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Ocelot's Anchor (AI11-UE)
Panopticon — Floor 03, Unit 07

Ocelot's Anchor (AI11-UE)
The crew of the White Ocelot first encountered a strange spherical phenomenon while fishing in the Atlantic Ocean?. Witnesses described it as "a black sphere with faint light behind it." It hovered just off the bow of the ship. The crew activated the object's latent ability by throwing a tin bucket, which disappeared into the sphere.
Soon after, the vessel lost structural integrity. The ship's metal rusted and fell apart within minutes. As the ship sank, the sphere lowered into the water. A passing fishing vessel called the Minnow? why not rescued the four surviving crew.
Agents were dispatched to the White Ocelot's last known coordinates (some lat/long coordinates I imagine) and began diving operations. On the ocean floor, the agents found the sphere. The ship was entirely destroyed except for its anchor. As agents lifted the anchor off the ocean floor, they noticed the sphere behaved in conjunction with the anchor, moving and stopping as one.
Contact with the sphere was avoided, but handling the anchor proved harmless. The item was transported by the AWE Investigation Team? to the US port of I have no idea, I don't even know which ocean. Upon arriving in New York, it was brought into the Bureau via the subway tunnels.

Thanks to SITB in the Something Awful thread for pointing out the references that should have been obvious here.

Benicoff TV (OOP7-KE)
Panopticon — Unit 716

Benicoff TV (OOP7-KE)
No unique containment procedures required while bound.
A CRT television built by Benicoff and Sons Electrics. The screen is still functional.
The object can levitate itself off the ground to a maximum observed altitude of 4 feet?. When bound, the object allows parautilitarians to harness this effect for their own use (see report some number for the results tested with Prime Candidate Faden?).
The object is currently bound by Director Trench? maybe someone else, since he avoided using Objects of Power.
The object was first discovered in a local news story from Smallville, Kansas. A figure had been seen leaping over buildings. The Bureau dispatched agents to the town, who discovered that a man named Clark Kent had bound himself to the object. Mr. Kent was detained (see case 39-HQ-656) and the object was brought to the Bureau for study.

9:30 am — Breakfast is brought
11:54 am — Gets out of bed. Uses toilet. Returns to bed
11:57 am — Asks for television to be turned on. Staff do so
12:00 pm — Lunch is brought. Breakfast is removed
12:02 pm — Eats lunch
2:38 pm — Uses toilet
4:03 pm — Begins talking to self (recording speech is not possible due to noise from television)
4:07 pm — Becomes upset. Throws lunch tray at glass
4:09 pm — Sedated. Crew clean the cell. Television is turned off
6:12 pm — Comes to. Asks for television to be turned on. Staff refuse*
6:16 pm — Sleeps (?)
*Television privileges were refused due to hostile behavior.

Ramen Lantern (AI69-KE)
Panopticon — Floor 04, Unit 13

Ramen Lantern (AI69-KE)
The lantern was discovered at a streetside ramen shop in Tokyo, Japan named Onimaru, look, let me have my inside joke all right. The shop gained immense popularity due to this item, this shining beacon hanging in its doorway. A visiting documentarian was similarly enthralled by the crimson luster of the lantern and helped it find international acclaim through a television series highlighting the world's finest restaurants. Audience's interest in the lantern brought it to the attention of the Bureau and soon the lantern found its way here, to us. I write this as I sit beside the very item. Its light is so comforting, so familiar. It reminds me of summer nights when I was a boy. The sun setting, the air warm, the chittering song of the evening insects. The lantern knows we all want to feel safe, at home, secure in the knowledge that the world won't change and neither will we. We'll be young and happy forever, here in its glow.
The author of this document was detained shortly after this case file was distributed. Individual handling of the item is now prohibited. Information in this document may be compromised by the author's obvious infatuation with the item.

Jasper Post Box (AI31-PE)
Panopticon — Floor 01, Unit 13

Jasper Post Box (AI31-PE)
Black Rock panelling has proven effective in hindering, but not eliminating the object's altered effect. Agents in the immediate vicinity may still experience paralysis. Keeping a distance of as many as possible feet from the cell is recommended unless agent is confirmed to be non-susceptible.
A dark blue United States post box, model come on, do mailboxes even HAVE model numbers?. Paint is chipped at the edges. The item itself is empty, with no mail discovered inside at the time of retrieval.
The item seizes the motor functions of organisms meeting an unknown criteria. Paralyzed subjects are still capable of moving their eyes and limited speech. During tests, approximately 16% of agents remained unaffected by the item. Age, gender, race, height, weight, blood type, eye color, clothing, place of birth, diet, heart rate, and socioeconomic standing are all factors proven to have no correlation to an individual's vulnerability to the item. Victim's states of mind were recorded during onset of paralysis, but no emotional correlation has yet been found.