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Reader discretion advised: this update deals with human trafficking, and it doesn't dance around the subject.

Hello everyone and welcome back! Today's rogue quests are gonna be a little on the heavier side. Last time, if you recall, we briefly got introduced to a lalafell who is going to play a much larger role in these quests in the future. We'll be meeting her in full in today's quests.

Ah, Ginger, just the mort I was hopin' to see. We've some nasty trouble brewin'... The client's on his way, so sit tight an' pay attention. I'm callin' Underfoot an' the Stray in on this as well-it'll be a right little rogue family reunion.

Jacke. The client's arrived.

Our guest here has come from Maelstrom Command, with confidential orders direct from the Admiral herself--so ye know this won't be a simple job.
I'm afraid your guildmaster speaks truly. 'Twas several days ago when an emaciated man stumbled into one of our camps seeking aid. Upon questioning the poor fellow, we discovered that he had narrowly escaped a life of slavery. He claimed that pirates had raided his village, abducting him and many others to sell on a black market auction block.
We dispatched a patrol to confirm the tale, and found the village almost completely destroyed. 'Twas a meager settlement without so much as a guardhouse--thus did its unkind fate escape our notice until now...
Ye'd think these pirates'd never even heard o' the code. Pillagin' honest culls an' dippin' their wicks in the slave trade? They're headed the right way for a good stabbin'.

Aye. Though it ain't set down in so many whids, the code's notoriously unforgivin' against those as raise weapons against the weak. After all, the first pirates in these parts were culls what was fleein' oppression in the northern seas. Ignore yer history, an' ye risk becomin' what it was ye hated most. ...So, ye've a mark for us, then?

That we do. From the descriptions given to us by the escaped villager, we've determined that these lawbreakers are members of the Jolly Merchants--a pirate crew in possession of an official privateering license. ...'Twould appear, however, that privateering has been naught but a screen behind which to hide their illicit activities. One can only imagine how many other Lominsan citizens have fallen prey to these wicked slavers...

And we've let it happen right under our very noses! Naturally, the Admiral desires a swift resolution to this ignominy, but merely tracking down those poor souls who have already been sold is proving heavily taxing to our allocated resources. We could throw more soldiers at the problem...but that runs the risk of drawing the smallfolk's attention and inciting undue panic.
Thus do we come to the Rogues' Guild for help. We ask that you eliminate the Jolly Merchants and liberate the villagers presently in their custody--and that you do so with the utmost discretion.

I mentioned several updates back that the Rogues are often seen as the Admiral's secret police force. Quests like this help explain why. But on the other hand, we are tracking down and rescuing poor honest peasants from a life of slavery and servitude.

Consider it done. When those nasty coves'll feel our shortblades prickin' into their backs, they'll enjoy but a brief moment o' regret afore the code is rightly enforced. All right, let's get to work! I'll be goin' after the Jolly Merchants meself.
Underfoot, V'kebbe. You two lend yer skills to the Maelstrom's investigation an' see what ye can whiddle about the culls what have already been sold. Ginger, yer comin' with me. I think yer ready for the next step of yer education.

Jacke's probably quickly realized that Ginger isn't much for having contacts in Limsa's underbelly or sneaky spy-work. But she's exceptionally gifted at knifework. So may as well focus her talents where they can best be put to use, right?

We need to talk to Jacke to continue the quest, but there's some optional dialogue from the others! And I can just copy it from GarlandTools, so why not show it off?

By the way when I talk to all the NPCs in the Waking Sands' storeroom? I'm hand transcribing all of it because it's not attached to a quest and so wasn't extracted onto Garland

These Jolly Merchant bastards won't be so jolly once we catch up to 'em.
I've no doubt you an' Jacke can handle a few ale-sodden pirates. But if ye need an extra set o' fambles, just say the word an' we'll be there.
Your aid--and confidentiality--in this matter is greatly appreciated. We can now focus on coordinating with the Yellowjackets to free those unfortunate folk already sold into slavery.
Shall we get after these slavin' cutthroats, then? Our client tells me that the Jolly Merchantman set sail from Aleport a few bells ago. Oh, aye, they might even board an imperial ship or two, but that's just some mummery they're puttin' on to amuse the Admiral's swads. I reckoned the rest o' the crew'd be back on land, lookin' to snap the shackles on a fresh herd o' chattel. An' just to prove me theory right, one o' them Jolly bastards got himself spotted creepin' about the ruffmans in lower La Noscea.
There's a bene cove over at the Moraby Drydocks by the name o' Swarsynt what'll likely know the full story. He's more of a shipwright than a rogue these days, but he keeps his glazes keen for the guild. Head over an' have yerself a prattle, an' I'll join ye soon-like.

Moraby is down in the south part of Lower La Noscea.

This dude is hanging out in one corner of it.

Aye...I know what you are. What can old Swarsynt do for you?
I'm looking for the Jolly Merchants!
Hunting down Jolly Merchant slavers? Ah, well that explains a few things... I was keeping an eye on the bustle about the Drydocks, you see, when I spied an odd trio off in the distance. This rough-looking sod--one of your pirates, I'd wager--was prodding along another bloke and this poor skinny lass. I've seen whipped curs less miserable than the two being herded. Last I saw, they were headed south. If what you're saying about this slavery business is true, then that Jolly Merchant's not going to walk his charges all the way to market. No, he likely has a boat waiting for him.
And if I were a slaver headed south, my vessel would be hidden somewhere along the Salt Strand. That doesn't leave you much time. You said Jacke was on his way, yes? You'd best go on ahead, and I'll point him in the right direction when he gets here.

This random spot over near the shore is our destination. I'm not entirely sure what is going on with the landscape here. The Calamity did some weird things to Eorzea. There are strange aether formations all over the landscape.

Swarsynt came through for us, eh? ...Now, what do we got here? This one looks a charmer...

It's difficult to see because of my aforementioned ability to only record when a scene will be cast in the most shadow, but there's several pirates standing around two people wearing peasant garb.

Soddin' move, I told ye! Me peg-legged grandma 'obbles quicker'n you miserable sacks o' shite! ...Or maybe ye need another thrashin', is that it!? Ye already forgot what 'appens when ye try me generous patience!?

Why is it that the people with the smallest amount of patience always calls themselves "generously patient?"

I-I'm sorry! P-Please, no more beatings! We walked as fast as we could... But we need food...water...
Then get in the boat, an' shut yer traps! Ye'll get fed when we reach the other side.
The other side!? ...Where are you taking us!?
Are ye challengin' me, or just plain daft? I told ye to keep yer bleatin' mouth shut!
<whimper> I-I'm sorry... <sob> I didn't mean to... <sob>

Leviathan's scaly arse, she's weepin' again... Listen, we're 'eaded to Aleport, all right? That's where me an' me shipmates gather to take stock o' the "merchandise," an' decide what gets sold where. Ye see, some buyers want only lads, while others is lookin' for lasses. As long as we keep these rich bastards 'appy, we make more coin than we ever did scrappin' with the Empire's war galleys!
Not that you care about that, I s'pose. What matters to you is that ye'll be loaded onto the Jolly Merchantman, sailed off to gods know where, and Limsa'll be a distant memory. So if I was you, I'd fill that empty belly with one last big gobful o' sweet La Noscean sea breeze! Gahahahahaha!

I'm sore tempted to put a blade 'twixt his eyes here an' now, but that won't get the job done. No, we'll let him guide us to his mates in Aleport...then we'll mill the whole bloody lot of 'em. The Jolly Merchants'll get their due, don't ye worry about that.

We'd best hurry to Aleport. Unless ye've a quicker way, there's a ferry what leaves from Candlekeep Quay. I'll meet ye across the water, lass.

Unless I've missed my guess, very few quests ever bother coming to Candlekeep Quay. The only ones I can recall off the top of my head are ROG 15 and NIN 50. DRK 40 might also come here, but I don't remember very much about those early quests.

Aleport is a popular destination for quests.

Ginger. That Jolly Merchant cove's still with his captives. Seems they've taken a room under an alias. Hmph. Hidin' their operation in plain sight. Bold as brass, aye, but it's an old slaver's trick. See, even if some cull recognizes the "merchandise," only a single handler gets boned. The rest o' the crew just whistles, all innocent-like, while their mate is marched off to cry cockles. An' ye can bet they've threatened bloody murder for any prisoner what raises a hue an' cry...
Patience now, lass. We'll just wait until we're sure that all these blackguards've arrived. Meanwhile, ye'd better sharpen yer stabbers--we've a busy night ahead of us.

A solo duty!

Ready for the job, then? Once the Jolly Merchants are all here, we'll ambush the sods an' set their captives free.

..That ought to be long enough. We'll just have to hope there ain't any stragglers. Listen closely now, lass: the Merchants're disguised as plain old 'venturers, an' have settled 'emselves in three separate rooms here in Aleport. ...How do we whiddle which coves are the Merchants? Easy. Take a look at the daddles o' that bingo-swillin' cull over yonder.

He's wearin' lavender gloves-the exact same type what that nasty sod at the Salt Strand had on. That'll be how they find each other in a crowd. 'Course, it's also how I whiddled where each o' the bastards was stayin'. Just snilch the hopeless glazes o' the company they keep, an' ye can be sure ye've found yer mark. So, here's the job all laid out for ye: we hit all three common rooms, mill the Merchants quick an' dirty-like, an' get those captives their bleedin' lives back. All right?
Oi! The storeroom door's been forced open! Some thievin' sod's been at the ale! Well, they can't have gotten far! Better get the lads an' do a sweep of the port.

Ugh, was that Merchant cove gulpin' pilfered ale? Ye'd think they'd be doin' their best not to draw attention to 'emselves, all things considered. Bloody oafs... An' now we've got a swarm o' Yellowjackets buzzin' about, lookin' for blood. If they spot us wanderin' 'round in the darkmans, I've a feelin' they'll axe first an' ask questions later. It'd be best, then, if the patrols never even knew we was here.
We'll slip as sneaky as we can into each o' the common rooms, an' use them telltale lavender gloves to identify our marks. There's innocent culls in there as well, mind, so let's try not to stab any as don't deserve it, eh? Hmmm. I'm thinkin' we should head out one at a time to better avoid them Yellowjackets, so I'll let ye take the lead. After you, Ginger.

We just need to sneak around the Yellowjackets.

This is also a quest that needs to be done in a specific order. There are three places where the slavers are staying, and if we don't visit them in this specific order, then the slavers don't spawn.

The lavender gloves really stick out like a sore thumb. So it makes it easy to find the right people.

Someone much earlier in the thread said it best: the rogues enforce the Admiral's justice. With knives.

Oh thank you! Thank you...

Thankfully the order we need to visit these rooms is easy to pick out: just start at the bottom and work your way up.

If there's one thing I'm sure about Ginger, she doesn't grant these greedy sons of bitches the courtesy of a quick death. She makes sure they feel it.

You gotta wonder just what the poor captives are thinking. One moment they're fearing for their lives, and the next a tiny lalafell with knives jumps out of nowhere and very deliberately and brutally murders their abductor. Then like a flash, she's gone.

I'm free...?

These doors don't do a great job about sticking out, but the duty area is pretty small. So it doesn't take too long to find the right spot even if you're unsure.

It's our "friend" Strawman.

Oh thank you! Thank you...
I'm free...?
That looks to be the last of 'em. An' ye didn't even need my help!

'Ands off the merchandise! Ain't no one cuts into our profits!

One neat detail I like is that the other adventurers start cheering on the fight.

Between Jacke and Ginger, these slavers are turbo fucked.

I've just finished reading the report: in addition to liberating those unfortunate Lominsan citizens, you've done much to cripple the Jolly Merchants' slaving operation. Thank you. The Admiral shall be most pleased.

Not a bad night's work, eh, Ginger? The Maelstrom'll be takin' care of them poor culls we freed, an' I've made sure none o' the Merchants we downed are like to get up again. As for the Jolly Merchantman, well, her crew can expect a visit from the Admiral's finest' it won't be for tea an' crumpets on the poopdeck. Right, me natty lass! Our part in this is done! Time to head back to the Sisters.

It's that catgirl we rescued! I'm glad she seems to be alright.

Excuse me... Are you the ones who freed us?
Aye. Was there somethin' else we could do for ye, miss? The Maelstrom swads'll take ye home, if that's what yer worried about...
Oh, no, I know. I just wanted to... Thank you.

...If I may, there was one other thing I wished to tell you: moments before you rescued me, that dreadful pirate was muttering into his cups. 'Twas something about another raiding party that hadn't yet made it back...
I beg yer pardon!?
It seems they'd been hunting for slaves in western La Noscea, and, being so close to Aleport, our captor assumed they were out "roundin' up chattel until last bell." I just couldn't bear the thought of anyone else suffering as I have. Please, is there naught you can do?

There certainly is, miss. You just get yerself safely home an' leave this stray pack o' jackals to us.
I will pray for your success. Thank you again.

By the way that orange thing in the upper corner? That's an aether crystal formation sticking out of a lighthouse. We'll actually eventually be going in to visit it! Pharos Sirius is a weird dungeon, but also kinda fun.

Heh, so much for savorin' a victory pint. I'll send word o' this development to Underfoot an' the Stray--we've some well-earned trade for the last o' these Jolly Merchants! By the by... How's yer throwin' arm, Ginger? I think it's time I learned ye how to fling a proper blade. When yer out in the wide open ruffmans, ye often find the need to sting a cove from a distance. An' I'm sure a canny lass like yerself'll figure all sorts o' uses for a well-thrown dagger. Just keep it in mind for when we hunt down the rest o' them slavers!

DRG has piercing talon and NIN has throwing dagger. Both are of approximately the same usefulness... that is to say none at all. They interrupt your combo to use and they deal trifling amounts of damage. If a tank in a dungeon decides he needs to run off with 5 or 6 monsters still at 35% health, then that's probably the only time you'll get use out of it. A pity because throwing knives is thematically cool as hell.

We're not done yet, though! I mentioned that there were two parts to the level 15 quest. Let's put the rest of those enslaving fuckers to the sword.

Those last few Jolly Merchant bastards must be camped out somewhere in western La Noscea. Now, if I was a black-blooded, gil-grubbin' slaver, where would I be hidin'...? There's naught to the west but the Sahagin pools; even those bollocks-for-brains pirates know better'n to trespass on fishback territory.
An' they won't want to chance runnin' into patrols near Aleport, so that just leaves us east. ...The Flock? Aye, they'll likely be nestled down in the ruins out there amongst the dodos. That's where we'll try to pick up their trail. You head on over an' snilch the place while I send word to the Sisters an' the Maelstrom.

It's been a long time since we did them, but you might recognize this little stretch of terrain. Way back when we did the Hall of the Novice, the final exam took place on a hill sloping downward. This is that same hill!

These ruins are where we rescued that poor little puppy before going into Sastasha. That same puppy that now follows Ginger around everywhere.

Naturally this is another duty.

Thank you for freeing us! We've been tied up here since those awful pirates snatched us from our beds.
Those are some interestin'-lookin' dodos ye've got there, Ginger. ...No sign o' the Merchants, though, eh?

Their leader mentioned heading over to Aleport. He said something about there being no signal, and that was a signal that something was wrong. They just left us hobbled here like lambs for the market; one of them japed about keeping the meat unsullied in case there was trouble... Pray let us flee this place before they return!
An' who are you to just sidle in an' set loose our 'ard-won prizes? Hm?

It's tweedledee, tweedledum, and tweedledipshit. Also known as strawman, sir-not-appearing-in-this-update, and mute joey.

'Twas the damndest thing. We'd 'alf a crew lodgin' in Aleport, an' not a one of 'em survived the night. Done in by a couple o' sneaky curs what favored the shortblades, they say. ...I'm supposin' that was you two. Seems ye've a bone to pick with our choice o' "trade."
Aye, I can't say as I've much use for slavers...'cept as a place to bury me knives. Oh, an' I wouldn't bother yerself with waitin' on yer ship to come back neither. The Jolly Merchants are done for.

Hee hee hee! Ye might have the right of it, lad! But then ye wouldn't know the kind o' coin three 'ealthy slaves like them ones'll bring us. I'll 'ave a new ship an' a new crew afore a single moon 'as passed. Ye 'ear that, chattel? Yer each worth a shinin' bloody fortune! An' ye've me to thank for 'elpin' ye learn yer true worth!

Ignore this bleatin' sod. In fact, why don't ye step back a ways?

These coves are about to learn the consequences o' breakin' the code, an' the discussion is like to get messy. Did ye not think we'd come for ye? Ye can try to stifle yer victims' screams in the darkmans, but the shadows are always listenin'!

I like me slaves with a bit o' fight! Ye'll fetch a grand price on the block!
Stow yer whids an' draw yer steel!

These birds move slow, but they've a nasty peck! Keep yer distance an' skewer 'em from afar! Aye, throw yer bloody daggers at 'em, lass!

This duty is, if nothing else, training for using throw knife. These birds hit really hard in melee, so we're supposed to just throw knives at them.

A good slice does the same job.

Ginger is really good at stabbing and these guys really need a good stabbing. So this goes quite easily.

An' still they come... Bene! Saves us the searchin'!

The last targets drop very quickly.

This's a fine pile o' quarrons! There's naught for us to do...
Underfoot is here to get underfoot! ...Or, at least I would if any bugger was left standin'.
No scraps for latecomers! The lass an' me had a hunger!

Like I said, a gigantic lighthouse with a huge crystal fire sticking out of it.

Thank you. I shudder to think what horrid fate awaited us had you not helped us to escape...

I knew someone would come! You're just like the heroes in the stories! They always arrive at the perfect time and triumph over the villains! Do you think I could be a hero like you? I know I could be brave and strong, too. I just know it!
I... Ye don't want to be like me, lad.

Listen, now. Me an' those coves there, we're the ones what the scary folk are afraid of. An' that's 'cause we keep the rules for the world they live in. We don't much care if ye shirk yer chores, or get into fights... But if ye ever break the code an' betray yer mates, then that's when we'll come after ye--no matter how far ye run or how well ye hide!

Live yer life like the hero ye want to be, though, an' ye'll never need worry about that.

Jacke is good with kids. Kinda.

*barely concealed laughter*
Aye? You two can stubble it, an' all!

Here comes the good guys now!

I assume you are the citizens who were abducted by the Jolly Merchants? I am Captain Milala of the Yellowjackets. Maelstrom Command has entrusted me with conducting you to safety.

Milala seems kinda severe and not really suited to helping kidnapping victims.

It's all right, lad, these folk'll take care of ye. ...Go on, ye'd best not get left behind.

Was there aught else, Captain? Word on a new job?

A job? From me? ...For you? How patently absurd! Why, I'd rather hire a sewer rat to mind my larder!

Was it during one of your "jobs" that you turned Aleport into a slaughterhouse? What dark age is this that we must employ assassins to enforce the law!? It is this continued dalliance with underworld miscreants such as you that prevents Limsa Lominsa from ever fully expunging the stain of piratical infection!

Look at these weapons you bear! A civilized person uses such implements to carve meat or peel fruit, and leaves them at table where they belong! Do you perhaps clench them 'twixt your teeth as you swing over rails like the pirates you hunt? Our fair city has no place for those who refuse to abandon the brutish ways of the past...

The only champions of justice this nation requires are the valiant and forthright soldiers of the Yellowjackets!

Jacke... What the bloody hells does this cull want with us?
I've not the foggiest idea, love. Just smile an' nod.

ROG.txt y'all.

I've not come here to be patronized--I've come to put a decisive end to piracy in all its forms! Consider this visit a gauntlet thrown at the collective feet of the Rogues' Guild! Heed well my words. Just before dawn this very morn, a Maelstrom vessel stocked with provisions was boarded and looted by pirates.
Much of the cargo was stolen, and that is vexing indeed. But it is the theft of three items in particular--three unique treasures of nigh-incalculable worth--that most distresses my martial colleagues. As for the brigands, they made well their escape, disappearing into the dawn's mist along with their precious plunder...

A rum tale. What's it to do with us?
I challenge you! A contest to reclaim these stolen treasures! Should my Yellowjackets and I succeed in retrieving the greater share, I shall formally propose the abolition of the Rogues' Guild. Upon review of our achievements, the Admiral will surely concede that your unscrupulous institution has outlived its usefulness.

She... she realizes that the rogues don't need official sanctioning to operate, right? They've been 'stabbing in the darkmans' for longer than they've been an official guild. That's even assuming Merlwyb doesn't tell Milala to take a long walk.

Ah, blow it out yer wattle. I've better ways to spend me time.
Oh, do you now? This incident constitutes a theft against the nation of Limsa Lominsa. Does that not violate your beloved code? If I'm not mistaken, you've no choice but to rise to the occasion. ...Unless of course, you mean to slink back into your hole and abandon the fundamental precepts of your "duty"?

All right, all right, ye screechin' shrew--ye've made yer bloody point. An' ye'll be sorry that ye did, I promise ye that.
Your paltry promises amount to naught in the face of my conviction. I shall not rest until Limsa Lominsa is free of every last buccaneer, scoundrel, and shadow-dwelling ne'er-do-well!

She's a smug little shit and she's great because of it, but this whole challenge is stupid as fuck. Even if she hadn't thrown the gauntlet, there's little doubt that rogues would have been approached about it anyway. But because it does fit the existing counter...

Times Ginger Has Been Called Upon To Save A Guild - III

We're three for three now.

...What now, Jacke?
For right now? We head back to the Sisters.

For a wee lass, that Milala's got some bollocks. An' it seems she's well done with aught what whiffs o' pirate stock. Hmph. I don't take kindly to culls pullin' me strings, but the shrew is right--the code's been broken an' we've a job to do. From the sounds of it, though, them coves knew what they were about when they cloyed them treasures. I'll need ye at yer best.
It's time ye learned the art o' muggin'! Rough up a cull in just the right way, an' he'll give up more than what ye'd get if ye just plain knocked him on his arse. Me an' the lads'll be busy whiddlin' the story on them bitten baubles, so yer free to head out an' sharpen yer skill--might even be as ye'll pocket some extra blunt while yer at it, eh?

Mug for a very long time is a low-damage oGCD move. There's no reason not to hit it on cooldown, but it doesn't really do a lot. Then around the low-mid 60s, NIN gets a trait that makes mug give a bunch of the job resource that it spends on high damage moves.

But that's for a long time in the future. For now, that's all!

NEXT TIME: Those two dungeons I mentioned at the end of the last update!