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Hello everyone and welcome back. Last time, Minfilia told us to "pray return" at our earliest convenience. It just so happens that that convenience is several real-life days later.

Nedrick already has another quest for us. This one is actually for the level 35 dungeon, believe it or not. Ginger IS a level 31 PGL right now so it makes sense. And don't you worry, we'll soon be correcting that little error too.

Some people let fame swell their heads, but I believe that yours will remain in proportion and firmly attached to your body!

Papalymo here gives us some backstory that I'm gonna skip over because it's boring. If you're interested, you can squint to read the greentext.

Let me see if I have this right-- you're an adventurer... who's a Scion... and a Flame? Golly, how do you keep track of everything? It must be fun pairing up with lots of different people, though! Me? I'm always with Papalymo. ...Come to think of it, why am I always with Papalymo?

Papalymo likes explaining things, and you're someone who needs a lot of things explained to her!

The incident with the traitor still weighs heavily on everyone's minds--the Flame General's most of all. And although he cannot be expected to know what evil lurks in the hearts of every man under his command, the revelation is nevertheless a devastating blow to his authority. Even so, it warrants saying that you should not let this tragedy color your opinion of the man. In all my years working with the Flame General, I've never had reason to doubt his capacity to lead.

Lots of optional dialogue here. While you might argue that this is boring and needless, I think it's important to talk to all the background Scions whenever they have new dialogue. There are little stories happening and playing out that most players never get to experience because they just bumrush the MSQ. First up we have a new face.

I heard tell one of me brothers came through not long ago. Looks like I just missed him, though. I ain't seen either one of 'em since the Calamity--didn't even know if they were still alive. But after runnin' into folk who swore they knew me time an' again, I reckoned they had to be out there somewhere.

Brennan is the merchant from the Limsa opening. We've been dealing with Brendt so far, who was our contact in the Ul'dah opening. Bremondt will eventually show up here in the Waking Sands, and he's the guy from the Gridania opening. I'll cover all this again when Bremondt shows up because knowing my update schedule, that'll be sometime around March or April. (Typing this, it's early-mid December.)

Y'shtola and Urianger are hanging out in this dim corner.

We will continue to focus our efforts on investigating the primals. The Amalj'aa are not the only tribe that has succeeded in summoning its deity.
Fate shall be thy guide. When our purposes become one, once again shall our paths lead us here... Our city of learning is now naught but shadows. Ere the light of dawn breaketh, shall we follow whither the sand blows.

Urianger is a criminally underused character. All he does for 99% of this game is quote shitty poetry at you.

Well, now there's a familiar face.

Have we met somewhere before? You must be quite the accomplished adventurer to be welcomed into these halls. Me? No one's ever expected much of me. And so far, I've done a fine job of living down to their expectations.

I see she's not taking the death of Avere particularly hard.

I've been chattin' with Percevains, an' we both swear there was another member of our crew. We still ain't figured out a way t' prove who we was, but just ye wait and see. It won't be long before everybody sees us for the heroes we is!

The backroom is really packed! There's a nameless miqo'te just hanging out in the background. We can't talk to her, but she's there all the same.

I hear you pledged yourself to a Grand Company. Me? I don't think I could do it. I'd never feel like one of them, no matter what the recruiters say.
I'm not sure I grasp the purpose of these remembrance ceremonies. Whether you remember or rewrite the past, what does it matter? It isn't as though you can repeat it. Our present-day enemies out to serve as sufficient motivation, don't you think? The only lesson I believe we should take from the Calamity is that far greater threats can and will appear.

In the exact same way that funerals aren't for the benefit of the dead, the remembrance ceremonies are for the benefit of the living. It just so happened that they also coincided with each of the three nations engaging in a recruitment drive for their particular Grand Company.

Welcome back, Ginger! Lady Minfilia awaits you within.

A thing now is that for certain quests, we will start slowly accruing grand company currency. There's a whole system associated with it where you can raise in rank by spending seals, but there's no real good way to get seals early on outside of hunting logs.

I'll probably just offhand mention whenever Ginger ranks up because there's really no ceremony involved. All that happens is a graphic flashes on the screen and now the NPCs will call you something else.

Before we get started, this cutscene does not exist in Garland tools. Instead, the quest ends, Minfilia says her first line, and then the text dump is like "HEY THE BETA IS OVER THANKS FOR PLAYING." So I had to hand transcribe all of this. All of this. And because it's resized from 1920x1080, I can't show a bunch of screenshots to make up the difference because you can't read the text in them. I have my browser set to 170% size and I can't read any of them, so I imagine you poor souls who are at 100% can't see shit.

Welcome back! It seems you wasted no time putting your skills to work! How do I know? Why, the recruitment officer called to regale me with the tale of your heroics. The pride in his voice was palpable! We Scions are truly fortunate to have you with us, Ginger.

Now, when last we spoke, I said that I wanted you to meet some friends, did I not? Well, I neglected to mention that you have already met.

Tataru, please show them in.
*nods* This way, sirs!

Thanks again for getting us out of that mess. We owe you our lives. But I don't think we've properly introduced ourselves. I'm Biggs.
A-and. I'm... I'm...
Gods, man, spit it out, will you!?
W-Wedge, at your service!

In no other cutscene in the game does Wedge stutter like that. I don't know why he's so nervous here. At least we don't have to read it for very long.

I am pleased to say that Biggs and Wedge will be staying with us for a while. Magitek-driven contraptions such as airships grow ever more vital to the city-states of Eorzea. As a neutral party, it was judged that we Scions should serve as the keepers of this technology.

Also Minfilia: The Scions are neutral and proud of it :thunk:

Of course, for this we needed the knowledge of experts. And so we requested the assistance of Garlond Ironworks, who very kindly sent us two of their finest engineers. Our happy family continues to grow. On behalf of the Scions, I bid you welcome to the Waking Sands!

Like every soul here, I love Eorzea. And I count myself blessed to have been given this chance to stand with you all and fight for the future of the realm. Never have I known such fulfillment--such happiness.

And the hand transcription can finally stop!

All these shots of Minfilia are different, but I bet I could just post the same one over and over and you all would never notice the difference.

Now, having set aside the formalities... We have a favor to ask of you. Urianger. Have the documents arrived from the Students of Baldesion?

Minfilia is incapable of doing anything without delegating. This makes cutscenes with her take five times longer than they have to. This one follows the same pattern as the Ifrit one. She's going to call on Yda and Papalymo's help here in a minute.

Aye, my lady, they arrived but recently.

We have conducted a study at the behest of the Order of the Twin Adder. Papalymo, Yda--a synopsis, if you would.

Our task was to survey the behavior of the sylphs, a beast tribe indigenous to the Twelveswood.
Oh, how to describe them... They look like...gysahl greens? Floating ones! That worship the primal Ramuh.
Ahem. Though technically a "beast tribe," sylphs are blessed with a comparatively personable demeanor, conducive to peaceful communication.

Fun fact: "beast tribe" in this world is purely a political designation. The Amalj'aa, for instance, used to very peacefully get along with the Ul'dahns. That is until some assholes on the Syndicate decided they wanted Amalj'aan lands, and so they changed their social status to "beast men." And because beast men don't have rights, they no longer had the rights to the land they were living on.

And let's not even get started on Limsa's crimes with regards to the Kobolds. The current Primal problem is largely entirely Eorzea's own fault. Some beast tribes like the Ixal are assholes, sure. But the Sahagin are only aggressive because all their old spawning grounds were destroyed in the Calamity and they, unfortunately, chose Vylbrand as their new home. They specifically chose the site of a Limsan settlement on Vylbrand.

Offering us an invaluable opportunity to learn what the beast tribes know of the primals.

While Ramuh's existence is well documented, the sylphs do not-or perhaps, can not-summon the primal any longer, insofar as can be ascertained. Until such time as we know... It would be unwise to assume that the threat posed by the primal has passed.
Which leaves Gridania with the added worry of not knowing what they should be worrying about!

In that regard, they are hardly alone. What we can say with absolute certainty is that Gridania has its hands full fending off Garuda. Who, I need hardly remind you, is among the most savage and terrible of all known primals.

In short, it is essential that we approach the sylphs in as diplomatic a manner as possible. Words and actions can be misconstrued. The only sure way to communicate our intentions is the Echo. Winning the sylphs' favor may well bring us a step closer to mitigating the threat of the primals. Will you help us?
I am grateful.

Lovely! Well, as much as I'd like to help, I'm afraid I would be of little use to anyone in Gridania. A veritable babe in the woods. Yda and Papalymo, however, should be able to see the forest for the trees. Is that not so, Minfilia?
Indeed. You are willing?

Leave it to me!
Us, Yda. Us!

Would you believe there's actually a whole new set of Scion dialogue now?

Once upon a time, I aspired to make my name as an adventurer. It all came crashing down that fateful day when I lost the man who led my party--the man who had won my heart. If I could not protect my love, how could I hope to protect my realm? I sunk to the depths of despair. Pathetic is it not? Others may have come to join some great cause, while I am only here because I have nowhere else to go.

She does realize that Avere was engaged to Edda, right?

Guess what, Ginger? We found our third man! 'Twas bleedin' Satzfloh. Bugger me, how could I ever forget about Satzfloh? Aye, the three of us was always together... I think.

See what I meant about little stories playing out that most players miss? Three friends, separated by the calamity, reunited at last.

The name's Haribehrt. I've taken up residence here... for reasons I'd prefer not to delve into. I may not be of much use on the battlefield, but I know a thing or two about dealing with people. If you find yourself in a bind, you'd do well to avail yourself of my services.

Y'shtola is over here talking to A'aba and Arenvald.

With the addition of the two engineers you rescued, the Waking Sands has become lively indeed. Were you aware that entry to the Sands requires the fulfillment of certain conditions? One must either gain recognition from the Scions... or earn the approval of Tataru. Our Lalafellin clerk has quite a discerning eye for character.
(A'aba neglects to mention that our allied forces suffered heavy casualties. The operation succeeded, but at great cost. With an outcome like that, should we truly consider it a victory? A'aba says we should, but I'm not so sure.)
They tell me ye were instrumental in Ifrit's defeat. Bravo, Ginger, bravo! Perhaps ye heard of my exploits? The Flames and I struck a decisive blow against the lizardmen by destroyin' and pillagin' their stores of crystals. Aye, they won't be summonin' their primal again any time soon!

The merchants told me it was Brendt that delivered their goods. Maybe if I wait a while, he'll come back with another shipment...
Ramuh, beloved primal of the sylphs. Rooted is he in the laws of eld, the stern arbiter of the forest. Legend hath it this thunderous entity appeareth in the guise of an elderly sage. Thus doth history oft speaketh of "the old man of the woods."

Biggs and Wedge are hanging out up here.

We haven't forgotten how you saved us, Ginger. Don't worry--Wedge and I mean to repay the favor in kind.
I like it here! Safe, hidden--a bit dank and dingy, perhaps, but I've known worse. Plus the receptionist was rather charming, don't you think?

Good evening, Ginger! I trust your investigation is faring well!

I must have done part of the quest off-camera, but we can use gysahl greens to summon Garlic to help us in combat.

Because FFXIV is a very just-so game, we can only do this quest while we're the job we accepted it as. So here's proof that I'm doing this shit out of order, because Ginger has to kill these birds as a rogue.

Chocobo companions can DPS for you, they can tank for you, or they can heal for you. They're not very good tanks, but they can be pretty decent healers or damage dealers. And each gysahl green summons them for half an hour! Unfortunately, that time counts down during cutscenes, but what can you do? The greens are super cheap anyway, and the MSQ pays you enough that you can spare a few thousand every couple levels on more greens. So if you keep your eyes peeled, you may see Garlic hanging out with us in future screenshots!

Let me just jump ahead to Gridania here. This is in the lobby of the Twin Adders. Vorsalie is our point of contact.

We know far too little of the sylphs to lay any worthwhile plans. We must call upon the Scions once more if we are to--Ah, beg pardons. 'Tis a terrible habit of mine to think aloud. But tell me, what brings you to the Adders' Nest?

Believe it or not, but this is a weird gatekeeper quest. Scroll back up to the previous image. You may notice that beneath the MSQ banner in the upper left, there was no subquest available. But the second we turn it in...

Sylph-management is actually the quest that, for whatever reason, unlocks job stones. So now that we've talked to the Serpent Commander, suddenly the guild receptionist in the PGL guild and the guild master of the LNC guild and the guild master of the rogues all have new tasks available for Ginger.

Hail, adventurer. I bid you welcome to the Adders' Nest. Do you seek to entwine your destiny with the Twin Adder?

Good evening, Commander! Sorry to disappoint you, but other business brings us here today.
Yda and Papalymo, always a pleasure to see the two of you. My men tell me you quest in the name of the Scions of late.
Quite so, Commander. A little bird told us that the Twin Adder was in need of our adventuring prowess.

Aye, your little bird sings true. No doubt you've heard that we're investigating the sylphs-that curious beast tribe that calls the depths of the Twelveswood home. The sylphs are, for the most part, a peaceable bunch-much to the delight of the Elder Seedseer, who has no desire to see her people embroiled in yet another fruitless war.

The Twin Adder is of the same mind, and 'tis precisely for this reason that the sylphs' relation to the primal Ramuh has raised a flag of warning amongst our ranks. Friendly as they may appear, beastmen will be beastmen. Should there be even a sliver of a chance that the summoning of the primal might disturb the balance between Gridania and the sylphic tribes, it is a possibility we cannot ignore.

Better to be safe than sorry, indeed.
Do we strike at Ramuh, or leave the sylphs to their own ways? That is the question, yet I find myself lacking ample knowledge to arrive at an answer. Opinions abound within Gridania, but to listen only to one's own is among the greatest mistakes a commander can make. I would hear from the other side-the sylphs themselves-and seek an impartial party to serve as my liaison. That is where you Scions come in.

The sylphs of Little Solace remain untempered, and have held many a productive dialogue with our people. I would hear their candid thoughts on their tempered brethren. That said, I urge you to exercise due caution. Sylphic tradition and etiquette bear little resemblance to our own. It would not do to have any cross-cultural faux pas get in the way of a productive parley. En route to Little Solace, you will come upon the Hawthorne Hut. Our officer stationed there can enlighten you as to how to win the sylphs' favor. May your expedition be a worthwhile one.

A friendly palaver with the sylphs? This should be a pleasant enough diversion. The Hawthorne Hut, was it? Why, I believe the ferry departing from Westshore Pier should take us straight there.
A friendly palaver, indeed! I hope this will be as straightforward as you say, Papalymo.

I'm actually going to cut this update here. In the interest of putting these out more frequently, I'm going to cut back on the gigantic size of the updates. These things take forever to produce normally -- in most cases more than 8 hours of work goes into a single update. But this shorter version has only taken a fraction of that time... even counting the crap I had to hand transcribe!

NEXT TIME: The twin paths of the monk and dragoon await!