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Update 82: Baelsar's Brick Wall

♪ Life at Garreg Mach Monastery ♪

It is a noble mission, but one that will likely require battle. In practice, there is little difference between a battle and a war. Even with the support of the Knights of Seiros, we must still brace ourselves for the challenge.

♪ A Lonely Figure ♪

I found a talisman in the Holy Tomb. Ashe gets it, in case he has to attack magic users at 2 range for whatever reason.

♪ Life at Garreg Mach Monastery ♪

Lookie, our first support! I'm sure this'll go well.

Dedue/Ingrid C.

♪ Calm Winds Over Gentle Waters ♪

...I'd have cut my way through. Alone. Without your assistance.
My apologies.
Your apologies are empty.
I... I spoke out of turn. I'm sorry, Dedue.
His Highness has put his faith in you. You're a valuable comrade, no matter my feelings.
I... The people of Duscur...
Save your breath. There were countless people like you in the capital. People who spat, threw things—insults and stones alike—whenever they pleased. Their anger was natural. I do not begrudge them.
I... I see.
You owe me no apology. And I will keep my distance on all other occasions. But on the field of battle, allow me to aid you. If you were to fall, His Highness would grieve.
I see. Then I will accept your help. On the battlefield.

♪ Life at Garreg Mach Monastery ♪

Oh, good, that bodes well for Ingrid's character. Bodes very well. No bad signs here, nope nope.

I lost my own brother to bandits...
...Is something someone has said at some point, I'm sure. OK. Not my finest attempt at humor.

Ah, Sylvain...

Anyway, here's a feature I used maybe once or twice in previous playthroughs: cooking together! You can spend one activity point per exploration day to give all of your units a stat buff for the rest of the month.

If you're playing on Maddening, I highly, highly advise you cook every week. These stat buffs are invaluable, even at endgame. These increased stats aren't just for mitigating increased enemy stats, they can also help compensate for the fact that, on the whole, your units are missing around 10 levels at endgame, compared to lower difficulties.

Here's the full menu for cooking together: