures that roam just outside the city. The squirrels, ladybugs, and funguars should provide you with a suitable challenge. Put down, let us say, three of each, and then report back to me.

So while Ginger inexpertly stabs the local pests to death, let's have an in-depth discussion about experience.

She has full rested experience, which is a 50% bonus. She's wearing her earring, her Brand New Ring, and her headband which give 30%, 30%, and 10% additional bonus XP. So assuming that it works additively, she has an additional 70% bonus on XP earned from those. So from kills, she's up to 120% bonus XP!

This isn't Ginger's first rodeo, so she will quickly pick up concepts that she may have struggled with as a pugilist. In practice, this manifests as the armory bonus. She gets a +100% bonus to all XP earned as long as she's below the level highest level job she's unlocked. So ON TOP of that 120% bonus from kills, she doubles that XP from levels 1-29.

Rested XP's 50% bonus will quickly run out when you're leveling alt jobs, so that's whatever. (It's only 1.5 bars of XP. Regardless of level.) But the armory bonus and the equipment bonuses will stick around for a while. Her earrings in particular are best in slot items clear until level 70. So that's a permanent +30% bonus XP for the duration of this LP, the next one, and more than half of the one after that!

The wiki has this whole table that you can consult if you're curious. Equipment bonuses like the earrings don't apply to anything but kills, while armory bonus applies to more things.

So you are back. I trust you have learned something of the essence of our art. A lancer learns best when he is doing, each thrust making him stronger. Such things as strategy and technique will come in time. And never forget courage-without it, you cannot hope to realize your potential. ...Your look betrays no hint of doubt. That is well. It is clear you see the truth in my words. That will be all for the present. Now, take up your weapon, sally forth, and cut a path for yourself. When next we meet, I hope to see you stronger for your time out in the world.

Now let's take what we learned regarding experience and apply it for a practical demonstration.

This gentleman is hanging out in the adventurers' guild.

This quest became available pretty much as soon as we finished the Tam-Tara Deepcroft. It's actually a thing added in mid-game Heavensward, and so it has a weird series of conditions attached to progress. We can start it now, at least.

If you're poking around looking for work, you must be an adventurer too, am I right? You won't find much here, I'm afraid. Seems the only thing people talk about these days is that nasty bit of business down near Issom-Har. Surely you've heard the stories. Of a strange portal suddenly appearing in the ruins down there. Hey, don't give me that look. I'm only telling you what I overheard from the Wailers. They say on the other end of it is some sort of labyrinth. The thing is, every time they go down there to map the place out, nothing is the same. A mystery if I've ever heard one.
Frankly, I'm more than happy to let it stay a mystery. Strange apparitions, booby-trapped corridors-going down there is nothing short of suicide. Still, the prospect of treasure is awful tempting... Ahem. Don't take my word for it, though. Head down to Issom-Har and you can hear it straight from the chocobo's mouth. If you're planning to go, I'm afraid you're on your own, miss. What good is treasure if I never make it out of there to enjoy it?

This is the quest to unlock the first of two Deep Dungeons in the game, Palace of the Dead. Because it's technically a mid-Heavensward quest, I won't be covering it at all in this LP. However, POTD is an extremely time and effort efficient way to level alt jobs. It's also boring as shit and the real good XP can't be gained until you're not only level 50, but you also clear a specific level 50 dungeon.

But there's nothing wrong with using it to supplement other XP!

Gotta travel to the South Shroud to do the quest. Believe it or not, but we're actually very close to where we were in the last update! South Shroud is directly north of East Thanalan!

I'm sorry, but I must insist that you- Oh, an adventurer, and a rather seasoned-looking one besides. On the off chance you're not simply here to gawp, perhaps you can lend us a hand? You see, despite the fervent protestations of those Duskwights over there, we cannot permit civilians within the ruins at this time. Capable men and women like you, on the other hand, are more than welcome! That is, if you've got the stones for it. Pray seek out the others stationed at Quarrymill. They can apprise you of the details.

All these people are here to do POTD. All of them.

The site is of interest owing to the Gelmorran ruins-Gelmorra being an underground city which predates Gridania, in case you were unaware. Anyroad, a few days past, we received reports from several anthropogeographers that a magical gateway of some sort had appeared in the ruins, and that all manner of creatures were coming and going through it. My men and I were among the first to examine it, and well... It's hard to explain. We crossed the threshold into a set of corridors we'd never seen before, and then suddenly, each and every one of us was filled with an inexplicable sense of dread. It was all I could do to take even a single step.
According to E-Una-Kotor, who accompanied us, the ruins are warded with powerful magicks that sap the spirits-and aether-of all who enter, rendering them easy prey for the creatures within. Thankfully, he managed to devise a solution: aetherpool arms and armor, which safeguard and channel the wielder's energies, that they might withstand the ruin's magicks. Unfortunately, it does little to prevent us from losing our way. Though it beggars belief, every time we have dared to venture into the ruins, we have found the path to be changed. We suspect this too may be the work of an unfathomably powerful mage...
Needless to say, something strange is afoot, and traditional tactics are not like to suffice. Even experienced adventurers will need to proceed with caution. In any event, if you believe you have what it takes to brave the ruins and discover what secrets lie in its deepest depths, you need but say the word.

I'm going to skip the lurid details until we actually get to the patch where POTD was introduced. That'll take a while. The upshot here is that Palace of the Dead uses an alternate leveling system. You get booted back to level 1 and have to level up using a set of levels unique to the Palace. While you can wear whatever armor you want, it's just for cosmetics only. POTD uses its own system to handle weapons and armor and all that nonsense.

Finally, the layout changes every time you go in. And when you go in, you commit to 10 floors which takes most parties about 15 minutes, give or take. Tanks and healers aren't necessary, and it's tuned around any group of four random DPS being able to clear it if they play well.

It gives a bunch of XP when you complete a set of ten floors. Each time Ginger does, she skips several levels. You can reset your progress at any point and start over from floor (and level) 1 without any penalties. In fact, you actually keep all progress made toward the POTD-exclusive weapons and armor.

So now that I've introduced it...

Time to skip all of it. It's now 10 hours later and Ginger is a level 29 Lancer. Ywain told us to come back when we were stronger and I think this qualifies! I spent most of the intervening time grinding dungeons, levequests, and sidequests all over the Shroud

Feeling a bit overqualified here, not gonna lie.

Ah, you have returned. I take from your presence that you have gained a measure of familiarity with your weapon. Good. You are ready to begin the next phase of your training. You will recall my telling you that it takes no small amount of courage to be a lancer. Now, in general terms, "courage" is the strength to do something which one finds unnerving. However, a lancer's notion of courage is not so simple. Having first drawn a distinction between courage and recklessness, he then divides the former into two aspects. I would have you learn each with spear in hand.
The first is composure. When outnumbered in battle, a lancer may lose his composure and succumb to panic. Should this happen, all of his training will swiftly flee his mind, and he will struggle to overcome opponents whom he would ordinarily have bested with ease. He will, in short, contribute to his own defeat. If you wish to become a lancer in sooth, you must learn to maintain your composure at all times. Do this and you will be able to call upon every onze of your strength and skill when it matters most. And so to your first task...
The riverbanks of the Central Shroud are home to vilekin known as yarzons. Fiercely territorial, the creatures will attack anyone who strays too close, making them the bane of fisherfolk. They typically fall upon their prey en masse, barring all avenues of escape before closing in for the kill. What must go through the mind of their victim in that instant? Panic? Despair? Be sure to tell me upon your return. Needless to say, I would have you brave such an encounter. Take this sack of decidedly noisome bait, and use it to lure the ever-ravenous creatures out of their nest.
It may be that only one curious yarzon appears, but what if two or three follow the scent...? Let us see how you fare then. Go now, my young lancer, and learn what it means to fight with composure.

Ywain is trying to instill the basics into Ginger. This is still a level 5 quest, so the training wheels are firmly on.

Using the bait lures two yarzons over. If Ginger weren't overleveled, these two would be an even match for her. So this is a pretty good training scenario that's still not too difficult. Facing two enemies at once while using an unfamiliar weapon is a pretty good way to steel a newbie's composure!

After facing another pair, we're done and then back at Ywain.

Welcome back, Ginger, and well done. I trust you now understand that in times of direst need, no amount of strength or skill with a spear will avail the lancer who lacks composure. You are now ready to learn the second aspect of a lancer's courage: resolve. When faced with a terrible foe, a lancer may succumb to fear and self-doubt. Should this happen, he will become defensive, and in seeking to cover his weakness, surrender his greatest strength-namely, his capacity to attack.
A lancer who fears to attack is naught but a man holding a pole. His spear may as well be a broomstick for all the good it would do him. It is not and will never be a shield. That you may learn the truth of my words firsthand, I bid you go to the Central Shroud, to an area adjoining the abandoned dungeon known as Spirithold. Since the Calamity, that neck of the Twelveswood has become a veritable menagerie of fearsome fauna.
There you will find three collapsed pillars, which have become a haunt for fell creatures. You are to put them down. Hm? What manner of fiends can you expect to encounter? Hah! To reveal that would be to defeat the purpose of the lesson, my young lancer. I will say only this: if you face these foes with a lancer's resolve, you will surely emerge the victor.
Once you have completed the trial, pray report to Jillian in the entrance hall. She has grasped the two aspects of courage, albeit with some trouble. Though I doubt you will encounter similar difficulties, her struggle has furnished her with certain insights which I think you would benefit from hearing. A lancer learns best when he is doing, aye, but the wisdom of his seniors is not entirely without worth. Go now, Ginger, and do as I bid you.

Composure and resolve are pretty good foundations to build from. And you could also say that the lessons Ginger learns from doing this she can apply to every other martial discipline she eventually wants to learn.

I imagine that fighting a swarm of insects with a spear is a mite difficult.

Insects and toads. Sure, why not?

Because this is a level 5 quest and because we've seen three of those now (we technically HAVE seen about half of the THM quests!) we know the pattern. So once we talk to Jillian, we're gonna see the first hints of the Lancer story.

I have been expecting you, Ginger. By your return, I trust you now understand the importance of resolve. Like one's flesh, courage can be made strong. It is a matter of training each of its aspects. Now, the endeavor may prove difficult in the beginning-gods know how much I struggled. You may suffer untold humiliation and more frustration than you can bear...but you must persevere.
Whenever you engage an opponent, whether in training or in earnest, make a conscious effort to fight with composure and resolve. Over time, doing so will become second nature, and you will acquire such courage as you never thought could be yours. Mind you, not all battles entail a physical clash of might. It could simply be a disagreement born of a conflict in ideology.
The point is, it matters not what battlefield you stand upon. So long as you take care to be composed and resolute, your courage will grow. ...Did that make any sense? Even a little? I fear I cannot hold a candle to Guildmaster Ywain, but if there is aught I can do to assist in your training-
What was that? Something is afoot in the training area...

Ginger runs to investigate.

Ywain doesn't look too impressed by this guy.

And you call yourselves lancers? Pathetic...

You are next, Guildmaster. Arm yourself and face me. Refuse, and all will know that you are no true lancer.
Say what you will. I am above provocation.
Hmph... Craven to the last man...

A tiny foot steps forward.

Ah, but what have we here?
Wait. She is but a novice.
That makes no odds to me. You yourself admitted her to your ranks, did you not?

The Duskwight (Foulques) turns and tries to fake Ginger out by feigning to hit her in the face. She doesn't even flinch.

Very well. I shall withdraw for now. Yet know that only the fearless are fit to wear the mantle of lancer. I look forward to measuring your worth in the days to come.

It's kind of hard to take Ginger seriously sometimes. She's trying to look all serious here and she just winds up looking like a kid trying to look mean to a schoolyard bully.

Foulques walks out like he don't give a shit.

There is naught more to see. Return to your drills!

Speaking of characters that are impossible to take seriously, get a gander of Y.R. over there. They paid a lot of money for that dress and it's the single most infantalizing piece of clothing in FFXIV. It's female-only and it doesn't matter how big and bad a girl character is... if they put it on, they look like a 12 year old wearing "that special dress grandma got them to wear to Church on Easter."

As a "special" bonus, the male equivalent is a really spiffy looking suit vest. It's one of the few pieces of gear that looks infinitely better for men.

Ginger. You made no attempt to evade his thrust. Did your opponent so unnerve you as to deprive you of your senses?
Well, it is of little consequence now. You need pay no further heed to our uninvited guest. Lest you wonder, it is not uncommon for challengers to come pounding on our door, seeking to test their mettle. For now, dedicate yourself to tempering the two aspects of courage: the composure to bring the sum of your strength and skill to bear against your foes...
...and the resolve to attack when fear would stay your hand, as befits a lancer. When next we meet, I shall have another trial for you-one that will put your courage to the test. Until then, continue to apply yourself to your training. Farewell, Ginger.

Ah, Ginger. I swear you have gained an ilm around the arms since last we spoke! It is plain you have not been idle. In our previous lesson, you learned the lancer's definition of courage, and how you might go about tempering its two aspects. Today, we shall find out if your efforts have borne fruit.

Ginger's gonna be super jacked by the time she's done with all these class and job quests.

I see you have come prepared for battle. That is well. Your next trial will place you in the midst of a throng of enemies. In such a situation, one may be attacked from any direction, making it difficult to respond appropriately. Furthermore, the likelihood of being surrounded is high. Will your resolve bear the weight of uncertainty? Will your composure hold when the odds are stacked against you? We shall soon find out.
Should you overcome this trial, what courage you already possess will be further tempered. Now heed me well, for this is what you must do. I would have you travel to Naked Rock, where the anoles claim dominion. At the summit of the rock is a sacred artifact-the Stone of Courage. You must claim it, and bring it to me.
If you are to reach your destination, you will need to negotiate a path through whole packs of flesh-eating scalekin. Make no mistake, the creatures are intimidating foes-to stride into the midst of so many would ask much of any lancer's courage. But given time-and no small amount of perseverance-I am confident you will prove equal to the task.

In terms of actual training, I like the LNC quests better than the PGL ones. Hamon wasn't much of a trainer for obvious reasons. Ywain is the guy in charge of training the Gridanian police force, so he's gotta be good at what he does. So building up on the courage he instilled in Ginger last time by throwing her into a more dangerous but still manageable situation is a great way to train. In a novice, it would slowly build up confidence and temper their composure and resolve.

It also helps build up confidence in the actual player. The lizards we gotta wade through to get to the stone are aggressive as hell, and are appropriately leveled for the quest. So you, at least a little, gotta know what you're doing and be methodical. In terms of subtle training, this is a very good quest series.

Ginger's 21 levels higher than these lizards, so she can walk untouched right through their nest. Gotta have balls and nerves of steel to walk that confidently through a raptor nest, so I guess the lesson works for her too...?

You know, if Ginger were level 10 this would be a nightmare scenario. Four enemies at once is death unless you're a healer or a very well-geared tank. Also take a gander at the AI's sole aim in life: AOE effects. The second their internal cooldown comes off, they will use that AOE move. You can really see this in later dungeons where it's a nonstop game of dodge-the-AOE DDR.

Ginger grabs the rock and....

Congratulations. You have obtained the false Stone of Courage. Aye, you heard me right-false. What does that say about your courage, I wonder? Ah, but where are my manners? My name is Foulques. We had the pleasure of meeting at the Lancers' Guild, if you recall.

On that occasion, I turned my weapon upon you, and you betrayed not a hint of fear. It was in that instant that I sensed you were unlike the others-that you had promise. And so to the present... In its current state, the trial in which you are engaged--if "trial" it may be called--makes a mockery of the lancer's art. Needless to say, this cannot be tolerated.
And so I have taken the liberty of moving the Stone of Courage to a more suitable location. It now resides in the depths of Spirithold, under the guard of fell fiends. A far more fitting challenge, as I am sure you will agree. Whether or not you attempt to retrieve the stone is for you to decide. If you fear for your safety, I suggest you run back to the guild and bemoan the world's frightfulness to the many brave souls who cower there. Ywain will doubtless consider it a supremely courageous act. Yet know that a lancer may forge true courage only in the midst of great danger.

Foulques is, I think, trying to train Ginger. But he's completely lost his shit and so his training involves, frankly, suicidal shit.

The "fell fiends" he refers to are winged imps.

There's only two of them and the stone is off by itself in a secluded room where it's not at all possible for patrols to come by and join in. So this means that his "better" trial of courage is much, much easier than the one Ywain set up. So not only is Foulques' sense of courage warped, but he's not even good at making things harder.

So you have returned. Tell me, were you able to obtain the Stone of Courage?
*hands over the stone that's bigger than her head*
Yes, this is indeed the stone...though it is in rather worse condition than when last I saw it. What happened at Naked Rock?

Fade to black as Ginger explains.

The lancer who but recently threatened you moved the stone to Spirithold!? Not content with trespass and slander, the brazen fool now meddles with our training!? Seven hells! This is not to be borne. Listen well, Ginger. Though I do not doubt that you know better, my duty as guildmaster compels me to state the obvious: heed not that man's words.
That a lancer's courage can only be forged in the midst of great danger is vainglorious tripe. As you have already learned, a lancer's courage is the product of composure and resolve. Be under no misapprehension: watchfully navigating the anoles' territory served to temper your courage in a manner that blindly braving the terrors of Spirithold did not. As you continue your training, pray keep the lesson of this trial close to your heart.

Eh, sure, one more. That will leave 3 more for the next update!

Ginger hits level 30 from turning in the level 10 quest. And, yes, that's two classes at level 30 only after finishing Ifrit for the MSQ. I'd actually have more there now, but I really don't want to level more without a mount. And mounts are right around the corner.

Ah, Ginger! You come at a good time. I urgently require your help. Scarcely a bell ago, our old friend Foulques paid us another visit, seemingly intent upon reprising the performance he gave on the day of your first meeting. As on that occasion, he raved till the air was thick with slanders, declaring every soul who met his gaze more craven than the last... This time, however, not all ears were deaf to his myriad provocations. It seems one of our younger members took offense at his words and demanded satisfaction of the rogue. The two have since departed to duel in the East Shroud.
Had I been on hand, I would have forbidden such folly, and rebuked the lad for letting pride cloud his judgment. Alas, I learned of it too late, and the boy is gone. All we can do now is ensure that the hot-headed fool does not come to lasting harm. I would have departed in pursuit of the pair ere you came, but my duties keep me here. That is why I turn to you now, Ginger. Pray go to the East Shroud in my stead, and watch over our comrade.

Ginger's already getting special jobs from the guildmaster. She's quite the prodigy!

Just out the door and down the path from the LNC guild is a direct exit to the East Shroud. Even better, Foulques is actually right outside here. So we don't have to go very far at all!

Just down the road from the pier is Foulques and...

A poor hotheaded fool.

So we meet again. You remember who I am, I trust?
I... Who are you again?
You wound me! How could you possibly forget your mentor--he who taught you the true meaning of courage? Well, it is of little consequence. Though you have forgotten the teacher, it is plain that you have not forgotten his teachings. I understand you were able to retrieve the Stone of Courage in Spirithold. It seems I was right about you.
Aye, you have the makings of a true lancer-unlike those charlatans at the Lancers' Guild. It is well that you have come to me, for I have just the trial for you-one that will do wonders for your courage. Not interested, you say? Ah, but you have no choice. Should you refuse...well, suffice it to say that I will not be able to guarantee the safety of your comrade here.
When last we spoke, I told you that a lancer may forge true courage only in the midst of great danger. Needless to say, the threat posed by ordinary creatures is insufficient-you must needs seek out better sport. Ah, but fear not, for I have taken the liberty of finding you something suitable. Take this alchemic potation and sprinkle it upon the exposed roots yonder. Doing so will garner you the wrath of a certain creature, which you must then strike down.

"Do this incredibly dangerous thing for me or I'll kill your guildmate." Gotta love ultimatums.

We're deliberately provoking the forest spirits so we can pick a fight.

So you have vanquished the treant. Well done. By striking down that frenzied creature, you have further strengthened your courage. Hm? Release your comrade? Oh, I shall-once you have completed my next trial. This one will pit you against a multitude of foes. Make your way to Lifemend Stump in the Central Shroud. Once there, seek out a likely spot along the forest path to lie in wait. Man-eating wolves are wont to hunt there at this time of year, and it should not be long before a pack appears. When the beasts show themselves, you are to slay their leader-the alpha wolf. I shall be observing from up close, the better to offer you advice.

Thankfully he's too much of an idiot to be of any danger. He more-or-less has Ginger over a barrel and could force her to do any number of dangerous things in the name of training to save the other trainee's life. But no, Foulques decides to walk off with her and leave his captive alone.

Lifemend Stump is over in Central Shroud. It's where someone doing the Gridanian opening meets Yda and Papalylmo and then passes out in order to meet crystalmom Hydaelyn.

We're over here killing wolves that weren't bothering anybody.

'Tis as good as over if the alpha wolf paralyzes you.
Will your courage hold out in the face of terror? We shall see!
Courage is forged only in the midst of great danger!

This "special training" is just suicidally attacking a bunch of foes for the hell of it. Ywain is right, this isn't true courage. It's just blind stupidity.

I grow deathly bored. Let me make this more...interesting.

He used a blinding potion on himself and Ginger to make the combat "more interesting." So now most of our attacks whiff for the next 30 seconds. Greeeeeeat, now it's literally blind stupidity.

A true lancer needs not his eyes to win-only his courage!
Oh, dear, it would seem you have enraged the beast.
My part here is done. The rest I leave to you.

He says that last line shortly before he runs off. I'm serious. He just fucks off and leaves you fighting a bunch of pissed off wolves while still suffering from blindness. Believe it or not, but he actually thinks this makes for decent training. The writers really want to make sure you understand that Foulques is a moron.

Thankfully the wolves are all level 12, and the duty syncs to 19. So it shouldn't be any trouble even at-level.

You are to be congratulated, Ginger. By throwing yourself into the midst of danger, you have further tempered your courage.

And in the process, you have brought peace to Lifemend Stump, a place considered sacred by the people of Gridania. Having undertaken my trials, you must now see that those issued by the guild are naught but child's play. Mine is the one true path to courage-all others lead to ignominy. If you wish to become a lancer worthy of the name, I suggest you leave Ywain and his house of cravens, never to return.
*shakes her head*
For your sake, I pray you do so soon. Till we meet again...

Back to Ywain we go.

Ginger, thank the gods you are safe! That young fool of a lancer returned but moments ago, and through choked tears recounted to me all that transpired. I understand Foulques again attempted to force upon you his corrupted notion of courage. I cannot say this often enough: a lancer strengthens his courage by tempering his composure and resolve, not by rushing headlong into danger. You were able to overcome Foulques's trials, 'tis true, yet know that you did so by virtue of true courage-that is, courage born of composure and resolve.
You faltered not before the fury of a frenzied treant, nor did you succumb to panic when surrounded by bloodthirsty wolves. Owing to this, you were able to perform to the fullest of your potential. You have come far, Ginger. It is past time that I taught you the Piercing Talon technique, one of the most versatile weapons in the lancer's arsenal. May it serve you well.

Now, I must needs decide what course of action to take with regard to your self-appointed "mentor." Though no lives were lost, this latest incident only serves to confirm what I have long suspected: that Foulques will cause great harm if left to propagate his corrupted notion of courage. He must be persuaded to desist, though I do not yet know how. Mayhap his regard for you could be turned to our advantage... But leave such considerations to me.
For the time being, you would do well to put Foulques from your mind. Focus on your training, and strive to master the technique I have taught you. I look forward to our next meeting.

Piercing Talon is just hucking your spear like a javelin. It doesn't deal a lot of damage, but it's great for pulling things out of a pack one at a time. Anyway, that's it for now!

NEXT TIME: The second half of the LNC quests!