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Hello everyone and welcome back! Current-day Ginger is about to meet a person who can put her in contact with the Ala Mhigan resistance.

Your Ala Mhigan comrade is named Haribehrt. He joined our cause in the hopes that he might find a way to liberate his homeland. While he spares no effort towards that endeavor, I have no doubt that he would be glad to assist you. If I recall correctly, Haribehrt is currently between missions. Try looking for him in the storage area.

Haribehrt is one of the random NPCs we've been chatting with in between MSQ arcs.

If it isn't Ginger Pepper, the Scions' rising star! Is there aught I can do for you? You wish to win the trust of the people of Little Ala Mhigo! That is a daunting task, my friend, even for our own countrymen. I would like nothing more than to help, but I'm afraid my name no longer carries weight with that lot. I used to be a member of the Ala Mhigan Resistance, you see, but I left in favor of joining the Scions.
Though my allegiance may have shifted, my purpose remains ever the same-the liberation of Ala Mhigo. Yet whatever my reasons were, I abandoned my comrades, and they'll have nothing to do with me. Now, while I may have no more friends in the Resistance, I know someone who does. Her name is Albreda, and she is a resident of Quarrymill. Say my name when you meet her, and she won't lead you astray.

Ala Mhigans are kind of fucking stupid. An attitude like "if you're not with us, you're against us. And you're not with us if you aren't willing to go slit your throat in front of an Imperial RIGHT NOW" doesn't help anyone, least of all themselves. Eorzea is a very selfish place, but the inhabitants of Little Ala Mhigo aren't doing jack or shit to help their cause.

The Ala Mhigans are a hot-blooded lot and fate has dealt them a pretty shitty hand. So while the description I gave above may sound like an over exaggeration, it really isn't. Some of them really are just that desperate to free their homeland. We'll be learning all about that desperation soon enough.

Albreda here is apparently one of the few Ala Mhigans that the elementals will "let" stay in the forest. Naturally this puts her in a tenuous, terrible position.

Eh? You want me to introduce you to the Resistance? Hah! Why the hells should I do that? Give me just one reason!
Haribehrt sent me!
H-Haribehrt sent you!? Grrr, that worthless whoreson... He abandons his comrades--his woman--and now he has the gall to ask me for a favor!? Simply incredible... I just... I mean... <sigh> Ugh. I realize Haribehrt was only doing what he felt was right. He's a good man. And if he trusts you, then that's all I need to know. You see that bloke there? That's Meffrid, a captain of the Resistance. I hope he can give you what you need.

These weapon coffers could actually come in handy. Ginger still has a lot of jobs to level before this LP is finished. Also if nothing else, some of the low level gear looks really nice and can fetch a decent price from glamour enthusiasts who are too lazy to go to a merchant!

Meffrid here is hanging out on a pier? On a pier near the stream in Quarrymill.

Aye, I'm Meffrid, a proud man of the Ala Mhigan Resistance. What business do you have with me, adventurer?

C-Captain! It''s Gallien, sir! His wound's gone an' festered, an' he's burnin' up! I don't think he's got much time!
Godsdammit! I asked the villagers for aid--got on my knees and begged--but they refused to lift a finger! If Gallien dies, his blood is on their hands! These Quarrymill cravens would turn a blind eye to our plight, but they might listen to Albreda. I fear my anger will prevent me from rightly convincing anyone at the moment. I realize we scarce know each other, but this is a matter of life and death. Please, adventurer, go to her and try!

Who's that pokemon?

One of Meffrid's in bad shape, you say? I'm...I'm sorry, but there's naught I can do. I want to help, truly I do--they're my countrymen, after all--but that'd mean going against the elementals' will. I've been at Quarrymill long enough to know how right terrible the beings can be. I couldn't forgive myself if everyone gets banished because of me. If there's anyone who can help you, it'd be Charline, the hamlet's resident Hearer. If you take the matter to her, might be as she'll listen...though I wouldn't get my hopes up.

You wish to aid the Ala Mhigans? You are possessed of a kind heart, adventurer, but I'm afraid I have not the authority to grant you your wish. This authority belongs only to the elementals, eternal guardians of the Twelveswood. All outsiders, be they babes at the breast or men grown, are judged of a night whether they may have a place beneath the boughs. Alas, the Ala Mhigans' petition has been denied. Harsh though it may seem, they do not have leave to receive of the wood's bounty. Ever has it been since time immemorial, and ever shall it be.

This is why the elementals are actively making the world a worse place. It's all bullshit because it provides them the ultimate copout excuse. "Well I WANT to help you but the elementals won't let me..."

I haven't really shown off incidental NPC dialogue, but there are NPCs in Gridania outside of the conjurer guild who are literally begging the people there to save their sick daughter from certain death. The conjurers are refusing to because "the elementals won't let them."

That's how it's to be, then!? The bloody Hearer might as well kill Gallien herself! Spit on the elementals and spit on their bloody will! I cannot wait until the Resistance is free of this place!

We're plowing right through the back half of this arc.

I led my men to Quarrymill hoping to find refuge--instead we've found indifference. The cold-blooded bastards here want us out, and I can't oblige them soon enough. The problem is, some of mine aren't fit to travel--hells, Gallien can't even stand!
As you well know, the people of this accursed hamlet won't help us. So, I've no choice but to turn to you, adventurer. In my homeland, long antelope horn is a traditional remedy with poison-purging properties. If you could bring me, say, four horns, I'd forever be in your debt.

Simple enough quest. Ginger just beats some antelope to death!

The horns are guaranteed drops as long as we're on the quest. I've been playing XIV off and on since 2014 and it still is such a nice thing. You have no idea how much time I wasted on WoW, grinding away on quests that didn't have guaranteed drops.

Ah, you're back! Tell me you've got four horns with you!
*shows all four horns*
You're a godssend, adventurer! Praise Rhalgr there's at least one woman in this place who gives a damn. Now we just need to find a way to prepare them... You wouldn't happen to know a man named Buscarron, would you? Some comrades of mine told me about him once.
They said he never turns away folk in need, no matter where they're from. Seeing as he runs a tavern, he's like to have the tools to make the medicine. I'd be grateful if you could take the horns over to him to have them ground down. When that's done, bring the powder back, and give it to Faramund here. Godsspeed.

Been a minute since we've talked to old Busc!

Ah, Ginger, ever a sight for sore eyes! How fares the adventuring? Rolling in the coin like there's no tomorrow, no doubt! ...Hm? You've got something to show me?
*hands over antelope horns*
Well, these look like good old antelope horns. Need them ground down to make a medicine, you say? Here's a better idea: I'll give you some of the stuff I have in my stores. Aye, I'm no stranger to the remedy. An Ala Mhigan friend once used it to treat my festering wound, years and years ago. Safe to say he saved my life.
It's for a sick Ala Mhigan man in Quarrymill!
What's that? This is for an Ala Mhigan soldier in Quarrymill? Heh, so it comes full circle... Well, I hope it helps the poor sod as needs it. Oh, and don't worry your little head off about payment--I still owe you a deal more than you owe me, I reckon.

No, the NPCs haven't mysteriously left. They just haven't spawned in yet.

Oddly enough, we turn the medicine over to Faramund.

It is well to see you returned. Have you the medicine for our brother?
*hands over medicine*
Gods bless you, adventurer! I'll see that Gallien receives treatment at once! Hopefully, this will allow the captain to rest easier. It has been a terrible burden on him, trying to keep every man alive. You've done us a great kindness, friend.

Since the quest last time that was outright deleted, nothing in this arc has been changed. Even all the back-and-forth has been in service of continuing the little story being told here. I suppose that's why I don't mind it. There's stuff actually happening, and Ginger is racing against time to keep a critically ill man alive.

It's a damn sight better than dancing for floating cabbages.

A-Adventurer! Gallien has gone missing! He's nowhere to be found! He shouldn't be walking about, not with those wounds! If he doesn't get the proper medicine and rest, his condition's like to deteriorate to where it was before...or worse. We need you to help us find him, and quickly. Start by asking Albreda--might be as the woman's seen something!

Ah, finally. It's about time you came asking about Gallien. I watched him leave Quarrymill some time ago, and he left me this sealed letter before he went off. Made me swear not to open it until someone came asking...

My brothers, I cannot bear to be a burden any longer. That is why I must leave you all. Do not worry for me--just find your way safely to Little Ala Mhigo.

<sigh> Blast it. Would that I'd known what he was thinking. I'd have stopped this folly myself. The love Gallien bears for his brothers is so strong, he's willing to sacrifice himself for them. Make no mistake, entering the wood in his weakened state is suicide.

An obviously delusional, deathly ill man walked up to Albreda and amid his feverish ramblings asked her to hold onto a letter and under no circumstances open it. He then slowly stumbled away and out into the woods while she did nothing to stop him. And to make matters worse, she actually listened to him instead of browbeating his stubborn ass all the way back to his sickbed.

And while I get that settlements in XIV are much bigger in reality than they appear to be, she's also standing within view of the exit from the town.

Out in the wilds...alone!? That fool! That great big sentimental fool! My men and I will scour the wood for Gallien! Please help us find him before something terrible happens!

A short distance from town is a small cave.

Our suicidal man is here.

<pant> <pant> W-Watch out! A goblin!

We beat him up.

You might think this screenshot was taken before the cutscene had finished loading. No, that's just how bright it is. My "only able to record MSQ cutscenes at night" curse is a strong one.

C-Captain? But...why? You should all be on your way...

Who do you take us for!? We're Ala Mhigans, and Ala Mhigans never forsake one another, hardships be damned! Remember the oath we swore, godsdammit-the oath to reclaim our homeland! We'll set foot on Ala Mhigan soil again--together--or not at all! Do you understand me!?
Yes, sir...
Good. Let us return to our brothers. Oh, and don't even think that you'll get off lightly. As soon as you're healed, I'll give you such a thorough thrashing, you'll wish we didn't find you!

I can't thank you enough for saving Gallien. I will see you back at Quarrymill.

Gallien's expected to make a full recovery. We'll linger here till he's strong enough to take to the road again. As much as I mislike this place, beggars can't be choosers.

The expansion that was just announced is still months and months away. But the devs said that one of the things they're doing to alleviate armory chest space woes is they're getting rid of belts. They don't show up on your character model, and they barely contribute anything to your stats at any level. So I'm very excited about that!

Now that things are relatively settled, I seem to recall that you wanted something of me. You've proven a true friend to my people. Ask of me anything, and it's yours, so long as it's mine to give.
*explains the situation*
The cooperation of the people of Little Ala Mhigo? That's all? Far be it from me to question your desires, of course... Very well, I will provide you with a letter to show to Gundobald. The old bear was my mentor when I first joined the Resistance. He's intimidating to those who don't know him, but he takes care of his own. I've no doubt that he will do all in his power to aid you.

Back to Gundobald again.

Why have you returned? You are not welcome here; I thought I made that clear.
*hands over Meffrid's letter* spoke with Meffrid? It has been so long since I last heard from him, I had feared him dead... Twelve be praised... Whoever you are, Meffrid sees you as a friend, and any friend of Meffrid is a friend of mine. I know of this masked stranger you seek, and will tell you what I can.

Finishing this quest lets us ride mounts faster in the South Shroud... and only the South Shroud. ...Thanks?

Knowing Koji Fox, this is a reference to something. But I have no idea what.

An outsider resembling your masked stranger has reportedly been appearing near Little Ala Mhigo of late. What's more, it seems that some of our youngbloods are meeting him in secret. No doubt you'll want to question them about their trysts, but they are not like to yield the information readily to an outsider. If you tell them I sent you, though, they may well feel obliged to talk.

Thank god for the MSQ icon. I can't see shit in these caves at this time of morning.

...A masked man? No idea what yer talkin' about. I ain't done nothin' wrong, so leave me be.

G-Gundobald sent you? I, uh- Listen, I told them it was a bad idea! All that tripe about believing the masked man and-- ...O-Oh. don't know anything about this? Why didn't you say so to start with!? You can't throw the old bear's name around like that and expect me to not think I'm in for it!

What? Have I been meeting any masked men lately? Hmmm, let's see... Nope, can't say I have! But I'll be sure to tell all my friends you're looking for him.

There's a bunch been skulkin' about right suspicious, like, but I've got nothin' to do with 'em. I know trouble when I see it, an' that there's trouble, mark me words.

One person is badly lying, one is feeling incredibly guilty about it but refuses to talk, one doesn't know anything, and the other just refuses to talk on principle.

So, you have indeed confirmed my suspicions about a masked man... That is most troubling. Whatever the young ones are scheming, it can lead to no good end. There's an anger inside them--I can see it in their eyes. I ought to know, for it once burned within me as well. Two decades ago, that same anger drove me and my brothers to rise against the despot who ruled Ala Mhigo. Naught would do but to depose him and usher in a revolution. Well, we got our revolution all right...but it cost us our freedom.
Blinded by our hate, we didn't realize that we had been dancing to the Empire's tune. By the time we did, it was too late. Ala Mhigo had fallen. There are times when a man must be patient. Now is such a time, though the young ones know this not. Unless we intervene, they are like to commit great folly. If you learn aught of their plans, I would thank you to bring word to me.

Why do so many quests in this arc start from entirely unrelated NPCs?

Hey, adventurer. You done talking with the old bear? I've got a message for you from Wilred. Lad's something of a leader among the young ones here. He's impressed that you've won over Gundobald, and wants a word with you. Says he'll be waiting over at the craggy area north of here.

Wilred wants to meet us in a secluded location, well far away from prying eyes and ears, immediately after we and Gundobald start working together to unravel what the young adults in the camp are up to? This is beyond obviously a trap. Ginger, however, does not care because she's real good at punching shit.

Thanks for coming, friend. 'Tis no ordinary outsider who can gain the trust of the old bear. That's why I wanted to meet you, to discuss something in private. Tell me...why are you snooping about? Did the Empire send you? Or someone else? Coeurl got your tongue? Hmph, no matter. Whoever it is you work for, your meddling ends here. Get her!

What, exactly, was his endgame here? Gundobald is now suspicious of these idiots plans. So even if Ginger was taken by surprise and killed in the desert, her failing to return from this meeting would only make the Old Bear even more suspicious.

Hot of blood and dumb of ass.

Y-You're stronger than you look... This changes nothing! Threaten us, beat us bloody all you like...but nothing short of death can make us give up our fight! We're going to obtain the power to bring down the Empire, and with it we'll reclaim our homeland!

You know, it has to be emasculating to these teenagers young adults to be beaten bloody by someone the size of a toddler.

Back into camp we go!

Attacked by Wilred and his cronies!? That they would go to such lengths for the sake of this plan of theirs... Left to their own devices, the young fools are like to harm others, if not themselves. We must uncover their agenda and put an end to this madness.

I was going to call this update here, but...

This is the penultimate quest in the arc. I shit you not.

Wilred mentioned obtaining the power to bring down the Empire. Of what power could he be speaking...?
Gun...Gundobald... <groan> I-I...

I was out foraging...when the Corpse Brigade came... They took me to their hideout...and they...they... <sob> The whole while, they laughed at me... <sob> They said that I suffer... b-because I cling on to hope... <sob> Is it wrong to dream of home? Is it wrong to call ourselves Ala Mhigans?

This quest's writing is fucking terrible, even by the remedial standards of the video game industry. I swear, the writing in this game is much better than this! Hell, the writing earlier in this update was better than this.

Do not heed such poisonous notions, child. Our dreams are what sustain us. Be strong-I swear to you, those villains will answer for their crimes in due time. But tell me...does anyone else know of this?
Wilred... He saw me outside... He was so angry...

I must tend to Bertliana. In the meantime, I need you to find out what the young ones make of this. I fear that they may do something rash.

The map is the only "evidence" in Gundobald's chamber.

O mighty Rhalgr, Lord of Destruction...we implore You, lend us Your strength and put an end to the suffering of Your people... Hmph, here to interfere again? Well, you're too late. Our plan is already in motion. Once we have the crystals, our enemies will pay for their crimes, and no one will dare oppress us ever again!

If this plan succeeds, we'll have the power to lay the Empire low! To change the world for the better! Might be as Gundobald's content to eke out an existence in this musty old cave, but I'll be damned if I'm going to spend the rest of my life here. Now, where in the seven hells did I put that bloody map?

What those animals did to Bertliana is unforgivable! And to think they look down on us! Well, I'll suffer this humiliation no more! I'm with Wilred to the bitter end! I'm not afraid of a few lizards!

And the last piece of evidence is a hunting knife. So putting it all together... The youths in the camp are evidently planning to attack Zanr'ak to pillage the Amalj'aan crystal supply. Putting this together with what Minfilia and Thancred drilled into our head after Ifrit... there's only one reason anyone needs a large supply of crystals.

...Gone? The whole lot of them? Then it is as I feared-they mean to take matters into their own hands. But what exactly is it that they mean to do?
*hands over knife and map*
What's this? A hunting knife...and a map of Zanr'ak? ...Wait. You said Wilred spoke of crystals, did you not? But they couldn't possibly mean to-- By the gods, this is rank madness... The young fools are untrained and unblooded, all. They have no notion of how dangerous the Amalj'aa are. They'll be butchered before they get within a hundred yalms of the crystals. They are headed east. If we hurry, we may yet find them before it's too late.

I'd link to it, but it would clash with the upcoming cutscene. So just imagine Bonnie Tyler's Holding Out for a Hero playing here.

M-Mercy! Please don't kill me! Wh-What went wrong? It was supposed to be easy! Damn it all to the seven hells!

Wilred... Did no others survive?
This is all wrong... Getting the crystals was supposed to be the start... We were going to reclaim our homeland... We were... We...
Pull yourself together, lad!
W-We were going to make an offering of crystals to Rhalgr--to summon Him, j-just like the masked man taught us. We plotted to sneak into Zanr'ak and make off with the lizardmen's cache, b-but they caught us and...and... So many dead... Gods forgive me...

Heathens! You shall pay for your crimes with your souls!

I regret our young ones' transgressions, but a soul is too high a price for youthful folly. For all their failings, they are the hope of the Ala Mhigan people. This hope I will guard with my life.

Forgive us... We...we only wanted...
The excuses will keep!

It's a huge brawl with more than a dozen amalj'aa rushing our position with murder in their eyes.

The whelps must pay for their crimes!
I will not let you harm them!
Come, ye blessed of our Lord's breath!

There's many tempered as well. But...

Ginger is a badass.

Your skill at arms is impressive, adventurer. Our wayward youths could learn much from a woman like you. The battle is won, but it would be unwise to linger here. Let us return to Little Ala Mhigo.

W-Wait! We've come all this way-we have to get the crystals! They're right there, ripe for the picking!
Have you learned nothing, Wilred? Did you not see those tempered wretches? Such is the fate of those who are touched by a god. Is that what you desire for yourself and your friends?

What!? N-No one said anything about-- The masked man told us we could defeat the Empire if we summoned Rhalgr! He swore--
Enough. I will hear the rest of this sorry tale back in Little Ala Mhigo. I daresay Ginger will wish to hear it as well.

Lahabrea has a lot to answer for.

While we're out here, I go ahead and unlock a dungeon we'll be visiting in the future.

Qarn is a completely optional dungeon, one that Ginger could enter and actually not be level synced! It has some very nice and juicy gear upgrades for her. As much as I like her leather armor look, it has gotten kinda old by now. Even if she is still hilariously overleveled and overgeared for where she is in the MSQ.

No more lies, Wilred. Tell us everything.
I was outside with the others when he appeared--the masked stranger. He told us about summoning Rhalgr, about using crystals, and then just...vanished. We never saw him again. I wanted so desperately to believe that we could raise ourselves from this squalor that I never stopped to question his motives. But I should have known--there's no solution, nothing we can do to change our lot. Our people are doomed to live and die like beasts...

I get that Wilred is desperate, but nobody thinks like this unless they're severely depressed. It never occurred to him to talk to Gundobald about his ambitions? The man is either the head of the resistance, or is extremely high up in it! He could have found actual useful work for Wilred to do!

Listen to me, Wilred. Our home may be lost to us, but it takes more than stones and mortar to define who we are. No matter where we may be, Ala Mhigo lives on within us all. It is for you to decide what to make of this legacy. But whatever you choose to do with your life, never forget that you owe it to this adventurer--an outsider.

I...I won't. I promise. Thank you for saving me. And...sorry I tried to kill you.

My thanks as well, friend. It gives us hope to know that there are kind souls such as you out there. Little Ala Mhigo may not have much in the way of comfort, but you will always be welcome here.

May as well take the arc home.

Would that we had more information to offer, but what Wilred told you is the extent of our knowledge of the masked stranger. Left unchecked, that man will bring about great pain and suffering. I pray that you'll find and put a swift end to the creature--for the sake of the young ones who died by his poisoned words.

Back we go to Minfilia... again!

Way back when in the LP, I mentioned that there would come a time in the future where it would be handy to use a linkpearl like a cell phone. I trust you now fully understand the meaning of that statement. So many useless trips to the Waking Sands that could be avoided with a simple 2 minute conversation.

Welcome back, Ginger! I'm reliably informed the investigation took you to Quarrymill and Little Ala Mhigo. So tell me, were you able to learn aught of Lahabrea?
Better sit down, this one will take a while...

Planted the knowledge of summoning in impressionable young minds, you say? Precisely the kind of deception the Ascians would employ... While many of the ills that ail the land can be attributed to the Calamity, some are being brought about by a malign will. We must needs delve deeper into this, while things remain quiet on the primal front.

All work and no play makes Minfilia a dull Scion.
Hm? Did you say something?
N-Nothing, my lady!

Sassy Tataru is the best.

Ahem. Mayhap we ought to rest awhile before speaking further of the investigation.

And... believe it or not, but that was the end of the arc. The reddit post I'm using as a guide for what was changed combined this arc and the next mini-arc into one giant one. But I'm gonna call them separate just for the purposes of bookkeeping.

NEXT TIME: ROG 15! Both quests of it! Then after that... well, some optional dungeons have opened up! What better time to investigate the Sunken Temple of Qarn and Cutter's Cry than our downtime?