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002: Acornling
HP 7, Defence 2
Resistances: Poison 50%, Freeze 0%, Numb 40%, Sleep 40%
Weak: Ice

Attacks: Ram (3), Hop (3), fakeout (ram into hop)

003: Underling
HP 12, Defence 0
Resistances: Poison 110%, Freeze 20%, Numb 25%, Sleep 25%
Weak: Ice

Attacks: Ram (3), Hop (3), Unearth (3, 2 turns poison, only from underground)

Notes: If above ground, counters attacks by burrowing. Frequently drops Danger Spud.

007: Golden Seedling
HP 5, Defence ???
Resistances: Poison 110%, Freeze 999%, Numb 110%, Sleep 60%
Weak: Ice

Attacks: Ram (12), Head Bonk (15), Run Away

Notes: Replaces any Seedling-type enemy 1% of the time. Received damage is divided by 10, rounded up; multi-hit attacks only deal damage once (unless the move has action commands between hits). Always drops Tangy Berry when defeated.

016: Numbnail
HP 7, Defence 1
Resistances: Poison 40%, Freeze 40%, Numb 50%, Sleep 65%

Attacks: Eye Beam (3, 2 turns sleep)

Notes: When hit by a non-flipping attack, hides in its shell (increasing defence to 4). A flipping attack will knock it out of this state and deal normal damage. Frequently drops Numbnail Dart.

018: Midge
HP 7, Defence 0
Resistances: Poison 20%, Freeze 25%, Numb 40%, Sleep 40%

Attacks: HP Suck (3, heals equal to damage), Dive (2), Counter Dive (3)

Notes: If there are multiple in a battle, whenever a Midge is attacked, each other Midge will immediately counterattack with Counter Dive.

019: Chomper
HP 6, Defence 1
Resistances: Poison 40%, Freeze 30%, Numb 30%, Sleep 110%
Weak: Ice

Attacks: Chomp (3, heals equal to damage), Spawn Mini-Chomper

Notes: Mini-Chompers have 4 HP and 0 defence, and cannot spawn others. If the spawn action fails (either due to there being too many enemies, or just chance), the Chomper immediately attacks.

022: Weevil
HP 9, Defence 0
Resistances: Poison 30%, Freeze 30%, Numb 30%, Sleep 70%

Attacks: Bite (3), Howl (Attack Up for 2 turns, does not cost its turn), Eat Plant (heal self 9)

Notes: Can only eat grounded plant-type enemies. Enemies it eats give you no EXP.

049: Wasp Trooper
HP 10, Defence 2
Resistances: Poison 10%, Freeze 50%, Numb 60%, Sleep 65%

Attacks: Spear Toss (5), Spear Strike (5), Charge (4)

052: Venus' Bud
HP 10, Defence 0
Resistances: Poison 30%, Freeze 0%, Numb 50%, Sleep 110%
Weak: Ice

Attacks: Grounded Pollen (3, 2 turns sleep), Flying Pollen (2, hits 2-3x, 2 turns sleep), Delayed Pollen (2, 2 turns sleep, hits 2 turns later), Vines (3, then 2; hits 1-2x), Heal Ally (10%, rounded up)

053: Acolyte Aria
HP 26, Defence 0
Resistances: Poison 0%, Freeze 30%, Numb 60%, Sleep 35%

Attacks: Flying Kick (5), Vines (3, then 2; hits 1-2x), Pray (Defence Up, lasts 2 turns), Grow Vine (becomes airborne)

Notes: When below 10 HP, summons one Venus' Bud and grows vine

054: Mothiva
HP 20, Defence 0
Resistances: Poison 40%, Freeze 70%, Numb 70%, Sleep 40%

Attacks: Multi-Notes (2, 1-3 hits, same target), Exploding Note (3, targets all), Trip Kick (3, then 3x hits of 2 if not blocked), Defence Up Song (grants ally Defence Up, 2 turns), Revival Song (Revives Zasp on 5 HP), Turn Relay

055: Zasp
HP 25, Defence 1
Resistances: Poison 60%, Freeze 70%, Numb 110%, Sleep 35%

Attacks: Needle Toss (3, 2-3 hits, each targets randomly), Kick Combo (3, 1-3 hits, each targets randomly), Taunt, Spicy Berry (Attack Up, 2 turns)

Notes: Whenever Mothiva is attacked, if Zasp isn't disabled, he gets charge-up +1 as a counter. If Mothiva is defeated first, Zasp gets Attack Up +1 for the rest of the fight.

062: Venus' Guardian
HP 51, Defence 1
Resistances: Poison 40%, Freeze 50%, Numb 50%, Sleep 50%
Weak: Ice
While flying, takes 1 bonus damage from all attacks

Attacks: Chop (5), Sweep (3, hits all), Hard Seeds (3, 2-3 hits, each targets randomly, chance to give the player a Hard Seed), Spicy Bomb (4, hits all)

Notes: If frozen, Venus will break it out at the start of its turn. Venus can give it Attack Up (2 turns) or Defence Up (2 turns) at the end of its turn, if it doesn't already have a buff (35% chance each turn, increasing to 60% if it is below 33% HP and there are no other enemies).
When its HP crosses 65%, it switches to flying mode. While flying, it cannot do the chop or sweep attacks, gains the Spicy Bomb attack, and requires two hits to be knocked down.
When its HP crosses 37.5%, it enters the final phase: it stops flying, Venus summons 1 Venus' Bud (which immediately heals it), and it gains Defence Up.