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001: Seedling
HP 5, Defence 0
Resistances: Poison 0%, Freeze 0%, Numb 0%, Sleep 0%
Weak: Ice

Attacks: Ram (3), Hop (3), Flying Kick (3)

008: Zombiant
(Ant infested with Cordyceps)
HP 5, Defence 1
Resistances: Poison 0%, Freeze 0%, Numb 0%, Sleep 0%
Weak: Ice

Attacks: Head Whip (3)

011: Jellyshroom
HP 7, Defence 0
Resistances: Poison 70%, Freeze 0%, Numb 0%, Sleep 0%
Weak: Ice

Attacks: Spinning Tackle (3), Poison Bomb (3, 2 turn poison)

013: Inichas
(Based on the caterpillar form of the Peacock Butterfly (Aglais io), formerly known as Inachis)
HP 4, Defence 2
Resistances: Poison 0%, Freeze 0%, Numb 0%, Sleep 0%

Attacks: Roll Charge (3)

061: Spider
(Specific species unknown, based on Orb weavers)
HP 40, Defence 0
Resistances: Poison 60%, Freeze 70%, Numb 65%, Sleep 50%

Attacks: Bite (3), Poison Spit (3, 2 turn poison), Poison Breath (2, 2 turn poison, hits entire party, mash action command), Web Cling (become airborne)

Notes: At half HP, summons Inichas and Jellyshroom to join the fight